Work up to a heavy single.
Work up to a heavy triple
If you made Wednesday’s squat exposure then perform 3×5 at 75% of that exposure. Do NOT attempt another test set if you already did this week. If the load changes it won’t be a significant difference from your first attempts. Use today go get some volume in.
If you didn’t make it in on Wednesday, these weights will help infer your starting loads for the next cycle. go heavy but don’t fail.
Post loads to comments.
For Time:
Run 1 Mile
Benchmark this classic distance.
compare to 12.12.12 or 2.26.12
Jerry Peele and Christine Harrington from Herondale Farms (providers of our meat, poultry and egg CSAs) will visit CFSBK from 8:30-1. They’ll be in the house to answer questions, sell bacon, sausage, hot dogs and eggs, show off a sample 15-lb meat share, and sign folks up on the spot for all of their CSA options. They can even accept your share payments.
Just like last time, they’ll also be selling raffle tickets for a 15-lb share, and at noon they’ll choose a lucky winner to take that meaty goodness home. Good luck!
Upcoming CrossFit Group Class Lifting Schedule
The new lifting cycle starts on Monday 4/22 and will include all the main lifts: Squat, Press, Bench Press, Deadlift, and Power Clean. As usual we’ll have a Fitness progression and a Performance progression. It’ll look like this:
- Monday – Press. Fitness 3×5 LP, Performance 5/3/1
- Wednesday – Low Bar Back Squat. Fitness 3×5 LP, Performance 5/3/1 or Recovery Day
- Thursday – Bench Press. Fitness 3×5 LP, Performance 5/3/1 + Power Clean Fitness and Performance EMOTM work
- Saturday – Low Bar Back Squat. Fitness 3×5 LP, Performance 5/3/1 or Recovery Day
- Sunday – Deadlift. Fitness 1×5 LP, Performance 5/3/1
If you’re newer to barbell training and haven’t exhausted a linear progression on the lifts, or if you haven’t lifted consistently, then you will follow Fitness programming. If you’ve exhausted a linear and have lifted consistently then you may choose to follow the 5/3/1.
5/3/1 is a program created by Jim Wendler that uses sub-maximal percentage loads based off a training max to create strength. It’s essentially one work set each day for the main lift. The work set is a rep out at the day’s top weight. Here’s a pretty good synopsis of the program. The percentages are below.
Not so fast there Kemo Sabe…On the last set each day you’ll perform a rep out to just shy of failure, and that means technical failure also. You shouldn’t be bailing bars or having them pulled off your back. Speaking of your back, you won’t be rounding it out to squeeze in a few more reps on the deadlift either. The 5/3/1 works because it keeps you fresh, so stay fresh.
If you’re following the 5/3/1 you’ll have 2 days each week (Wednesday and Saturday) to get the squat exposure in. The other day, if you hit both squat days, will be a 3×5 at 70% of your 1RM. Heavy enough to keep you in a good groove but not so heavy that you won’t recover for all the other work.
What numbers do I base the 5/3/1 percentages off?
The percentages are based off your Training Max, which is 90% of a recent 1RM, not your old Strength Cycle 1RM. You take the percentages off that number, not your true 1 rep max. We’ve hit some heavy singles and triples recently so you should be able to use those to calculate your training max. You can calculate your 1RM from a rep max using this calculator.
Can I do Fitness for one lift and Performance for another?
Yes. Maybe you’ve squatted for 4 consecutive cycles and after a few re-sets, exhausted a linear progression on that lift but haven’t ever done a press cycle. Then it would be appropriate to 5/3/1 the squat and LP the Press. Let your experience with the lifts be your guide. If you’re not sure then just ask a coach.
Three cheers to gettin’ swole!
Michael Pollan Cooks! NYT
Hoo rah 2 lift Thursday!
@ Lauren B – Matt Katz has been to the Crossfit in Paris, in response to your question yesterday…
Does anyone have prior experience with Pose Method for running? I would appreciate some feedback, tips or ideas for a better way to run. My preference is for minimalist running.
Congrats to Adele, who won the Herondale meat share raffle!
Anyone who is still interested in signing up for the meat, chicken and/or vegetable CSA program: there's still time.
Alan C – Jess, Noah, and Nick, and myself are coaches on CFSBK staff who have been either CF Endurance certified (which is 90% P.O.S.E. running mechanics) or have extensive experience with minimalist running. Feel free to email the info@ account if you'd like to set up a session. If there's enough interest maybe we can get a small group session together.
Two days at CrossFit Balance in DC. Small space but a great community. Quality of coaching varied over my two days from appalling to rather good. CFSBK is famous, though! Lots of questions about the Open workout we hosted.
Friday was modified 5 week of a Wendler 5/3/1 on front squats with extra volume. Worked up to 155×5 (65%), 180×5 (75%), 205x5x3 (85%). 205 is a 5 pound PR for five reps.
Metcon was modified Cindy. 12 minutes instead of 20 with a 155lb clean at the start of each minute. 7 rounds + pull-ups and 6 push-ups.
Today was a long chipper.
20 calorie row – 20 deadlifts (185lbs) – 20 box jumps (24 inches) – 20 burpees over the bar – 20 ring dips – 20 burpees over the bar – 20 box jumps (24 inches) – 20 deadlifts – 20 calorie row, following by a 400m plate carry at 45lbs.
Finished at 19:20. This was really fun.
Congrats to Marco for taking third on the leader board for the 1 mile run.
Hit 185 3×5
Ran the 1 mile in 6:01 :-/ will have to try harder next time.
I'd be into doing some minimal running group classes! Alan I'd also recommend checking out the book Chi Running which was my first exposure to a minimal running technique. I really dig the Dreyers' style, I know Noah likes it as well.
Nooner with Josh and McD.
Squats 45×5 135×4 185×3 225×2 275×1 295×1 305xF
Was hoping to match my post-strength total squat of 305, as I've worked back up to about where I finished 3×5's there, but I got stuck in the middle and couldn't get it moving again.
Also didn't match my 6:02 mile from 12.12.12 (got 6:26 today) but I'm plenty happy with that as I'm definitely heavier and slowly getting that speed back. Couldn't have paced it much better either, splits were 2:10, 2:10, 2:06.
I'd love to hear what you guys have to say about minimalist running. If you do a group session, count me in.
90 3×5
7:15 mile
Thanks KH. I'll try to track Matt down this week.
Great 1pm with McD
HBBS: 400# (20lb PR, fuck ya) I finally got my new Oly shoes, and its as if i was blind and now I can see. Really excited to lift in them, I smell a 250# snatch around the corner.
1MIle: 7:06. Plenty happy with this. The last time ran a mile I was easily 15lbs lighter. Felt good to run.
Lauren – I went to Crossfit Original Addicts. Was a nice space with nice people — the only thing I didn't like was the seemed to teach people to bail overhead on low bar back squatting, which is incredibly dangerous. But you know better, so you should be fine.
Working my way back into squats: 240x5x2, 240×10
1-mile in 6:48 (slow, but legs felt quite worked out after the rep-out…)
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×2) 175x5x3
-this is 75% of the heavy single on Thursday and it felt way heavier than it should have. Probably should have done 70% or waited another day before squatting again.
-work up to a heavy single in 7 total sets
(135×5, 185×3, 215×2, 235×1) 255×1, 275×1, 295×1
-very happy about this considering it's only 5# away from my PR. Goal is to hit 3 wheels after this cycle!
Later did some erg intervals at home:
8 rounds of :30 on/:30 off
-stayed pretty consistently around a 1:50 split for all. Yuck erg sprints.
225x5x3. A little more than 75% of Wed's heavy single but 225 is a lot easier to load than 220.
Mile somewhere around 6:30-5. I started at 0:50 and finished at 7:20 something. Fun to start in the last group and chase people.
I love the new cycle. Clearing my schedule.
Matt – thanks. I hope to get a chance to check it out.
@Todd – Thanks for the suggestion. I will check out Chi Running.
@Fox – It would be great if there are enough people interested in working on their running technique to form a small group session. I would sign up.