Fitness: 3×5
Add 5lbs to you previous exposure’s weight
Performance: 85%x2x6
Rest 60-90 secs between reps.
Post loads to comments.
FSQ e5/6 compare to 3.21.13
For Time:
30 Kettlebell Swings, 72/53
400m Run
20 Toes to Bars
Sub 20 Knees to Elbows or 50 Sit-Ups for T2B.
Can you be part of the sub 4 minte club?
Post time and Rx to comments.
Farewell and good luck to Krishnan V who will be Austin-bound towards the end of the month.
Open WOD 13.4 Announced!
7 minute AMRAP of:
3 Clean and jerk
3 Toes-to-bar
6 Clean and jerk
6 Toes-to-bar
9 Clean and jerk
9 Toes-to-bar
12 Clean and jerk
12 Toes-to-bar
15 Clean and jerk
15 Toes-to-bar
18 Clean and jerk
18 Toes-to-bar…
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.
Men’s weight: 135lbs
Women’s weight: 95lbs
Post thoughts to comments.
Becoming an All-Terrain Human NYT
Do you hate trees and love southern aggression? Watch this video!
My thoughts on 13.4: I'm terrified, and at the same time excited. Terrified, because I cleaned 98# for the first time two Sundays ago, and 103# for the first time last Sunday. So it's not like cleans at this weight are something I'm perfectly chill and comfortable with. Neither are T2B, which I just got for the first time a couple of weeks ago.
These are both movements I'm more than strong enough to do, but something else (coordination) has held me back. So now I have 7 minutes to try and nail them. Hence the excited part.
I'm looking forward to this one. I like power cleans and am pretty good at toes to bars. My plan is to be nice and steady from the start, no sprinting. The C+Js will catch up to me regardless so I might as well not be red-lining by the time that happens. My plan is to be consistent for 7 minutes. Don't have a particular goal in terms of numbers. I stressed myself out with that on 13.3 and sort of mentally shot myself in the foot when I realized I was going to be far from my goal.
The Tree video is amazing. make sure to have the volume up. Dude hates trees.
1. Not that I'm signed up for the open but I love these WODs! I (laughably) suggested to Pashke this morning that I would like to try and get to 12. He informed me that the best we're topping out at 15–whoops. Excited!
2. Did 185 fitness front squats and then 4:42 on the WOD RX. 30 2pd kb swings is a lot easier if you know you don't have to do it again. I kip with two left feet so the K2E we're fine but a little slow. I've been feeling better ever since I started getting more sleep. Surprise surprise.
Excited for 13.3, another pedal to the metal couplet. That's a doable weight for me, and my T2B are good enough to keep em moving.
Happy trails Krishnan. That picture does not properly capture the UNBRIDLED INTENSITY of his lifting face. Many a time I thought lasers were going to shoot out of his eyes. Such a nice dude, incredibly coachable, and always called me "Coach" which makes me feel a bit like I'm playing dressup in my dad's clothes, and also smile a bit inside. Enjoy Austin, you lucky bastard.
Hey Krishnan, glad to hear you made the Austin decision. Great town, great school – you'll be rocking.
Did 13.4 this morning as I'm away this weekend. Got through 2 reps of C&J on the 12 rounds (38 total reps). I definitely did not move through this as quickly as I thought I might. The C&J felt heavy from warm ups, and continued to feel heavy throughout.
Positives: the work I'm doing on my low back and core seems to be working in that even though I got hyper extended a few times on my jerks, 1) it was less often and 2) a workout with higher volume olympic lifts didn't cause my back to go to crap (nor did rowing and KB swings the other day).
Aw, man. 13.4 is going to be such a tease. I unexpectedly tried T2B the other day and was happily surprised to realize that I could bang out at least a couple.
However, those are going to be within eyesight, but probably out of reach, on the other side of 95# C&Js.
My cleans are messy (ha) and I was (again) happily surprised to realize that I could clean 75# with not too much trouble during 13.2, but…95# is 20# more than that. (Math). I'm pretty doubtful that I can pull even a single one at 95.
Home for the weekend, so I'm going to try to pull a couple tomorrow at the big box gym with my bro to see how it goes.
6am with D.O. and Jess. Front squats: 230x2x6. Did 235 for the first set and decided that weight was just a wee bit too heavy for 5 more sets. 230 was tough but moved. Metcon at 2 pood and T2B: 3:44. The swings were unbroken and I split the T2B into 2 sets. Probably could have done the T2B unbroken, but I'll have plenty more in 13.4 tomorrow. Got no-rep'd by Jess when my toes went past the bar but under it. That's a stupid way to miss a rep.
Looking forward to 13.4 as 135 is a weight I can move and my toes to bar are decent. Like D.O., I'm going to try to maintain a steady pace and avoid red-lining. Spealler is beast: a double-grace plus 47 toes to bar in 7 min. My overall open goal has been to hit at least 50% of the top male athlete score on each workout. So minimum, to meet my goal, I need to do 58 reps (just checked and Nick Urankar posted 116) and more like 60-65 for a safety buffer.
damn I actually wish 13.4 was a longer time domain
HB Squat
Band Tri Push Down
Greenx30x2, 40
For 13.4, I know the bar has to start on the ground. However, is it permissible to deadlift the bar to the mid hang, then do a mid-hang clean? The movement standards video said "any style of clean" is acceptable, but they showed only cleans taken directly from the floor to the shoulders with no stop in the middle (muscle clean, power clean, squat clean, split clean).
I'm asking because I've only successfully made this weight with the MHPC — I have had trouble in the past with starting the second pull too early when I clean from the deck, so I'm hoping I can start from the floor, deadlift up, and clean from the mid-hang position.
Tree Hating Man is spectacular. I sent it to a few buddies, one of whom lives in the sticks of Minnesota and whom I imagine spends spare his time similar to THM.
Stella – acceptable.
13.4 – going to also try to avoid the red line but it comes awful fast…I hope to get deep the 15s
It's going to be a long 7 minutes of looking at 135 pounds on the floor wishing toes to bars came first so one could put something on the board.
that tree video is hilarious. favorite moments:
1. dude knocks down a tree and says to it, "get the fuck out of here, bro."
2. dude punching a disintegrating tree stump.
here's someone you all know on a very important website!
and since i'm full of links today. can we staging some of these at the gym MGMT & @asta?
Bench: 45×10, 125×4, 150×4, 175x4x2, 185x3x2, 202.5 x2x2, 215x2x2 (a double PR), 185×3, 150×12
I had a harder time keeping my leg drive today. The first set of 215 was pretty solid, but on the 1st rep of the 2nd set the bar path was wonky and the 2nd rep was all upper body and absolutely no leg drive– a grind.
Squat Israeli Pyramid Method (week 2, day 1): 235×5, 275×5, 290×5, 275×5, 235×5
The first set felt heavy, but 275 was crisp and 290 was pretty decent. Slowed down a lot on reps 4 & 5 which is one of the reasons I'm back to doing sets of 5. A bit better than the first two sessions.
OH Press: Yes, I finally pressed pressed again! 5/3/1
95×5, 115×5, 125×5
Weak sauce.
I could have ground out at least a couple of more reps but I was leaning back a bit and didn't want to continue and possibly strain my back. On my warm-ups my shoulder got impinged, but it worked itself out.
I'll take this slow and easy. If I can get one OH press in a week I'll consider it a success.
Good workout but still not enough pulling going on. Next week i actually get on schedule (M-W-F) and I'll be doing a shit-load of pulling on Wednesdays when I'm not squatting or benching. I think my back is finally ready for some deadlifting which I'm looking forward to.
Thanks for the post! Though I'm psyched to move to Austin, I'm going to miss CFSBK.
Front squats:
210×4 (fail on 5th), 190x5x2. I'm not sure what happened today. I had 205 done last week so I moved up but the very first set felt VERY heavy. I'll try again next week.
Accessory WOD @1.5p bell and 50 situps: 4:21