Classes are cancelled today as we will be hosting CrossFit HQ, Annie Thorisdottir and Lindsey Valenzuela for the live announcement and demo of Open Workout 13.2. Ticket holders should have recieved an email yesterday with information on how the day will run and where to pick up your bracelets. Due to limited space this event is totally sold out and no additional guests will be allowed in.
We will resume a normal schedule tomorrow morning. Thank you for understanding!
Annie Thorisdottir and Lindsey Valenzuela
CFSBK Training Videos
Jeremy Goes For A Heavy Single On The Bench Press David Osorio
Christian Reiss Goes for a 1RM Deadlift David Osorio
Kettlebell, Pull-Up WOD Demo with Josh and McDowell David Osorio
CFSBK Collected Training: V1 David Osorio
Why Are We Discouraging Failing?
You may have noticed that we strongly discouraging people from failing on their lifts this throughout our training cycles. The rational behind this is two fold. Firstly, when you fail, it means you’ve tested your absolute limit. You’ve gone to the horizon of your capacity and fallen over the edge. In the context of Testing new rep maxes, this is okay and a necessary part of strength training. However every day is not a test and we don’t want you to max out to failure with any regularity. Our day in, day out workouts should be considered Training and an opportunity to go a little bit heavier than your previous efforts without reaching your absolute limits. Training to failure too often can be taxing on the central nervous system and actually slow down your progress. If you focus on going “a little heavier than last time” you keep pushing the ceiling of your potential a little big higher instead of busting right through it and having no where to go but back down.
The second major reason we want to make failing a rarity is for the psychological stress and negative expectations it can put on you. If you’ve trained yourself to think, “okay when things get hard I’ve got an easy escape route in bailing” you learn to give up more often and associate missed reps as a regular part of your routine. They don’t become significant, they don’t become a wake up call on where you’re at.. they just become the norm. This can subtly undermine a lot of your self expectations and the mindset you bring into your lifts.
All that being said, we don’t want you to avoid lifting heavy and training hard. Once your technique is in order, you’re expected to grind through lifts. Maximal Effort Method training is a staple of our programming and one of the best ways to get strong. It should feel difficult, it should feel heavy and you should expect to fight for it. Just like in real life, you don’t start fights you don’t think you can win, especially on a regular basis, all that does is screw with your confidence and send you limping home. A skilled athlete doesn’t need to miss reps to know where their potential for the day is. They have an innate sense of what they’re capable of and when to call it quits. Any missed lifts moving forward should be considered learning experiences on your physical capacity, psychological outlook, technique and always put into the context of the intended training stimulus for that day.
CrossFit Games Update Show, March 12th
It's a great day to be a member of the SBK community!
Also if anyone is interested in following a more recognizable leaderboard, I created a couple for the individual open's division only amongst SBK team members.
Just save the URL to your favorites and you won't have to set filters each time…
CFSBK Men's Open Leaderboard:
CFSBK Women's Open Leaderboard:
And then a leaderboard with just overall reps, no age or gender filters:
Mike, those are great thanks!
Management – I have printed my ticket but I did not receive an email with further instructions so… just show up at 6:30?
DMak. Check in at Littlefield's from 5 to 6:30. Free beer and eats. From 6:30 on check in at the gym. I just forwarded you the email.
Excited to be at the gym tonight for 13.2
This is for any Dr.'s on the blog who may want to help a fellow gym member. I hurt my wrist a few months ago now and am still in some pain when my wrist flexes. I want to get an MRI but it seems I have to get a Dr.s consult before they write me a RX for the MRI. My insurance which I pay an arm for does not cover the the consult but does cover the MRI.
The consult fees are big and always take about 5-10minutes.
Is there anyway I can get an RX directly for an MRI. Any advice on this? feel free to email me at
On the games site the link to our affiliate is broken and links to Northwest Crossfit Ballard who has a photo of a tiny dog wearing a sweater as it's thumbnail. -.- Dislike, hope they fix this.
HQ come on, we are not tiny dogs in pink sweaters. if anything we are a lady daschund in a sweet camo harness!
Molly and Tucker are famous!!
(see crossfit instagram)
So is Herschel now too!
Benson needs to get in on the CFSBK dog fame!
seriously. where is benson and banksy.
omg, from the twitter feed!
love those herschel eyes!
I think we should airbrush the Annie/Herschel picture on the roll up door.
Annie touched Herschel??? Never wash her again!
Benson is there in spirit. The little man is at camp.
Asta – In case you were stalking him via webcam, he is in room Central Bark East
Do we have enough dogs for a dogs of SBK calendar?
Stoked for tonight!!
Can you imagine if David or CFOX had implemented my Herschel Captain America Tee Shirt IDEA.,,,,,,#NOBRAINER
damn, that would be a great shirt
this nerd here seconds that. "SBK Assemble!"
Iceland Annie and Herschel! I DIE!
So jealous of you all tonite. Im currently slowly simmering in OB GYN night float week hell. I actually think I wont even be able to do this weeks WOD at all. Enjoy guys.
@DH3. I am still no doctor…but unless you TORE a ligament or a tendon im not so sure you need an MRI. Even then, are you going to get orthopedic surgery on your wrist? MRI will show you soft tissue damage, which after this many months probably should have resolved on its own, or at least healed to the point of no pain. It could be skeletal, in which an x ray would be needed. my 2 "medical student" cents. I didnt really reslove anything for you come to think of it. sorry about your wrist…
The dogs of CFSBK calendar needs to happen!
The "Workout of the Dog" Calendar? I'm in (as is my mutt).
I was able to watch some of the broadcast on mute from the Birthing room floor. CFSBK LOOKED GREAT! (so did Annie's behind)
Congrats to David and the entire CFSBK community for hosting a cool event!
Nice to see some familiar faces on the broadcast, although what's with the music during the workout? Did Nick lose his IPhone? I expected the Pixies or Vampire Weekend or something similar…please explain.