Fitness:Low Bar Back Squat 3×5
Continue your linear progression by adding 5lbs to your previous exposure weight
Performance: High Bar Pause Squat 85%x2x8
Rest about a minute, no more than 2 minutes between sets. Use 2 spotters if you’re not 100% confident you’ll be able to stand back up.
Post loads to comments
BSQ e6/6 compare to 3.25.13
15 Minutes Not For Rounds of:
20 Pistols or Lunges, alternating legs (10ea)
15 Hollow Rocks
3 “Nose and Toes” handstand holds (5-10 seconds at top)
Graphic Design for Food?
Paleo foods chef Jesa H is in the market for upgrading her business and looking for someone in NYC or Brooklyn area that is savvy with website, social media and graphic design that might be up for a trade for her services. She is interested in bartering paleo food delivered to your door step for these services. To get in touch with her, please contact goodiegoodssnacks(AT)
Claim Your Clothes!
Our L&F bin has runneth over. Please check out the following pictures of abandoned clothes, these clothes, this stuff, glove and hats, speciality shoes and of course… waterbottles. Please claim these asap. We’ll be donating them on Friday of next week.
Read: CrossFit Offers and Exercise In Corporate Teamwork Too NYT
and/or Watch: CrossFit At Work CrossFit
What are some ways your office/work could incentivise effective wellness programs? Post proposals to comments. Include how you think it would help and what the main obstacle in implentation would be.
The Child, The Tablet and The Developing Mind NYT
Rory McKernan Goes Head-to-Head with Adrian Bozman on 13.4 CrossFit Games
MGMT: I think I left my phone over by the boxes. If someone could just put it aside for me I'll pick it up today but most likely Tuesday. Thanks. That's what happens to my brain after running.
LBBSQ 145x2x6. These were a bear and I'm glad they're over.
Fun NFT WOD. I didn't quite get my nose to the wall but I was pretty close. One of these days I'll be able to kick up to the wall.
8am w/McDowell
Back squats: 2 sets @ 95 lbs. 3rd set at 100 lbs (woohoo!), 10+ from last week.
Felt great today overall, although surprisingly a little sore from yesterday's dead lifts.
Sorry to miss the rest of the week as I'll be away on vacation.
See you guys again on crazy week!
7am with Nick & McDowell.
My legs are finally back to normal after 13.3.
Hit 285 X 5 X 3 on LBBSQ for fitness and felt really good.
My first 2 "legit pistols" today, although Jess was happy to point out that I was using a 10lbs weight to balance. A good point but i was really happy with these. Pistols have been a really big goal for me, and i look forward to getting rid of the anchor weight.
Happy Monday
Check it out, a new "paleo-esc" restaurant in Union Square
Registration is up for Googa Mooga. If anyone can top DH3's outfit of neon tank top, freshtodeath fitted, and raybans from last year, well, I want to see it.
DO, I think a few people have tried HU- its good, but expensivo to the max.
Did 13.4 at OG last night… thanks to Laurel for coaching, Malcom for judging/scoring, and all others who were hanging and cheering — JakeL, LaRosa, Noah, Kevin, Cloyde, and all!
Got 40 reps.
Really happy with this, considering I started getting all the signs and symptoms of a sinus infection on Wednesday, plunged into gross-face-ness on Friday evening, and then managed to come out of it rather quickly by Sunday afternoon! (Cheers to eucalyptus oil, lots of herb stuff, turmeric, ginger, cayenne, lemon, hot showers, neti pot, etc.)
My left collarbone and middle sternum and a good indication of where I was catching the bar on several of those cleans.
Was worried that going OH would be my limiting factor, since my left shoulder has been really hurting, but this was the easy part! Felt smooth. the Cleans were the struggle … as Jake pointed out, think I was pulling the weight plenty high, just was going fwd too much instead of pulling the bar back into my body. elbows still need to be faster too. i should also probably stop closing my eyes in the middle of every tough pull.
think I could've gotten a few more reps in if I had practiced my T2B kip a bit more before I started the workout. I was swinging alright, but I didn't loop any together directly, which I was able to do in isolation after the 7 minutes were over.
Also… big shout-out and thanks to Deesha, Whitney, Richard, and Dan for coming out to my classes at Bend and Bloom Yoga this weekend! It was SO nice to have you guys there, and I'm really feeling the love and support from our community on many fronts 🙂
I'd like you all to read my newest blog:
Felt off. Haven't snatched since 13.1
Each first rep felt great. I thought each 2nd rep would crush me.
400m Run
10 Dealift 225
10 Burpee
Wanted to do yesterdays WOD, seemed like fun, but didn't have the time for the full deal so did 3 rounds which was great. This was all about the running for me as expected.
Ha, I didn't know there were any vegan thugs. That link is funny as shit but maybe NSFW due to language, FYI.
Does anyone has Adidas oly shoes in a size 9 or 9.5?
I'd just like to try on a pair before ordering them online since no stores anywhere carry oly shoes. I'll be around tonight for 7:30 or 8:30 class. Also I promise my socks will be clean. Thanks!
OG last night
worked up to 155 on Clean and Split jerk – my split jerk feels pretty good, clean is still an issue.
I wasn't planning on doing 13.4, but everyone else was doing it…29 reps rx'd. thanks to Laurel for scoring and great coaching as usual and to John for cheering and putting my weights away.
Big Shot Bob Semmens is sitting in 6th in the NE for his division- way to go Bob!
Also, Bill Grundler, who is 43, is currently 29th…in the World…in any age group. Beast. And he has a funny last name.
thugkitchen is my new diet go to.
Pistols to a 12" box
Awkward as hell in the begining, slightly better later on
So today was DAY ONE in a program that Josh Well's has me on through July. I've wanted to compete in Oly lifting for a while but not had the motivation to get my shit together and train for one so Josh volunteered to program for me. He thinks I can make it to nationals.. I think he's crazy. Regardless, I'm going to give it the old college try. It's different than most Oly programs in that it's strength based and employs movements that are heresy in most weightlifting programs like Deadlifts, pressing and low bar back squats.
Press: 95x5x3
Back Squat: 205x5x3
Snatch: 100x1x10 OTM
Power Clean and Split Jerk: 165x1x5 OTM
"He thinks I can make it to nationals.. I think he's crazy."
How many times have you believed in one of us when we didn't believe in ourselves? YOUR TURN.
Snatch-( 75%x2, 80%x2, 85%x1)x4. This was 182, 192, 204.
This turned out to be extremely challenging, but my snatch is really feeling good right now. I mostly powered snatched the doubles, full snatch on the 204.
Snatch pulls- 240×3, 265×3, 290×3
Snatch Push press- 135×5, 155×3, 175×2
HBBS@3153#. This felt heavy
Had about 45 minutes to train today so I decided to go with yesterday's comp class WOD.
-270m run then foam rolling and some lax ball action.
5 RFT:
400m run
10 deadlifts, 155#
5 hspu's
Time= 17:04
-this was all about the runs. Deadlifts and hspu's were all done unbroken. The runs just added up.
Saturday's 13.4 was fun. Hit 70 reps total which I'm happy with. I feel like I could have cleared those last 5 c&j in that round of 15. T2B were in sets of 3 throughout. Later rounds lost the ability/strength/wind to cycle them and had to add an extra swing. I'd be able to go a lot faster if I cleaned this up, but I was at least happy that I didn't have any missed reps. Looking forward to finishing up the Open with 13.5 at our house! Hope many of you come to spectate!
Ran home from work this evening: 5' warm-up, then 3 x 10' with 5' rest. Each 10-min. piece followed by 3 x 10 push-ups, 20 squats. Times on those were 2:43, 2:44, 2:48. Walked/jogged for 10' cool-down at the end.
My office is pretty good at supporting wellness, etc. For me, the biggest obstacle is the lack of showers and a little soace to do workouts. I'd love to be able to do little workouts in the middle of the day at work (sans equipment is fine) – and rope co-workers into them – but I can't do it without a shower.
HBBS 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 185×2
215x2x6 with 2 second pause in the hole! These felt heavy near the end. Good squating with Nick.
Acc WOD went through 3 rounds, pistols supported with bar for balance and small amount of assistance once I got tired.
David: looking forward to see how you progress on Josh's program– best of luck!
Interesting day at the gym tonight– almost fell on my face with 315 on my back– always exciting!
Squat: 235×5, 255×5, 290×5, 315×3
Everything was pretty good until the last rep. I tried to bounce too hard and sometimes when I do that I'll come forward out of the hole on my toes. This time I came way forward and actually had to step forward before I had stood all the way up, knocked into the rack, 1/2 knocked it off the platform and then had to wait with the bar on my back while the rack was reset so I put that bar down.
I was suppose to do a another set at 275, but I thought that was just fine for the night.
Bench: 202.5 x4x5
This was hard but I made all the reps. This is where things get interesting.
Chins: 3 sets of 5
I think one of the biggest hurdles at work is people think you are weird for doing stuff in the workplace. I set up a chin-up bar for the grease-the-groove approach awhile ago and got most of my team doing chins, but when I need to some AR, it's hard to get on the floor or even to start doing some air squats.
It would be helpful if some of this stuff was institutionalized like in the video of the workplace a couple weeks ago where they do calisthenics every hour. I could/should do that with my team, but our problem is that we are the help desk so strangers constantly walk in. I'll have to think about this some more, it's a good question, especially for managers…
hit 185 high bar today. Which is technically my old 1 rm with highbar but it was so long ago that I did high bar (and my low bar has gone way beyond the last time I did a 1 rm) I figured that it went up as well. Still trying to find a place on my upper back that is not "on bone". Sucks not having traps to cushion the bar on I guess.
Second time since my shoulder injury I did kipping pullups and they felt great. i was really happy to be able to do them again.
Wellness at work. Ellie and I were just talking about this…
My workplace could start by having a wellness program… On my wish list: I'd love a space where I could leave my desk to take a break, move around, stretch. Also, it was be AMAZING to have private rooms where people could take a quick cat nap in the afternoon. I took short naps while I studied for the CPA exam and it improved my memory and performance SO MUCH. Seriously, I slept more than I studied.
Hurdles: money and culture. We're going through big-time expense pressures, so I don't see them spending anything upfront, even if it would save money in the long run. Why? Those long-run savings are harder to quantify (hard to separate correlation and causation). And, importantly, managers are not compensated based on wellness of employees. Culture. Well, let's just say I work in a conservative place. The Man doesn't like change.
Back squats with mah bro Shawn.
225x5x2, 225×10
Is thugkitchen someone at cfsb?? That ish is hilarious!!! I posted it on my fb and it went viral in a second.
Great workout with Patrice at 4:30. I finally understand this progression thing and am starting to get the rhythm of a cf class in general. Still going very light but working on the form.
I'm leaving all kinds of crap at the gym. I blame school.
I left my white iPad USB cord, and apparently, my KCRW grey t-shirt. Will retrieve on Wed evening.