Fitness: 3×5
Perform your second exposure to Front Squats. Bar speed should remain quick and your positions should be perfect.
Performance: 70%x2x8
Perform 2 reps every minute, on the minute for 8 minutes
Post loads to comments.
FSQ e2/6
For Time:
50 Dumbbell Clusters
Reps must be completed at a work to rest ratio of :45/:15. So, do as many reps as possible for 45 seconds then rest for 15. Repeat until all 50 reps are completed. Total DB load Rx is 45% of body weight.
Post time and load to comments.
- Congratulations to Peter H and Anne on the birth of their first child! Henry Fox Hoppman, 8lbs. 9.6oz or 3.9 kilos. 21.5″ long
Open WOD 13.1 Announced!
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 17 minutes of:
40 Burpees
75/45 pound Snatch, 30 reps
30 Burpees
135/75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
20 Burpees
165/100 pound Snatch, 30 reps
10 burpees
210/120 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible
See the announcement and Scott Panchick versus Dan Bailey here
What were your first impressions and what will your strategy be?
Tiebreak Method:
In this workout, we are using a special tiebreak method. At the end of each round of 30 Snatches, time should be marked. Specifically, as soon as the 30th Snatch at 75 pounds for men is complete, time should be marked. As soon as the 30th Snatch at 135 pounds is complete, time should be marked. The same at the 30th rep at 165 pounds, if you get there. When you submit your final result, your score will be the number of reps completed. There will be another field in which you will enter the time of the last completed sets of Snatches, whichever that may be.
For example, a male athlete finishes all the reps up to and including 10 Snatches at 165 pounds, for a total of 160 reps. This is his score. He also finished the 30th Snatch at 75 pounds in 3:52, and the 30th Snatch at 135 pounds in 13:10. In this case he will enter 13:10 as his time in the tiebreak field since this was the time of completion of his final set of Snatches. This athlete would be ranked above someone who got 160 reps and a tiebreak time of 14:00, but below someone with 160 reps and a tiebreak time of 12:00.
Next week CFSBK will be hosting Camille Leblanc-Bazinet and Annie Thorisdottir for workout 13.2! Get Stoked!
Complimentary Range of Motion Testing Next Sunday
FUN FACT: The Psoas muscle was the first muscle to develop in utero. It is why it is so intimately connected with our fight-or-flight reactions, and linked to the state of our stress and nerves. Want to know if your Psoas is limiting the mobility in your hip?? Inka will be doing complementary ROM (range of motion) testing and MLT (muscle length testing) for the hip flexor joint/ muscles. She will take you through AROM (active range of motion) and then PROM (passive range of motion) and will help you figure out if you are within normal range of motion for these muscles. How does this help your workout? Knowing where you fall short can help you figure out where you need to roll out and stretch more and give you that extra edge during your workout. It can also help to prevent injury by addressing the imbalances in your body. She will also be working on your psoas muscle which is a muscle that is hard to get to by yourself and is often neglected.
The psoas can also be a factor in low back pain since it attaches your vertebrae to your inner thigh. There are a number of reasons why it causes low back pain but a big one is from sitting down for a prolonged amount of time. Your Psoas starts to think this contracted state is a normal resting position and your tissues want to move into that resting position, leaving you tight and contracted
Resident Massage Therapist, Inka Hodes will be offering this on Sunday 3/17 during the morning classes 9am-2pm (usually takes approx 1/2 hour). Email her directly to make an appt.
Thank you!
A Rainbow of Root Vegetables NYT
From the people that brought you Food Inc: A Place At The Table
Two Steaks a Day
Oh wow!
Holy shit
holy shit.
Is it bad that I'm more afraid of today's workout than 13.1? Clusters and I do not get along.
I can't wait to get back to the gym.Thankfully I have no idea what clusters are.
@Matt Katz I let comments keep me away yesterday. shhhhhhhhhhh
Hey guys, this is my first Crossfit Open. How does it work with doing it at CFSB? I was going to do a normal Friday noon class, but can I do the 13.1 WOD instead?
6am with D.O. Front squats at 185x2x8 OTM. 10# more than last week. Felt easy. Paused at the bottom on most reps. Wrists feel a little wonky from the push press WOD earlier this week. 50 clusters with 40# DB: 8:17. Rx would have been 45#, but this was plenty heavy. I agree with Matt, clusters and I do not get along.
13.1 looks ridiculous. Strategy? Steady movement. Burpees tend to elevate my heart rate rapidly and make it easy for me to flame out and die.
@Andy. We will be doing the Open Wods on Saturdays. So I'm assuming Friday classes should have the option to do Saturday's WOD as usual.
I'm going to be away this weekend and am unable to come in tomorrow. I was wondering if I could do it tonight, maybe later when it thins out a bit? If not, I'll have to do one burpee just to move on to next week. There goes my chance at Regionals.
40 burpees
30 snatches at 75
30 Burpees
then im tapping out if I get that far.
I'll be Goombasmashed if I even attempt a rep at 135 after that.
BTW….Congratulations Petey!
6am with DO. Great to watch Chris and Steph have at the 13.1 WOD. Steady movement seems to be the appropriate strategy.
FSQ @ 70%, 130#, 2 reps EMOTM for 8 minutes. Felt easier than last week.
WOD: 50 clusters in 9:14. Started w/ 35#, Rx'd but dropped to 30# in third minute. Wish I'd finished in the 9th minute but it was not to be–rounds deteriorated to 6s and 5s pretty fast.
The "Two Steaks a Day" blog post is a delightful bit of writing on Argentine beef. Read it.
so excited that annie and cammille are coming to our gym! geeee!
bench pressed last night at 8:30 with noah
worked up to 70# again this week, and will work to add on to that next week.
i don't want to talk about the rowing, but a few weeks away from CRASH-B training made the erg extra unpleasant.
13.1 looks super rough. my goal is going to be to get through the second round of burpees, not sure that i've snatched 75# for one rep much less several.
can't wait for next wednesday though…. congrats guys, all of your dreams have come true.
who's in for making foam hammers of thor?
So jealous I won't be home for Camille and Annie, someone please take a picture of them with a phantom ghost in between them so I can photoshop myself in there…much thanks 😉
in response to DO's QOD this morning I said "Argentina" mostly because I spent time on a conference call yesterday learning about Patagonia. Now I REALLY want to go there.
just throwing this out there in case anyone has any leads as i'm trying to avoid a brokers fee, but does anyone know of any apartments opening up in the boerum hill/north slope/gowanus area? you can email me at . thanks
Stoked for 13.1, but annoyed with myself that I've successfully injured myself just enough to be useless. Started off badly by dropping a 5lbs plate on the top of my foot from 3 feet, which hurts like a mo-fo. Then, proceeded to slice my left thumb while making dinner. Popsicle sticks and glue are literally the only thing holding me together.
Tempted to front squat today, but doubt my foot would allow it — walking's rather miserable at the moment…
Hoping my finger heals enough to snatch, but the outlook doesn't look good.
I thought the first workout was a great test although not terribly inclusive beyond 135. Still, I like how they did the tie breaker rule.
For me, I'll pace through the burpees unbroken and steady, then I'll do the 75lb snatches at 10-10-10 or 10-10-5-5 depending on wind. Burpees unbroken and then one snatch at a time to see how far I can get. I don't think I'll clear 30 at 135 but would be happy with 15
I am going to do a slow chug through the burpees and hope for 5 sets for the 45# snatches. Followed by more burpee chugging. If I make it to 75# that will be a PR if I manage to get it overhead – basically I'd like to just get through the 2nd set of burpees.
Time to work on my snatch technique at home tonight. -.-
Having not snatched in a couple months, I'll be interested to see if being stronger combines with all the snatch work I was doing previously to help me get more overhead. 135 was near my max previously.
Going to come in to OG tomorrow and work up to some heavy singles. If I can get 145 or 155 up then I'll try to pace burpees to so 10/min (4min and 3min for the first 2 rounds), get through the first 30 snatches in 5 minutes, which will leave me 5 minutes for AMRAP snatches at 135.
If 135 still feels max-ish, then I'm just going to speed up the burpees to get that tiebreaker time down, and settle for 1 rested rep at 135 so I don't hurt myself.
So. Excited. For. Next. Wed!
13.1 – DONE!
17 minutes is a long time – so I broke down the workout into segments I thought I could accomplish to give myself little benchmarks.
40 burpees in 4 min
30 snatch @ 45# in 2 min
30 burpees in 3 min
30 snatches @ 75#…..we'll see.
I stayed ahead of schedule for the most part then the snatches @ 75# were HEAVY and just had to slowly chip away.
My advice would be to just keep moving. Have a goal in mind (I was just 5 burpees short of my goal) and continuously move. Kick ass and have some fun!
Hey y'all! Here's the link to the meatball recipe!
Out at the Outlaw Camp in CFLIC today and we did 13.1. The strategy Rudy put forth was to go slow (really slow) on the burpees (goal was to finish 40 in 2:40) so as to save time for the snatch which is what the WOD is really about, and I agree. I'm a bit unhappy with my performance as I wanted more but I got 14 reps in to the 135#. We lifted heavy last night at camp and I hit 170 (PR tie) so I was hoping 135 would feel "light"…it didn't after 70 burpees. Still I think the strategy is correct and chalk my showing up to the fact that my conditioning sucks, burpees were hard!
Then, I got to judge Daniel Tyminski (tied Dan Bailey with 190), while Jess judged Elizabeth Akinwale (1 rep shy of Julie Foucher with 194), while Josh judged Matt Hathcock (also a baller)….fun times!
Another full day tomorrow…I am so sore…
Front squats partnered with Nick X
200x3x5 (my rack ain't so great so my upper back seems to be collapsing).
Accessory WOD #30lb DBs: 6:04 (Quite a little ass-kicker)
Great job Fox and Steph!
Did 13.1 out in Michigan at Crossfit616, scored 150, I had 2 minutes to attempt several snatches at 165. After a couple failed power snatches, I switched to full snatch. I was under 2 and lost both at the bottom and just couldn't lock out. I can't emphasize how drastically different 165 feels after doing 90 burpees, prior to the wod I was putting it up fairly easily.
Advice for everyone, control your breathing on the burpees. Maintain a good pace, I'd warn you about setting yourself up for hitting certain numbers on the snatches though. I told myself I was going to go 15-15 on the 75# and I didn't realize how much the burpees had impacted me at that time. I kind of had to re-evaluate my plan mid wod and shift to a if I drop the bar just keep the rest minimal and put my hands back on.
It was definitely way more fun than 7mins of burpees, good luck everyone and have fun!
Wow. I have been a sad, lazy, hibernator and as a result had several major realizations tonight. 1)Paleo IS better than ice cream and cookies. As much as I don't want to admit it, I felt pretty good in retrospect and was always making progress when I would only have a cheat day a week. 2) Not coming to the gym is bad. Tonight was so much harder than my first day of foundations in 96* weather.
20 kb swings (16kg-12kg)
15 hollow rocks
5 chin ups-8 ring rows
I think I made it through the first set of kb swings. 9 into the second set I went to 12. That felt doable, until the 3rd set I just died. I think I dropped it twice.
Hollow rocks were pathetic.
Chin ups are gone. I did 4 the first set and quit that.
Tried to do front squats at 85#. I did 4. Went down to 80#. It felt wrong. Fingers hurt, knees were coming in.
50 DB clusters: just awful.
I started to work with 15#. I did 11 and went down to 10#. 3:45. David thought I was all out quitting and suggested i pick the 15 back up and do 10 more. I suppose there I realized I could have suffered through it with the original weight.
So glad to see the Root Vegetables and Place at the Table links. Check out the directors of A Place at the Table on the Daily Show:—kristi-jacobson
3 Rounds NFT of:
20 Banded Good Mornings (Thick and thin green bands together)
15 Hollow Rocks
8 Chin-Ups
Front Squats
140x2x8 OTM
50 Clusters
6:33 @ 35lb DBs.
My actual 45% was a little lower than that, so I'm considering this a scale up 🙂
I taught a LOT of classes today! (12 total teaching hours)
Gone for the weekend so I did the open wod tonight. I can't snatch 135 so my idea was to blaze through the first round and a somewhat fast but steady pace. The burpees took more out of my snatch ability than I thought.
100 points, Frist round of snatches finished at 6:48
strategy for Satuday-
SLOW with the burpees.
15 and 15 with 75#s
SLOW burpees
Try to do 3 sets of 5 at 135 and then triples or doubles to finish
would like to give myself a couple of minutes at 165#.
Front squat
200x2x8 OTM Felt easy. Moved quick.
50 Clusters with 40lb DBs
Front Squat – 175 x 2 x 8 OTM – Felt like 70% should
WOD – Dropped down to 30lbs (40 would be Rx'd) on this to save my shoulders for tomorrow. Finished in a brisk 3:15