Lindsey Valenzuela Enters the Competition Floor
Check out her stats below:
Workouts | |
Fran | 2:36 |
Helen | 8:35 |
Grace | 1:30 |
Filthy 50 | 23:05 |
Fight Gone Bad | 415 |
Sprint 400m | 1:05 |
Run 5k | 21:45 |
Maxes | |
Clean & Jerk | 240 lb |
Snatch | 200 lb |
Deadlift | 395 lb |
Back Squat | 295 lb |
Max Pull-ups | 32 |
13.2 and Leaderboards
The second workout for the 2013 Open season is upon us. A 10 minute AMRAP triplet of medium/light weight barbell movements and Box Jumps. What are your thoughts and strategy going into this workout? Did seeing Lindsey and Annie hit this workout on Wednesday influence your approach?
Also, the CFSBK leaderboards for the open can be found on the left side of this page. Check them out!
As Many Rounds As Possible In 10 Minutes of:
5 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75
10 Deadlifts 115/75
15 Box Jumps 24″/20″
13.2 Standards and explination
Mobility WOD 13.2 Prep and Strategy
Outlaw 13.2 Strategy and Tips
i'm planning to do 13.2 tonight at OG around 7:15-7:30 (that's the earliest i'll be able to realistically start after leaving work) and would love company if anyone else is planning to do it tonight!
Made up Two-Lift Thursday. FSQ, 113x5x3, bench 108×5. Clearly I should have tried a little harder on front squat, but I've been so good at avoiding it that I really had no idea of what I should be doing. đ
Tabata burpees: 5 in round 1, 4 for all remaining rounds. Of course I suck more at double unders, but that would have been Tabata Trip Over the Jump Rope.
Step-ups will be my friend. Considering the state of my knees and lower legs, my only option!
6 am with McDowell and Nick. Did 13.2 with 168 reps. Really liked this! Tried to keep it consistent and then push it more at the end. Found myself pausing a little more than needed at the top of the deadlift in the first few rounds, so tried to fix that. Thanks to Virginia for judging/cheering and Joy for pushing me to keep moving! Good luck everyone!
Banged out 159 reps this morning with McDowell and Nick. The press and the deadlifts were not too tough but I wasnt going anywhere close to the speed Annie and Lindsey were on Wednesday. How did they move so fast?!!!! Box jumps sucked but I hit them slow and steady.
Thanks to Rob for the coaching and congrats to him for banging out about four times the reps he thought he would.
6am with coach McDowell. Took on 13.2 and it wasn't as awful as I thought it would be! Scored 238 (2 reps shy of 8 full rds). All of the barbell work was just a formality because this one was all about the box jumps for me. I got into the groove with the jumps after the first round and only had about 2 no-reps throughout. I dropped the barbell after the overhead portion each time so I could use my hook grip on the deadlifts. Not sure if this was necessary, but it felt like a good trade-off for the amount of time it took.
I don't think you really need to overthink this one or strategize much – it's just about moving as fast as possible throughout. I didn't take any rest, but I never redlined or had any serious muscle fatigue. I'm excited to see the awesome scores roll in today and tomorrow!
6am w/Nick & McDowell
Did yesterday's workout:
58 bench press
75 front squats
Apparently I'm getting my techniques mixed up, was applying tips McDowell gave me for back squats in my front squats đ
Other than that, great workout regardless of having skipped dinner and slept very little.
6am with Nick and McDowell. 225 reps (7.5 rounds) on 13.2. My calves have been tight this week so I did step ups and step downs from the beginning. Unsurprisingly I felt this in my in my quads quite a bit in the later rounds. But the limiting factor for me was hip tightness that slowed down the deadlifts in the last few minutes. High rep deadlifts and I do not get along. In hindsight, I'm wondering if jumping up on the box and stepping down would have been easier on my hips than the step ups. Used a hook grip on some rounds and not on others. Weight was light enough that it didn't seem to matter.
PS Mr. Betz is headed for suburbia. Come same goodbye tonight at Bierkraft. 8pm.
性éȘăăă§ăăI was highly doubtful of this 13.2 workout with the shoulder to overheads. My best push press to date was 95lbs, and I've been working on form on my split jerks at 65-70. So 115 shoulder to overhead was daunting. I was very happy to get to 82 reps, including 3 x 5 of the shoulder to overhead, though those alone easily took me 4-5 of the allotted 10 minutes. I'd also never attempted a 24" box jump. I'll probably be "low man" for this week, but that's cool. 115 is a lot to take overhead.
Shout out @MattyChm on the killer work of 159 rep. Thank you to MattyChm, along with McDowell and Nick (and Jess from her private lesson), for the encouragement and coaching.
At yesterday's double-lift I was able to get to 140 on my front squants and 145 on my benches, both PRs for those number of reps.
– brooklynrob
(a.k.a. "性éȘăă")
My plan is to follow Annie's advice and go as hard as possible from the get, since the weight is light and box jumps are restful.
Active recovery tomorrow?
Did 13.2 at Crossfit Downtown Atlanta (168 reps @65#) and I highly recommend dropping in on them if you're ever in town. Really big open space and very friendly folks. Class size was about 6 people both days I went… Felt like the old days of cfsbk!
8am w/ coach McDowell. I was the lone ranger doing the 13.2. After watching the event and thought if the guys/girls can get close to 12 rounds I should be able to get something between 7-8 rounds. After doing FS and running 6 x 1000m on Thursday, I knew I would have a shitty day after going through a trail round of 13.2. My legs were burning during the trial round. Finished a total of 179 reps, I really wanted another round, and I can get 210 reps if I had better rest leading up to this WOD. I'll give this another try another time. Tomorrow got a 17 mile run đ who's in….
12pm with Mcdowell and Jess.. Got 200 reps. I was really nervous about my knees and the impact of jumping up to a 24" box so I did step-ups the whole way. I think it was a good strategy for me because I wasn't exerting myself cardio-wise on the stepups very much – it allowed me to stay consistent the whole 10 minutes and never feel too tired.
12pm with McD and Jess. 225 reps for 13.2 @ 65# with a 16" box and step downs. Holy crap that was hard! I was really excited to do this workout after seeing Annie and Lindsey crush it on Wed which BTW was totally amazing and I'm happy I was able to experience it!
I love, love, LOVE the MobilityWOD briefings on the open workouts. I know they're long, but watch them if you can. Great things to thing about as you're about to hit these things.
I agree with Matt, I am not a super dilligent mobility person, but I always devour the Open MWODs and they have really helped. Another CFSBK tshirt spotted in the video- I think we've gone viral guys.
Is there active recovery class tomorrow?
Did yesterday's workout:
Front Squat: 3×5 at #160 These felt mostly solid today, but my elbows did dip a little at the end of sets 2 and 3.
Bench Press: Rx was 3×8 at #160, but I stopped after the 6th rep on the last set. I knew the 7th rep would fail.
opted for DU's on the TABATA workout: Only the first round was unbroken. I didn't count, but I think I may have PRed on DU's there, something like 27 – 29 in those 20 seconds. By the last round I was getting something like 15 DU's in the 20-second period.
Not looking forward to the should-to-overhead part of 13.2. I couldn't finish the fifth round of #115 push presses in one of our WODs last week, although that had a ton of burpees in it as well so maybe this will go better.
attention current Herondale Meat CSA members:
You should've gotten an email from the Farm today explaining their new plan to move to a year round CSA program.
That means they will stop signing up people every 4 months for new "cycles." Instead, they will move everyone to a year round program with simplified monthly payments. You will be able to opt out at any time.
Here's the important part: They're pretty close to their maximum number of members, and plan to establish a waiting list. CURRENT members have first dibs on being part of the program.
So please read the email from the Farm and reply to them regarding whether or not you'd like to stay on as a member. There's also an attachment with details.
If you are a current meat CSA member and did not get the email, write to: info at herondalefarm dot com and let them know.
no chance that i'm going to make it tonight. i guess 13.2 tomorrow is as good as any tapering for my half marathon on sunday could be, right?
Michele, does that apply to chicken-only shares too? I was thinking about signing up for one this spring, or whenever they offered it next. Thanks!
I had some great company doing 13.2 tonight!
6 rounds plus S2O and 1 deadlift for a total of 186
Gassed faster than I thought I would and the S2O got heavy which I was not expecting as much. Deads were a welcome rest period. Box jumps turned into step ups after rnd 3 just so I could keep moving.
Got 159 reps on 13.2 tonight. (5 rounds + 5 shoulder-to-overhead + 4 deadlifts).
Quite happy with this. All sets were unbroken and I jumped on the box throughout. I guess I could have been more efficient if I hadn't bailed before each set of deadlifts, but I wasn't thinking straight.
Happy to have done this with DMak and Baz for company!
166 for 13.2 during OG. Should've switched to jerks earlier – not sure why I kept push pressing literally the entire time instead of making it easier on myself – but so, so stoked to have done this Rx'd. My major concern was that I wouldn't even be able to get the bar off the ground, and though I'm sure my cleans weren't pretty, getting the bar up felt ten times smoother than I thought it would. I only missed getting it up once, and that was due to a lack of organization, not a lack of strength.
Thanks especially to Jen and Ryan for shouting their faces off and counting reps for me. I definitely moved faster in the last two minutes because of your encouragement.
Steph, running too on Sunday!! Good luck, girl – you'll crush!
I was also stoked to be messing around and totally unexpectedly hit a couple of toes-to-bar at the tail end of OG. This Crossfit stuff really works, boys and girls!
Also, major girl crush on Lindsey V. – I was pretty sure she was awesome before she came to the box and after getting to talk to her and discovering that she's super friendly, I totally love her.
21:45 for a 5k is FAST.