Take 15 minutes to work up towards a heavy single or triple on the Deadlift. Loss of position is considered a missed rep.
Here is an example of someone working up to a 360lb triple.
315×1 (last warm-up)
360×3 (top set)
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Turkish Get-Up
Work up to a heavy triple on each arm. Only go as heavy as your weaker arm can do a triple on. Carrying implement is limited to Dumbbells today.
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Sports Illustrated Kids 2012 SportsKids of the Year: Conner and Cayden Long
Standardized Warm-Ups
Warm Up 1
5-10 Pull Ups (bands OK)
15 Hollow Rocks (or a 20 seconds Hollow Hold)
15 Overhead Squats
Warm Up 2
10 Push Ups
10 Ring Rows
8 each Reverse Lunges
We want you to take your time and be present with each rep, and not simply fly through them to get them done. These seemingly simple movements are a perfect time to practice virtuosity. Alternate warm-ups each time you come to class. If you only come 2xW you can pick the same one each time and work on either your push-up or your pull-up, whichever needs more work.
Please Sign This Petition to Keep our Degraw St Pool!
“The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released its proposed plan for the cleanup of the Gowanus Canal Superfund site. Comments on the plan must be received by April 27th, 2013.
As part of the plan, the EPA is proposing to close a much loved community resource, the “Double D” community pool, (Right down the street from CFSBK) to excavate and build a 2 to17 million gallon raw sewage storage facility with flow through tanks beneath it.” … Read more and sign
Step By Step Turkish Get Up Robertson Training Systems
Congrats again to Adele, winner of the Herondale Farm meat share raffle.
Thanks also to all who meeted and greeted yesterday with Jerry and Christine from the Farm. Remember to save the date for the farm visit and picnic- Sunday, June 30.
Back Squat 231x5x3
Hang Power Snatch 50kgx2x3
Power Clean 90kgx2x3
Strict Chin-Ups 12-12-12
Handstand Practice
Fun day in the gym, couldn't go heavy because of not being able to bail and the bar was a little greasy today which made the snatches kind of difficult to hold on to without chalk. Happy that old Bozman joined me, good to have a buddy.
Okay, last day of the Roadburn Music Festival awaits!
Re: the EPA proposed alternative that includes a storage tank. You can read the EPA's proposed alternatives here: http:// http://www.epa.gov/ region2/ superfund/npl/ gowanus/pdf/ gowanus_prap.pdf and see other material related to the cleanup here: http:// http://www.epa.gov/ region2/ superfund/npl/gowanus/ (remove the spaces to use the links)
– The park is the proposed location for the storage tank because it is public land and therefore possible to acquire
– The proposed tank would be a temporary holding facility for excess CSO material, to prevent waves of raw sewage from flowing down the canal during storms; as capacity in the system became available after storms, sewage would be routed to the nearest treatment facility. The tank is not itself a treatment facility, and, once installed, it should be invisible to residents
– DEP is contesting the need for the tanks on the basis that its new green infrastructure programs, limited area sewer separations and high-capacity sewer installations, combined with re-opening of the flushing tunnel will handle the CSO load
– Closure of the pool would be temporary, and might not even be during the summer. The idea has always been that the pool would be either re-opened or re-built for public use.
Also, just as a heads up, the block directly south of the park, between 3rd Ave, Nevins, Degraw and Sackett was the location of the Fulton manufactured gas plant (MGP) site – and it will be remediated by NYS DEC (paid for by Keyspan) in the near future (remediation plan is forthcoming but not yet released), which will mean sucking all the nasty byproducts out of the ground there, so the area adjacent to the pool isn't going to be a very nice place for a while anyway.
Just some additional information.
Deadlift 235, TGU 25. Wish I'd tried 30 but I was too lazy to go back through my notes and figure out what I've done before and that I therefore could have done more.
Bench: 205×2, 215×1, 225×1, 237.5 x 1, 1, 1, FAIL
Was suppose to be 6 singles. I seem to do fine in the 80-85% range but my technical failings just make stuff above 90% very difficult. 237.5 is 95% for me. The first rep was good. The second one was harder and my right leg caved in. The 3rd was a total grind and I lost my leg drive completely. I couldn't keep it at all for the 4th rep and failed. Not really sure how to fix this. I've elevated my feet which seemed to help at 90% on Monday, but not today…
I almost threw in the towel there, but decided to do arms.
DB Tri- rollbacks: 20# with 12 seconds rest: 10, 10, 10, 8, 6, 6, 6, 4
DB Curls: 30x10x4
D-Turn had a bar with 25# bumpers on the floor so I took it over and did cleans.
Power Cleans: 95×6, 125×3, 135×3, 145×3, 150x3x3
These weren't bad. Again, I haven't been doing them consistently, but there was a lot of pop. Need to get these into program consistently, if only for my DL!
Almost ended there, but what the hell. I was on a roll.
DB Press: 55x8x3
Clearly I started these way light since I'm adding 5 pounds every week and keeping my reps at 8. Schweet.
Obviously I'm bummed about the bench and I'm not sure what to do next. I may just continue the program and lower my attempts on test day. I may move back 1.5 weeks with higher weight. (Last time this happened I moved back too far). I may just try this same workout again.
I'm glad I kept working out because the rest of the session was fun, solid and gratifying.
Off topic before I get to today's lift: Protein Shake question – I dug up a post from last December which mentioned four protein supplements, Bluebonnet, Jay Robb, Tera’s Whey, and NOW Foods.
I am curious if anyone out there has any lactose issues with any of these? I'm moderately intolerant (of milk). So maybe there's another that's not listed that someone might know of?
Deadlift – I felt ok moving up to one rep of 200, just short of my PR. Then back down to 145 for a few. Looking forward to the next cycle.
Turkish GetUp was a very difficult maneuver for me. Fun to do something completely new but really difficult to organize.
Richard – I use NOW brand egg white protein. The vanilla flavor doesn't have milk derivatives. The chocolate does, which is unfortunate because it's pretty good.
Catch-up post.
Yesterday I worked at 140×3 on the BSQ. Ran the mile in 6:38. I had never tested my mile before, so I think I left a little too much in the tank. Good to have a baseline though.
Today I worked up to 170×3 on the deadlift. Thanks to Ellie for pushing me. I would have stopped at 150. Worked up to 20# on the Turkish get-up.
Worked up to 405 on the DL. It a little sloppy on the last rep but kept my back pretty well at least. 15# PR so I'm happy.
45# on the Turkish get ups
Thanks for the Info, Melon. What are some realistic time frames for all these proposed projects?
245# Snatch
Back at it tonight. Felt pretty sore in the abs and hamstrings from Cleans yesterday so I felt things out to see where to go tonight…
Squat: 45×10, 95×8, 135×8, 135×8, 185×5, 225×3, 275×2 (felt good so went with plan… 315×1
Work: 330×3
Not easy, but a fine enough triple.
Deadlift: 350×5
Hard, but Jeremy said i kept my back fine.
Under an hour and done. Liked it.