AmsterSnatch! 70kgs
The CrossFit South Brooklyn Calaveras
Come see the CFSBK Softball team try and continue their winning streak (streak of 1-0) tonight at 6:15pm at the Red Hook Ball Feilds. All are welcome to come spectate, cheer on and join in for post game tacos/beers if there is interest.
Herondale Farm, our partners in the meat, poultry and egg CSA programs, will be hosting us for a full day of fun, workouts, farm tours, and of course a delicious picnic on their farm in Ancramdale, New York. Transportation and other details are still in the works, but save the date now.
Behind The Scenes of the CrossFit Games Open Pt 1 (Featuring CFSBK!) CrossFit
Finding a New Community: Marion Jones-Thompson
Nice lift, DO. I like the honeys just hanging around you to get on camera, nice touch 😉
I see that I'm still not assimilated yet. When I'm going transatlantic, I never think: "I should really pack my oly shoes."
I missed the CFSBK "Supple Leopard" book buy-in, so I ordered from Amazon. It came a few days ago — it's impressive. I just wish the online videos were cross referenced to the book.
Holy Shit, I went to an 8am class! I didn't want to miss Thursdays workout and this was the only time I could do it. Truthfully, not that bad… but I don't expect it'll happen often.
Bench based off 170 1rm
45×10, 75x 5
100×5, 115×5, 130×14 – Too light?
power cleans 2x OTM for 10 minutes @ 135.
Thanks for having me morning class!
6am with McDowell. Squats: 45×5, 135×5, 225×2, 235x3x3. Still sore from the deadlift/push-up workout earlier this week. Squats felt solid and gave a needed stretch. Metcon with rounds of 0:47/59, 0:48/50 and 0:47/43. Arms felt nice and pumped after this one.
Dr Robert M Myers was kind enough to let me do Sunday's DL instead of the squats since I'll be away this weekend
235×5, 275×5, 310×5 – felt good and light. My back was pretty tight from the DL/Push-up WOD on Weds but able to keep good positions and the weight moved well.
WOD – Didn't note my times on the row but they were in the 47"-50" range. DUs were 95/81/85
Nice Lift DO…put some weight on the bar next time. That looked too easy.
I like the extra umph when throwing the bar down after the lift. Nice DO!
Has anyone ever worked with a nutritionist that they really liked and would recommend? I think I am interested in seeing one.
do i spy a step aerobics, step in the back ground?
Quick lift today
Recovery Squat
JJ I have one that I just met where I work. She seems really nice. Email me if you want an intro.
250 (PR)
Snatch pulls
245×3, 275×3, 295x3x2
Front squats
315×2, 315, 315, 315×2
Fat Bar Chins
Box/speed squats
155×2 EMOTM 10min
Tomorrow's WOD w/DUs
Looks like I'll be missing both squat days for most of this cycle so I was thinking open gyms with Friday as a power day and Sunday as a strength day.
Thanks Shay for roping me into the WOD, good times. You guys got some fun lined up for you tomorrow (sorry, no teaser here).
Nice, PR Jake!!
@Asta Yes I was feeling pretty spicy after a very productive clean and jerk session.
@Kim crucials: oly shoes, sweats, wrist wraps, nanos, bandana. I forgot to bring a zip lock bag with some chalk though
There were some step aerobics going on.. I forgot how poorly people approach exercise having not trained in a commercial gym for years. Everyone just trys to make everything as easy as possible. They did have a little "CrossFit Zone" though. which was just kind of a place to do pull-ups, dip station, some rings and a GHD
JJ: yes. Will email you.
Thanks DO!
LBBSQ: 165×5, 190×5, 215×10
BP: 125×5, 145×5, 165×12
Power Cleans: EMOTMx2 at 135
High hang snatch: 95×6, 115×3
Snatch 115×5, 95×3
Josh pointed out some problems with my LBBSQ – my back was getting soft and for some reason I was looking straight down, the weight was moving pretty good though.
I probably had 5 more reps on the BP work set, I just kind of stopped – thx to Rob for spotting.
Both Josh and Jake gave me great pointers on my PC and I think those are getting a lot better.