Take 12 Minutes To work up to a heavy weight on the following complex:
Deadlift with pause at “Hip” position
Hip Power Clean
Front Squat
Split Jerk
Try to go heavier than last week
C&J e2/6
15 Minutes NFRs
Reverse Lunges 60%x8e
8/5 Strict Pull-Ups
:30 second L-Sit
You can either add load or break up reps on the pull-up depending on your capacity.
Yesterday we posted a photo of Julie Foucher from this years Open putting up one of the best scores in the world. The video above shows her in 2009 early in her CrossFit journey. Amazing development!
Submit your Open Scores Today!
In order for your workout to count please login and submit your score by 8pm today. Your score includes your total reps, tie break time and the name of your judge. If you didn’t take your section of the score card home, we’ve got them at the gym. You can either stop by or call the front desk at 347-83-CFSBK between 9am and 2pm today to get your details. Any issues should be directed asap to David(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com. This video has more details about submitting your scores.
Scheduling and Programming Update
As mentioned yesterday on the blog, there are no classes on Tuesday evening and all day Wednesday while we host CrossFit HQ and the live announcement of Open workout 13.2 with Camille Leblanc-Bazinet and Annie Thorisdottir. Below is what the programming will look like since this modifies our training schedule:
Tuesday 6am, 7am, 8am, 12pm
Mondays workout or a benchmark WOD
Two lift Thursday. Squat and Bench, bro.
Miko Tokola.
Hi friends!
I was not able to get a ticket to Wednesday's CrossFit Open Live ๐ If you have an extra ticket or won't be able to go at the last minute – or know anyone who does – please let me know. Please email: bwolf11@gmail.com
Do we have to post our own scores on the official leader board or does someone at CFSBK post our score?
Whoops just realized I had to do it sorry!
Posting the deets from my experience with 13.1 at River North Crossfit in Chicago on Friday morning.
Nice space, not an overly friendly box or welcoming coach. Small mid-day class, was pretty much on my own to figure out where things were and get warmed up for the WOD.
As I mentioned to Josh earlier this week, I don't think I've snatched in over a year. Wasn't coming on Sundays last cycle and think I just happened to miss them. So, I knew I could do 45 and wasn't sure how 75 would feel.
Really glad I watched a whole bunch of videos on the snatch the day before (Pendlay/Cal Strength and Mike Burgener), so when I got to 75# I just thought consistently on every rep… 'JUMP!'
Score: 125
40 burpees finished at 3:21
30 snatches @ 45# finished at 6:25
30 burpees finished at 9:47
25 snatches @ 75# took me to the 17:00 mark!
Definitely could've gotten 30 snatches. I think the first few felt really heavy so I told myself I would just do as much as I could.. but I really cut myself short. They actually stayed pretty consistent and felt a little smoother as I went along and technique got dialed in a bit more.
I had 7 minutes to get through those 30, which would've been 4 or 5 each minute. Just needed to stay on it. Next time!
Happy with this, and excited to work snatch technique a bit more.
Visiting this box also just re-affirmed my gratitude for SBK and makes me that much more excited to come back and get to work with our great coaches and fun community.
121 Reps (That's 21 reps into 135)
My goal was 15 reps at 135. I was really happy to get past the half way mark and even happier that I power snatched every rep. They all felt pretty sharp with no major press outs or craziness. Big thanks to everyone who cheered me on, especially Josh for being my judge
Today's lifting didn't go so well. I got many little things wrong and I seem to be chronically afflicted by a problem in my dip for the split jerk (inherited from a similar problem in the push press). I barely got up to last week's 145. Pleasure working out with Shimi though, and many thanks to Arturo and Fox for tips.
Perhaps I'm still exhausted from yesterday's workout.
Congrats Stella!!
Wow can I relate to that Julie Foucher video. Not in the sense that I'm the amazing athlete that she is now, but in the fact that it's nice to know that she needed a lot of work to get to where she is now. I remember being as disorganized as she was in that video and thinking that no way in hell is this EVER going to feel smooth. I would think "you want this lift to be fast?", yeah right, I just want to land on 2 feet.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you're not already, you should be keeping track of your progress. Remember that class 1 Foundations lecture on journaling??? When I started, I couldn't freakin' clean a training barbell without falling over and I embarassingly FELL OVER during my Foundations class because I couldn't organize the position. The other day, I hit 153 for a couple of singles, no problem. I've been keeping track since I started CF in July of 2009 and all I can say is that journaling your experience definitely helps to put things into perspective. It's awesome to look back and see how far you've come.
p.s. I did 13.1 on Thursday while at the Outlaw camp in LIC. I finished with 150 total reps. Only had 4 seconds after the 20 burpees so no real attempt at 100. Wish I would have moved faster through the round of 75 so that I could have at least gotten 1 at 100. I was shocked by how heavy those second round of snatches felt. It was great to head out to Queens to support our folks competing. Everyone (both there and in-house) did an excellent job on a brutal workout. Can't wait to see 13.2 announced LIVE!!!!!!!
Christian, Big Nick, and Rikkie all redid 13.1 at OG tonite. ALL of them crushed it and put out such inspiring BALLS OUT efforts to beat their previous scores. Congrats to all. F–ck ya.