Annie and Lindsey, Rep for Rep
Happy Birthday Jenna J. and Janelle B.! Happy Belated B-day Dan E.
This Saturday morning starting at 9:30, farmer Andy Symanowicz from Sol Flower Farm will be in the house at CFSBK. Stop by to ask questions or sign up for the 2013 vegetable CSA, which begins delivery in June. If you miss him Saturday, he will also be at Union Pool the following day, Sunday March 24, starting at 3 pm.
Questions? Email Michele at mignyc (at) gmail dot com.
Coming up…CF Open WOD 13.3!
12 minute AMRAP of:
150 Wall balls
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups
While Open Workout 13.3 is a repeat of 12.4, there is one major difference: the special tiebreak.
Just like 13.1, athletes with the same number of reps will enter a special tiebreak to determine rank. When the athlete is through with each set of one movement, the judge must mark the elapsed time.
For example, when an athlete has completed the 150 wall balls, time should be marked. When the athlete has completed 90 double-unders, time should be marked. And when and if an athlete completes the 30 muscle-ups, time should be marked.
This is very important for athletes, judges and Affiliate Managers to take note.
Read more about the workout description, video submission standards, and movement standards on the Open Workouts page.
Today’s links provide advice for how best to prepare for and tackle 13.3. What’s your strategy going into this WOD? If you did it last year, is there anything you’d change in your approach and/or tips for first timers?
CF Open 13.3 Prep, Tips, Strategy, and Survival Tips, Deja Vu MobilityWod
13.3 Strategy & Tips The Outlaw Way
I'm going to try 10×15 on the WB with 3-5 breaths between sets, no mas. Resting with the ball against the wall is a trick I'll employ. I'm going to rest a full 15-20 seconds before the doubles, and get myself a few muscle ups god damn it. Thinking I'll wear my Romaleos for this (sacrilege).
Fox, I've read some strategies that say to just wear your O-shoes for the WBs and then take the 20-30 seconds it takes to switch shoes and use it as a rest before the doubles. Might be worth a shot?
Last year I did this WOD in Grenada (outdoors@90 degrees and 90% humidity) with a homemade wall ball made from a basketball
Sand, and duct tape. It was unwieldy to say the least, and it was
my first time doing High rep WBs. I actually feel prepared for this WOD somewhat.
Will attempt to employ the 4×25 20, 20, 10 strategy….and get some MUs in. Last year I got like 70 DUs? Doing this tonite at OG.
Noah – I did this last year and switched my shoes after the wall balls. I'm gonna say it's not worth it – by the time I got to the muscle-ups, I had about 30 seconds left and was way too exhausted to get even one MU. Having that extra time to calm down and actually try to get one instead of flailing around and rushing would have been a good idea. I say don't change your shoes if you don't have to.
Same as Jake, I'm going to try for the 4×25 strategy, not wearing lifting shoes, and see where it takes me. I also may try to split the doubles into two sets of 45, depending on how smoked I am.
More confident in my MU form this year, so if I get one, I'll be happy. If I get more, I'll be ecstatic.
7 AM 13.3 with KH and JB (YAY, triple threat together again!). 187 reps. I WILL TAKE IT. My strategy was to alternate single unders with double unders, and it worked pretty well for me.
Of course, a better strategy would be to have consistent double unders, but we all know that's not how I roll 😛
Oh and I am def going to wear my lifting shoes as well as my TK knee wraps.
I find think many squats warrant lifting shoes and I have no problem doing DUs in oly shoes.
7am 13.3 FOR FUN to support my darlings KH and Stella as I couldn't get the weight overhead for 13.2. Who needs a grief counselor when you have CrossFit!, amiright?!?! **tap tap** is this mic on? Anyway, 159 reps. Can't jump with the ankle but tried anyway to snag a few DU's – those 9 were fought for. Opened with 20 wall balls then chipped away with 10's. Caught the end of 6am Kevin's amazingness with the muscle-ups. He truly is Superman.
Cappuccino and a pain au chocolate for recovery, much to the horror of midtown ladies watching me shove that buttery chocolatey goodness it was awesome. Good luck everyone tackling 13.3 over the weekend.
I think I'll try the 15×10 strategy from Outlaw. If I can get through the wallballs at all I will be happy. I'm hoping maybe in the depths of their terribleness I will find a groove.
13.3 out at Crossfit Hamptons: 240 reps. Same score as last year, though I felt like I moved better this year. Finished the wall-balls at 8:18 and the double unders at 10:59, giving myself 61 seconds for a muscle-up. It was not to be. While I successfully did 2 muscle-ups in warm-up, my arms were shot after all of the wall-balls and my attempts during the workout were fairly laughable. Did the wall-balls as 6 sets of 15 followed by 6 sets of 10. This worked pretty well. Double-unders felt good today. Could have definitely pushed myself a bit harder on both the wall-balls and double-unders if I knew I wasn't going to get a muscle-up.
I too am thinking about the 15×10 breakup, take a good 20-30 second break and then try to hit 30s on the DUs. I don't have muscle-ups, so I really doubt I'll get my first one after all those WBs and DUs. So my goal is to just make it through the DUs with enough time to make at least one attempt at a muscle up. Thinking I will wear OLY shoes.
from the outlaw article "This means that if you’ve been doing your HBBS and Front Squats properly—load, fall, recoil—you should be able to use the exact same style of squat that you’ve practiced. "
good job on the programming, coaches!
i'm gonna try the 10 sets of 15 with resting against the wall, plus my lifting shoes. i don't really remember much from last year, but i know i only got 133 so hoping to at least make it to the DUs this year
Question for coaches: I wasn't able to hit front squats yesterday. I've got time to do it at open gym tonight, but I'm afraid of not being in top shape for 13.3 tomorrow at Virtuosity.
Should I hit yesterday's 80%x2x6 tonight or hold off on it to do better at the comp tomorrow?
Matt – should be fine to squat today and 13.3 tomorrow. 6 doubles at 80% isn't much volume at all.
Luca – Aw shucks… 🙂
Last year I got 154.. and that was before my doubles were pretty legit. So hopefully this year I get 155+ (he-haw..)
I remember doing the WB with weightlifting shoes and just not even worrying about changing.
I started with sets of 10 which quickly fell apart into sets of 5-6-7 or something like that. At one point I was just forcing myself to do sets of 5 minimum. My advice is get into a rhythm that's doable and don't forget to REST even if you aren't tired at first because it will catch up to you and it will be ugly.
My goal this year – I'd like to get done in 10 mins so that I have 2 mins to mess around with the 90 doubles. That is 15 wb per minute and I think I can manage that. Option 2 if the WB fall apartment is just finish and get more than 4 doubles! 🙂
6am w/McDowell
Yesterday's workout
80lbs front sq. -these are starting to feel heavy, might only add 2lbs next week.
16 kb swings -felt easy, too easy. I either rock at kb swings OR I'm not doing them properly OR I need to add weight.
Kiddie box + 25lbs – was able to do a few rounds, until my legs got tired and then the mental freak took over and I so finished with step ups.
6am with McD and crew:
246–Felt really good through the WBs and DUs. Biggest takeaway was picking a strategy and sticking to it. On the WBs, I modified Rudy's approach just slightly and did: 30/25/25/20/15/15/10/10 with 10 secs rest in between (leaning ball against wall). On the DUs, I wanted to get a few big sets. I think my first couple were between 30-40 and then I had a couple smaller ones to finish up. Felt great with the pace at that point.
I need to look at my scorecard, but I'm pretty sure I had about 4 mins for MUs. Unfortunately, I'm way out of practice. Being gassed makes technique that much more important and I just don't have it right now. If you had told me going in that I'd get 6 MUs, I'd be pumped, but I'm a little frustrated at all the MU misses.
For what it's worth for people considering it, I'm not used to doing DUs in Oly shoes, so I didn't want to chance it or take the time to change shoes.
Thanks to Steph for being an awesome partner/judge and all of the other people yelling at/for me. And sorry to everyone for not cleaning up–I realized in my post-WOD haze that I told my wife I'd be home by 7:05 so she could leave for a big meeting–it was 7:11 and I was not home…
Oh, one request–if someone has a chance to check the scoresheets, can you email me ( with my tiebreaker times? I won't be able to get back to the gym before Sunday's deadline. Thanks!
JB, you crack me up. Always awesome to have you around!
This WOD crushed my quads until about Thursday last year. I did too big sets early on and died out later. I took tons of rest in the 90-120 rep range and only got to 142. After watching the K-star video, I'm sure my midline stability was compromised once I fatigued, leading to more stress on the quads. I'm gonna focus on catching and keeping the ball high and keeping my torso upright. I think I'll play small ball this year with 10×15 or 15×10 or maybe Peter's hybrid. I might wear O lifting shoes even though mine are stiff and bulky and I'd need to jettison them to do DUs.
Is the eccentric phase of a front squat substantially faster than a LBBS? That Outlaw article made it sound like it was a full on fall.
Shitty. Was planning on doing a few more sets, but everything sucked. Blame it on shitty sleep the last few days. Fucking Skyrim
DB Rows
The 150 was for fun and it made the work sets fly.
Hammer Curls
Banded Hammy Curls
Blue x10x3
Good workout tonight at OG.
Squat: 225×5, 255×5, 275×5, 255×5, 225×5
Continuing to ramp up. Felt OK, but wish the reps were faster. Having to step back again is frustrating, but at least the form is OK. 12 days off is too much for this old man…
Bench: holy crap, so many sets:
125×4, 150×4, 175x3x2, 187x2x2, 202x2x2, 215x1x2, 175×4, 150×10
Everything was strong and solid. Should have OH pressed afterwards! Totally forgot that plan. Duh.
Clean drills: 95x a few sets of 5
Basically working on David's queue of 1/4 squatting and jumping a bit earlier. All done from the hang.
I would have WOD'ed but was more interested in meeting my wife for drinks and not sweating at the bar the entire time. Snowboarding is apparently not metabolic conditioning.
LBBS: 45×5, 135×5, 225×3, 295×5, 295×5, 295×5
Split Jerk: 45×5, 75×5, 105×5, 135×3, 135×3, 135×3
Cleans: 135×3, 155×3, 175×3, 185×1, 195×1, 205×1
Hang Cleans: 135x2x3
Was supposed to got to 290 but i made a mistake and just stuck with 295. No real issues. Been shortening my depth because it makes things much easier. Haven't jerked in awhile went back to 135, first and last sets were fine middle was shit. Did some cleans, just worked up to a heavy single at 205 which matches my PR. Forget to use my hook grip, did a complex of shrugs and hang cleans afterwards to work on grip and not bending my elbows. Thanks to Jake for the tips.
Jeremy: I hear you on Skyrim running your sleep. New Bioshock in a few days…
Worked up to 231…missed it twice but it felt pretty good. Got kicked off the platform due to strength cycle and lost my focus. Moved onto C&J
Worked up to 286. Felt easy. Did a complex at 264-Clean pull. Lower down and hover above the ground clean, 2 front squats and then a jerk. Hard.
HBBS- worked up to 380 (25#PR)