12 Minutes to work up to a heavy-ish load on the following complex:
First Pull (to knee, pause 2 seconds)
Hang Power Clean (knee)
Split Jerk
If you’re feeling beat up from 13.3 then take it easy.
“Half Jerry”
For time:
1/2 Mile Run
1000m Row
1/2 Mile Run
D.O. always keeps the bar close. Welcome back Captain!
Gym Equipment Etiquette Reminders
While not at all comprehensive, these pointers can help your rack up credibility points at the gym.
Plyo Box Storage: For years we’ve told you, “DON’T STACK THE BOXES!!!” because they get wedged on top of each other and end up stuck together… well we take it back! Josh M put some carpet material on the inside of each box (thanks Josh!) so now you CAN stack them without fear of a coach reprimanding you. We’ve also painted some numbers on the boxes. When you put them back, please organize them with the red numbers facing forward.
**The only exception is with the 12″ (a.k.a. kids) boxes. Please don’t stack these as they are near impossible to unstick.
White Boards: We often do workouts that require you to track rounds or reps on the fly. To make your life a little easier we cut up some whiteboards into little tablets for personalized use (Thanks DMak!). Two points of etiquette with these. 1. Please erase your board after you’re done with it. 2. If the workout requires you to track rounds (as opposed to reps) please write a bunch of dashes on the board and use your finger to track completed rounds. Keeping the marker uncapped during the workouts dries them out.
Erg (Rower) Handles: When you’re done with an erg, please put the handle all the way back in the window. We know it seems intuitive to house them in the little dock that concept 2 provided but if you leave them there too long it weakens the spring that provides recoil on the handle. The small dock is only for rest periods or partner transitions.
Bumpers: When you’re breaking down your barbells make sure to put them back in an orderly stack. If you’re the first person back to a low set of bumpers and the PVC holder is down, put it back so all the remaining bumps can be stacked properly. Also- whenever classes are large and we’re running low on weight, try to use the largest bumpers available. For example, if you’re squatting 165, your bar should have a pair of 45s and a pair of 15s on it. Not 25s, then a bunch of 10s and change.
Bailing: Bailing is a necessary part of lifting heavy and metcons but don’t go crazy with it. People can get a little bail-friendly and drop weight they could have just as easily put down under control. Excessive dropping puts wear on the bumpers AND the bars. You’ve no doubt noticed the bumpers with big cracks and no metal inserts in them. Why is that? Too much bailing! Also- it should go without saying but NEVER bail an empty bar, these will quickly destroy the finest barbells.
Drinking Cups: We’re more than happy to provide community cups for those folks who don’t have or forgot their water bottle. However, it peeves us when folks leave their dirty cups on the counter for someone else to wash. Sorry guys and gals, we’re not your mom. Please remember to wash your cup (with soap and water please!) after use and put it back in the drying rack for others to use.
Protein Shakes: We’re glad that so many of you are prioritizing your pre/post workout nutrition. If you make a mess and spill your protein/bcaa’s/crack juice on our counter, please make sure to wipe it up!
3 cheers to a clean gym and happy coaches!
What did you want to be when you grew up? Are you anywhere near that today?
10 Ways To Be The Person You Wanted to Be When You Grew Up tinybuddha.com
RIP Joe Weider LA Times
gymnasts lifting… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyOWj-ZZNc4&feature=share&list=SPy25Fo4sezXNt3H3YL5agQ_6dpdza5g7_
103# on clean/jerk complex today. Another PR! My theory that being fatigued causes me not to overthink Oly lifts is playing out again (because I am sure as hell fatigued from 13.3).
1/2 Jerry in 13:32. The first run didn't seem so bad, but holy hell, my quads seized up on the second one.
Thanks for the etiquette review!
Can I make another friendly suggestion?
Use the coat/bag room to drop off and pick up belongings ONLY. Don't use it as a changing room. When you're standing there putting on all of your layers, you're blocking people from getting in and out of the coat room. There are 2 changing rooms, 2 bathrooms, and the couch area which are all much more spacious and better for changing.
Joe Weider was, without my really knowing who he was at the time, responsible for my ever picking up a weight. Through worship of Arnold "The Oak" Schwarzenegger and reading (and re-reading) Muscle and Fitness Joe Weider inspired many a boy to shape his muscles by moving some iron. Actually, moving some sand and plastic as was the case with my first ever (adjustable!) bench set. However you feel about body building you can thank Joe Weider for helping to popularize physical culture in the US for a long time. Pumping Iron movie night?
RIP, Joe.
Worst comeback EVER!!!
After a week of hedonism I came back around 2:30am this morning and attempted 13.3 on an empty stomach about an hour ago. Easily the worst I've felt in a workout since doing Fran not too long ago. Did like 2 sets of 10, then a bunch of 5 then I could only string together threes until the clock ran out. I felt like I was red-lining from about the 4th minute on. Terrible, no where to hide, felt like the world was spinning, quads cramping, throat on fire.
Wall ball is by far my biggest Goat in CrossFit. Thank you to the open for making me do this and have a massive gut check on it.
125 Reps. Thanks to Melo for judging and to everyone who was cheering me on in futility.
Might as well come clean since Ben and Marian caught us on the way to the park…Crystal convinced me to go for a run this morning rather than come in. I'm glad I obliged since even that was hard on the quads after yesterday; can't imagine throwing a row in there. 1.5mi warmup then 5x200m hill sprints with ample rest in between. Hoping occasional extended sprinting sessions and some longer time-domain EMOTM work will help me get some gas back for these workouts that seem to be crushing me lately.
almost fell over when i stood up from the erg. having to run a second half mile at that point felt like a cruel joke. what a weekend.
this is kind of interesting: http://games.crossfit.com/article/golden-workout-rejected
Snatch balance: worked up to 105. Weight is light, but I find this movement all kinds of awkward. Many missed reps with a sprinkling of good ones. Tossed in some pause overhead squats to continue getting comfortable at the bottom of the snatch.
Clean and jerk: worked up to 195. Haven't done full cleans in a while and was surprised at how good they felt. Jerks felt good too, though video I took of a few reps shows I'm catching too far in front.
I wanted to be a professional tennis player when I was little. I am no where near that now.
13.3 yesterday at noon. My plan was to do the wall balls in sets of 5 because I usually scale wall balls and didn't know what would happen. I wanted to avoid hitting a wall since I'm afraid of the dark place.
My judge, Amy (visiting from SoCal), was great at keeping me from resting too long and getting me to keep chipping away at my mini-sets. I wanted 2 minutes for the DUs but had less than a minute and hammered out 22. I was happy that they weren't a train wreck.
172. Would have been awesome to get through all the DUs, but I can’t feel bad about 12 minutes of hard work. I couldn’t stop moving for about 30 minutes after. My scores on the prior 2 workouts could have benefitted from greater confidence (to get under the bar on the snatch and to move faster on the shoulder to overheads). Feels like getting a better score on this one would have meant learning to turn up the dial on my pain/discomfort tolerance.
155 on the complex. starting to almost feel like i can actually jerk weight. i'm avoiding the elbows straight down closed grip thing.
12:03 on 1/2 jerry.
i'm going to try and start posting more. i also want to make up the last two games wods.
rosie had a great time at the gym too.
today was day 2 in attempting to walk properly after 13.3 on friday at OG.
drills at 33#
53×2, 73×1… left shoulder pinch and sudden pain again on the first attempt with any real weight overhead so I called it. guess there's some more work to be done in there because things still don't feel right since 13.2. getting acupuncture again this week and will see what else I can do to solve this.
did 4-5 rounds at 83#, just the pull-pause-clean-frontsquat and then let the bar go instead of going overhead.
loved the programming for the run and row today… it was obviously needed. even though i really did NOT want to ask my legs to do any more work for me, flushing things out felt good. essentially let myself do the workout NFT and just focus on keeping moving and not giving up. I think it was done in about 14:20.
Let it be known that I judged Christian Reiss for THE SECOND TIME tonite on 13.3, the first being FRIDAY!!! The guy is unreal.
228 on 13.3. Lungs!!! I have none.
I was planning on being a professional tennis player my whole life…got close (ish) but sorta quit when the going got tough on the futures tour a year in. I am currently not doing at all what I thought id be doing.