The only classes we’ll be running today are at 6am, 7am, 8am and 12pm as CrossFit Media will be in house setting up the event for tomorrow. Wednesday we will not be running any classes.
Bekka P during 13.1
Check out “The Professor” Samir Chopra’s excellent article on “The Zen of Weightlifting“
Attention 13.2 Ticket Holders!
If you registered to spectate tomorrow’s event you will be recieving an email with the itinerary and outline for the event by this afternoon. We’re extremely excited to be hosting CrossFit HQ and the live announcement of Workout 13.2 with Annie Thorisdottir and Lindsey Valenzuela.
The Sophomore Slump
by Noah Abbott
It’s inevitable. At some time during this great journey that is Crossfit, things are going to get tough. Your strength numbers stop shooting up, and your metcon times stop plummeting down. At a certain point what Mark Rippetoe calls the “Beginner Effect” wears off, and you are now faced with the daunting prospect that each gain, each skill mastered, and each second shaved will be done so at the cost of a considerable investment of time, focus, and will.
Often, concurrent with this realization, you will look around and think “why isn’t this happening to anyone else!” The guy you share a squat rack with has added 40 pounds to his squat this exposure, while you’ve risked an aneurysm to add 15! The girl you did foundations with just hit 100 consecutive double unders, and you approach the jump rope like its an anaconda looking to wrap you up and eat you! You thought you were great at this stuff, and all of a sudden it feels like you barely deserve to wear the ol’ skull and crossbones and call yourself a CFSBKer.
For many, this phenomenon occurs somewhere between 6 and 18 months into an athlete’s development, although it can certainly happen sooner or later, depending on your previous training history. Often times this double edged revelation- That a) shit is gonna be hard, and b)that on the giant Crossfit spectrum your abilities rate closer to Jason Schwartzman’s than Jason Khalipa’s- results in a drop of motivation, general malaise, and sometimes a loss of CrossFaith.
Congratulations! You are now a Crossfit Sophopmore, and experiencing your first Sophomore Slump! At this time it may be meritorious to examine the roots of the word Sophomore. Although commonly used to refer to the second year of high school or college instruction, it derives its name from the greek sophisma, which means “acquired skill, clever device, method” which was further derived from sophos, meaning “wise or skilled.” Previously you made gains randomly, almost accidentally, and every lift or metcon was a PR. Now, as a Sophomore, you must practice sophisma and train methodically and with greater perspective to ensure continued success.
Redefine Goals and Timeframes
At the start of your Crossfit career, goals were short-term challenges and triumphs. Kicking up to a handstand, one (or ten, or twenty) push-ups or pull-ups, squatting to depth- these were things that you could identify, work on for a relatively short amount of time, and achieve. For further development as a Sophomore, a redefinition of goals is necessary.
Previously, we planned forward to achieving a goal. “I want to squat 200 pounds by the end of the month.” Looking forward, I challenge you to plan backwards. Identify your goal, figure out how many training days you can allot per week or month to work on it, and set a long enough timeframe that you will be able to keep progressing slowly and steadily towards success. Make sure to start submaximally (using weight/reps/etc lower than your current max) to make sure you have room to grow. The more you can delay hitting the ceiling of your current ability, the more room your ability will have to grow. By starting low, aiming high, and giving themselves ample time to grow Smart Sophomores avoid Ceilings (I think I just made up a new saying!).
Even with perfect planning, great focus, and sustained intensity, some movements,workouts, or even time/weight modalities (Grace vs Murph) will always seem to crush us. Mobility, diet, sleep, injury history- all of these things blend into potent cocktails that besiege the fledgling (and intermediate, and expert) Crossfitter. Instead of getting frustrated why not try and re-frame the problem:
First, embrace every exposure to them as an opportunity to practice perfectly and gather experience and insight about a difficult adversary. Relish in attacking your weaknesses, and try your best to attend days when those weaknesses are programmed, or program them yourself during open gym days.
Second, actively try to maintain perspective about what Crossfit means in your life and your personal reasons for why you keep showing up to a funky old warehouse to get sweaty. Aside from the infinitesimal percentage of elite, competitive Crossfit athletes, most of us come to the gym for reasons that all fall under the umbrella of “Improving Quality of Life.” Increasing work capacity, being able to participate in new and challenging activities, looking better naked- all of these are broad, life-oriented goals that we work towards every single time we come to the gym, whether its a day when we hit a PR or where we bail on every set.
Last, remember what a great privilege it is that you have a life that allows you to spend a nice chunk of time each week picking up heavy stuff, running, jumping, and making yourself Mas Sexy (and I mean that in the broadest sense of the Spanglish malaproprism). There are a vast number of people out there too overworked, underpaid, untrained, ignorant or otherwise unable to do the things we take for granted. Your worst day at the gym is better than a day sitting on the couch mainlining Pringles.
Just Show Up
Which brings me to my last point and word of advice during slumps, Sophomoric or otherwise. JUST SHOW UP. Every day you are in the gym working is a day you are improving, even when it doesn’t feel that way. Tangible increases in strength or speed are important, but so are intangible gains in familiarity with movements and a greater understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. Broadening your knowledge and confidence is just as worthwhile an endeavor as broadening your back and thighs. Sometimes you will surprise yourself with gains you make when you feel like you are standing still. Plus, your friends want to see you, sweat with you, and laugh with you, and, if you don’t show up, your coaches will have nothing to do but compare deadlift scars and throw chalk at each other.
A Long Crossfit Road
Hopefully after reading this, some of you will feel rejuvenated, and apply these humble tools to break out of the funk you are currently in. Although this article deals with the concept of a Sophomore Slump, rest assured there are Junior Slumps, Senior Slumps, and a wealth of postgraduate, doctoral, and extracurricular opportunities in Slump Science as well. Now you have the weapons to fight back. Redefine your goals and adjust your timeframes to allow steady progress towards said goals. Strive to maintain perspective and always reflect on what Crossfit means to you, why you do it. Most importantly, even when it’s tough, find value in simply stepping into the ring. So equipped, all of these Slumps will be just small road bumps on a long road. Trust me, one day you’ll look back at this stuff, and laugh.
Fatal Familial Insomina
Looks like Lindsey Valenzuela is replacing Camille on Wednesday. Maybe we are going to see something strength-focused after all?
Yes interesting turn of events. I hope CLB is okay and it's just a logistics thing.
Now that Camille isn't coming does anyone want my tickets? (Just kidding) but I would much rather see Annie vs Camille then Annie vs that loud chick LINDSEY VALENZUELA =
noo! camille!!
great article, noah. thanks.
6am w/Jess & McDowell
I've had insomnia for the last two nights, so I had low expectations for myself today.
Surprisingly, I think I did my first set of strict push ups. At least that's what it felt like.
77lbs back squats. I felt in control of the weight and didn't get nervous as last time.
McDowell gave me some pointers to avoid tipping forward, which I've been doing for a few weeks. My technique, although far from perfect, has really improved thanks to all the good coaching I've received from him, thanks coach!
As a side note, the other day I met personal trainer who told me I had to lose 5 pounds. What the hell?
Aw no. Now Noah's been brushing up on his French for NOTHING.
Matt: You seriously made me guffaw just now.
Helen in 10:19 with ring rows. I think maybe I should have gone with banded pullups to make this a bit harder. Rainy running, bleh!
6am with Jess and McDowell. Helen in 11:59 with banded (green) pull-ups. Slower than last time, but last time I only did 6 pull-ups each round and this time I did 12. So feeling pretty good about that!
So excited for tomorrow's event!
6am with Jess and McDowell. Hammies are a bit sore from yesterday's deadlift/run wod. Tackled Helen in 9:04. Quite a bit off from my PR, but I think the difference was mainly transition time as today there was lots of traffic entering and exiting the gym. Kettlebell swings and pull-ups were unbroken. Need to run faster.
Hopefully Annie doesn't give her anything to scream about, except loosing! 😉
(Monday's work)
pause squats @ 210
WOD @ 185# 3rounds even
The difference between 190 and 210 was pretty profound on my speed- I was still able to move well but not quite with the "snap" of last week
Finished round 3 with about 2 seconds to spare. I really strength but it's great to be back to sweaty-exhausted-push-myself-ville
A little heartbroken (le sigh) but Lindsay is a no shit competitor, and probably a little better head to head match with Annie (if there is such a thing.) Hope this doesn't mean CLB is hurt or anything that would le suck.
And Josh, hahahaha.
I freaking love Lindsay Valenzuela. I'm pumped.
CLB is okay, there were some travel issues.
I don't think the switch reflects a change in programming, as many people are speculating.
Here's to a great showdown!
link FAIL! on the crossfit games site, the cfsbk link at the bottom of the 13.2 update article links to a box in seattle which at least had the decency of posting a dog in a pink sweater as their affiliate logo
I heard 13.2 is a 5K run and there are 2 treadmills in that box.
I think Noah raises some good points in the need to adjust approach. Samir's article is a well timed companion in that he prescribes some good advise in terms of mental approach that will also develop one's disposition and possibly help one out of a sophomore slump.
At the end of strength Jeremy gave us a short talk that was pretty on point. He was essentially explaining that the cycle is not about the Total and it's not about PRs. It's about learning to be comfortable with discomfort, to step outside of your comfort zone and confront difficult situations with calm and bravery. It's what a teacher of mine called "tolerance to adversity," and I think it's a point well made to anyone but could be especially useful to those experiencing a slump. Sometime a shift in physical approach isn't enough, you need to shift your mental approach to a more sustainable paradigm as well. Re-orient yourself to the "whys" and move some of the focus from results to process.
That being said, if you are slumping in your fitness gains and don't want to, I might suggest cross training. Yes, I know, Crossfit is perfect….. Try training for and running a half marathon, do yoga 2-3x a week for 2-3 months, do a strength cycle, do pilates. In Glassman's "fitness in a hundred words" he mentions frequently learning and playing new sports. How many of you have spent any time with our next door neighbor Brooklyn Boulders? Spring for a one month membership. Get into some pick up soccer games at Prospect, take a dance class, do some martial arts…… Any of this stuff will lead to increased body awareness and provide complementary training for different parameters of fitness that will ultimately improve your WOD performance.
Aight, enough fake coaching for today…..
I think 13.2 is a taco eating contest. Heard Canadians do not eat tacos that is why Camille had to be replaced. Matt, please confirm.
CF Announcer: "Live from Crossfit South Brooklyn, our first ever Crossfit taco eating contest."
If there is a chance that 13.2 isn't a taco eating contest, can we invite the two ladies to Matamoros to see how they compare to our ladies on our leaderboard.
SO for all you haters, I'm totally stoked about the switch. Lindsey's form on Olympic lifts last year were so much better than anything Annie was doing in the competition at the games. (No offense @Annie, she just doesn't break down as fast.) She's really great to watch in heavy workouts and is a good example, I think.
I don't care if she screams. I think Stella would agree with me. GET IT.
I guess Joe O won't feel like he's missing out on anything now…
Helen this morning in 8:10 – 15" off my PR. I'm going to chalk it up to rain and transition time, but I could probably have pushed the run a little faster too.
Lindsay V!!!! She's freaking awesome, her intensity is as awesome as it gets…not to mention, last year when I visited her gym, she has a box (literally for box jumps, not the crossfit word) that says "Lindsay Valenzuela is ANNOYED" Still jealous I'm on the road and won't be able to attend in person…BAH!
Very stoked to see ANY elite crossfitters compete, especially these two ladies. And Dave, there are totally tacos in Canada. They're made of hardened maple syrup, moose lard, and polar bear meat. I bet Camille could eat a million of your puny american tacos and still PR her Fran time afterwards.
Courtney and I will CRUSH Annie and Lindsay in a taco eating contest. We've been training for months. BRING IT ON.
So bummed that I'm traveling and will miss this. Jay and Niko, I expect lots of photos and video.
I'm actually pretty stoked about Lindsay. She seems like a seriously awesome and badass chick – not that CLB isn't, but I think this'll be a solid showdown.
Except, of course, if it's a taco contest. I pity the fool, Lindsay OR Annie, who thinks that she can come onto our turf and knock us off the leaderboard. Chicago and I weren't even breaking a sweat when we posted those taco numbers.
Also, as I understand it, the taco record is applicable over the course of the day and our numbers were only established during a single Matamoros sitting. I would eat Matamoros morning, noon and night because it is absolute gold. Bring it on, Annie and Lindsay. BRING. IT. ON.
Matt Katz – LOL. Moose lard? Amazeballs.
La Rosa — totally! I read Josh's post this morning and thought, "What's wrong with loud CrossFitters?"
Speaking as a loud crossfitter myself (and an even louder active recover-er), nothing at all! In fact, more noise = more awesome.
noon class w/Jeremy – mondays workout
HBBSQ: 185x2x8 w/2 sec pause – these felt pretty good
wod: 2rds+ ~300m at 185# (sub. erg for running)
made up C+J complex from Sunday: 95, 115, 135, 150, 160, 170 (170 was prob ugly but I got it over head just fine – the clean portion still needs the most work)
thanks to Jeremy and DO for letting me get this in at the end.
My recommendation from last night's class.
13.2: "Underground to Overhead"
AMRAP 12 minutes
Stair climb – 9th Street R station to 4th Avenue F/G
Canuck tacos. Get some!
I second that Ryan. I remember last June doing some 6am class that kicked me in the rear. I ran over to the R at Union to catch the 7:17 to make it to 4th ave to switch for the 7:22 F train. Ran up those steps, 2 at a time and came about as close to Pukie as I've ever come…no joke.
I am so geeked out about this event
If anyone has an extra ticket, please email me 🙂
I need tickets also email me at nancyh911@ pleaseeeeeeeeeee
Thanks nancy& willie
@MGMT will there be Thursday morning classes?
2012 Results ordered by clean weight
(Name | Heaviest successful clean | Percentage of body weight):
1) Elisabeth Akinwale | 235 pounds | 146%
2) Lindsey Valenzuela | 235 pounds | 156%
3) Annie Thorisdottir | 220 pounds | 149%
4) Lindsey Smith | 220 pounds | 139%
5) Candace Hester | 215 pounds | 148%
6) Deborah Cordner Carson | 215 pounds | 159%
7) Camille Leblanc-Bazinet | 210 pounds | 167%
8) Jessa Lemoine | 205 pounds | 152%
9) Rebecca Voigt | 205 pounds | 139%
10t) Kara Gordon | 205 pounds | 137%
10t) Heather Welsh | 205 pounds | 139%
Numbers scream much louder then Lindsey V.
WOD: Helen @ 1pood 13:40
Came in for the ever elusive 3rd day in a row and what does that sneaky fox have for me? More running. Needless to say my excitement was palpable. Seriously though it appears I can run 2 days in a row and not die, must keep that in mind. Also did 2 movements that I've been concerned with since coming back from my back injury, high speed/rep deadlifts yesterday and KB swings today. Went really light on both and it went smooth, Will start to up the weights and make sure I don't get squirrelly. Don't worry Melo I won't be DFL at spartan.
Numbers are so much fun, check this out:
Lindsey V.
5'4" 154lb
205 reps on 13.1
Camille L-B
5'2" 130lb
203 reps on 13.1
24lbs lighter and only got 2 less reps
@Josh. You're clearly devastated about CLB not coming. Lindsey still does better than Annie per your #s
This is going to be a fun event to watch! All the instagram photos are making me uber excited…
ooh josh is posting so many numbers & statistics, keep it coming!
i am super excited about tomorrow, but it's like i'm in a crossfit dream world and i'd try to tell people why it's so exciting and there'd be a lot of explanation on my end with air demo barbell lifts for emphasis and then they'd still be like "oh, that's nice". so really i'm just keeping my excitement to myself.
Annie's stats from 13.1
5'7" 147.4 lbs
209 reps
BTW if anyone knows about any 1br apartment in the downtown Brooklyn (Clinton hill, Prospect heights, Park slope) vicinity floating around lemme know. Anything around $1800-$1900. Preferably with laundry and place for a bike. email me (cloydemills @ Gracias.
While I am impressed beyond belief with CLB's % numbers, it really doesn't matter in the end- otherwise Chris Spealler would be a multiple time champ. That said, it does put an interesting spin on perceptions- Lindsay is viewed as a great Olympic lifter, but pound for pound CLB is actually better.
I'm a fan of quiet dignity as well, bye the bye.
The only number that matters: 2.
(CrossFit Games Championships).
Cloyde, from a comment yesterday:
I'm moving out of my prospect heights/crown heights studio (classon and st. marks) on April 1st. It's spacious, has a nice bathroom and a kitchen with an island. The rent is 1,195/mo, which is a good deal.
If you're interested email me at
Looking forward to seeing 13.2 go down.
The article certainly is a fitting one for me. As I am coming back from an injury I was taken aback by how much strength was lost in my bench and it really hit home when I tried to do my sets of 8.
I also have other goals that seem far to me but I am not trying to take them down in a month much like Noah suggested. keep working towards your goal and you will close on them.
I've had to take 25 pounds off my starting squat number for this cycle because of a little tweak in the back. It was a kick in the balls but I'll take it just so I can keep squatting.
CrossFit HQ Instagram is really exciting right now.
Super jealous I don't have tickets.
Pregunta: Is the after party at Littlefield open to the public or just ticket