- There is no Active Recovery or Comp Class this weekend as David is in Holland until the 26th. That does not stop you from taking at least half an hour out of your weekend to handle your AR buisness.
Farmers at CFSBK Tomorrow!
One of the most important benefits of belonging to a CSA is the opportunity to know your farmer – in person! On Saturday, April 20, Jerry Peele and Christine Harrington from Herondale Farms (providers of our meat, poultry and egg CSAs) will visit CFSBK. Come say hi!
From 8:30-1, they’ll be in the house to answer questions, sell bacon, sausage, hot dogs and eggs, show off a sample 15-lb meat share, and sign folks up on the spot for all of their CSA options. They can even accept your share payments.
Just like last time, they’ll also be selling raffle tickets for a 15-lb share, and at noon they’ll choose a lucky winner to take that meaty goodness home.
Questions? Email Michele at mignyc (at) gmail.com.
If you had a 3D printer, what kinds of things would you print for yourself?
Chad Vaughn Coaches Kayla Baumgardner CrossFit
Blood Work TTMJ
3D Printed Guns VICE
MakerBot Brooklyn
Perhaps super boring – but outside of my own spaceship and whatnot I would 3D print ea rbuds that NEVER fall out of my ear. I sear I must have freakishly spaced ears!
A new (old) motorcycle and as new (old) truck…duh. Maybe a new (old) dog, too.
I work at Shapeways a 3D printing company and I can tell you there is no limit as to what people will print.
One of the coolest things we've printed might have to be a skull replica of a young girl who was getting surgery and the parents wanted to better understand the process. So they modeled a skull replica and the surgeons the performed a mock surgery on the skull we printed.
This dress we printed is also pretty cool: http://www.shapeways.com/blog/archives/1952-revealing-dita-von-teese-in-a-fully-articulated-3d-printed-gown.html
Woke up earlier than the rest of the gang to get my lifts in at "EUROSPORT TECHNOGYM"
Clean and 2 Jerks: 80kgx1x6
Deadlift: 145kgx5x1
Bench Press: 60kgx5x3
Handstand practice in leu of Overhead Squats
Holy shit, I haven't worked out in a commercial gym in years. I forgot how awful it is. I miss bumper plates, chalk, being able to bail and there being more than ONE barbell in an entire gym.
I would probably 3D print extra copies of my keys and vampire teeth
Chris, you should host a CFSBK field trip!
Coolest thing I have seen made is a hydro electric generator made in Japan with 3d printed parts.
Squat: 140x5x3, heavier than I expected.
WOD was a 1-mile run test, but my foot was bothering me again so…I can't believe I CHOSE to do this, but I did a 2K row test instead. I also can't believe I asked for Nick to be Olympic Nick. He was, and he talked (and yelled) me to an 8:23.5, which is a 13-second PR. Whee!
That destroyed me, though. Bye bye back-off week!
If I had a 3D printer I'd print bangles. Lots and lots of bangles. I have skinny Asian-girl wrists, so it's hard to find bracelets that fit. I realize this is a boring answer, but it would change MY life, dammit.
Stella rowing a 2K PR time with Nick screaming "No fucking regrets!" in her ear was the highlight of my morning. Back off week, indeed.
I'm glad that was the highlight of someone's morning, because by that point I wanted to die!
6am with Nick and McDowell. Squats: 230x3x5. McDowell noted that I was getting too deep on the first set. Adjusted and felt solid on the next two. Left hip is still a bit tight and calves are a little sore from yesterday's box jumps. Mile run: 5:59. Not even close to my PR from my running heydays, but I'm 30lbs heavier now and feel more like a clydesdale than a gazelle when I run.
My stunted middle-aged imagination wouldn't know what to do with a 3D printer. So I'd give it to my kids. Holy crap would it have been cool to have a 3D printer as a kid. Forget the restrictions of legos, you could model and print almost any shape you could imagine.
I would print out a psychedelic birdcage and get a 3 eyed raven.
Hey! I made the blog!
A very exciting moment in every Cross-Fit member's career.
I like the 3d jewelery, I would make crazy head pieces too.
Basically anything for whatever character is the flavor of the moment.
I still want that dress.
I second the CFSBK field trip! Maybe a hiking trip to Breakneck Ridge??? ๐
that dress doesn't look like it'd be very warm
now i'm just looking through the shapeways things people have printed!
let's definitely go on a CFSBK field trip there!
crossfitter's dream 3D print: bacon mobius strip
@Mel I think they've got your earbuds! http://www.shapeways.com/model/461727/headbuddy.html?li=productBox-search
Weightlifting shoes – worth it? and if so, which ones should I get?
Squats: 3×5 @ 245# – felt pretty OK but not as light as I would have hoped. Hips were a bit tight and my weird hip tilt was definitely in effect.
Mile run in 5:56 – not a PR but like Peter I'm about 30# heavier than I was when I used to be a "runner."
Fraser — yes! I resisted for a long time, but I have a pair now and it definitely makes a difference when the weight gets heavy.
What kind to get, though, is a totally individual decision. I have Adidas Powerlift Trainers, which are relatively inexpensive, and they work great for me. From what I hear, Adidas is good for people with narrow feet, which is good for me.
The last time I saw someone from SBK asking about lifting shoes on FB, she got a lot of "try on other people's shoes at the gym and see what you like" answers. If people let you do this, I think it's a great idea.
Eurosport Technogym. Hilarious.
taking this conversation in a totally different direction – 3D printed guns are a controversial possibility – not citing HuffPo as dispositive but this aggregates a lot of the links: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/26/3d-printed-gun-movement_n_2957695.html
And – final plug for the Police Commissioner's Brownsville Youth Basketball League!
Volunteer meeting this coming Tuesday, April 23, at 5pm at Betsy Head Gym – the entrance is on Thomas Boyland Street between Livonia Avenue and Dumont Avenue. The League is looking for volunteers to work as coaches, ass't coaches, family team coordinators, referees, score keepers, mentors, and more. They are happy to have everyone and will work with your availability. Questions? – call the JRIP office or contact Lt. David Glassberg at David(dot)Glassberg(at)nypd(dot)org or 646 210 9334. Feel free to holler at me at talktowhit(at)gmail(dot)com too.
*I did not see the gun link in the initial blog post today. My apologies for my duplicative and excessive comments. ๐
Anyone remember the Looney Toons with the big weightlifter bully on the beach and then Bugs or whomever the protagonist was blows up balloons that say 500 on them and attach them to the barbell and the weightlifter bully lifts so hard he goes flying into the air and then crashes down and the bar flattens his head and Bugs or whomever the protagonist is gets the girl? Huh? Anyone? Well I think it would be sweet to 3D print a huge barbell that looks like it weighs 1,000 pound but is really like 10 and then we could take dope Turkish get up strong man pictures, maybe with 3D printed mustaches and/or get even with evil weightlifting beach bullies.
That, and I'm down for Breakneck Ridge and/or other hiking based field trips. Don't worry. I won't talk like a ten year old the whole time.
One week till Pain And Gain.
@whitney that basketball league looks like good stuff. glad to see it!
Power Clean
Techno gym sounds CFSBK on a many a night, but without bumpers. DO – How did you manage to lift heavy in a place like that?
saw this link on FB today. seems CFHQ is cracking down on local CF comps using the word "crossfit" in the title http://journal.crossfit.com/2013/04/whats-in-a-name.tpl
You guys are all fools. If you follow the First Law of Genies, you would know that if you had a 3D printer, the first thing you do is PRINT ANOTHER 3D PRINTER!
been very inconsistent training for the past 2 weeks due some chronic bronchitis/asthma related crap. Feeling better though so thanks to all who have asked!
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2)
195×1, 215×1, 225×1, 235×1, 245xf
-haven't LBBS heavy in a reeeally long time. happy to have hit 235 even if it's 20#'s off of my PR.
(45×5, 65×5, 75×3)
85×1, 90×1, 95×1, 97xf
-also haven't pressed a heavy single in ages so happy to have hit 95 fairly easily. crazy how 2# makes such a big differences. My goal for this next cycle is a 100# press.
Did a little interval work with du's afterwards.
The other day I also did Deadlifts for the first time in awhile and worked up to 235×5.
Really looking forward to the upcoming cycle! Maybe I'm a little inspired by the Starting Strength seminar but I'm seriously contemplating signing up for a powerlifting meet. Will talk to Jeremy about the best upcoming meets… Anyone else interested?
Was just talking about that Vice video.. 3D printing blows my mind. Can I print some dinner right now?
2 unrelated questions:
1 – Has anyone been to the crossfit gym in Paris?
2 – Does anyone have an opinion on the Again Faster Revolution rope vs. the newer Rev X?
Missed both LBBS and press so was able to come into OG and make them both up. Not all that happy with the results, it was one of those not strong days.
Press: 45×10, 75×5, 105×2, 125×1, 130×1, 135f
LBBS: 45×10, 135×5, 205×3, 255f, 250×1 – way below my previous 1rm
Followed up with double unders, hit a max of 68… not quite a pr
Also mixed in 100 pullups in sets of 15 and 10 and some 5's at the end.