WOD well done, Annie and Lindsey!
- Are you missing any of your stuff? Check out these most recent Lost and Found shots to see if that missing baking pan or two headed horse hoodie you’ve been looking for are actually at the gym!
- This Wednesday the 24th there will be no 430pm and 530pm Group classes as Reebok will be in house shooting for their Fall 2013 CrossFit apparel campaign in the gym. All other classes, including the noon are on as normally scheduled. UPDATE: All classes will be on as normally scheduled on Wednesday. The photo shoot will not interfere with classes.
Crossfit South Brooklyn Calaveras
Next game is Friday 4/26 at 6:15pm at the RedHook Ball fields. Spectators are welcome!
Masters Competition at Reebok
Reebok is proud to announce the Nor’easter Masters Competition, presented by Reebok and TJ’s Gym. This event will be held at Reebok CrossFit ONE in Canton, MA on June 29th and 30th.
TJ’s Gym has executed several successful masters’ events in Northern California (the birthplace of CrossFit) and are excited to be the hosting their first east coast competition. If any CFSBK Masters athletes are interested, please email David(AT)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com and I’ll begin to organize a team.
The Nor’easter Masters is for athletes ages 40 and up. Age groups for each gender will be 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, and 60+.
Registration opens Monday, April 22nd at 12 noon EST and will be capped at 200 athletes. For more information on the event or to register please visit link below:
Nor’easter Masters Event Info.
Over 40 but not ready to compete? Under 40 and want to volunteer or judge? Volunteers and Judges are needed – the link above will soon have a place for judge and volunteer registration, so please keep a lookout for that!
Anja Jordalen Norway clean and jerk 105 kg
Julia Rohde and Maria De La Puente 2008
6am with Jess and McDowell. Press: 120×5, 140×5, 155×7 (rounded to nearest 5# on each set which caused the uneven jump). Right shoulder was feeling stiff when I woke up and the pressing didn't help, hence the weak showing on the rep-out. I now have a full blown knot in my right upper back. Took it light (30#) on the metcon: 2:59. Finished with some lax ball loving at home. Gonna need some more tonight.
I love that you guys named yourself the calaveras.
Squats: 115×5, 135×5, 155×10 (with an awful lot of pausing between reps in the rep-out).
WOD 6:11 Rx. While I was about halfway through I heard Jeremy on the platform saying, "I love this workout. It's so easy," and I was THISCLOSE to turning around and swearing like a sailor. Or, really, like a sailor who is also an opera singer.
Big invo8 sale at http://www.theclymb.com/ – I'll get you an invite to the site if you send me an email – mathew.a.kat at gmail dot com.
er, should be mathew.a.katz at gmail dot com, sorry!
strength monday:
squat: 152.5x3x5
press: 60x2x5, rep out 60×8
deadlift: 200×5
super excited to hit 200 on the deadlift!
Makeup from yesterday. 6:30 p with Fox and Noah.
3×5 at 48#.
4:51 at 20# for the WOD – I wanted to RX it, but my arms and legs were just not going to tolerate the #25. My thrusters were messy and disorganized, which probably had to do with the fact that I pulled the genius move of running to the box from my office in Chelsea. Dummy.
Gina, you a TFBA, chick!!
2 health points/questions for the community (lookin in your direction Fox)
1. I've had lingering low back aching/stiffness for about a month. I got this last year during a deadlift cycle when I had bad form. After about a month it just sorta went away. This time it came on doing the halting deadlifts as part of the C+J complexes last cycle. I've tried taking a week off, focusing on mobility work, heatpads, hot baths. Any general advise on how to best approach it? Should I skip deadlifts this cycle? Was planning on coming to class tonight and then getting a massage.
2. Playing with IF for the first time. I haven't eaten yet today, planning on having a small meal around 4 or 5, then class followed by some whey and dinner like an hour later. I was thinking of doing something similar one day a week to play with metabolism and detox kinda stuff but more to inform my understanding of hunger versus boredom. I guess I don't have any particular questions on this one, just if anyone has advise or warnings or anything I always like your opinions.
Noah B – sounds like muscle soreness/stiffness which in the case of pulls is usually going to be due to either a weak back or loss of position and resultant muscle strain or both. The muscles of the spine like to hold a position rather than move into one under load. I'd recommend doing the deadlift as it's one of the best ways to strengthen the back, and use a load for the top set of 5 that allows you to pull in a perfect position. Perfect. You may even do 2-3 sets of 5 to get some volume in since the load will be lighter and you shouldn't be too wrecked by it. The deadlifts I saw you pull for your last set at the Rip cert were by far the best I've ever seen you pull so whatever cues they were giving you, use them.
My 2 cents.
I thought I lost the Canada hat! Still mine.
GINA. Yesssssssss.
just to make a clarification about my unintentionally cryptic post yesterday.
yes, we're looking for a home for Zeus, the sweet black (with some white spots) pit bull that we're taking care of. email me if you're interested Lisaferna(at)gmail.com
UPDATE on Tomorrow's classes
-All classes will be on as scheduled. The Reebok photo shoot times got changed to our off-hours so we will not be cancelling the 4:30 or 5:30pm classes!
Fox- what you say makes sense. i was sort of lost between thinking that and maybe the direct opposite. Namely that maybe my stomach isn't as strong and/or engaged as it should be making my low back pick over-compensate and then strain. Make sense/possible? If so I was thinking strengthening up front and dialing down the back might make sense?
Yay, Wednesday night classes are back on!
Also tomorrow night: For Clinton Hill/Fort Greene residents excited for the bikeshare in our neighborhood, there is a community meeting tomorrow night: http://bikenyc.org/event/4407
Anyone know if there are plans to expand the bikeshare south of Atlantic?
Noah – advice on the IF? You should probably incorporate some eggplants and grapes into your eating hours. I hear purple works wonders.
I'm selling more stuff
i'm pretty flexible on price, just want to get the stuff out of my apartment before I move
stupid comment thing ate my post. trying again
i'm selling more stuff
pretty flexible on price
curious to hear how the low back thing works out, Noah B.
i have been deadlifting like a MOFO for three effing years, and i still get a sore back from kettlebell swings. like, light KB swings, after not that many reps either.
it makes no sense to me at all. except in the sense that it may be the universe telling me to stop using kettlebells.
Ran home from work, listening to NPR, as always. Decided to make a game of it: sprint for 20 sec. every time someone ended a sentence like this? When not asking a question? For nearly 30 min. I just jogged along slowly, but then, during two different interviews, I hit a string of sentences? Like that? And found myself doing a little more than two Tabata. Holy cow.
Re: bike share, it's coming under attack in Ft Greene. Councilmember Tish James is really getting an earful. It would be great for there to be bike share supporters at that townhall.
Re: plans to move past Atlantic, right now DOT is just focused on this first rollout. It will assess once the system is up and running. Speaking for myself, I'd be surprised if there weren't an expansion at some point not long afterward.
6:30 with Josh and MeLo
5/3/1 Squats 45×5 135×4 185×5 205×5 235×10
I need to figure out my warmups a little better for these, I keep running into work sets before I know it (actually lifted the first work set 5lbs heavy because of it). 10 reps is a lot of reps, I was huffing and puffing and my arms were sore by the end.
WOD was super fun. 3:51 at 175#.
wow nick, that's nerdy?
@Nick, Todd and I were laughing about fartlek after you continued on your way. Running is fun and funny.
6:30 with Melissa and Josh
Scratch my old goals. New goal is to make every monday workout this cycle.
Press 53x5x3
It moved pretty smoothly so I should be able to gradually add more each week without failing.
There is nothing like finishing a wo and having someone(todd) look at the weights you used and roll their eyes. Bah
5 rft-2:54
15# dbx7
Jumping c2b pull upsx7
I need kipping pull ups.
Got my squat on with Nate tonight!
45×8, 115×5
145×5, 170×5, 190×15
I could have done another few on the rep out… I think I had a weak day when I went to my 1rm for this cycle.
WOD was not bad, I enjoyed it. 4:53 RX (190#)
Noah, IF seems to be a very individual thing. but here's my 5 cents since you asked….
Watch your sleep. If you start have weird sleep patterns or insomnia of any kind (especially waking up early), I would stop IF immediately.This is common and points to potential serious problems down the road. It's a great way to send yourself into cortisol regulation problems. Eating in the morning gives you much needed insulin response which blunts the abundance of cortisol after sleeping. Yes, sleeping is relaxing, but it is also fasting and that increases cortisol. Living in NY, we don't really want to mess with cortisol. Dangerous.
I have found it's a good way to de-bloat myself after some bad eating. In that sense I get the "detox" thing, but if you are eating clean why would you need to detox from nutrients? At this point, I'm fundamentally perplexed by that notion and the idea of "detoxing."
If are lean, this isn't going to help make you stronger or put on muscle.
Just skipping breakfast is considered IF (a 12-16 hour fast as opposed to just a 8-10 hour fast), so I would take it easy and maybe not shoot to skip lunch as well. You are really going to be calorie restricted at that point and with your workout schedule that seems a bit extreme.
Felt good to lift after the Mayhem in the Meadowlands on Saturday…man are my traps and hams sore!
4pm – Press
5:30 class – Squat
Squat # 6 on the work set was weird! OK with these reps since I told everyone that they should be getting at least 10 on the week one rep outs 🙂 I'm going to give the 5/3/1 my best this time around. I might have half assed in in the past.
Deadlift @BW (185 easier to load, scaled up a few lbs from 175.)
Push Up
Not a PR but felt good.