By Popular Request…
We’ve added a SECOND Double or Nothing Clinic on July 20th since the first one sold out in a few hours! Details below:
Since 2005, Tim Haft and Shana Brady have traveled across the country teaching rope jumping to thousands of athletes, educators, and fitness professionals. Last year they began offering double unders clinics at boxes throughout the Northeast and so far the response has been terrific.
The 2-hour Doubles or Nothing clinic focuses on mastering double unders as well as singles through an easy to follow step-by-step progression. The goal is to help each athlete perform double unders consistently, efficiently, and with minimal effort. Included in the workshop fee is a customized Punk Rope speed rope.
Saturday July 20th
$45 per person
Register Here!
Registration is capped at 20 participants.
Also here is the event on Facebook
Chad Vaughn 315lb Clean and Jerk Slow Motion
Yes! To a second Doubles or Nothing class! And double yes to the adorable blog picture I had the honor of taking. Head-exploding cuteness!!!!!!
@Shaye!! I bought two spots in the DU class – one is for you as I know you wanted in and you're not an early riser like me – didn't want you to miss out. xo
Oh! And thank you mgmt for booking the 2nd DU class. You guys seriously rule. Epic levels.
strength monday recap:
squat: 160x3x5
bench: 95 (4,3,4) 5 reps wasn't happening yesterday
deadlift: 210×5
6am with Nick and McDowell. Squats: 215×3, 245×3, 275×5. Didn't feel organized. Last set was tough. Nice little metcon. Tougher than it looked on the white board. Heading out for vacation this afternoon. See you all next week.
FELIX! The best!
Squats 125×3, 145×3, 162×8.
WOD was in some ways more and in some ways less of a hot mess than I anticipated. Here and there I was actually chaining double unders together! I will never be Mishik, but I'll take what I can get.
Felix = cuteness overload. I can't take it. Great pic, Lisa!
110×3, 115×3, 130×10
6:31 Rx
Sunday's work sets:
Squat 275x5x3
Deadlift 225×5
Snatch 135×3
Sit-ups 35# 20,12
Back is still a little janky so I didn't wanna go too hard on the DLs. Enjoyed yesterday's WOD as much as I hate wall balls. Did my rep out with dynamic breath and hit two more reps than last week's work done from dead stop with "olympic press." Not surprising.
6am w/Nick & McDowell
50 Press -weight felt good. Not sure if I'm rushing through these, seems like I do them too quickly sometimes but otherwise I'm afraid to get stuck…
WOD – I realized that last time we did these my ball was too heavy, thus traumatizing me forever.. but then today it was too light and I thought it was too easy. Except the run, of course. The run is always my weak point.
@JB aw hells yeah!!!! 🙂
Hey a few weeks ago someone was looking for an ad trafficker for, I have someone who is a current trafficker that is interested. I forget who posted the position but can you e-mail me the details if it is still open so I can forward on?
Thank you!!!
OMG, the cheeks – out of control.
Also, Noah – nice Edvard Munch-style photobomb.
I love that little guy. I want one! No i don't. Yes I do.
these chad vaughn videos are beautiful.
also, felix is the cutest.
After a complete piercing of my ego on the press (So I mixed up my bench press figures with my press figures…not even close) I was happy to be the last lady hanging in the hilariously fun cash out this 12AM class. (Hang on the bar as long as possible untill falling)
HECK YEAH! Me and the man (sorry, forget your name!) dropped nearly simultaneously (2:20 vs 2:22) and attempted a crippled high-five afterwards!
Those of us who did yesterday's WOD yesterday morning didn't get to do the dead-hang cash-out. I am jealous (even though I'm sure Dan L would have kicked my ass).
When I first started squatting my adductors would always be sore as hell. Time took care of that. Squatted Sunday heavy but nothing too crazy (sets at 275 off a PR of 245), and my adductors are still sore! What up wit dat?!?!
@Courtney- I assume you're talking to one of these other Noahs?
BSQ: 235x5x3
PRESS: 110x5x3
SNATCH: 130x1x4, 135x1x3, 145x1x3
Good training day! Presses and Snatches felt especially strong and fluid today.
I want to POST IN BOLD TOO!!!
Clean and Jerk: 301.4#s (PR)
BSQ: 325×5, 315x5x2 (325 for sets across was aggressive after the CandJing)
Horrible training day but being at the gym made me feel good.
6:30 with Josh and Melissa.
Press up 2 pounds to 55# at week 2. 5,5,4 and F
Melissa changed my grip and had me get "quad cramp" tight which immediately gave me more power under the bar. Hopefully I can execute it with more positivity next week.
Running sucked tonight
I hate wall balls and I suck at them. Never strung 2 together and I used a 10# ball and didn't always make 8' and barely made 9' target. Will work on those. Will get better.
My first 4:30 class! Totally dropped off a conference call early (that I took standing next to re huge tire) to make it. Yeah, priorities. Fun to actually ID some of the PM peeps (hi, JakeL!) and affirm that Big Nick really is big.
Squats, 3 day: 145, 165, 185×6. Coach Josh has me playing with a more toes-out foot position and it feels really good, although the 185 set was not the prettiest. WOD at 35#: 13/13/30 10/12/30; 10/10/30. Oof.
Great to see Kiki back in the house!!
Oh and I want a GIF of those 3 Felix shots.
6:30 with Josh and MeLo
Mondays presses, 5/3/1 3-day
45×5 75×4 90×3 100×3 115×7
Happy with that rep-out.
WOD in 6:20, wall-balls felt great throughout, last run was tough as I was breathing HEAVY, more of a slow trot really.
2:20 on the dead hang, I can't believe Crystal didn't even mention beating me in her post!!!
@todd, it's easy to beat you. I needed you to stay on the bar longer so I could best josh! Jk
Update for the past two days:
8:30 presses with Noah
[45×5, 75×4, 95×3, 110×1] 125x5x3
Went with the dynamic start for these. Happy that they moved the way they did.
WOD in 6:53. WBs unbroken but took a toll on the run
6:30 squats with Josh
[45×5, 135×4] 190×3, 215×3, 240×9