Fitness: 3×5 Across
Perform your second 3×5 of Pressing for the cycle. Add 5lbs from last week’s weight.
Performance: 5/3/1 (3 week)
Post loads to comments.
Press e2/6
3 Rounds For Time of:
Run 270m
20 Wall Ball Shots 20lbs,10′ / 14lbs,9′
Post time and Rx to comments.
Mel L Coxwains Dan R at CRASH Bs
Standardized Warm-Ups
Standardized Warm-Ups are a great opportunity to develop strength in the most foundational gymnastic movements. There are a lot of folks out there who can move a barbell around pretty well but still struggle with Pull-ups or Push-Ups. Even if some of these movements come easier to you, there is usually plenty of room for improvement with the more nuanced elements of each position. Focus on PERFECT execution and work at a steady tempo for each rep. The better you can do these movements in low intensity environments, the easier they get at high intensity.
After class intros, we’ll break out and perform Warm-Up 1 or Warm-Up 2. Which warm-up you do depends on how many times per week you come. If you’re a 1 or 2 time per week CrossFitter, stick to one of the warm-ups. The consistency will be helpful since the overall training volume will be lower. Otherwise, alternate each of these workouts scaling to your abilities.
Warm Up 1
5-10 Pull Ups (bands OK)
15 Hollow Rocks (or a 20 seconds Hollow Hold)
15 Overhead Squats
Warm Up 2
10 Push Ups
10 Ring Rows
8 each Reverse Lunges
Pull-Ups: Make sure you’re not craning your neck to get your chin over the bar. You should be looking across the room, not at the ceiling when you finish. Attempt a chest to bar every rep, even if you never touch. Also, stop flailing around and kicking your feet or David will yell at you.
Hollow Rocks: When you rock back (so that your butt comes up) make sure you’re not kicking your feet into the air. Either keep them low or bend your knees a bit.
Overhead Squats: You should be ACTIVELY pushing the bar UP the entire time. Also- barbells are better than PVCs. If you’ve got the shoulder mobility to use a barbell, do so. Even the lighter ones. Thinking about slowly descending into the squat while you continue to push the bar away from your shoulders.
Push-Ups: Again, make sure you’re not craning your neck. Keep your chin pulled back behind your sternum and stay as tight as possible.
Ring Rows: If these are easy you’re not horizontal enough. Make sure your hands touch your chest at the top of each rep
Reverse Lunges: Your front shin should stay almost vertical and each step should be smooth and consistent. Add a bumper plate to increase the difficulty.
Camille Leblanc-Bazinet Snatches 190lbs
Behind the Scenes of the Open, Part 2 (Featuring CFSBK!)
Press: 53×3, 60×3, 67.5(I think?)x7. I checked the bar and I *thought* it was loaded for 68, but realized after the fact that I misread and one side was lighter than the other. Stupid bar math.
WOD 7:39 Rx, with too much resting on the WB. I should have tried to get longer unbroken sets.
Now that the first week of this cycle is over, I'd like to say that the programming has been excellent. I love it. Lots of heavy lifting and short, intense metcons (the one yesterday was a little longish..). Ideal.
6am private with Josh. Clean and jerk: 236. A nice 11# PR. The clean felt good good, though I had a bit of trouble standing up. The jerk was a little bit unstable. An earlier rep at 230 was solid. Then did a little couplet of push presses and muscle-ups, hitting 4 consecutive muscle-ups on each round. My goal of 5 consecutive muscle-ups, which a month ago seemed nowhere in sight, is now within spitting distance.
Press – 105×3, 120×3, 135×9 – last one was probably the last good rep I had in me today. Another one might have gone up but it would have been ugly
WOD – 5:58
I pulled a muscle in my back a few weeks back doing a front squat, and as a result I have a lingering pain in the front of my hip, even doing a plank or push up causes a straining feeling in the front of my hip. Any advice, exercises/stretches I could do to help this, everything I find recommends a couch stretch, but even that causes pain? I'm willing to look into some PT if necessary. Any recco's are greatly appreciated.
a friend of mine has brought a screening of the documentary "Girl Rising" to Union Square on Thursday, May 9th. it is a film about the power of education for girls around the world and features the voices of Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway, Liam Neeson, and Cate Blanchett amongst others.
message me at if you are interested!
a friend of mine has brought a screening of the documentary "Girl Rising" to Union Square on Thursday, May 9th. it is a film about the power of education for girls around the world and features the voices of Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway, Liam Neeson, and Cate Blanchett amongst others.
message me at if you are interested!
meat csa pickup is wednesday of this week, 6-8:30. bring a bag, please.
Going in tomorrow for today's workout (I need a recovery day after the weekend classes).
But I wanted to share this in case anyone's interested.
Spring Into Yoga Festival in Prospect Park (May 5)
-donation based classes from 12-7
does anyone have a reco for a box in chicago? i am staying near the magnificent mile.
How to pick up a girl at the gym:
BK: Not near Mag Mile, but easily accessible on the Brown Line is Windy City CrossFit. Someone else at SBK recommended it, can't remember who, and I had a good experience there. The coaches definitely pay attention to form. The only negative I can say is that I went on a Thursday, which is their makeup day (you can make up any of the previous four WODs of that week), and there were only two or three people in my class so I was essentially doing the whole workout alone (albeit with good coaching cues as the coach was moving around the room the whole time) and I didn't really get to meet anybody. But that's probably because I went to a 6:30 AM class — I bet even on Thursdays they have many more people at night, so you'd probably have a more camaraderie-filled experience.
WOD 6:57 and still recovering.
110×5 (brain fart, should have been 3)
125×5 (brain fart, see above. wtf)
140×8 (weak reset)
WOD Rx'd in 7:40
I dislike running and wall ball. A lot. But also really like programming this cycle 🙂
WOD 6:57, and still recovering !
Also: CLB? wowzers 🙂
6:42 rx. Felt really good when I finished at the 7am class, but really killed me all afternoon at work. Just want to put my head down on the desk.
Same reps as week, pushed harder this week
Workout in 8:45. Lower back hates wall balls, runs were just a shuffle
Why does it look like everyone at CLBs gym is more naked than clothed? Im not complaining.
Snatch Complex: Snatch+Hang Snatch+2 OHS
WOD-7:12. I feel like a a big lug whilst running these days.
and DOs special Dead Hang contest was great.
Strength Cycle…
Catch up from Friday:
Squat: 245, 285, 305, 285 and 245×5
Top set felt good and solid and the 1st and last sets felt light. As good as I've felt all year….
Bench (Steel week 4 workout 2): 6 singles @ 235
Very happy I got this in the bag. Was at a loss on next steps if I couldn't get it again.
DB Press: 60x8x3
These were very hard. I'll stop dropping reps if I go up again.
Today's work…
Bench: (Steel final week, workout 1) 215x2x3
Good. I test on Friday.
The middle set was UGLY. Overall clean is feeling better though.
DB curls: 40x10x3
Whatever. I really don't like do sets over 5 reps of anything!
Press was good today. The Wod not so much (8:21 RXed), still recovering from the 5 rounds +13 box jumps from yesterday.
Enjoying the standardized workouts at the start… The pull-ups are getting back to where they use to be. Still issues with my right forearm hurting. More wooden spoon is needed I guess.
I just want to thank Chris Fox for a great question of the day yesterday: what's your guilty music pleasure? I'd also like to thank whoever said, "Britney." So simple and yet so powerful.
People can take everything away from you, but they can never take away your truth. But the question is: can you handle mine?
Press 45×10, 75×3
85×3, 95×3, 105×7
WOD 6:43 RXed
I could have gone a bit harder on the run but I so hate running. I know that means I should do more of it but that is an already crowded list.
Press 3×5 @ 52
Wod Rx'd @ 7:14. Was really really really happy with my time considering my huge aversion to running. Flew threw the wall balls, at least on the first two rounds. Yeah for the only movement in Crossfit where being tall is awesome.
730 w Noah and Melo
Press: 100×3, 115×3, 125×6
wod in ~8:15 rx'd
missed yesterday so got in DL's: 190×5, 220×5, 250×5
warmup 2
(33×5, 45×5, 50×3)
60×3, 67.5×3, 77.5×8
-I would have stopped at either 6 or 7 but thankfully the hubby was there telling me I had more. I'm not a very good rep-out-er.
(95×5, 135×5, 165×3)
175×5, 205×5, 230×5
-felt fine.
Today's WOD:
7:22 rx'd.
-all wb's unbroken but I really took my sweet time before starting my last set. also 'enjoyed' the forced rest walking in and out of the gym because of the rain. This should be a sub 7 minute wod for me.