Fitness:Low Bar Back Squat 3×5
Continue your linear progression by adding 5lbs to your previous exposure weight
Performance: High Bar Pause Squat 70%x2x8
Rest about a minute, no more than 2 minutes between sets.
Post loads to comments
BSQ e3/6 compare to 3.4.13
AMRAP 8 minutes:
400m Run
12 Deadlifts 225/155
Modified loads:
M – 225/185/155/135/115
W – 155/135/115/95/75
Post rounds completed and Rx to comments.
Scheduling and Programming Update
As mentioned yesterday on the blog, there are no classes on Tuesday evening and all day Wednesday while we host CrossFit HQ and the live announcement of Open workout 13.2 with Camille Leblanc-Bazinet and Annie Thorisdottir. Below is what the programming will look like since this modifies our training schedule:
Tuesday 6am, 7am, 8am, 12pm
Mondays workout or a benchmark WOD
Two lift Thursday. Squat and Bench, bro.
13.1 In The Books
Great work to everyone who participated in 13.1 this week. We saw some amazing efforts at the gym and lots of Snatch PRs. One of our favorite aspects of the Open is that it pushes you to try something you would normally never do. A bunch of folks totally surprised themselves with what they could pull off. Very inspiring!
87 of you took on 13.1, here are our top performances:
1. Coach Melo: 168 Reps, 10:16
2. Heidi Schnappauf: 155 Reps, 12:35
3. Ellie Myers: 150 Reps, 13:17
4. Jen Stopka: 150 Reps, 14:10
5. Coach Jess: 150 Reps, 14:55
1. Coach Josh: 160 Reps, 11:42
2. Christian Reiss: 159 Reps, 11:33
3. Nick Feo: 158 Reps, 13:03
4. Matt Katz: 157 Reps, 13:05
5. McDowell Myers: 154 Reps, 12:59
1. Coach Nick: 126 Reps, 5:08
2. Coach Fox: 114 Reps, 6:06
3. Charmel Rogers: 110 Reps, 10:01
4. Pierre Davidoff: 108 Reps, 6:46
5. Chris Paschke: 100 Reps, 6:00
6. David Makowski: 100 Reps, 6:48
7. Robert Fasone: 100 Reps, 9:44
8. Robert Underwood: 100 Reps, 9:45
9. Keith Walter: 100 Reps, 10:11
1. Adele Myers: 100 Reps, 10:51
1. Michael Ravtich: 103 Reps, 7:45
2. Dan Baldini: 100 Reps, 9:09
3. Jay Reingold: 100 Reps, 12:21
4. Jason Horowitz: 89 Reps, 14:38
1. Bob Semmens: 181 Reps, 16:55 (4th Overall in the North East!)
1. Jacinto Bonilla: 152 Reps, 12:58 (6th Overall on the North East!)
Team CFSBK is currently 88th in the North East and 908 Worldwide
To see the world wide leader boards, click here
How did 13.1 go for you and what’s your guess for 13.2?
Annie Thorisdottir scores 209 on 13.1 CrossFit
I know I'm boyishly handsome, but I'm actually a Masters 40-44 and scored a 114 with a rnd 1 time of 6:16.
Bob & Jacinto!!! Animals!!!
As shocked as i am to be 45, one of the sweet compensations of age is age groups in competition. I did somehow get 103 reps and if I came from Africa or Latin America, or found another devious way to manipulate the filters, I would be top 10 baby.
6am with Nick & McDowell. Worked in a three-top squat team with Pierre and Peter, which means we rested a bit more than 1 min per set. I worked at 240lb HBBS and had a devil of a time finding the bottom but I think I was in a pretty good position for the last few sets. Finished 3 rounds + a few inches of the WOD. I felt compelled to finish out the last run even though I didn't make it out of the door before time ran out.
by the way, congratulations to all! Some of those results seem incredible to me and i am so impressed. It looks like Bob has a very real shot at qualifying for the Games – he's a top master worldwide. Go Bob!
My guess for 13.2 is something less strength-based, more endurance. Probably with double unders or pull-ups, maybe a couplet or a chipper.
Congrats to everyone on 13.1.
Bob and Jacinto – wow, fantastic!
Worked at 205 and 215 trying to find good depth and keep position. Did the first two at 215, then dropped it back to 205 for the next 5 and tried 215 again at the end once I felt a little more solid at that depth. Next week will be better I think.
Got 3 rounds plus ~ the run to 3rd ave on the WOD before time ran out
I'm with Matt, it's not going to be as strength-based because I don't think CF would have chosen two women with such a disparity in their sizes as Camille and Annie if it were. I smell double-unders. I know they're coming at some point, but *sigh*
HBBSQ 120x2x8. This time I didn't screw the math up.
WOD, 2 rounds + run in 8:09 (if we're being strict about the 8 minutes I was probably somewhere between 3rd Ave and the box), 135# deadlifts. Kinda wish I had done this Rx.
Also, I need to notatallhumblebrag: 5th place in the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament this weekend! (And yet, annoyingly, not even the best solver in Brooklyn, let alone NYC…) My best finish ever, and in a field that's much deeper than it was in 2005, when I hit my previous best of 6th. I'm on a total nerd high right now.
That's awesome Stella! I was following your twitter feed enjoying the commentary 🙂
Nice job everyone on 13.1…
I did as expected, wasn't planning on hitting 165 after all that other work anyway… But I did have way more fun than just 7 minutes of burpees!
13.2 I'm guessing will have some gymnastic movement that did not come up last years open like handstand push ups or bar muscle ups with some simple body weight movement most likely box jumps because Crossfit loves box jumps.
Bob!! My Man!
I judged for him on Saturday and he was flying though both burpees and snatches. Very impressive performance.
He was also a great judge for me keeping me moving and motivating me to almost get that one elusive snatch at 135#.
Thanks Bob, keep it rolling in 13.2!
6am with Nick and McDowell. High bar pause squats @ 205. I find it much easier to get all the way to the bottom with a good amount of weight on the bar. The warm up set at 45# was quite high in comparison to the work sets. Weight moved well even though this was a 20# jump from last week. WOD @ 225#: 2 rounds + 9 deadlifts. Hips are a bit tight today which bothered me on the last set of deadlifts. Really should have finished 3 rounds.
I suspect 13.2 will be some sort of chipper starting with a weightlifting movement that favors Annie and ending with some sort of gymnastics movement (bar muscle-ups?) which favors Camille.
Sorry for the omissions, guys. They've been corrected. CFHQ doesnt have those "custom leaderboards" they'd been talking so much about up which means I had to go through each person I suspected to be a master individually to find their scores and age etc. Very tedious!
I loved 13.1. After being a bit nervous about it and like Noah fearing that by the time I got to 135 I would have no more wind left in my sails I pleasantly surprised myself. Last year I had to Squat snatch the 135lb and it took me a long time to recovery from each pull. This year I was able to power snatch them all and go at a much faster clip. This was by far my favorite Open workout to date.
I think 13.2 will also be a light/medium weight triplet
AMRAP 12 Minutes
15 Thrusters 75/45
10 Toes to Bars
10 Box Jumps, 24"/20"
Something like that
I didn't register for the Open. That said, I am, ahem, a master in the 45-49 category. I turn 46 on the 26th.
I scored 100 reps with the snatches ending at 7:12.
I quite enjoyed the workout especially given my modification. I look forward to 13.2. I hope it has muscle-ups in it. Not because I'd kill it (I can barely manage one) but because I think it'd be awesome to see AT and CL-B do them here.
Who's jealous of the meat share folks and wants a trial run next month?
I'll be out of town for work for the first two weeks of April, so I won't be around to pick up my 15# share. I'm looking to sell it to whoever wants in. My share has beef, lamb, pork and chicken, because I don't discriminate what types of dead animal I eat. The price per month is $150 ($600 for a 4 month share), but I'm willing to sell mine for $125. Email me at proberts05 (at) gmail (dot) com if you're interested, or let me know at the gym.
Any reason McDowell is listed by his full (well, almost full) name and not as Coach McDowell? Has he retired from coaching at the top of his game to make a run at Rich Froning this year?
Make up post from yesterday.
Omg everyone did so great! I can't believe how awesome the scores are. I'm so proud to be part of CFSBK.
13.1 Was scary. I spent friday and saturday in bed, on vicodin due to a mild health issue I had on Friday, so getting my ass off of the couch Sunday was definitely difficult. I didn't think I'd be able to snatch #75, as my highest 1rm before this was 65. I ended up getting 4 reps in at that weight, thanks, in no small part, to the peanut gallery of Mel, J. Stopka, Court, Todd, Kmo, JB and anyone else I may be missing. It's amazing what total desperation and a lot of encouragement can help you physically achieve. My goal was to get to 100, so I'm pretty satisfied with my final score.
This is my first open, last year I did the wods but all modified. Looking forward to pushing myself for the next wods. And SERIOUSLY looking forward to Annie being in our gym. omg I'm going to fan girl out. Considering getting custom t shirts made. Not joking.
Meat share gone. Thanks for the quick responses. Knew that wouldn't take long.
13.1 at open gym last night was fun and tough. Solid crew including a dedicated few attacking it for a 2nd time.
I burned through the burpees and first round of snatches way faster than i had wanted to and was sucking wind through the second round of burpees, but it showed me that I wasn't as de-conditioned as I though from 2 months of strength.
Gave 135 all I could and managed to get under a couple attempts but just could not stand it up. Felt like hell for a while after, then recovered and got to judge Shaye and see her get 4 PR snatches overhead after the rest of the brutality. Can't wait for the next one.
This post is for accountability purposes only, as I'm working on a big project launch and struggling with the usual work/life stuff: I, Allison K., solemnly swear to come in either tonight or tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. for squats.
May the odds of digital production be ever in my favor and allow me to squat tonight.
Congrats everyone! Those are some really impressive numbers.
Excited to see what the next one will be ..and to watch the battle CFSBK!!
13.1 was a mixed bag for me- I was happy with where I ended up, and definitely felt progress from a year ago. That said, I am a "gameplanner" and didn't approach the workout with enough of a plan, due mainly to fear. If I did it again, with knowledge and confidence that I could handle the 135# without much issue, I think I could have paced myself to be done with those 30 snatches at the 15ish minute mark, leaving me a minute or two for all out burpees, hopefully putting me at 150. That's my gut feeling anyway.
I hope 13.2 involves more movments, a triplet or chipperish format would be nice. I'm very much a Jack Of All Trades type of crossfit athlete, with no particular strength but no real glaring weakness (except for HSPU, dammit.) So for me, the more the merrier.
I think box jumps will definitely be in, and regular pullups. That's all I got.
13.2 – Box Jumps please!
Make-up from yesterday.
Worked up to 165 on the complex. Fox noticed a really ugly, ineffective dip I was doing pre-hang power clean, so he had to compare that with a clean from the floor. The hip pop continues to be an elusive beast for me. That said–I picked up this cycle about 15-20 lbs heavier than our last clean and jerk cycle. Accessory work at 100lbs, with strict pull-ups (5×4, exposure four of the pull-up progression) and knee tucks.
I watched Matt do 13.1 at his box yesterday (113 for him) and left feeling that I could've added another 3-4 reps to my score had I tried it again. I hit 2 snatches in about 15 seconds at the end of the WOD and don't think I needed quite as much rest as I gave myself in between pulls on Saturday. I'll plan to do this again in six months to check my progress.
I'd still love for 13.2 to be my wall-ball, pull-up combination, but maybe with a different lift component thrown in. (Moderate weight deadlift, perhaps?) I just hope it doesn't involve toes-to-bar.
I'm moving out of my prospect heights/crown heights studio (classon and st. marks) on April 1st. It's spacious, has a nice bathroom and a kitchen with an island. The rent is 1,195/mo, which is a good deal.
If you're interested email me at
well congrats to everyone who did the 13.1 especially my hubby Willie who did 104 reps 8:22 in the 40-44 masters and did not realize the strength he had within!!! i also finish at 100 reps and can not believe i was able to snatch 45 lbs and i am so feeling it today i can not move,bend,squat or anything else that has to do with cross fit so i will be taking these 3 days off and hopefully 13.2 is less stress on my body!!!
5:30 with MeLo.
DROMs, jumping jacks, DB thrusters, hip openers to start. Never done some of those jumping jack variants before.
Squatted with fellow tall guy DMak. Got my money's worth out of the two second pause, as DMak counts nice and slow.
(45×5, 135×4, 165×3) 195x2x8
Felt great–comfortable in the bottom, snappy coming back up.
Chased Matt Katz on the WOD (to no avail). 2 rounds + run + 8 DL at 225. This was a good one.
warm up 45×5, 95×4, 125×1
work: 125x5x3
felt solid and quick on all sets. happy with that.
WOD… DL @ 135#
2 rounds + 12 DL + 130M
12 was a lot and got heavy for sure!
Happy with 13.1 all in all. Posted the details of my experience yesterday. I only wish I had the foresight to realize a week sooner that I hadn't snatched at all in a year and just needed to come work it in OG once to get a feel for it, know my limits, etc.
That being said… it was kinda cool to just go in blind and surprise myself with what was possible.
13.2 — definitely thinking box jumps will be in there at some point.
If anybody has a ticket for Wednesday but finds out they can't make it and wants to give it to me 🙂 I'd love you forever. inka.hodes@gmail. THANKS!
Excited to write my first post today! (I've been trolling for a few weeks now.) Had my first class post foundations with David today @4:30. I was a little intimidated at first, but everyone was super helpful- special shout out to Coach David for the extra pointers and helping me find the right weights for me. And thanks to a classmate David who showed me what progressions were. I did my 3×5 and then just stood there thinking, 'why is everyone still working- why would this take 15 minutes'? Anyway- I did two rounds of the WOD with 75×8 of the DL's. Starting slow and lite, but confident that I will move up as I get the form down. I was siked to have a fellow newbie there to do the WOD with- thanks Bethany!
Welcome, Breebree!!
Eventually you'll think the opposite… ONLY 15 minutes??
We had 4 guys from CF HQ come in today and take classes. It was awesome to see the HQ army trickle in, everyone was super nice.
Nice working with Ryan today, I love not having to squat low to get under the bar!
45×5, 135×5, 165×3, 200x2x8 with 2 second pause. Ryan started counting a bit faster but then slowed it down!
WOD 2 full rounds plus the run rx'ed. I felt better on the 3rd run than I thought I would, felt like I was just coming into my own.
Super excited for Wed.
Partnered with PR and Matt from CF HQ.
Worked up to 250 on the HBS. Felt good. Moved pretty fast.
WOD: 2.5 rounds RX
Deadlifts were unbroken. Running broke my spirit
Always a special moment when one can deadlift while Unchained Melody is blasting. *keeping my eye out for Noah*
MGMT – I left my blue Nalgene bottle and log book near the microwave. Please put it aside and I'll pick them up on Thursday. Thanks!
Wow I made top 10, I'm shocked and humbled by finding that out.
I should have went all out jut to get to 100 reps as fast as possible since I knew I could almost guarantee I could not put 135 over my hear. I was secretly hoping to get at least one. I think 100 was the most I ever have.
I have a feeling the next one will be cardio intensive doubleunders, boxjumps something like that. and maybe kettlebells