Fitness: 3×8 Sets Across
Add 5lbs to last week’s exposure.
Performance: Heavy 3
Work up to a heavy set of 3. Try to beat last week’s heavy 5 by 5-10lbs.
Post loads to comments.
BP e5/6 compare to 3.0.13
4 Rounds NFT of:
10 Renegade Row (no push up)
10 Shoulder Taps
:30ea Side Plank
Goal is to perform a round of the triplet with good technique and without resting. Rest a minute or two between rounds.
4 Rounds NFT of:
8 Close Grip Bench Press, heavy
8 Renegade Row (no push up), heavy
:30ea Side Plank
How many CFSBKers can you recognize in this picture?
Whitney H Teaching Yoga
Front Desk staff extraordinaire Whitney H will be substitute teaching some Yoga classes 2 blocks away at Bend and Bloom. Do you practice Yoga? Maybe just curious? Check it out!
Saturday 3/30, 1:45-3:15pm, Open Flow
Sunday 3/31, 9:00am-10:00am, Express
Wednesday 4/3, 7:30pm-8:30pm, Express
Sunday 4/7, 9:00am-10:00am, Express
Check out this video about an “Invisble” Bicycle Helment. Would you wear it? Post to comments.
Tuesday 5:30 class
Bench x3
185 – 210 – 235 (ties a PR)
CG Bench x8
Ren Row x8
Tapped out at 3 rounds to teach A/R
Travelling still: back at Byron Bay Crossfit in paradise (TM) Australia.
Damn folks loaded a Filthy Fifty on me. For time: 50 each of (see if I can remember) box jumps, jumping pullups, kettlebell swings (20kg), lunges, knees to elbows hanging (ugh), push press (25kg), supermans, burpees and doubleunders
These folks know how to have fun.
I like wearing a bike helmet. So, no, I wouldn't wear the airbag until it was really proven to work. Unless of course it was a full airbag and protected the whole body, arms, legs etc; then maybe.
Bench – on the fitness side, 100# but failed on the 8th rep in second set so back down to 95 for the third.
Hah I just woke up from. Dream that 13.4 was FGB + grace
I haven't had the pleasure of practicing with Whitney (yet) but I can say that Bend and Bloom is a consistently high quality studio. The space is beautiful and tranquil, the pricing fair and they are careful and selective about who they recruit to teach.
Great to hear your teaching Whitney, hope to find my way over there sometime soon!
that invisible bike helmet is a really cool concept, it's like a stylish neck jacket. you'd probably get weird tan lines from the neck jacket in the summer. i wonder if it's one time use or if you can pack it back in like a parachute, i'm thinking no?
i have a bike that i don't use much. i'm admittedly a bad bike rider, like not a big fan & don't ride enough also i don't like all the extra stuff it entails you carry around like a heavy lock and the helmet so the invisible helmet intrigues me.
6am with Josh and McDowell. Bench press: 275×3. Started a set at 265 and 2 reps went up so smoothly that I decided to make another jump. 275 is +15 from last week's 5 rep effort and only 5# shy of my 1RM.
Accessory work: close grip bench at 185 and renegade rows at 35. Love the normal bench press, not so fond of the close grip variant. Could have gone heavier on the renegade rows. Tossed in a bit of muscle-up accessory work: hip to ring practice and a few false-grip pull-ups.
Nice Whitney! I'm going to try to make it to one of those classes.
..slipping in a Job Posting:
Any electical engineers/project managers out there? I was talking to some members yesterday about a position open at my family's electrical contracting company. Let me know if you or anyone you know has 5+ years experience in the field (lborducci at gmail or
Oh and 85# x8 x3 on bench press yesterday. Pretty pumped. Thanks Jeremy and Becca!
Perfect antidote to Karen? Ski snowbird.
@Rob I. – many turns in your honor in Mineral Basin this morning. Bluebird day. Much love and respect.
6am with Josh and McDowell. Bench press at 95x3x8. This felt better than last week. Did the accessory work with 15#, 17.5#, 20# and 25#.
For the first time since 13.3 on Sunday night, I tried to wear heels to work. Epic fail. Never realized how much I used my quads when walking in tall shoes!
7am with McDowell & Josh.
Worked with Kenji on the bench. Loved the accessory work today. Tried to rest very minimally in between transitions.
Bench went okay. Felt good. Hit 230X3, 235X3 and the 240X2,F. Really wanted 240. Wont take that many sets next time.
Accessory work. closed grip 135×8, 145x8x3 and used 35lbs db's for renegade rows.
Which way to the beach?
@Shawn$ if you see this, please call me, or email me.
Does anyone have a VW friendly mechanic they deal with in the area? I need to get a tune up on my car and would rather work off a suggestion than whim.
I have been loooooving hitting up Bend and Bloom as a complement to Strength Intensive. I am going from a total non yoga person to a somewhat yoga person b.c. now (thanks to crossfit) I could probably chill out in utkatasana (chair pose) for hours, and also b.c. everything about stretching and restorative poses after strength is RIGHT. Was just telling myself I need to go more often — here's another reason!
Well.. had big plans to attend CFSBK tonight but my neck decided to tweak out and now i'm going home to have a nice AR session with my friends lax ball and resistance band.. oh and DAN.. best AR tool ever.
See you tmw. ๐
Last night's comp class:
15 minutes to work up to a heavy load on the complex of:
First Pull (knees) + Touch and Go Snatch Pull + High Hang (vertical) Snatch
-worked up to 88. Still pitching forward too much in the high hang and catching high.
For total working time:
-400m Run
Rest 2 minutes
-"Grace" 30 C&J 135/95 (3 minute cap)
Rest 2 minutes
-400m Run
Perform 10 burpees for each deviation of +/- :05 between 400m runs. Burpees (if assessed) count towards total time.
1st run= 1:47
Grace= 23 reps rx'd at 95#
2nd run= 1:51
-which put my finish time at 10:38. I thought I had deviated more than 5 secs form my first run so I did 10 burpees and made Paul and Marian do them too. Sorry guys! I just couldn't do math after all of that.
-Yoga. 1 hr 15 mins
hot damn is this the hardest thing I've done since starting crossfit. Yes, including the marathon. Seriously, I can't believe how trying to hold a warrior 2 pose for 10 seconds is soooooooo much harder than clean and jerking 150#. Chris and I decided to add yoga into our training a couple days a week and it's clear that I lack flexibility and the ability to hold isometric holds for longer than a few seconds. I joked with my Foundations class on Monday about 'feeling the burn' during a hollow hold but that's not even near the uncomfortableness I feel during yoga. It's so hard being a beginner… ๐
Miscellaneous comments:
-Courtney, your triceps are probably sore and twitching from the 2 strict muscle-ups that you did in my dream. You did struggle with the lock out in the dip so clearly your triceps were taxed! ๐
-Fox and I are planning on taking Whit's class on Wednesday! Join us.
-Those tshirts for Fox's pullup crew NEED to be made. Count us in for 2 shirts!
Jess and I have been to a few Yoga classes in the last few weeks. I've done quite a bit of yoga in my life and would not consider myself a newb by any stretch, for about 4 years it was my daily practice. It's been…humbling. I realize how far out of my comfort zone I am since spending 99% of my time getting strong with a barbell for the past few years. Isometric strength and flexibility are lacking in my arsenal, and it's been at least a bit embarrassing to be the one person in a class of petite Russian gals to need a break between poses. I was kind of made fun of by the lithe Indian instructor for have "all those muslces" and not being able to hold a pose last week. Back when I started the Active Recovery class at CFSBK it was much more "yoga like" since Tuesday nights were a dead time…It's since evolved to be something different and I'd like to bring it back a bit. I'm definitely going to take a class with Whit next week but whether or not you can do so, take a yoga class somewhere in the near future. At the very least you can decide that you hate yoga and be informed about your decision. It might be a nice gut check.
Clean and Jerk
Work speed and form, especially on the Jerk.
Work up to 264#x1x4
Clean Pulls
285×3 (felt easy)
300×1 (PR)
Just wanted to chime in and say that I'm a big fan of the yoga/crossfit combo. Yoga really helps your mobility and will shake things up from the Crossfit/lifting grind whenever you do it. If I lived in a perfect world, I'd do it once a week.
7am class came damn close to guessing – oof.
CrossFit Games Open Workout 13.4:
7 minute AMRAP of:
3 Clean and jerk
3 Toes-to-bar
6 Clean and jerk
6 Toes-to-bar
9 Clean and jerk
9 Toes-to-bar
12 Clean and jerk
12 Toes-to-bar
15 Clean and jerk
15 Toes-to-bar
18 Clean and jerk
18 Toes-to-bar…
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.
Loads: 135 pounds for men / 95 pounds for women
Kipping toes to bar howto.
For the record….called this one today in class!!!! off by 1 minute though
One rep every 30 secs
Snatch Grip DL off 4" blocks
25x5x2, 10
Finally an open workout i'm actually looking forward to doing!
Jess, that's TOTALLY IT!!!! ๐
My greatest dream is to one day do a real, honest-to-pete MU. I know that I have an absolute hell of a long way before I get there. I hope you're there to see it if I ever achieve it…maybe in a couple of years or so!
Also did an office workout today:
Squat 45×5 95×5 135×4 185×3 225×2 255×5,2 225×2
Bench 45×5 95×4 135×3 165×2 190x5x3
Pendlay Row 135×5 165x5x2
Video playback on the squats showed i was going WAAYYY deep, and called set 2 at 255 after 2 reps since i was feeling shaky.
Thats a 3×5 PR for bench, butt may have started to rise on the last 2 reps but i got it back down for the press outs.
Then came up with a fun simple WOD that I could do simultaneously with 3 other guys from the office:
5 RFT (10:15)
10 KB swings (2 pood)
10 Toes to Bar
10 Push Ups
10 Squats
Rest 1 min
Hello everyone. Looking for a veggie share partner. sameer – at – creativedestruction – dot – com.
any takers?
Went to Tri Cities CrossFit out in the 'burbs of Chicago today.
Did some EMOTM power clean work:
– 5 x 50% for 3 min (60#)
– 3 x 75% for 3 min (90#)
– 2 x 85% for 3 min (102#)
– 1 x 90% every :30 for 3 min (110#)
Followed by a 12 min AMRAP WOD
– 200m run
– 3 power snatches (@ 85#)
– 10 ring rows
I had no idea what my power clean 1RM is, so I guessed. It was still a good work session, but I think I underestimated my 1RM by about 20-30#. Made a mental note for next time.
Hope everyone is well. I miss SBK so much!!
Sameer, I think Stella posted yesterday looking for a veggie share partner!
I learned a LOT about bench pressing tonight so want to get it down before it all floats away….
-drive through heels as the bar comes back up
-stick chest up and pull shoulders back
-watch a spot on the ceiling instead of the bar
-dont just haphazardly start with the bench in any old place in relation to the bar
There was a lot to think about but by the third set everything felt way better than anything felt last week, even though this week's bar was heavier. So there is something to be said for doing things correctly! Noah and DO, thanks for the tips.
Benching with Chris A. and DMak:
170×8, 170×6 (failed on 7th, my left shoulder wasn't feeling good, so I bailed on the third set).
Accessory WOD: Close-grip benching @135lbs, renegade rows with @30lb DBs.
Great night benching with Chris and Samir.
45×10, 95×5, 135×5, 155×3, 160×3, 165×3, 170×2. Thought that last rep was going to go…
Acc WOD at 135 on the bench and 30# on the renegade row. Did 4 rounds but only got 7 reps on the 4th round of bench.
Warm up… sprint to the subway in my chucks so I would make the train to get to class, since I realized at the last minute that I left my running shoes at the gym.
45×9, 65×5, 80×3
All went up with decent speed! Happy with this since I missed last week and was at 82# the week before that. Excited to try a new 1RM at some point soon… !
15# on the renegade rows. This all felt great and pretty coordinated. Focused on going really slow and making sure I was in good shoulder/rib cage position and relationship on both the supporting side and the pulling/tapping side.