Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
115/75 pound Shoulder to overhead, 5 reps
115/75 pound Deadlift, 10 reps
15 Box jumps, 24″/20″ box
If you’re not registered for the Open, here are today’s scaling options:
115, 95, 75, 55, 35 lb barbells.
Step Ups are also considered Rx’d
Post total reps to comments.
- Active Recovery is on as normall scheduled today at 11:00am
Becoming A Supple Lepoard
The long anticipated book from Kelly Starrett, “Becoming a Supple Leopard” is finally going on sale April 22nd. Tons of you guys have pre-ordered through CFSBK and will be able to pick up and pay for your book once they arrive. We’ll email out to everyone when we get them in. The gym also ordered a surplus of copies to sell to folks that didn’t make the pre-order date. If you can’t wait untl then, check out this 50 page sneak preview over at All Things Gym
Clean and Jerk Camp Today
Spend the day learning the theory and practice of the Clean and Jerk with Starting Strength Coaches Josh Wells and Shelley Hancock. We will start with a brief lecture about the difference between the standard model and the straight Bar Path model. Then we will move to the practical session were participants with learn or re-learn the movement with the more efficient bar path and set up. Everyone will have plenty of time under the bar to practice this method while receiving coaching throughout their warm-ups and work sets. Through the entire process, attendees will learn the standards of a properly executed movement and how it should look and feel when it is performed correctly. After the practical session, we will return for a discussion of programming and how to identify and correct common technical problems. The camp will wrap up with a question and answer session. Whether you are just starting out with strength training, struggling with the basics of the lift, or looking to polish your technique and understanding of these movements, you will come away with valuable insights and experience to benefit your training. Attendance will be capped at ten to allow for individualized instruction.
The Reverse Muscle-Up Beast Skills
Hey guys, just a reminder:
MUSCLE UP WORKSHOP is on tomorrow at 1:15
KIPPING PULLUP WORKSHOP is on tomorrow at 2:30
Good luck on 13.2, may the barbells be forever in your favor.
Good luck to Team SBK competing today at the NYC Open Invitational at Reebok Crossfit 5th Avenue!
229 reps, which is way better than I thought I was going to do. Yay!
Well that was a bummer!
Flew out of the gate because it felt so easy, and finished 2 rounds in under 2 minutes, then started slowing down and hit a wall around 5-6 minutes. Was able to keep moving all the way through except for a few 5 second breathers during the barbell stuff towards the very end, but then at the start of my final round I felt like I was gonna hurl and just had to stop after every couple presses. 185.
Partnered with Grant who kept a great pace all the way through, should have followed his lead!
Was also fun chatting with Kyle visiting from Syracuse, my hometown where I've dropped in a few times at CFS.
i scaled the weight so much but still feel really fucking good about completing eight rounds! yes!
Does anyone has a playlist that was played during the 13.2 Live Announcement with Lindsey and Annie? I was there and the music was awesome. Thanks for your help 🙂
13.2, done. 215. The overheads left a little to be desired in the speed department, but I'm happy to have exceeded 200.
Thanks for the great judging, Asta, and thanks for sticking around and keeping me from slowing down too much, Bekka. You guys kept me on track.
Followed it up with some active recovery and lots of happy birthday wishes.. great start to the day!
225 reps on 13.2. Not thrilled about that number, left way too many box jump fails on the table (probably 10 or so) and it further wasted my gas.
That said, I was very happy that I was able to keep moving the entire time and not rest for any longer than a breath or two. I told Zubin my judge "Whatever you do, don't let me sit down on the fucking box" which sometimes is my crutch when I'm tired. Happy with the mental side.
S2O was mostly push pressed for speed, DLs were unbroken. A bit more organized box jumps and I'd of been in the mid 200's easy. Oh well, next year.
Fun time at 1PM with the Junior Varsity!
1PM class with the Coach's JV team…
209 on 13.2
1 rep shy of 8 rounds. Box Jumps ate me alive as expected and the barbell was easy peasy (almost) as expected. Thanks to Jay R for keeping me moving while judging. Fun to do this with a big class, and fun to see the Dynamic Duo of J-Mart and McDapper run it smooth as silk.
13.2 at noon today with Josh and McD!
241 reps RX'ed. 8 rounds plus 1 shoulder-to-overhead.
Surprised myself! Knew I could get at least 6 rounds, then saw a few of my fellow competitors' numbers and set myself up to push for 8.
Success in this was having a doable plan and sticking with it no matter what. For me, that meant just keeping my hands on the bar for every S2O and DL, never bailing, never letting the bar go. Push jerked every round, mostly unbroken. A few reps in last two rounds rested at the top for a couple extra breaths and then cycled back in. Let the bar take me down to DL, reset my position, took a few deep breaths, and then started lifting.
BJ's — only jumped on the first round, after that it was all step ups. My plan was to just keep moving and not let myself stop and rest. So, I knew if I just kept stepping that I could keep a pace and not blow myself out or waste a bunch of time with hands on my knees, which is what I often do.
Having the mental game in good shape for this one made all the difference.
Big thanks to McD for the pre-planning, Court for judging, Stopka for cheering, KMo for calling me Jane Fonda, and Josh for making sure I got one extra rep on that bar before 10:00. Lots of SBK love!
Great to work with you all today – will def. try to hit Saturday for the rest of the games, makes it fun. Overhead ruined me today – I need to figure out this stupid arm thing it is super irritating. I hope the next one gives us a bit of a break on that front.
181 slowwww reps. I was worried about the 5 STOs which unfortunately is where I lost a lot of time. I did them all unbroken but had to reset, jerk, stabilize then awkwardly recover each rep. Deadlifts were slowish but unbroken and box jumps felt pretty good. I think bounding is easier than any sort of stepping
I feel meh about my performance. That being said I don't think I could have done much better today.
Great class
153… Better I guess than I thought I would do (but wanted more) jammed my thumb back round 2 cleaning it up and it was down hill from there…
Thanks to Dan Reshef for the judging.
did 13.2 today at 10am w/ josh & mcdowell
i was really happy with how well the shoulder to overhead went, i was very unsure of what 75# was going to feel like. i got to 204 on this, did step-ups for the box portion, the jumping part is something i'm going to have to work on going forward.
it was a couple heats at 10am. thanks to aileen for judging me again. these last few saturdays have had really great fun energy in the gym, love it!
Bob Semmens is at 9th worldwide in his masters group 55-59. Top 20 will go to the CF games. Go Bob!
This week has been a study in…sleep deprivation and self damaging introspection resulting from being forced to spend way too much time a silent hospital hallway for 8-10 hours. Interesting trying to do a an open WOD immediately following my last evening of Night float.
190 reps- It took me 30 minutes to recover and be able to walk out of the gym. I have no idea if im capable of anything more. I think so…but, im not doing it again. Did anyone say 1RM Clean and jerk ladder?