Fitness:Low Bar Back Squat 3×5
Continue your linear progression by adding 5lbs to your previous exposure weight
Performance: High Bar Pause Squat 75%x2x8
Rest about a minute, no more than 2 minutes between sets.
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BSQ e4/6 compare to 3.11.13
Partners alternate rounds for 10 total rounds for time of:
5 Strict Toes to Bar or 21 Sit Ups
7 Heavy Dumbbell Thrusters
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Appropriate scaling
by Coach Fox
We all know that CrossFit is infinitely scalable. We have CF Kids who do scaled down versions of what our regular classes look like. You tell your Mom and your Grandma that yes; they too, can walk into their local CF affiliate and get some. In Foundations at CFSBK or at a Level 1 cert, your coach lectured you that CrossFit is constantly varied, functional movement, executed at (relatively) high intensity. Remember that adjective: relatively. After CrossFitting for a while you may feel like you should do every WOD Rx’d…not so.
What high intensity means for all of us is different. Sometimes the difference is scaled via time/perceived effort. For example: 2 athletes complete Fran as Rx’d. Athlete A finishes in 3:00 flat, while athlete B finishes in 6:59. One took more than 2x as long as the other. Did they both get a dose of CrossFit? For sure. Let’s assume that athlete B scaled back intensity and paced the workout more and didn’t redline because he didn’t sleep well the night before and was feeling sluggish. That sounds like smart scaling to me. Here’s another scenario. Athlete A is the same, but athlete B finishes the workout in just under 12:00. He breaks the movements up into 3 or 4 at a time from start, and his movement is a mess from the 10th thruster on, missing ROM on a few of the pull-ups along the way. He was well rested and just really wanted to do his first Rx’d Fran. Here athlete B gets a very different workout. It became more a matter of slogging through to the finish instead of sprinting to the end, and the metabolic effect of the WOD was lost. Some scaling on weight or reps may have gotten him the intended effect of the infamous 21-15-9 of thrusters and pull-ups. If his thrusters were the limiting factor using a 75lb barbell may have been appropriate. If pull-ups were the time suck then maybe going 12-9-6 on that portion would have made the difference.
Just this week you were challenged to find your max weight for a “4 minute Grace”. This was a great active lesson on scaling that I hope you got. Sure, sometimes it can be good just to go at a WOD Rx’d for the sake of completing it as such. There can be some real mental/emotional benefit to that. The majority of the time though, when it comes to met-cons, especially the short/intense kind, try and find where your intensity level needs to be for the intended effect of the workout. Then focus on getting stronger and the Rx’d weight will come. A good estimate for high rep barbell work is to use around 65% of your max. So if your max clean and jerk were 150lbs, then 95-100 lbs would probably get you a good dose of Grace. If you’re not sure where or when to scale, just ask one of the coaches as CFSBK. That’s what we’re here for. Cheers to good training.
What is the greatest sporting event you’ve ever witnessed? (You don’t have to had been there or seen it live)
Analyzing the Squat Starting Strength
Application TTMJ
HBBSQ 125x2x8. This is starting to get heavy!
WOD partnered with John (I think?), situps, 25# dumbbells, 10:40. I wish there were such a thing as 27.5# DBs — 25 didn't feel as heavy as I think it was supposed to, but I tried 30 to warm up and my shoulders were not having it after this weekend's WODs.
I'm from Philadelphia, so how can I not pick Game 5 of the 2008 World Series? I mean, I was still in diapers the only other time the Phils had won a World Series, so I grew up being a pessimistic Philadelphia sports fan. (My husband, who is from Cleveland, didn't want to hear it from me even prior to 2008.) There was all this tension going into the second half of the game (for those who don't remember, game 5 was stopped midway through and restarted two days later due to miserable weather). I cried like a baby when Lidge struck out Hinske to end the game!
I crewed for a good friend last summer who ran 155 miles non-stop over 46 hours for charity. He is an accomplished ultra-marathon runner but this was a strecth even for him. This summer he is planning 200 miles around Central Park non-stop. Pretty inspirational.
Kerry Strug landing that vault on one leg was pretty epic too.
As a lifelong St. Louis Cardinals fan, this is an easy one: Game 6 of 2011 World Series. The Cardinals erased two two-run deficits in the bottom of both the 9th and 10th innings. In both innings, the Rangers were one strike away from their first ever World Series championship. The Cardinals won the game in the 11th inning on a walk-off home run by St. L native David Freese.
2004 ALCS game 4 or Super Bowl 42 (Helmet Catch) (yes I have weird sports allegiances). As a non-partisan, Usain Bolt's 2008 Olympics come to mind.
As an aside, but on topic, if you didn't get a chance to see Survive and Advance, about the 1983 NC State NCAA championship team and about Jim Valvano, it is highly recommended and I'm sure it will be on a lot.
The greatest scoring event I ever witnessed live was Derek Jeter's 5 for 5 performance when he got his 3,000 hit. It was more exciting than when i was at MSG and Larry Johnson hit a 3 pointer with an & 1 to beat the pacers in the playoffs.
I remember turning on 2009 Wimbledon Final (Roddick vs. Federer) in the middle of the fourth set and then being glued to the television well into the afternoon. What a heartbreaking loss for Roddick–to have only been broken once in the match and still come up short.
That 2009 Wimbledon final was great, but I'd have to go with the 2008 final with Federer and Nadal – so many twists and turns, so much weighing on the outcome, two great players at their height, no one flinching until late in the fifth set, the court so dark by the end they could barely see the ball.
Miracle on Ice. Ran outside my house afterwards and hit a lot of objects (mostly inanimate ones) with my hockey stick.
1. Giants ending the Patriot's perfect season with a win in SuperBowl XLII.
2. 2001 World Series Game 4 with 2 outs, Tino Martinez hit a 2 run homer to tie the game.
3. 2001 World Series Game 5 with 2 outs, Scott Brosius hit a 2 run homer to tie the game.
Unfortunately the Yankees came up short that year but it was a memorable Series.
The greatest sporting event I NEVER witnessed:
I had tickets for David Cone's perfect game but opt not to go cause they were playing the lowly Expos. #NotSoPerfectDecision
Greatest is kind of an interesting word. My experience was sobering, and a tragedy, but an incredible display of athleticism, that deserves remembering. In 2009 I went to the Legendary Blue Horizon in Philly. I was ringside for the fight between Teon Kennedy and Francisco "Paco" Rodriguez, out of Chicago. Teon Kennedy rang his bell so badly in the frist round, it was almost over. I would call it a 10-7 round. I scored the fight. as it went on, Paco won each successive round, 10-9, until I have him up on points. An amazing fight and comeback. In the 9th round, Teon Kennedy hit him with a hook, right in front of me, that I heard and almost felt. Paco survived the round, but failed to defend himself. He came back out in the 10th and it was stopped. He sat back down in his corner (his dad and brother.) and was beaten up, but ok. it was later that he went limp. EMS came in, did everything right, and FLEW him down the street to the hospital.
He did not survive. His organs were donated. He is remembered as a champion. We still donate to his family. I, and one other ex-fighter there knew it was very likely that he had severe brain swelling, and wouldn't make it.
It's a brutal sport, I regret in a sense that I paid to see it happen, I very much regret him leaving his wife and young daughter, but he deserves to be remembered as a champion, I have never seen a better fight. It was as good as any that I have ever seen.
6am with Nick & McDowell
85lbs back squats, a jump from 77lbs last week
Technique still needs improving, but weight felt good
11min WOD: sped through sit ups, thursters weren't so bad either after the 50 rep WOD a few weeks back.
Don't like watching sports, sorry 🙁
1968 Olympics Black Power Salute for its powerful silent message.
1984 Olympics Mary Lou Retton vault for sheer joy.
1984 Olympics Mary Decker Slaney fall during 3000m final for its anguish.
best live sporting event i've attended:
1996 women's soccer gold medal match US v. China. watched the US win the first women's gold medal in soccer with my two best friends & my parents in athens, GA. total girl soccer nerd's dream. also we threw our american flag onto the field and tisha venturini carried it around in the celebration.
coldest live sporting event i've attended:
2008 NFC championship, yes the one where favre blew it and the giants won. the most fun i've had and simultaneously most disappointed i've ever been at -4 degrees /-24 degrees (wind chill). there were shopping carts full of free hand/feet warmers for people to take so no fingers/toes were lost in the process.
best televised sporting event i've witnessed:
1999 women's world cup US v. China, the day the world was shocked to learn brandi chastain wears a sports bra under her jersey.
Joy posts for me, spot on exactly.
Game 4 1995 ALDS: 1st time I realized baseball could be exciting. I learned he rules of baseball by watching the Mets but never liked it, thought it was boring. The Kingdome was rocking however and that game was exciting. Even though they lost I became a Yankee fan right away (thank god).
Game 3 1999 Eastern conference final: Lj 4 pt play, just exhilarating.
And because it's fresh in my mind, last weeks Barca comeback against Milan was pretty great also. The Camp Nou was electric.
Spotting David Osorio for Handstand Push Ups during the 2010 5th avenue Fair WOD of Squat Cleans and Freestanding Handstand Push Ups was pretty amazing.
That, and SuperBowl XLII.
Anyone have a recommendation for a bar near BAM Rose Cinemas? Thanks
Make up for yesterday:
Worked to 150# and hit it a bunch of times, working form instead of weight. Need to improve my elbow elevation and tnasition back to a full grip on the bar for the jerk.
WOD: 8:11
Then muscle up workshop with Noah A. That plus a 60 pull-up WOD = Noah is sore today.
My favorite sporting moment witnessed live was Joe Horn (NO Saints) scoring on the Jets then pulling out a sharpie, autographing the ball before tossing it into the stands.
Non-live moment is probably Vince Carter slamming OVER the French center in the 2000 Olympics (
8am pull-up club…this is for you (and EVERYONE!)
WOD partnered with Barbara 11:36 20# dumbbells. I should have gone for the 25#, but I was not sure how more overhead stuff was going to go after the weekend…
Favorite sporting moment. Watching Italy win the 2006 World Cup. I was with a huge group of Italian friends at a restaurant in Little Italy and the insanity that happened right after the game was amazing! Also, because of the Zidane headbutt.
Came in before front deskin' to make up Sunday's work. Was WAY too sore yesterday after 13.2 on Saturday to do anything overhead. Or… anything at all except eat 🙂
20 min: lax ball on lower leg and shoulders (subclavius, teres minor, pec minor, traps, rhombs)
C&J (1/2 pull, hang PC, front squat, split jerk)
warm-up @ 33#
63×1, 83×1, 93×1, 103×1. pretty sure that's a PR for me. looking fwd to continuing this progression.
103# came up alright… need faster elbows on the clean. little shaky at the top of the jerk.
did one more at 83# for speed and good measure.
kept reps low and just got to it cuz my shoulders feel straight fried.
felt like if I did kipping pull-ups I would injure myself today, so opted for 20 knee pushups with a 400m run in between the three sets. about 9 minutes of work.
Rolling Tricep Extensions
Banded Good Morning x 100
oh, greatest sporting event…
It's more of a 'favorite moment'. During the ASP world tour in 2005, Kelly Slater had two epic 10 point rides, making him the first surfer to have a perfect heat in tour history. After his second perfect wave, a fan handed him a bottle of beer in the water. He paddled back out to the line-up with the bottle in his mouth, paddled into a wave, got barreled, opened the beer and came out of the tube chugging it. epic.
this doesn't do it justice, but here's a video of the second 10.0 and the beer wave…
Squats partnered with Mirko (or Mirco? Apologies for the messup in spelling if that is the case)
210x6x2, 210x10x1 (trying to get some extra reps in at these lower weights to build back up).
Accessory WOD #30 Dbs (too light). We finished in 5:32.
Partnered with Nate for squats and the acc WOD, great working with him!
45×5, 135×3, 185×2, 210x2x8 with 2 second pause at bottom
acc WOD IN 5:41 at 40#
Should have probably gone heavier but both of us are dealing with shoulder issues.
On vacation, but squeezed in the high bar back squats: 215x2x8. Ugh. Not at all easy. Many grinding reps. Finished with some snatch and clean technique practice.
I go w Jay R. Re Miracle on ice. And funny, I was in Britain when the Mary Decker/Zola Budd deal went down. Zola Budd was a controversial figure – I think she had just changed her citizenship from S. Africa – apartheid was an issue. Anyway the British press vilified MDS as a whiner. Craycray.
Ossum workout at Core Crossfit in Phoenix. Noah, those peeps carry a torch for you. Coach Cory has a daughter named Brooklyn so I gave him my Black Sea cfsb tee. Felt good.
800 m Indian run w/10# wall ball
PVC drills
21/15/9 ohs @ 75# – a lot for me and toes to bar. 7:56?
DU practice. Hit 56 twice. I love you, LT, I you are out there reading this.
Snatch as heavy as I could for the day:
Missed 220 3 times before I finally made the greatest snatch save of my life. My right knee went down but somehow i recovered and stood up. Then I missed 220 again. Feeling really really weak from last week still
WOD W 65#DBs
This crushed me. First three rounds unbroken. The last round I did 3 doubles and a single, fell apart.
Partnered up with Dave this morning for the 7Am fun time with Nick and Dr. Myers…
177# 2X8's with a 2 second pause at the bottom.
Hit the thruster/toe to bar with 35#ers. 8:13 for Dave and I to get through our 10 rounds.
Greatest sporting things I have witnessed.
Seeing Jeeter hit his 3K
The Boston Celtics winning the 1986 championship.
Winning the JTFX with my team.
Super Bowl XLII.
Have to give my two cents:
I have zero to little tennis experience and would not really consider myself a tennis fan, but the greatest sporting event I have ever witnessed would be Isner vs Mahut in the first round of the 2010 Wimbledon Championships.
I had the fortune to catch the match at the beginning of the final set, right before all the craziness began and I could not take my eyes away. Watching two athletes compete like that, both physically and mentally, was extremely captivating. Each of them refused to use exhaustion as an excuse to give up, almost as if they would be letting each other down if they did not give it their all. Truly a human spectacle.
Now for my ulterior motive for posting:
Management FYI, I unfortunately left my sweaty (white) t-shirt in the bag rack area tonight. I will do my best to stop by tomorrow morning before work to pick it up, so no one has to touch my dirty laundry. I apologize for the inconvenience!
2004 Red Soxs 4 game comeback to beat yanks in ALCS