Spend 12 Minutes working up to a heavy load on the following complex:
1/2 Pull
Hang Power Clean
Front Squat
Split Jerk
Post loads to comments.
C&J e3/6
For Time:
20 Kipping Pull-Ups
800m Run
20 Kipping Pull-Ups
400m Run
20 Kipping Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Hit it and Quit It
The Open schedule gives us 5 days to complete each workout. Some people notoriously attempt the workouts 2 (or more!) times in that window to try and get a better score each time. In our opinion, unless you’re on the chopping block for making it to regionals it’s best to “hit it and quit it”. First off, lets put the Open into perspective. For most of us mere mortals this is an annual benchmark where we can see how we do versus our friends in the gym and strangers across the globe. It’s cool to see where you’re at but in terms of actual placement, the stakes are pretty low. If you’re sitting at 1,511th place in the North East (where I’m at) re-doing the workout and moving up to say, 1,432th place does little more than to stroke your own ego… sort of I guess. While each workout IS a test, they shouldn’t interfere with your training program to the point that you’re actually not as productive in your long term goals because you spent 5 weeks doing a bunch of the same workouts over and over again. Additionally, going into the Open with the mentality that you might re-do the workouts will only weaken your initial attempt at it. Take the time to plan your strategy, watch other folks do it to inform your perspective and then give it everything you’ve got one time. Don’t give yourself the easy out of a “re-do” just because you can. It makes about as much sense as doing “Fran” Monday day and then seeing if you can shave 3 seconds off your time on Wednesday. Maybe you can, but it doesn’t really mean that you’re any fitter necessarily, maybe you just were a little better at how you worked your transitions or broke up your reps.
The Open is awesome and one of my favorite times of the year. I love seeing everyone come together to compete and see how their training over the last year has paid off. Have fun with it, hit each workout hard and move one to the following week.
What are your thoughts on re-doing Open workouts?
Interview: Coach Greg Glassman
Surprised myself in class today by hitting 98# on the clean, a PR, with no problem. The jerk was ugly but I made it. Not sure why it all clicked today suddenly, but I will take it! Maybe it was the magic barbell, since both Lindsey and Becca also hit PRs on our bar ๐
WOD 8:36, ring rows.
My thoughts on redoing Open workouts: OH HELL NO.
13.2 @ 141 yesterday. Almost finished 5 rounds which was kind of my goal, although I told my judge, Adam, that my goal was to do the WOD in 10 minutes…:)
It has become apparent that my conditioning needs some work. Maybe I only have 1 lung? IDK? Did step ups for all rounds as I knew that from watching partner A as in Adam, those were going to be rough. S2O were much harder than expected, then again, I don't think I've put more than 120 overhead.
Special Thanks to Coach Mel….first group class of the morning and it ran super smooth and organized.
I agree with you 100% โ last year, I did 12.1 twice. Got 98 on the first try, 99 on the second. If I had any sort of chance of getting to regionals, it might be a good idea to nudge up my score a bit, but I don't. Instead, I'm feeling tons of improvement from last year (in form, in metcon ability), and I love doing this stuff at the Saturday competitions โ that's all that matters to me.
HA! I was going to post about the magic bar at 9am class, but Stella beat me to it.
PR Clean & Jerk at 83# I was highly surprised by how well this went, especially because I was feeling a bit sore from 13.2 (which I did at 53#) yesterday.
WOD 9:05, ring rows. Running in the cold makes me snotty. Yea, I said it. Because you need to know it.
K Mo –
Write to info at herondalefarm dot com and tell them you are a chicken only member who wants to secure her spot; they will send you the form.
13.2 at Vida CF in Miami after a (very) long weekend for a friends bachelor party. My mental loop after about 2 minutes was "why did I hunk this was a good idea?" But I roughed it out and ended up with 226. Happy to have at least gotten it in
CF Vida was great and even let me shower there as I had checked out of the hotel and was on my way to the airport. Highly recommend if you're ever in downtown miami
Would anyone want to go running around the park this evening (or others)? I don't love jogging solo in the dark.
as an open newbie, the workouts are definitely a one go for me. really going in i've got a sort-of strategy or expectation and then just try to blow that away as much as i can. i've surprised myself in the past two weeks with positive feats of strength, for me, so that's the best experience i can ask for.
also i think i'd need more days of recovery than are possible to attempt to attempt one of these again.
After 3 days of drinking green beer I forced myself into the gym in Chicago to get at 13.2 thanks to the owner at River North Crossfit I just got done my 9th round as time expired. there is 0 reason to do these wods twice.
I can see why somebody would have done last week's WOD twice and have no idea why anybody would do this week's wod twice. Last week you were trading gas for snatch weight and so there was a self-imposed capacity limit. If the first time you think you underestimated your gas, or how it detracted from your snatch ability, I could see wanting to push it more in a second attempt. This week, it was almost all gas from the get go, and not a large amount of strategizing. I don't see any real reason to test again.
For about a split second, I wanted to do this workout again, simply because I felt like my score wasn't that great compared with my peers, and I also heard that a lot of people were doing step ups on Saturday rather than jumping the box jumps. Since I have been doing the Open WOD on Friday mornings, I have been hearing about people's strategies after I've already done the workout. I was curious to see if my score would improve if I made the switch to step ups – but I'm not that curious. At the end of the day, I was happy I pushed myself to do all the jumps, even though I had to rest a little between rounds, and I agree with management in that even if I got a better score, it's not really like I got stronger or faster – it would just be for ego purposes.
I need to do 13.3 during a group class on Thursday. I could either do 6AM or 12pm or 7:30pm.
Is there anyone who wants to do it during one of those classes and we can judge each other? (judge each other kindly of course)
email me at misharav@gmail.com just to let me know if you think maybe – thanks
MRav – 7:30 is generally a very busy time in le gym and as such space is at a premium. If you cannot do Sat at all or Sunday OG then 8:30 is more likely to work. Sound good?
Hey Fox –
I will be away starting Friday early AM for about 9 days. In truth 6AM or 12noon Thursday would be better for me but if no one wants to do the WOD then and someone wants to do it at 8:30 PM on Thursday, I can make that work for sure.
Magic bar indeed at 9am class with Lindsey & Stella!! PR CLean & Jerk at #83 (even while complaining like a baby about being sore from 13.2)!! WOD: 8:58 – ring rows & erg
Unless you have a serious shot (aspirations) to compete in the Regional there is no reason to retest. You won't gain that much. Its like a rowing harder in fight gone bad to try and gain more points.
That said these tests certainly point that there are thing I need to really work on that I don't seem to practice in the 3 times a week. (might have to switch to 5).
A very fun couple of hours in the gym this afternoon playing on rings, first in Noah's muscle-up class and then in Ken's ring class. i did not achieve a muscle-up but i learned a lot about my limitations and how to overcome them. And I had a great time skinning the cat and back-levering and otherwise completely humbling myself in very challenging movements that left me fatigued in all new ways.
I'm not competing in the Open, so my comments should be taken with a generous pile of salt. (Starting to wish I were, though, and thinking seriously about signing up next year…) Anyway. Agree 100% that no one should be doing the WODs more than 1x. Not only is it deleterious to your training in all the ways that Fox describes (I'm guessing it's Fox who wrote the above), but it prevents you from learning something really valuable that the Open WODs are otherwise one of our few opportunities to learn: How to leave it all on the mat. Do not give yourself the option of another attempt. Do not feel the need for another attempt. You don't get second attempts in "real" competitions; you learn what it means to give it everything, and you do that the next time. We don't often bring that 110% intensity to WODs (which is good, beating yourself down all the time is not how to get fitter); now is the time to practice doing that.
Did 13.2 yesterday rx-ed but not as a competitor: 6 rounds + 3 S2O
Always fun to do a workout rx-ed. Impressed myself by doing all of the S2O unbroken. Slowly, but unbroken. I feel all kinds of crappy today though.
Clean and jerk complex at noon: worked up to 98#, which would be a PR, but I didn't recover it properly (back, then front) so maybe it doesn't count? Either way, the weight felt good and I think I could do it again.
WOD with ring rows: 7:51
Fun and fast
Then, OG: Came in to back squat, but didn't have it in me. Did one set at 137.5 and decided to take some rest and give it another shot on Tuesday. I have this weight.
I did get some good kipping practice in and ended up getting TWO reps ๐
Thanks to Joel for all of the good advice on strengthening my core / posterior chain. Now I just have to do it.
Thanks Michele. I'm not currently signed up for a chicken share though. I thought they were only offered spring – fall. I can get on the wait list if need be.
13.2 yesterday with Charmel. 198 reps. Very frustrating to come that close to 200, especially since this seems like it may have been my only chance at a workout without a movement I feel uncomfortable with, or one that never gets to a weight I've never put up before.
Miserable clean and jerk session today. Worked up to 155, failed twice at 165. At this point I've probably totally psyched myself out mentally on this movement, which, coupled with some nasty movement habits I've picked up, is making for more backing up than progress. Last cycle I hit 175 for a hang power clean, and that seems like miles away at this point. Arturo gave me a tip on my grip that I'll use next time I clean, which won't be until Week 6 of the cycle, unfortunately.
WOD in 9:16. Feels good to get through these high volume kipping workouts in one piece. Couple strings of 12 at a time.
Muscle up class provided some useful drills to work on next time I'm at OG. Thanks, Noah!
LBBS: 45X5, 135X5, 225X5, 285X5, 285X5, 285X5
Bench: 45×5, 85×5, 125×5, 155×5, 155×5, 155×5
Dips: 3×8
WOD: 12:35 (20 PU/800M/20/400M/20)
My back has been acting up since Helen on Tuesday, AR on Saturday helped. Decided to test things. Felt really good so we stuck to the regular progression. Weights moved great. Back was fine all throughout, we will see how it responds tomorrow. Bench moved ok, Might be the last week we can do a 5# jump. Dips are on schedule. Got roped into the running WOD by Melo. Need to keep these up, felt horrible. Good times.
C+J complex: 95,115,135, 155, 165(f), 115×5 – these didn't go very well at all
no time for the wod, but I PR'd my kipping pull-ups: 31
What KH said.