Fitness: 3×5 Across
Perform your first or second 3×5 Squat for the cycle. Do the math and see where you’ll end up at the end of the cycle based on the jumps you make.
Performance: 5/3/1 (5 week) OR deload with 70%x3x3 if you already hit your Wendler this week
Post loads to comments.
Squat e2/12
3 Rounds of:
In 2 minutes row a max effort 250/200 meters, then perform max double unders for the remainder of the 2 minutes.
Rest 2 Minutes
Score the time for the row and the number of double unders per round. If you don’t have double unders somewhat down you can choose to perform max burpees instead.
Post row times and double under rep outs to comments.
- Active Recovery is on for today!
CFSBK Movie Club
Some folks from the gym are going to see “Pain and Gain” today at 6:40pm at UA Court Street. If you’re interested in getting your pump on with these fine folks, please email andrew.migdail(AT) for more details.
Do you like Wine and Festivals?!
Resident Somolier Brian S is looking for up to 8 volunteers to help him out. Details below:
The Great Googa Mooga is coming to Prospect Park next month and The Hess Collection is a winery partner! What this means is that I have a select number of wristbands which I can offer to CFSBK members for FREE!
Well – sort of free.
I am going to be out of town that weekend and am looking for people to help pour in the VIP Wine Tent. If anyone there would like to help out pouring wine during the event they will get in free. They can work as little or as much as they like as long as someone is behind the table the entire time.
There are 8 weekend wristbands and 4 Friday night wristbands. All info about the festival can be found here: Please have anyone interested contact me ASAP at bscott(AT)
After I have all of the wristbands spoken for, I will host a tasting/training seminar so everyone is educated on the wines.
An Olympic Rower and CrossFit Athlete CrossFit
Back at it: Orlando Trejo
64.5″ Standing Box Jump
World Record… Kick to the Groin
I have extra tix to googa mooga if anyone needs
Call/text 631-804-4630
Mgmt what ever happened to our group order of "becoming a Supple leopard"?
Did I miss an announcement on that?
I would love to volunteer at the wine festival. Tried going to the link, it's not working for some reason. I will try again. My email is if spots are still available!!
Active Recovery! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
100% in for googa mooga wine pouring!
Hi everyone. Gorgeous day out and we're having a picnic in Prospect Park. We've got food while it lasts so please stop by if you're around and want to hang out. We'll be in the Long Meadow close to where you enter at Grand Army Plaza — closer to East Drive side at the equivalent of Where Garfield meets the park. Adele, Jay and Niko
Super fun Saturday workout. LBBS and doubleunders are my favorites. 110# LBBS 3×5 and over a hundred double unders in the WOD. Strung 17 together for a PR! I feel like double unders in workouts force me to just go for it, rather than overthinking it.
11 class with mcd
Squat 45×5 95×4 135×3 195x3x3
Wod 46.9/61 47.6/37 49.1/38
Double unders got progressively more difficult for sure. Once I remembered to relax I was able to keep the sets over 10.
amy you are back at 110 already?? i need to be in more classes with you!
9am class:
Squats at 70%
(45×5, 95×5, 125×3, 145×2)
-all felt good.
WOD: 3 rounds 200m row/max du's in 2 mins.
1) :39/61
2) :40/61
3) :40/50
-happy with the erg sprInts but I was defInitely out of breath for jumping rope!
Great class.
Ariel! Yes! Come be my partner! (630 on Tuesdays 🙂
why you no post sundays WOD?
Make Up Post:
3×5 @ #105
1st rnd:
:46, 17 burpees
2nd rnd:
:42 15 burpees
3rd rnd:
:44 16 burpees
Thanks to Noah B. for Wod'ing with me at open gym
Hello I'm interested in the wine tasting event for Friday or Saturday. Please send me an email if you still need volunteers.