17 minute AMRAP of:
40 Burpees
30 Snatch, 75 / 45 lbs
30 Burpees
30 Snatch, 135 / 75 lbs
20 Burpees
30 Snatch, 165 / 100 lbs
10 burpees
Max rep Snatch, 210 / 120 lbs
We will also offer a third scaling option for non-registered athletes of 35/55/75/95 lbs on the Snatch.
To see the complete workout description and information on the tie break rule. Please check out the Games site here.
See the world wide leader board here
DIY Movement Prep
Please show up a bit earlier than your class and perform some DIY movement prep to get yourself ready. We suggest the following:
Warm-Up: Row 3:00-4:00 at an easy pace, try to get a little sweat going
Foam Roll: Your Lats, T-Spine and inner thighs. You can use a LAX on your upper back too if you’d like.
Hip Mobility: Ground based hip mobility (like this, starting at 1:45) 2:00 Each
Shoulder Mobility: Do this classic overhead stretch 2:00 each side
Ankle Smash: Do an ankle smash using a Kettlebell handle. (Kind of like this, starting at 2:25)
Julie Foucher working towards 195 Reps
News and Notes
- There is No Active Recovery Today
- Good luck to the the SBKers taking on this workout at CrossFit Queens today as part of the invitational Open series.
- As you know, next week we’re hosting CrossFit HQ as they broadcast the live announcement and first competition for Workout 13.2. Because they need to be in the gym setting up the space, conducting interviews etc, the gym will be closed for Tuesday evening classes as well as all of Wednesday. This is a huge event for the CrossFit community and will be watched world wide on Wednesday night starting at 8:00pm EST.
Snatch Camp Today
Happy snatching to everyone registered for The Starting Strength Snatch Camp today with coaches Josh and Shelly. Please arrive by 2:30 to settle in and get yourself ready for the day. Proper weightlifting shoes, Tall socks or Pants, and Tape are highly recommended.
Jumping The Weight With Coach Burgener CrossFit
Question for management: since the gym is closed Wednesday for the Xfit games announcement, can we come in on Tuesday morning and bench press? Or will there be no bench press programming next week? Either way is fine because I'm PSYCHED for Wednesday night!!!
Yes please bench press on Tuesday!
Here's a re-post from Thursday on 13.1
Out at the Outlaw Camp in CFLIC today and we did 13.1. The strategy Rudy put forth was to go slow (really slow) on the burpees (goal was to finish 40 in 2:40) so as to save time for the snatch which is what the WOD is really about, and I agree. I'm a bit unhappy with my performance as I wanted more but I got 14 reps in to the 135#. We lifted heavy last night at camp and I hit 170 (PR tie) so I was hoping 135 would feel "light"…it didn't after 70 burpees. Still I think the strategy is correct and chalk my showing up to the fact that my conditioning sucks, burpees were hard!
Then, I got to judge Daniel Tyminski (tied Dan Bailey with 190), while Jess judged Elizabeth Akinwale (1 rep shy of Julie Foucher with 194), while Josh judged Matt Hathcock (also a baller)….fun times!
If anybody is looking for a spot at the Snatch Camp this afternoon, I registered but don't think I'm going to be able to make it.
Hit me up: andrew.migdail (AT) gmail.com
9am with David and MeLo for 13.1. I liked that we had some Plate of Damocles burpee targets in our gym–I was jealous of those after watching Bailey/Panchik.
Catching the last heat of the 8am class got me really excited. The goal was to get through the first 100 reps and leave myself time for a few solid attempts at 135.
I finished the second round of burpees with a little under 7 minutes to go. I hit 4 of 7 attempts at 135, plus a fifth just a second after time expired, for a score of 104. I'll take a 35lb snatch PR anyday, but I especially pleased after 70 burpees and 30 snatches. The pull was very high each time, I just need to practice being comfortable catching lower to hit that weight more consistently.
Can't thank Jess, Courtney, Matt, Shawn, and MeLo for camping out with me during those last few minutes. I owe you guys!
Pretty happy with the 13.1 performance. My goal was to finish the second set of burpees by minute 12 so I could spend 5 minutes working on getting up one 135# snatch. Thanks to Coach David for the notes and partner Jay for the cheering. Ended up putting the weight up three times. (Three times more than I thought I would.)
Clearly meant "couldn't thank them enough."
13.1 today at 10am. Wasn't feeling completely up to the task but managed 107/6:11.
That's somewhere in between my best case (all 30 at 75lbs) and worst case (0 at 75) scenarios, so I'll take it. It's great to be participating in the Open this year – having no choice but to do Rx weights and seeing where I end up.
Thanks to my judge, David, for the tips and to my partner, Keith, for the pep talks. Also got lots of help and encouragement last night from the OG crew, which is very much appreciated!
My goal this morning was to get the 100 pts and then have some left in the tank for an attempt at 135. Well, I accomplished my goal. Thanks, of course to CFSBKLYN.
Burpees were tough as I expected, but took my time and grinded them out. Thanks to my partner, Havel, and to David for the pointers at my 135 attempts.
116 RX
Finished 75 lbs snatch at 6:51.
Finished 30 burpees at 10:36.
Wish I did the burpees faster. I had more in me at 135.
This workout was real fun.
Was dreading 13.1 all week, remembering the feeling of futility during last year's snatch ladder. Watching people all week I was consistently impressed and worried at how heavy the first snatch at 135# looked and how slow in general people went (including people who are normally lightning fast.)
The best tip I got going into today was buried in the 20 minute MWOD on 13.1, and came from Diane Wu, who said that you should treat the last 5 reps at 75# like its 135#, instead of the quicker, short range, muscle snatch approach for the 1st 25. Kept that in mind.
Didn't sleep particularly well thinking about the workout (I know, really.) Was worried that 135 wouldn't go up, even though I've snatched no problem before. Took it nice and slow, got super tight, and tried to treat the first rep at 135# like a PR attempt.
Ended up with 21 at 135, nearly 22. I think if I did it again I could make it through 30, with the knowledge that the weight will go up and not having to rest quite to much to make it do so. Thanks to Luca who judged and set a great example in the 1st heat.
Ended up with 150
Went in hoping for a couple attempts at 165, which I did get, but only had about 30" left by the time I got the weight on the bar and set up. First was not really a great one. Second was a little better and I got the weight pretty high, just didn't pull under it enough to lock it out. Would have liked to have a few more seconds to get set up and get at least one rep.
Doing it again I would have gone a bit slower on the burpees and a bit faster at 135. It definitely felt heavy at first and I consciously slowed myself down because I was worried I'd miss reps. I don't think I really would have though and just kind of psyched myself out.
Just found this, and I think its worth a watch for anyone who had trouble today. It's a video of Julie Foucher (who hit 195 on 13.1 and is a certified organic TFBA) 3 years ago working some barbell complex. And it's UUUUUUUGLY (I won't even get into the fact that shes wearing a Michigan shirt.) Just a nice reminder that progress is attainable with hard work and good attitude.
And today:
Great work by Team SBK at CFQueens today! I'm absolutely floored by how well our ladies in particular did. While many folks saw their form break down, our athletes kept it together and moved efficiently, and I think I have to credit David's ongoing Sunday snatch classes for helping us out.
Got 157 – seven reps at 165. I'm happy with how I did, though I may have had one or two more reps in me. I made sure to get under even the light snatches to save my shoulders, and that really helped me out when things got heavier. I think the hardest part, for me, was the last set of 20 burpees. I was completely gassed and didn't want to do them, so they went slow. Finished them at about 15:00, took about 30 seconds to change the weight, and had 90 seconds for some mostly-good snatches at 165.
Bring on 13.2!
120! Almost as fun as last year. Thanks for all the support from the gym.
MGMT – are we able to do 13.1 during group tomorrow if we couldn't get to the gym today?
OK, don't everybody jump on me at once, but this is what I did. I finished the 40 burpees, did the 30 snatches at 75#, did the 30 snatches. Then, faced with the prospect of trying snatches at 135, a weight 20 lbs above the heaviest snatch I have ever done, I decided to just do 30 snatches more at 75#. I finished those, and then squeezed in five more burpees. My back was a little bothersome last week, which was making me a bit nervous, and I thought I'd probably get a better workout by continuing to snatch. I did get an amazing workout – I was spent and exhilarated. But. I am well aware that I did not try to go heavy. Dunno, perhaps discretion ruled today, perhaps I chickened out, perhaps I was feeling leery about trying a really heavy snatch (for me), a position that taxes my dodgy right shoulder quite a bit, after doing so many burpees. Again, dunno if doing 30 more snatches at 75# was going to result in overuse problems, but as of now, I do feel fine.
Oh, I haven't registered for the Open, so this is not intended to be an official score or anything like that.
I heartily endorse your methodology. I don't see any reason for someone to stand around for 5 minutes trying to eyefuck 135# into magically levitating off the ground. Especially if you aren't registered for the Open. Even if you are, just know that you don't get to score any more points after you go "off the beaten path."
In the end, It's your workout.
150 reps. A bit disappointed but not surprised. I definitely do not feel trained for 17 minutes of sustained high intensity output right now, so i cant be too bummed. I had 2:30 to complete 20 burpees and try to get a couple in at 165, but it was not to be. Those 20 burpees were easily the hardest 20 ive ever done. Im looking forward to snatching again, but singles at 240#s sounds more appetizing to me!
Travelled to CF Queens for a little 13.1 event action. My snatch is remarkably weak, but I was still thinking (hoping? praying?) I could get through the round of 135. Not to be. The first rep at 135 was eye opening. Finished with a total of 121 reps. Still, that's 21 more reps at 135 than I accomplished on last year's 12.2 workout. Measurable progress and reinforces my plan to focus on olympic lifts for a while. Fun to watch the other SBKers kill it.
did 13.1 today at 11am – got to 101/6:01
finished the 30 burpees around 8:30something and spent the remainder of the time attempting a 75# 1RM. thanks to DO, McDowell & any other coach who was nearby giving me pointers. i finally got the 75 overhead once for an ugly snatch, but it counts!
also thanks to the ladies in the corner for cheering on my 75# attempts, it made for a fun and funny workout.
to the 33# barbell, i'm sorry i kicked you.
Ended up getting 151–1 snatch at 165. Not great, but I'll take it at this point. My oly lifting has been on the shelf for a long time and it showed. Doing 11.1 last week was probably my first time snatching in at least 7-8 months because of my current schedule.
I finished my last set of burpees with 2:30-3:00ish left I think and failed at 165 at least 4-5 times before getting one at the buzzer. I agree with everyone that 135 felt VERY heavy after the second set of burpees. Thanks to Charmel and Josh for encouraging me to at least get doubles rather than do 30 singles.
Overall, it was fun to be back it, not injured, and in the mix with all you guys. Looking forward to this week.
Can I hijack? I just want to send out a big thank you to Coach Jess Fox and all the other CFSBKers who were kind enough to cheer and coach me today at 13.1 in Queens. I'm just recovering from a frustrating hip injury. It sucked all the way through, and made everything look ugly as hell. You guys were so great, and put in such inspiring performances. Thanks for letting me be a part of your community.