Fitness: 3×5 Across
Perform your first 3×5 of Pressing for the cycle. This lift is the most sensitive to weight increases of all the barbell lifts we do. Start conservative and plan for 5lb jumps at most.
Performance: 5/3/1 (5 week)
Post loads to comments.
Press e1/6
5 Rounds For Time of:
7 Dumbbell Thrusters 45/25
7 Kipping Pull-Ups or Jumping C2B Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Leslie B with getting ready to jerk
Reebok at CFSBK This Wednesday
This Wednesday the 24th there will be no 430pm and 530pm Group classes as Reebok will be in house shooting for their Fall 2013 CrossFit apparel campaign in the gym. All other classes, including the noon are on as normally scheduled.
Wendler 5/3/1 and Group Classes
The new cycle is starting today so here’s a preview. Our intermediate and advanced athletes will be following a Wendler 5/3/1 for the 4 lifts we’ll be doing over the next 6 weeks. The lifting schedule is as follows:
- Monday – Press. Fitness 3×5 LP, Performance 5/3/1
- Wednesday – Low Bar Back Squat. Fitness 3×5 LP, Performance 5/3/1 or Recovery Day
- Thursday – Bench Press. Fitness 3×5 LP, Performance 5/3/1 + Power Clean Fitness and Performance EMOTM work
- Saturday – Low Bar Back Squat. Fitness 3×5 LP, Performance 5/3/1 or Recovery Day
- Sunday – Deadlift. Fitness 1×5 LP, Performance 5/3/1
The 5/3/1 is a strength program developed by Jim Wendler that uses sub-maximal loads (a “Wendler max” is 90% of a 1RM) to keep the lifter fresh and allow for recovery from week to week. Each week there are 3 ascending ‘work’ sets and the loads on the bar go up each week as well. The first week each set is 5 reps, the second it’s 3, and the third week it’s a set of 5, followed by a set of 3, followed by a set of 1.
Here are the percentages for the work sets
Week 1
5×65%, 5×75%, 5×85%
Week 2
3×70%, 3×80%, 3×90%
Week 3
5×75%, 3×85%, 1×95%
For example, in Week 1, if you had a true 1RM press of 125lbs, you would be working off 90% of that which is 113lbs. So after your warm-up sets, you work sets would be: 73×5, 85×5, 96×5+
Week 4 is usually a de-load week but we’ll be running back to back cycles and holding off the de-load until after week 6. So, week 4 you will be starting over using week 1 percentages and basing them off a slightly higher number. Remember, the starting percentages are based off 90% of a 1RM, not a true 1RM.
You with me? Alright, here’s a wrinkle. We will NOT be doing a rep-out on the deadlift. We feel that the benefits of doing a bunch of potentially garbage reps at pretty heavy loads do not outweigh the risk of injury. So for the deadlift you’ll just hit the weeks reps and stop there.
Cool? There’s a bit of math involved in figuring out your work weights. I feel your anxiety. The percentages for each week will be on the blog and the white board, and we’ve got a bunch of calculators in the gym to help but there are some cool apps that you can download to make it even easier. Here’s a link for a free one that we found to be particularly easy to use.
*Last 2 notes*
-If you’re a beginner lifter then each week you’ll perform 3 sets of 5 reps at a load that allows you to move with technical proficiency, increasing weight from week to week as appropriate. If you’re not sure which program to follow ask a coach. To read more about linear progressions and how to implement them in CrossFit Group Classes, click here.
-If you do not have a recent 1RM you can extrapolate one using this calculator.
Today the start of the cycle…get stoked!
How to Build Pure Strength, An interview with Jim Wendler T-Nation
Really excited about this upcoming Wendler cycle. I have had huge gains in the past using this type of training & it have gotten me over some (mental) hurdles of lifting heavier.
I am STOKED about how many lifts we're doing in this new cycle! The only thing I don't like about Wendler is math 😛
(PS: We can make the Wendler math a bit easier by just having one number to multiply, not two — so instead of calculating your Wendler 1RM and then calculating percentages from there, you could just say that set 1 is 58.5% of your true 1RM, set 2 is 67.5%, and set 3 is 76.5%…just sayin')
Press 64×9. Damn, I forgot how hard rep outs are! WOD 4:21 with Rx dumbbells and jumping pullups, which felt too easy. I wish I'd tried kipping with a band although I probably would not have finished within the cap had I done so.
6am w/Nick & McDowell
48lbs Press felt like a good weight to start with. I always wonder if the starting weight should be the last weight achieved on the previous cycle, of if it should be scaled down a bit… also wondering why I've never bothered to asked a coach.
4:05 min WOD -though it was 7 rounds (it was 7 min cap, duh) so I was pleasantly surprised and pissed at the same time as I felt I could have pushed myself to do it faster. Oh well…Will try to work on my CF ADD
did anyone else's phone tell them that the app linked above is only available in the yemeni app store?
6am with Nick and McDowell.
Aside from having to run to the calculator every set, I think I'm going to like this Wendler cycle. It felt strange going through the first two sets at such a light weight but made up for it on the rep out where I put together 10 at 85%.
Looking forward to the next six weeks.
FYI Mathaphobic people:
There are plenty of 5-3-1 spreadsheets and apps out there where all you have to do is input your numbers and it spits out your training log. Then you simply notate what you hit on your rep outs and call it a day.
Press – 45×5, 95×5, 110×5, 125×10 – had at least 1 and probably 2 reps in the tank on this. Last couple times I've done Wendler I went crazy on the rep-outs and I think it hurt my progress so I'm trying to stay conservative
WOD – 2:49 Rx'd. I wish every WOD was broken up into small sets like this.
Rest day today, but I'm settling into a twice-a-week Olympic lifting cycle during open gym.
On-the-minute Snatch work: worked to 175 for 10 mins. This felt a lot better than it has been, especially hitting the bottom. I need to work on bringing the bar too far forward, which is hurting me when it gets heavier. Thanks to Brandon and La Rosa for watching me and giving me tips.
Cleans: Worked to heavy singles at 245. Focused on dropping low and fast enough that I didn't need to press out and not "bouncing" in my arms when I landed. All felt good, though my left arm is coming up much slower than my right one in my clean, need to work on that.
Fun little burner with Christian afterward reminded me that I need to work on my muscle-ups.
Hey everyone,
My roommates and I are taking care of a beautiful black pit bull (with lottlw white sock paws) named Zeus. He's medium size, super sweet, has all of his shots and is neutered.
Email me for pics! Lisaferna(at) <3
Hey y'all. I need to get 15 custom t-shirts printed. Anyone have a recommendation for a small-batch screen printer like this?
@Lisa, are you looking for a home for the dog, or are you just super pumped to be dog sitting and want to share pics?
Also, I'm selling some stuff
JJ- is pretty awesome. Incredible customer service for a largeish online retailer and pretty fast turnaround.
Workout as Rx'd 2:40
Kept it under pace the first three rounds and then just tried to stay unbroken after that.
First real conditioning since June last year
6:30 with Fox and Noah
Press 45×5 75×5 80×5 95×5 105×9
Didn't push too hard on the rep out even though they definitely slowed down toward the end.
WOD rx'd in 4:07. This one really hit the forearms and lungs. I'm still coughing.
Snatch + OHS: 176×1+3, 184×1+3, 198×1+2, (209×1+1)x3
Snatch Pulls: 245×3, 275×3, 297×3
Press: Worked up to 155 for the rep out. Did 7, kept it way below failure.
WOD-3:17 rx
6:30 pm with Fox and Noah.
3×5 Press @ #48.
Partnered with Court (Team Highlighter FTW) on the WOD in 5:45 25# DB's and Jumping Pull ups. Fun wod, but it's literally hurting my arms to type this.
Kept the press light so I have room to grow 3×5 at 75
Did the thruster and pull-ups 5:01 with 30 pounders and chin over the bar pull-ups.
Time is important but keeping the reps real was more important.
Anyone interested in 1/2 a chicken share? Rotate whole and parts split the sausage?
Looking forward to this cycle.
Press: 45×5, 65×5
Workset 75×5, 90×5, 100×7
In rounding I went a bit lower on my first set and a bit higher in my second set. I could have probably done another 2 or 3 on the rep out but I don't want to fuck up my shoulder right at the beginning, why not wait a bit to do that.
WOD in 4:02 rx
Had to feel out the squats as I pretty sore from doing cleans yesterday. My abs and hamstrings were pretty lit up, but apparently not fatigued and I just needed a good warm-up:
Squat: 45×10, 95×8, 135×8, 185×5, 225×3, 275×2, 315×1
Felt good, so I went with my programmed Intensity Day: 330×3
Solid. Almost took my last 10 pound jump, but I guess I'm taking the slow road.
Deadlift: 350×5
This was harder than I would have liked but Jeremy assured me that I kept my back and again, the first three reps were pretty fast.
Afterwards, my low back was toast.
630 w Fox and Noah
press: 90×5, 105×5, 120×8
wod: 4:38 rx'd
OG last night
LBBSQ: 175x5x3
DL: (135×5, 185×4, 225×3, 275×2) 325×1
Power Snatch: worked up to 135 for a single
Snatch Balance: 85x5x3
First day of the cycle. Planning to gorge on food for the next six weeks as if I'm on Strength Cycle.
Linear progression on the press.
[45×5, 75×4, 90×3, 105×1] 115x5x3
WOD in 3:53. Forearms were feeling it for quite a while after this, but it was fun. Thanks to DH3 for keeping me moving.
(33×5, 45×5, 50×3) 55×5, 65×5, 72.5×8
maybe had one more left in me but not much more. all sets were a static start except my repout set.
5 RFT:
7 DB thrusters @25# and 7 pullups
-finished in 3:49
all thrusters unbroken as were the first 3 rounds of pullups. lost my grip in the last 2 rounds and had to break them up.