Fitness: 3×8 Sets Across
This is your second exposure to Bench Pressing this cycle. The reps are going to be a little higher to build in some additional volume into the program. Get Yoked, Bro.
Performance: Heavy 8
Work up to a heavy set of 8. Try to beat last week’s numbers by 5-10lbs. Next week we’ll be hitting a heavy 5. No Failing.
Post loads to comments.
BP e2/6 compare to 2.27.13
3 Attempts at:
Row 500m
Rest as needed between attempts. Go hard but try and stay as consistent as possible across each round.
Post each time to comments.
Recent Gymprovements
New Rubber Mats
Pictured above, this rubber flooring helps keep the ergs in place, even during fast paced sprints. It will also be easier to stagger them by pulling one erg back until it rolls off the edge. Perfect spacing!
New Ergs
Thanks to the CRASH B Ergonauts, we picked up 4 new rowing machines. This brings our armada to a total of 13 ergs.
3 New Flat Benches
We recently ordered 3 new benches from Rogue. This will allow us to have a total of 12 Benching stations happening simultaneously.
New Mobility Tools
We got two 5″ and 7″ Orbs and a couple Grid Shorty Rollers
Misc Equipment
We also purchased some more 12 and 16 kilogram Kettlebells, a new 30lb Slam Ball. There are also disinfectant wipes in the wall mounted dispenser by the foam rollers.
Oh yeah, and the Front Desk..
Defintely what we’re most proud of is offering a staffed Front desk with Melo, Lisa and Whitney evenings and weekends. Having a front desk makes it easier for members to ask questions, purchase memberships or items from the store, deal with leads, answer the phone, sign members in, upkeep the front end of the gym and generally be awesome. We love fron desk!
Jenna J’s Recommendation
From yesterday’s comments:
“Just wanted to give a special rest day shout out to both Inka and Dr. Fiddler. I have been having chronic shoulder pain for months, and after only a few sessions with each of them (working on some of the same things, some different things) I honestly feel like an entirely new person. If anyone is on the fence about going in to see them, just get off that fence. It will absolutely be worth your while. And the convenient location can’t be beat.” Jenna J
Chiropractic and ART Body Work
Got some issues with your tissues? Sore shoulder? Funky Hip? Come see Dr. Jason Fidler on Saturday and Friday nights at CFSBK to get an assesment and some body work done on yourself. To learn more about these services and Dr. Fidler’s background, click here
Massage with Inka
Inka is offering sports massage geared towards breaking down adhesions, relieving trigger points, unadhering myofascial restrictions, and increasing range of motion. Techniques include Myofascial Release and Trigger Point Therapy. Learn more…
Don’t Forget that the CrossFit Open officially starts today. The first workout will be announced at 8pm live on the CrossFit Games site! Over 100 Thousand people have signed up for the Open. Are you ready?
Does anyone have a gym recommendation in Phoenix? Two that seem to be close to my hotel are called Wildfire Crossfit and Spartan Crossfit. TYVM.
I had an interesting comp class last night — worked to a nice, heavy weight on a 3-movement snatch complex (175, 10 pounds short of my old 1RM), which made me feel great about all the snatch work I've been doing. Then we did a couplet with squat cleans and handstand pushups and I just couldn't seem to organize myself on the cleans — my back was wonky, my lifts were slow, and it just didn't feel good. I think my ego has been tripping over doing well at WODs over the past few days, so it's probably good that this brought me back to earth right before the open.
Some thoughts on the open…
My first open was in 2011, just four months after I started Crossfit back in Colorado. I could barely string together pullups, my double-unders were non-existent, and during one WOD, my coach literally pushed me up into a muscle-up. That said, I still had an amazing time seeing how I could do at these WODs, and it was great to be doing them both with my gym, along with the wider Crossfit community.
Yes, the open is for firebreathers who want to make it to the Games. But it's also a great way to check in with yourself and try some things that you otherwise never would, with the support of the community. It helps give that little extra mental push for that extra rep or two.
You may surprise yourself at how well you do at some of the workouts — but you'll also probably fall short of your goal on another. Both instances can help guide the way you want to train in the future — and for next year.
I think it's awesome how many people we have signed up for the Open — no matter your skill level, you're going to kick ass in your own way over the next five weeks. You're already kick-ass just for taking the leap and signing up, especially if it's your first time.
Good luck, everyone. And bring on the seven minutes of burpees!
6am with Josh and McDowell. Bench press 245×7. Failed on the 8th rep. Not a complete failure, but assistance was required. Felt good for the first 5 reps and then had to grind on reps 6 and 7. May have been a bit aggressive to jump 10# from last week, especially after yesterday's push press/burpee workout.
3x500m rows were T-O-U-G-H: 1:31.2, 1:30.0, 1:32.5. Had to try and keep up with Kevin who always gives 100% effort. He edged me on the best time, but I had him on consistency. Legs and arms felt like jello afterwards. Fun to watch how everyone stumbled out of the gym hollow-faced after this WOD.
1. Meat CSA pickup today! 6-8. Don't be late!
2. Paleo Pot luck folks: Who made the plantain chicken and the coconut meatballs?
7am w/ Josh + McDowell
I have a nice bruise on my chest + knee from falling due to my left calf cramping and giving out on me while walking up the stairs in my apt building. I could really only laugh about it.
Bench: 45×8, 95×8, 115×6, 130×8, 135×8, 135×8
The worst thing in the world: 1:44, 1:49, 1:52.
7am with J & McD.
Bench: 78#x8, up from 73#x8 last week. Last week was a grind but this week surprised me – I bet I could've pushed even more weight.
500m row: 1:50.4, 1:54.0, 1:58.8. I agree with Nate – the worst thing in the world. Felt like crawling out of the gym afterwards. Thanks to McDowell for being a great cox, even though I was truly dying.
I got my start at Core Crossfit in downtown PHX- good people and community, tell em I say hi if you go there, I miss those fools.
Michelle. According to a blog comment on Saturday, Lindsay S made the meatballs. Those things were damn good.
LINDSAY S: can you email me please? mignyc (at) gmail dot com
last night 630 w.Josh
BP: (45×5, 95×4, 135×3, 165×2, 175×1) 185×6 – failed on the 7th rep, 10 pound jump was too much from last week (I think that's a rep record at 185 for me though) – I'll stick at 185 next wed.
500k rows: 1:50, 1:51, 1:54
7am w/ McDowell & Josh
Bench: 145x8x3 — Last week I failed with two reps in the 3rd set at 155, so decided to get more realistic.
Erg: 500mx3 — 1:39, 1:40, 1:45 — Brutal but fun in a stupid way. I really felt the 3 round in my legs. It took me a good 15 minutes to recover and feel "ok" to head home.
Missed bench presses yesterday, but made my March goal: Parenthood. 3.9k of baby boy.
CONGRATULATIONS PETER!!!!! So exciting. welcome to the other side.
Did this yesterday with McDowell. 125# on the bench–tough, good weight. Excited for this cycle. Erg sprints were dreadful: 1:50.8, 1:53.9, 1:56.4. When McDowell said we owed 30 burpees for every five seconds of spread between our best and worst times, I totally believed him. My back is amazingly sore today.
Also, Mel, please note I worked pullups progression. Woot!
Congrats Peter!
3 Rounds of:
15 KB Swings, 20kg
15 GHD Sit-Ups
10 Push-Ups
BTN Split Jerk Practice
45×5, 95x3x2, 135x2x2, 145x2x2, 155x1x2
Working on my dip/drive mechanics and stability overhead.
Bench Press
(45×5, 95×10, 135×5, 150×2)
160×10, 135x10x2
Working 10's instead of 8's only because I wanted to benchmark a 10RM. Thanks to Brandon for spotting. I'm not good at benching. Rep 10 was a real grind. Onwards to 5's next week!
500m Row x3
WU: 2:25.7
R1: 1:52.6 (75% RPE)
R2: 1:49.6 (85% RPE)
R3: 1:46.6 (92% RPE)
RPE mean rate of perceived exerction. Basically how hard I "felt" I went. I have a nasy history of going 99% on interval one and having an out of body experience only to have completely unproductive consecutive rounds. So I tried to stay consistent. Happy with interval 3. Might be able to squeeze that down to 1:43 or less
Today's training could be called "La Chupacabra" since these are all goats of mine.
Afterwards I did some A/R for 20 Minutes
Michele! I'm out of town until tomorrow and will send the recipe when I get home! 😀 so glad you liked the meatballs!
Also Congrats Petey !!!!
Power Clean and Jerk
Messed around with 248#s for a couple. Feeling awful today. Tired due to lack of sleep and grinding schedule at the hospital this week.
Bench: 250×8
Row: 1:35 1:45 1:47.
13.1 is up! Burpee/Snatch Ladder – combo of last year's first two WODs:
AMRAP in 17 minutes:
40 Burpees
75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
30 Burpees
135 pound Snatch, 30 reps
20 Burpees
165 pound Snatch, 30 reps
10 Burpees
210 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible
40 Burpees
45 pound Snatch, 30 reps
30 Burpees
75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
20 Burpees
100 pound Snatch, 30 reps
10 Burpees
120 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible
Benching with Shawn.
160x2x8 160×7 (failed 8th rep). Will repeat 160 next week.
Rowing was awful: 1.44, 1.51, and then I fell off the cliff: 2:00
Walked home with 30 pounds of CSA meat. Chomp, chomp.
Looks like Annie T. and Camille L-B are coming for a visit! Happy, gentlemen?
Well done HQ
Came in for my first post-strength class tonight for… rowing! Kill me.
Started off trying for some 1RM bench numbers:
45×5, 95×4, 135×3, 165×2, 185×1 then 195×1, 205×1, 225xf,f
Wasn't sure where to start for singles with a pause since I never did them competition style before, and 195 and 205 went up so easily I really thought I had 225 in me, but I brought the first one down way too fast and couldn't regain control, and the bar-path went a little south on the second one too. Oh well.
Then, the descent into hell, 3x500m rows:
So the first one felt great, and I even thought I went a little easy to "leave some room" for the next 2. Then, 10 strokes in on the second piece, my legs said "hell no" and it was a struggle to keep up to the finish. My legs started cramping up immediately and I almost bailed on the third one. I had to trick myself back on the erg by pretending it was an easy cool-down row (which it basically ended up seeming like) and I couldn't get any leg drive to save my life.
Stumbled home and crawled up the stairs to refuel. I love this shit.
Lindsay S: would you also post the meatball recipe on the blog as well? That would be awesome. Thanks!
Hit the noon class – went light on the bench since my shoulder is bugging me and I want to build up slowly during this progression but 65 went up easy so keeping my fingers crossed. Hit average of 2:05 for the sprints – they were MUCH harder than I anticipated.
@Charlotte – Rock star! I worked on the pull up progression Monday I have to figure out a method to attack them in a way that doesn't leave me there for an extra hour…hmmm… experimentation.
Also that workout – 17 min. That is a TERRIBLE amount of burpees
Bench: 45×8, 65×5, 85×3, 95×8, 105×5 (failed 6th), 102×3 (failed 4th). Guess I got too greedy, but I can't be annoyed at myself for that since my tendency is almost always to be too conservative.
Row: 1:54.2, 1:58.4, 2:04.2. You know that moment when you feel like you're pulling even harder than you did five seconds ago and yet your split has gotten longer? Yeah, I had that several times.
Burpees and snatches. Yuck. I just hope to make it all the way through the round of 75#.
Thanks for the shout out JJ! 😉
I'm thrilled and excited to be able to offer massage in a place that I love so much and that has become such a big part of my life.
4:30 with Arturo. FIrst class after strength. The warm up and BP felt great, but the WOD kicked my butt. Conditioning has left the building.
Yay Peter!
Open WOD looks brutal. Props to Rickke for a job very well done on it this evening.
8:30 with Noah.
Bench: 45×5, 95×4, 125×3, 150x8x3 – five pound jump from last week and felt much easier.
Went all out for the first row, gave what I could on the second, and was just making sure my right leg didn't cramp on me during the third. I didn't even race start the last piece, just tried to stay long and consistent.
1:26.1 (PR by .6 seconds); 1:35.0; 1:43.3
8:30pm with Noah. Worked with Edgar on the bench but I had no idear what I can bench for 8 reps. I checked the board and tried to match Dan L but failed at 215. Hit 190 successfully (but not easily). The first row was gravy: 1:30.5 (PR). My legs completely died on the second piece: 1:37.8. Third was also rough: 1:41.9.
Does anyone have some French books I can borrow? I know 13.1 just got announced but I think I want to prep for 13.2.
Congrats Peter!!!!
Bench 45×5, 95×5, 115×5, 140×8 I knew that was my max and I wasn't getting 145 so I dropped to 135 to get some more work in – 135×8, 135×6
I went all out on the first row – 1:29.2 (PR by about 2 seconds) and was toast for the rest. My legs started dying at the last 100 on the first row. I went on with a 1:51 in the second round and then was so nauseous I couldn't continue.
Peter: awesome!
Bench today 45×10, 135×8, 165×6, 175×8, 185×8, 185×8
I skipped the row because of a swollen knee and just did pull-ups and handstands instead.
Um, does that 13.1 wod look a little hard? yikes.. I don't think i've snatched 135 pounds before. Can i compete in the masters' division? 🙂
BP: Fitness 3×8
175 x 8
175 x 7 (fail)
165 x 8
3 x 500m row
1) 1:41.2
2) 1:39.1
3) 1:42.2
BP – tried 215 but failed on the last rep. I've decided that I'm no good with weights in night classes.
Row – 1:31.9 (PR), 1:36.?, 1:41.? Felt pretty much done after the first one, but was happy I managed to not drop off even more drastically