For Time:
Row 2000m
50 Pistols
30 Hang Power Clean, 225/135
Annie Thorisdottir does this workout in 11:47
Carl Paoli Talks Pistols for this workout
Post time nad Rx to comments.
Red Hook Track WOD this Saturday
Bummed the gym is closed this weekend? Come on down to Red Hook Track at 11am on Saturday for a track and calisthenic WOD followed by a post workout meal at the trucks. All are invited! Honarary coaches Chopra, Cornish and Cavello will be organizing the event.
Meet the Farmer and Meat Share Raffle, 4.20.13
One of the most important benefits of belonging to a CSA is the opportunity to know your farmer – in person! On Saturday, April 20, Jerry Peele and Christine Harrington from Herondale Farms (providers of our meat, poultry and egg CSAs) will visit CFSBK. Come say hi!
From 8:30-1, they’ll be in the house to answer questions, sell bacon, sausage, hot dogs and eggs, show off a sample 15-lb meat share, and sign folks up on the spot for all of their CSA options. They can even accept your share payments.
Just like last time, they’ll also be selling raffle tickets for a 15-lb share, and at noon they’ll choose a lucky winner to take that meaty goodness home.
Questions? Email Michele at mignyc (at)
Mikko Salo Does 13.5
(read: before the typo was fixed this morning the blog said 1000m, not 2K)
15:39 with assisted pistols and 75# power cleans. I'm just happy (?) I was able to do this in spite of my foot.
Bench: 175×4, 185×2, 200×3, 212.5 x3x2, 225x1x4, 162×10
This went pretty OK. Better than Friday. Still having problems keeping my legs straight and dug in. Will try plates under my feet next session.
Pseudo Circuit w/ DB's
Press: 40x9x4 an then a set of 60×5
Curls: 40x5x4 and 40×10
Rows: 50×10 and 50x5x2
I was trying to minimize rest but clearly I went easy on the presses and curls. Took extra rest and then did the bigger sets (added 20 pounds to press and 5 reps to curls). Rows were pretty strict and should have I done another set of 10 but just hate them.
Doing a split– so I squat and DL tonight…
6am with D.O. A fun WOD, but tough: 16:45. Hang power cleans at 175 and assistance from a squat rack for the pistols. Finished the row in 7:22. Finished the pistols a little after 10min. And then the first power clean: "holy f*** is that heavy". Night and day difference from the way the weight felt in warm up. Chipped away at the reps in sets of 3 and 4. Biggest problem was just holding on to the bar as sweat dripped down my forearms. Chalk and a hook grip stood no chance. Got a little bit ugly on the last few reps. Anyone who completes this Rx is a beast.
Mikko is my idol, the guy is all guts, pulling for him this year. Does 227 reps on 13.5 and then says he has a lot of work to do…definition of a fire breather !
1. That was not a typo this morning. I can totally picture DO at his computer giggling in his footie pajamas when setting up the WOD with that little "hitch." I firmly admit that I was cranky when I saw the workout online, the sudden humidity has me discombobulated, then when the whiteboard stated the 2k went into full on epic crank mode. Went with heavy weighted lunges instead of pistols but felt like a lame jerk and staggered over to a rack for support and tacked on 10 "bonus" pistols at the end. Happily I was smart and put my pint jar of coffee in the freezer at 7am, recovered with that on the train to work – best idea ever.
2. Anyone carpooling for Saturday to Redhook OR anyone want to meet at SBK and share a cab down? Jamming a bunch of folks in = cheapo $.
seeing today's WOD makes me so happy i'm doing strength cycle right now. that said, here are last night's exciting stats:
squat: 155x3x5
press: 65x3x5
cleans: 78x3x3
i have been experiencing some sort of a shoulder-to-elbow pain/dead arm type thing in my left shoulder/arm. a little on monday and a lot last night. the culprit seems to be all that weight on my shoulders while squatting and kind of hangs out after just being annoying. gonna lax ball the elbow & arm today per jeremy's suggestion.
does anyone else experience this dead arm phenomena when sqatting heavy?
Definitely one of the tougher WODs. Completed it in 16:57 with 115lb and squat rack assisted pistols. The cleans were done in sets of 5 the whole way through.
I was able to do three strict pistols on each leg in the warm up but after the 2K row I had trouble getting down so I knew I would never be able to get back up.
Continuing my personal goal of not allowing myself to scale too far and tough it out with the higher weight. Resisted the temptation to drop the 10s off of the bar and make it 95. Happy I stuck with it.
started watching the video of annie doing this WOD, they don't even let you start out sitting on the erg?
that's just mean!
Annie makes it look so easy. For a split second after I watched her I thought I could do this. Since I saw 1000m and freaked out, I can't imagine 2000m. It's too soon. Waaaaaahhhhhh
Annie makes it look so easy. For a split second after I watched her I thought I could do this. Since I saw 1000m and freaked out, I can't imagine 2000m. It's too soon. Waaaaaahhhhhh
WOD in 17:25 – assisted pistols on the right leg, regular pistols on the left leg. Cleans at 185.
Could have pushed myself a bit more on the cleans – was taking a long time between my sets of 3-4
16:20 with assisted pistols and 115# cleans. Super fun workout. I love it when it looks impossible on the board but you work through it.
I did the row in 8:04. That pace allowed me to finish everything else.
More difficult than I liked
Lower back got tired more than the legs
Dropped of a lot after the first, took a little more rest before the third.
Good workout today, but it kills me that Jeremy is benching what I am squatting…
Squat; 45×10, 135×10, 185×5, 225×4, 275×2, 305×1 and 325×3
I like this new warm-up. This was not The Israeli Pyramid Scheme. That was Texas Method intensity day, pure and simple.
It was great to warm up and be done squatting in 25 minutes. That may be a record for me.
Deadlift: 335×5
I took a 20 pound jump since my first exposure felt so light. This moved well. I cranked thru the first four really fast and the 5th was still pretty easy. I warmed up with some RDL's but decided to not continue as my lower back was getting fatigued.
70's Big style banded Good Mornings: Green Band x 12 x 3
Band goes around neck for some yoke work and around bottom of rack (not feet) so you are pulling laterally and vertically. First time doing them.
I like split workout schedule that I did yesterday/today. More work, shorter workouts. Good times.
Clean and Jerk-Work up to a heavy single
Worked up to 297# (PR, shoulda gone for the extra 3# and hit 300!)
19:15 Rx
Row-8:06. Kept it nice and easy
Pistols-Got through these fairly quickly
Hang Cleans- 4 sets of 3 to start, then doubles the rest of the way.
17:14 with 115lb cleans. The pistols took forever. I used two 5-lb plates as stablizers, then switched to one 10-lb one on Fox's advice, and then right at the end, used a rack for the left side.
This was a long, tough WOD; doing the 2K first really required some digging deep, especially as I had done two days of squatting before this.
But it felt good when it was all over, which is all that matters.
I'm so happy!!!!
6:30 with Fox and Josh.
Tuesday made me realize how out of shape I was, but it instantly revived my obsession with these workouts. I was absolutely sickened by this workout at 7 am. Now I couldn't go to the gym. Then it changed to a 2k!
I scaled. 1600m row (just over 7 mins) I got off not wanting to die and kind of wanting to just complete the 2K, but I guess not enough. I held both poles to do the 50 pistols, kneeing myself in the face a couple of times. I heard Fox call someone out for not coming all the way up and realized I may have cheated some of my finishes unknowingly. 55# hang cleans. I guess I went too light again. 13:11. I felt so great I did 3 laps around the gym for a cool down.
16:48 @ 135# and strict pistols (i think – I grab my toes on the opposite foot, not sure if thats legit)
I kept up with Annie T through the row – hovered around 1:55 splits and got off at around 7:45 or so. Nice slow pulls made the rest of the WOD possible.
Got into pistols right away but I can't cycle them fast. The cleans I did in sets of 5 until the very end broke into 4, 3, 3.
Over all not as bad as I was expecting. Humbling. A workout for the ego as well as for the body.
6am with David. WOD in 15:25 (I think). Went with 16kg lunges and 68# hang power cleans. Thanks to Joy for encouraging me to put a few extra pounds on the barbell (probably should have put on a few more). Finished the row in just under 9 minutes, which is faster than my 2k time from October. So that was exciting.
8:30PM with Arturo
I was absolutely dreading this WOD when I saw it on the blog.
Now that it's behind me, I actually really enjoyed it.
Finished the row in 8:30ish. Did freestanding pistols with a piece of rubber mat under my foot (I really just need to buy lifting shoes). And did the cleans at 115#. Arturo encouraged us to go heavy, so I did. I think this is the heaviest I've ever cleaned. Haven't spent much time testing a 1RM. Total WOD time was 19:04.
I finished last, but I'm pretty excited about doing 50 freestanding pistols…and 30 cleans at 115#. It was a pretty difficult workout, but in a weird way, a lot of fun.
Late post to log this one:
Subbed the 2K for a 1 mile run, as my arms are just fried from the pull-ups yesterday and a bunch of yoga stuff I did (3 hours worth… long story), before coming to class.
Time: 15:52
Run: 8:33 (felt like a nice easy pace. i haven't tested my fastest mile yet, so I think I want to do that soon!)
Pistols: Did 10 at a time using the upright support. Right leg is no problem, left is sooooo hard. Was able to get through them quickly enough though. Spent about 1 minute changing from my running shoes into my lifting shoes…
Cleans: 30 @ 75#. 5 at a time the whole way through. My right palm tore on the last five. Why is it always the last few reps that tears… I always think I'm gonna make it throughhhhh and it's such a bummer.
Technique felt really great and dialed in on the cleans. I felt like I was pulling the bar back and up better (as opposed to being forward) and felt like it was power in the hips and speed in the elbows!