Dave F, Andrew M and Benson do some Rest Day Active Recovery
Prospect Park Women’s Softball League
Call ladies of all skill levels! Starting tomorrow and this weekend, PPWSL will be holding tryouts for ladies who’d like to join the women’s softball league. The league is known as a learning league and makes sure that each team has players of all skill levels, from beginners to advanced. Games are held on weeknights at Prospect Park beginning in Spring and the season wraps up in early September.
Coach Jess has been with the league for the past 4 years so feel free to contact her at jessica(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com with any questions.
More details on the tryouts can be found here.
We know it’s mighty cold outside, so let’s think about Summer! What warm weather activities are you most looking forward to this Summer?
What CFSBK looked like August 2010
Well that video led to me looking through the old photos, which led to this:
Which led to many LOLses.
Great video. Not so sure about the creepy heavy breathing in the background though.
Pitchers and catchers reporting for duty! We start baseball soon. I look forward to that. April 6 is opening day! I look forward to golf as well.
has anyone heard from JB? is her mom doing okay?
Make up for yesterday. Paused HBBS at 225. Starting to feel heavy. Metcon in 6:25 with Peter at 50lbs
Summertime coming up, very excited to fish/bike ride out in the hamptons.
Also, wearing loafers with no socks to work is probably the best thing ever. I try to stretch that into October if it stays warm enough.
BBQ, BBQ, swimming, open garage door at SBK, and BBQ.
Side note: a lot of controversy going on about standards being upheld during the Open. I'm very happy to say of all the boxes I go to while on the road, SBK does one of the best jobs of upholding a quality standard in all movements if it's a test day or just a regular training day.
On that note, I want to thank the coaches at SBK for doing a job well done.
Overhead squats and snatch balance this morning. Worked up to 125×5 for the overhead squats and 85×3 for the snatch balance. Light weight and yet I discovered muscles in my shoulders I never knew existed.
Looking forward to getting my swim on this summer.
Noah, that picture made my day. I can't stop laughing. Fox, they broke the mold when they made you.
Summer activity? Easy. Wearing my Chacos. All day.
6am with Jess & McD. Made up yesterday's paused HBBS. I started with 255lb, which is 75% of my estimated 1RM but it felt way too heavy. Knocked it down to 225 after the second set and had much better positioning and speed. Partnered with Alex for the partner WOD and finished in 6:23 (I think) with 50lb DBs. The hardest part was not kipping those TTB.
Gotta protect those bits, Fox! I think that was the funniest photo I took the entire day at that race.
Squatting last night was good! My legs aren't sore today, rather they are TIRED. Like really, really tired. In other news, my goal to turn my 1-rm into my 5-rm is getting closer; at 140×5 and need to hit 165!
Benson made it on the blog on his 2nd birthday!
That picture of fox made my morning! 🙂
and ohhhhh fox, such a special guy.
this summer i'm looking forward to drinks on my roofdeck, who's in? views of red hook and her lady of liberty! rest day drinks?
don't eat my post today blog, ok thanks.
Ha! That was a fun race upstate with some great SBK peeps, and the hot tub cabin was a nice touch. Side note – that was adult "Heavy"Fox". I was at the tail end of my project to see if I could successfully hit 200 pounds body weigh and still be somewhat athletict. I'd started at 162 and gained 36 lbs in about 4 months…lots of it muscle, and lots of fat, too. One morning I felt so disgusted with myself that I quit and dropped back down. It was so much fun eating during that time.
Happy Birthday, Benson!
QOD – Looking forward to getting the bikes back on the road and getting to the beach!
Gina – I'm in. Duh.
How much of that muscle gain stayed with you when you cut back down? Was the overall weight gain worth it in the long-run?
Hey guys, I've been hiding from the blog some kind heads-up came my way this morning so I'm crawling out for a min. Ariel, thanks for asking about my mum.
I wish I had happy news but to all I am very sad to announce that I lost mum on Monday the 4th. Luckily I was able to be with her, holding her hand, when she went to forever sleep. If anyone has ever experienced a level of grief like this I would love to talk if you're willing. Please hit me up at julie.barnard@gmail.com
She was a gift and will forever outshine the moon the stars and the sun.
Yammer yammer, JB get on with it. ANYWAY I have just managed to compartmentalize all of this so I can function in society, which also means I've been attempting classes again as they allow me to turn my brain off. So if you see JB out and about please tread lightly and treat me normally if you can – I am not broken, and if you want to attempt to make me smile, or put my equipment away – humor helps me to deal but seriously please put my equipment away, feel free. I will also accept quick hugs, headlocks and arm punches along with any offers of tacos, entertainment, booze. To the few who knew the situation and the outcome, and all who have checked in with me, from the bottom of my heart I say thank you. Yet again reaffirming the greatness of CFSBK.
You know you've had a good training session with Jess when putting on deodorant is painful.
JB, I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. Hang in there and hang onto the good memories. I miss lifting with you in the mornings (torn rotator cuff–dunno when I'll be back). I'm sending good thoughts your way.
I always found those no smoking writings on the gym walls pretty funny.
6am with McDowell
hbbs 8 sets of 2 @ #165
this was 75% of my estimated 1RM (#220) but actually felt pretty easy. Maybe my max is higher than I thought? Anyway, good to have room for next week.
did the WOD with Dan Betz, who clued me in to his nice rotation algorithm for keeping count of sets! I think he's right and we finished 10 rounds at 6:23. My shoulder hasn't been right since grinding through some of those should-to-overheads for 13.2 and I went light (#35 dumbbells). Need to stop grinding lifts, keep my form together more, generally.
woooo CFSBK getting quoted all over the place!!
also love that crossfit instagram is still posting stuff from sbk!
Day 2 at Core Crossfit – aka "the Noah Abbott Fan Club"
Warming up, I hit 69 Doubles unbroken. PR!
Front squat, 3×165, 175, 185. It moved.
Metcon: 3 rounds, run 200, then max pull-ups in 3 mins, 1 min rest. Lather rinse repeat. I hit 9, 6, 3, all strict. Last round, practiced my kip swing as much as anything.
Great gym, great people.
Tuesday Nooner
LBBS with strong ladies Mel and Lauren
45×5, 95×5, 125×2
legs felt solid and quick today. left shoulder felt a lil funky under the bar.
Partner WOD with Lauren in 6:36
-Did DB Cleans at 15# since my left shoulder is REALLY hurting and I didn't want to do anymore overhead after 13.2 and C&J. need some rest, tiger balm, acupuncture, etc.
-Strict T2B. These were fun!
Front Squats: 45×5, 135×5, 175×5, 180×5, 180×5
Wod: 8:50 @ 40
Pullups: 3×6
Partnered with PR, good times. My usual questionable bar math led to an error on the 1st set. Weights moved decently. Just a few wobbles on the final rep of each set, probably was moving too fast. The WOD would have went faster except for me slowing PR down. Did situps because sans kip, my toes ain't reaching that bar. Actually liked this workout, even though my left shoulder did not appreciate the 40# thrusters. Did pullups afterwards, my shoulders were fried. But we make sacrifices because springs here and that means "Suns out, Guns out"
summer activities…
swim, surf, lie in grass at the park, walk across BK bridge, dinner parties and the like on my back patio (you're invited!), jogging to SBK, etc…