Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 3 reps
3 Toes-to-bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 6 reps
6 Toes-to-bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 9 reps
9 Toes-to-bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 12 reps
12 Toes-to-bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 15 reps
15 Toes-to-bar
135/95 pound Clean and jerk, 18 reps
18 Toes-to-bar…
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.
To see the full workout description and rules, click here.
- Due to the wrestling mat being treated for repair, we will not be hosting Active Recovery today. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Veggie CSA Deadline: April 15
The deadline for signing up for the Sol Flower Farm Vegetable CSA is April 15. For full info on cost, delivery and registration instructions, go here.
Note that there was an error in the original blog post this week. The correct pricing is $650 if you pay via check and $670 if you pay via PayPal.
Muscles, Movements, CrossFit, and Zombies Deane Barker
Annie Thoridottir Sidelined by Back Injury CrossFit
From yesterday (really earlier tonight)
Squat: Worked to 250x5x3
Bench: Worked to 200x5x1
WOD: Last week's bench workout (6min AMRAP, 30 DUs, 10 bench @60% work weight)
-5 rounds + 6 DUs @120#
Finisher: prowler pushes with LaRosa w/ 90#
Dropped my squats way back down after strength and slowly climbing back up with emphasis on form. The speed's staying nice and crisp so far, watching for wobbly knees out of the bottom though.
Bench, same as above. Enjoyed the WOD, thanks to Kevin for spotting. I avoided checking the clock till after round 3 and was astounded by the 2:20 reading. Those light presses found their way to being really damn heavy.
Right as I'm done, having a nice little stretch, feeling good about my workout, here comes LaRosa "wanna push some prowler with me in a minute?" "well, uh, I've never done that before Sara….." these words have been the ruin of many young men.
Wow. That shit is rough, although a strange kinda pleasure/pain one might say. Evening plans got transformed to cook, eat, movie, hot bath, sleep.
@Noah that WOD was Rx'd at 70% of that days 3rm…nice burner though, right? The Prowler will eat you alive.
Make up post from yesterday. WOD 13.4 – 35 reps total.
I was happy with my score, albeit it's not a particularly great one. 95# on a clean is pretty heavy for me, considering my 1 rep max is only a little over 100#. Did them as singles, bailing the bar each time and taking a few seconds to reset. Did the toes to bar in sets of 3. All in all I kept moving, and honestly the 7 minutes went by really fast. For me, the limiting factor was the cleans and my form deteriorated pretty quickly. I agree with Stella in that I like the fact that the open forces me to do weights rxed. If this were a class workout I would have scaled to 75# probably.
I came in thinking there was no way I'd clean and jerk 135lbs given I was PR-ing at 115 on the presses in 13.2. Figured I'd at least give it a shot and surprised myself with 3 reps with great support and coaching from Matt C and David. Got 3 toes to bar too – also something I'd never done 1 of before. So got 6. Probably will be low person for the gym but I'll take that 6 all day.
attention park slope food coop members
i have an emergency request for tomorrow (i know.) i need to stay here in PA with my mom a bit longer (she had surgery last week.)
i have a shopping squad shift tomorrow, Sunday, at 3:30 for which I desperately need a swap.
if you are able to work this shift, please email or text me. mignyc at gmail dot com or 347-45-4524.
Today was awesome. Like Rob, 13.4 was a series of firsts for me — first time doing C&J at 95# and first time doing TTB. So pretty stoked to get to 23 reps. And exciting to watch everyone else do an awesome job! Thanks to David for encouraging me to give it a go.
Today's experience was the perfect end to my first year of CrossFit. It's been a year of developing physical and mental strength. No question that I can move heavier weights. But mentally, I've also gotten way tougher. Even though I had butterflies in my stomach and my arms were shaking this morning, I took deep breaths, focused on each rep and kept moving. No way I could have done any of this without the amazing Coaches — they all know when to push you and how to support you. They have also created an incredible community of supportive, encouraging people. CFSBK rocks, and I feel so lucky to be a member of this community.
Nice job, KH, Rebecca, and Rob!
Linds, lookin' swole.
Did my own mixed bag o' exercises at the big box gym today. DLs, which all felt good, renegade rows w/ pushups at 20#, planks, some T2B (which were largely unsuccessful with no real pullup bar and no chalk allowed), and some HSPU practice.
Everything felt smooth except that I was struggling with grip strength (even switched) on the DLs because the bar was the fattest bar ever. I have tiny carney hands and need the bella bar.
My technique is lightyears away from flawless, but now that I at least know better in theory, even if not in practice, it is cringe-inducing and sometimes, actually terrifying to watch people at the gym. There was a guy working on the bench press machine (which doesn't seem to be a safe invention to me in the first place, but anyway…) with his heels up in the air and basically, his face under the bar. I was legitimately nervous that the bar was going to crash down and crush his windpipe.
8am with D.O
Hit 37 reps in 13.4. The first 3 reps on the C&J were unbroken and then I went to singles. Toes to bar were all unbroken until the last set which was broken into 5 then 4. The initial worries were about grip and forearm fatigue but that didnt happen for me. Probably kicks in after the 12 and 15 rounds which I didnt get to. Very suprised by how quickly the 7 minutes went by and now I am wodering if I should I moved faster.
Big shout out to Rob and Rebecca. Rob couldnt get a toes to bar and struggled through C&J in warm up and then crushed three of each in competition. Rebecca moved 95# like it was just the bar.
Word of advice to ayone who hasn't done this yet. Split jerk is the way to go.
Wanted to finish the round of 12 with 60 reps but only got to 59. Close enough that I'm pretty happy, but ugh so close
Split jerking when I got tired was a very good idea.
Rob: You're not. My score is 3. :/
I knew going into this that T2B were a totally new movement for me — I got a couple for the first time about two weeks ago — but I thought that that meant I would be able to do them, albeit very slowly and as singles only. I did not think it meant I would run into a complete brick wall.
On the positive side, the C&Js at 95 went up far more easily than I thought they would. I've spent two years thinking, "Oly lifts are my goat and I suck at them." I may have to rethink that. The way the past three weeks have gone, I feel like I finally have my clean form dialed in enough that I can start to tap my real potential. It has always been clear from the huge differential between my squat/press/deadlift numbers and my Oly lift numbers that strength was never my limiting factor, coordination was. So if I finally have this down…maybe I can finally see what I'm capable of in the Oly lifts.
That being said, I might try this again tomorrow — I said I wasn't going to do this for any of the Open workouts, but in this case I'm 100% positive that I can do more — a lot more — if I can just figure out how to get my damn toes up to the bar.
DO and JB, thanks for the perspective after my little meltdown.
i love when i scale to a weight that ends up being perfect! i did 53 lbs, which i was nervous might be too heavy. it was challenging but i never had to slow down more than a couple of seconds between reps. it all felt good.
got through four rounds + 1 split jerk.
Noon class after a late night of celebrating with friends. Props to Keller and Mishik on their new spot and to Brian and Loraine on their new baby boy Lucas!
Did 13.4 as rx'd, finished with 74 total reps. Was flying through this until I hit the round of 12 on the T2B's where grip failure forced me into singles. Would have loved to get through the round of 15, but over all very pleased with the numbers here.
Congrats to everyone on their performance, this one was brutal!
Side note: My body has become more efficient at filtering alcohol.
Like Dan, this workout was also an experiment in my body's ability to filter alcohol, and more importantly some horrible food choices last night at Sammy's Romanian.
Got 68 reps, felt like I moved fairly controlled throughout, although I definitely was just push pressing towards the end, an efficiency catch-22 that I often fall into. Had to restrain myself from going out way too hard when The Dirty Glass, one of my alltime favorite drinking/knucklheadedshit songs came on to start the workout.
Fun workout, didn't spend a lot of time mentally prepping for it, and am pretty sure I could do better with another go and some better defined markers. On to the imminent Fran Ladder!
I had 3 goals for 13.4
1. Adequate warm-up/movement prep to optimize performance
2. Move consistently through the entire 7 minutes. No red-lining or extended breaking.
3. Make every rep as clean as possible
Score was 42 total reps. Not a huge number but I hit all my goals.
This has been my favorite workout from the open so far. The biggest change I've seen between this Open and last year so far is my ability to do high rep heavier olympic lifting. 135 Push Jerks actually felt pretty easy this year. As did 135 power snatches. Great!
Also- I love doing this with the group class!!
13.4 at 11am. Score: 24. Meh. What can I say. Just didn't clean very well. Lazy quads.
Mashed and stretched out my post-workout negativity and piggy-backed off the energy of the noon class. Nice work you guys!
I agree with David. Overall my favorite workout. I really enjoy going shoulder to overhead. I dont mind it with the clean at 135–anymore and I start to struggle.
But I had a goal to be consistent and never take too long of a break. I think I did that. Dropped the bar between reps and tried to get to it as soon as the bar was still. Was a little slower in the round of 12 but happy to finish it.
Its such a weird time warpish workout because in the first 3-4 minutes you get through the 9 round. Then all of a sudden i got stuck at the 12 round. I had 2.5 minutes to do the 12 C&Js and was sure id get through the 12 toe to bars. Its weird–my grip never failed (I used mobility WOD tips) but by the round of 12 my wind and my quads were a bit fatigued from cleaning and standing up the jerks.
Maybe shoulda switched to splitting. Shoulders were never fatigued and was able to get under and lockout every rep without any major struggle.
I never came off the bar on the t2b but had to swing 2-3 times to get my rhythym on a couple of reps.
48 total–not bad.
Dont feel beat up from this at all.Might even be tempted to do this again tomorrow against Fox's advice from the other day to see if I can get to 60.
Feel pretty good about 13.4. After having so many no-reps last week and not getting anywhere near my expectations I view today as a success. 64 reps, and each was one I felt good about. Sure I could have moved faster, but I'm happy I moved well. Singles on the barbell from the start and broke up the T2B from 9 on. Could have moved faster on the T2B but…
I call a single movement next week. Thrusters? Pull Ups?
Not as bad as I thought it would be
Nice light day
@Fox, Josh told me you guys realized 70% was too much (probably true) and that 60% would be better.
91 reps at Long Island City with some great friends!
Great Job SBK!!! Amazing efforts all around!
Came in for the "Coaches Corner" noon class today. Was looking forward to this one and definitely felt much better at the end than I have for any of the other Open WODs thus far. Was able to keep moving pretty consistently throughout.
I did learn that, even though I'm in full extension when cycling between reps on T2B, apparently my feet don't always cross the plane? Remedied this after some no-reps by just bending my knees while swinging back. Got slowed down a bit by that. Finished up just 1 rep shy of finishing the 12 C+Js for 47.
Fox, me too. I think heavy thrusters. I don't think (I hope, at least) they'd do single movement pullup, because that's going to be a whole lot of zeroes.
13.4 at 1pm today. Got through the round of 6's and 5 C&J's into the 9's. Haha so not great, but better than I expected. My first 3 C&J's were SO BAD. Words can't describe. I'm embarrassed that anyone saw them. But thanks to some great cues from McD and Mare, I got it together for the rest of WOD. I'm happy to say that I didn't miss any cleans and that I didn't shy away from the weight. I'm also grateful to have been working on C&J this cycle. Hooray for our programming!
@ Noah B – miscommunicado on our part…70% of that day's triple seemed to be perfect. It gave folks ~30-40 reps total additional bench. Any more was too much and/or too light for what was intended that day. The intention was to include some repetition method work in the WOD and 24-36 reps at about 75% of a 1RM would have been appropriate. Maybe since you backed off you nailed this anyway?
@ Naoh B my mistake for saying WE changed it, I changed the percentage for the classes I was teaching that day. I noticed people could barely get the bar off there chest without their spotter at 70%.