Fitness: 3×5 Across
Perform your first 3×5 of Pressing for the cycle. Start conservative and plan for 10-5lb jumps at most.
Performance: 5/3/1 (5 week)
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Bench Press e1/6
Power Clean
Perform 2 Reps on the minute for 10 minutes.
Today’s reps should be heavy but crisp. Make sure every bar is racked correctly before fully recovering.
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Power Clean e1/6
Adam S: My art teacher is fitter than yours
Since 2005, Tim Haft and Shana Brady have traveled across the country teaching rope jumping to thousands of athletes, educators, and fitness professionals. Last year they began offering double unders clinics at boxes throughout the Northeast and so far the response has been terrific.
The 2-hour Doubles or Nothing clinic focuses on mastering double unders as well as singles through an easy to follow step-by-step progression. The goal is to help each athlete perform double unders consistently, efficiently, and with minimal effort. Included in the workshop fee is a customized Punk Rope speed rope.
Saturday July 20th
$45 per person
Register Here!
Registration is capped at 20 participants.
Everyone’s skills with the rope improved and they all came away with
some new information, drills, and skills to work on. Tim and Shana
were awesome instructors—knowledgeable, friendly, and so patient! The
members all enjoyed the clinic. Now other members are asking for Tim &
Shana to come back.
—Tim Gagne, Bay State CrossFit
From their positive energy to their passion for coaching, Tim and
Shana put on a great seminar. As a coach it was awesome to learn
progressions that work for double unders, improve my own rope jumping
ability, and see our athletes get their very first double unders!
—Jason Ackerman, Albany CrossFit
I really benefited from the drills in the Doubles or Nothing clinic.
Punk Rope’s ethos of working within one’s comfort zone to build
confidence with double unders is something I can carry into other
disciplines within CrossFit. Every CrossFitter would benefit from this
seminar, whether they’re looking to achieve their first double or
rattle off 50 in a row. Watching Shana effortlessly breeze through a
minute of doubles alongside some accomplished CrossFit athletes
muscling their way through the same was a revelation.
—Rick, CrossFit Dumbo
Jump Rope Girl, Worlds Best Jump Roper
CrossFit Double Under Challenge in Central Park
Molly Mets Does 10 Minutes of unbroken Double Unders
Having trubs siging up for the double dutch jump rope class, emailed them to see what was up. Zoinks!
6AM with Jess:
Just getting back into training
So to start my 44th birthday off, did
Bench – 135 (will increase load as muscle memory kicks in and joints get used to it)
Power Clean – 155 (same, still getting my sea legs, cardio is holding me back, getting gassed)
Make-up from yesterday – 115x5x3 with Ellie and Lisa, who are totally awesome. I wouldn't have gotten through these sets without them – I was going to stay at 110 but needed to get over the mental block that's been messing with my head during squats. New cycle = a reset.
Partnered with Ellie on the WOD and Rx'd it (I think? Though I probably weigh more than 125, but anyway). This one was fun. 6:47, so just under the time cap and hella slow compared to the rest of the speed demons in class, but happy because that's a heavy DL for me. Thanks again to Ellie and to McD for snapping me into shape in the middle of my lifts and pointing out that I was bending my knees too early.
It seemed like the entire borough was out for class this morning!
Bench press 78×5, 93×5, 103×10. Power cleans at 83#, maybe could have gone heavier although my elbows weren't the fastest.
I forgot to post last night.
6:30 with Noah, McDowell and Arturo
I also want to make every Wednesday this cycle. Goals Goals Goals. So I put a little thought into my starting weight this week and hope to get to about 130-135x5x3 by the end. I just got excited typing, then doubted it, now forcing myself not to delete it.
95x5x3. Felt pretty "easy"
Deadlifts and pushups. I used my body weight pre crossfit(20 years ago)
75#- 4:51, I had a 1rm pushup moment in there somewhere, thanks Noah
Bench – 150×5, 175×5, 200×11 felt pretty good though I was a little sore from the push-ups yesterday
Did the cleans at 185. Felt really good. Had good pop and really got my elbows around well. Definitely a lot of room to go up this cycle.
6am with Jess. Bench: 175×5, 205×5, 230×11. Power cleans: started at 135 and ended up at 155. Could have gone heavier, but my posterior chain is all kinds of sore from yesterday's deadlift workout and I saw no reason to push the weight today. I've been doing squat cleans recently and the power cleans felt awkward. Body kept wanting to drop too low.
Weighed exactly 200# this morning. That's a 20# increase since I started coming to CFSBK 13 months ago. Might be coincidental, but I've experienced easier weight gains since using a standing desk. Last week I sat exclusively and saw a slight dip in weight. This week I'm back to standing and the weight came back.
@Richard: IF = Intermittent Fasting. See also: Lean Gains.
6am with Jess. Very excited about two-lift Thursday. 92x3x5 on the bench press. Power cleans started at 63# and then moved to 73#. Room to grow. But the bruises on my thighs indicate that the bar was hitting a bit too low, I think (about 6 inches above my knee), so I will need to think about that next week.
Happy Birthday, Frank!
strength wednesday:
squat: 155x3x5
bench: 92.5x3x5
chins: 10,7,8 w/ christmas bands (thin gr + red)
other items of excitement of some relation to the gym that the instagrammers already know about:
1) my 16kg kettlebell arrived!
2) my starting strength book arrived!
3) my cards against humanity +2 expansion packs arrived…when shall we play…
this friday after og
next friday after og
a lovely saturday afternoon
a lovely sunday afternoon
while we should be doing our jobs (not advised)
8am class
Power Cleans
65% = 140
75% = 160
85% = 180 x13
Cleans @ 125#
Looking forward to doing this 5 more times. Good program for this month.
Took my first Jack Rabbit swim class yesterday morning. One hour in the pool working on freestyle at 715am. Wow.
why everytime there is a seminar capped at a minimal amount of people posted on the cfsbk blog i feel like I'm trying to get tickets to an all-original member one night only sabbath reunion.
20 people?? that's like 1/100th of the population of our gym. maybe they could do two seminars? like due to popular demand???? just sayin……
@Fox: Do you mean 198 above?
@Courtney: I felt the same way about yesterday's WOD, that I was slow as heck. But its' good to put it into perspective: in less than seven minutes, you did fifty-five deadlifts and fifty-five pushups. That sounds impressive, period.
Tim and Shana are super nice. A good friend of mine is very much into their Punk Rope class and has talked me into their Punk Rope games. Shana worked with me a little pit on tweaking my doubles and I found that her advice was easy to digest and implement.
Power Cleans @ 185
Haven't really O-lifted since the Cal Strength Seminar, pulls were easy racking it on tight shoulders and wrists wasn't fun
@Samir…why yes I did. That's why I always post Olympic lifts in kilos!
Re-post from yesterday.
Cap't Dave is a boat I went out on as a kid and teenager quite a crew. Great activity especially if you're a transplant NYer who has yet to see the Brooklyn fishing village of Sheepshead Bay.
Plus they could use our dollars. Remember to tip well.
@Jeremy, I'm sure I'm not alone in my belief that you are by far the biggest p***y in the gym for stopping at 15 on your 250# bench rep out. jeez!
@Shaye YES – second class for DU's – I support this.
Due to the cart error this morning I failed to get one of the 20 spots. If anyone can't make it I call shotgun please on your spot – or mebbe Shaye's suggestion can come to fruition.
message from the punk ropers:
The clinic is now sold out. We’ll chat with Jess and David about
setting up a second one. In the meanwhile, if you have friends who
weren’t able to snag a spot they might consider attending the clinic
at Greenpoint CrossFit on Sunday, May 5. Here’s the link:
@Shaye and JB — the DU folk said that people can also attend the clinic
at Greenpoint CrossFit on Sunday, May 5. Here’s the link:
Power Clean
6:30 With Josh and Fox
Bench 45×5 95×5 125×5 145×5 165×14
I don't know that I've ever felt that level/type of fatigue while benching before! Hips came up a half inch and I got them right back down on rep 14 but I figured that was a good cue to rack it.
Did the power cleans at 165 as well (who doesn't love symmetry?) Felt snappy throughout, worked on getting the elbows up and hands open, I did catch the second rep in the 6th or 7th round "hands free" though…
3 rounds of :30 L-Sit and 3 HSPU with Rickke as a cashout, made it through :30 unbroken on the first round only.
Bench: 60x5x3
Power clean: 1/2 @ 83#, 1/2 @ 93#
Loved today!! I'm excited for this whole cycle.
Bench repout @160: 10 reps
Cleans: @135lbs
7am this morning with Jess.
Benched 125 3X5 95 for the cleans… I think I could have gone heavier there but its the first exposure so not so bad.
8:30 with Jess
Two lift Thursday with LP on bench press.
[45×5, 95×5, 135×5] 160x5x3
Cleans at 155 for all ten sets.
Thanks Rebecca! 🙂
Make up post from yesterday:
Bench #60 3.5
Cleans #75
Definitely light on both, but a ok with it. seriously worked on forms on the cleans and I feel really good about it, and am anxious to add more weight on this cycle.