As Many Rounds As Possible In 10 minutes of:
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches 75/55
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 12.7.12 and 4.24.11
Can you beat the champs? 2011 Open Results:
Rich Froning: 9 Rounds + 30 Doubles, 13 Snatches
Annie Thorisdottir: 9 Rounds
LFPB Winners!
Congratulations to our top LFPB winners and everyone who participated in the challenge. We had tremendous adaptations from everyone and can’t wait to see what the next 6 weeks bring!
1. Ben W
2. Noah B
3. Jonathan S
Honerable Mentions: Mike R, Matt C, Rob U
1. Gina G
2. Jen S
3. Jennifer N
Honerable Mentions: Serene K, Mel L, Aileen
Kenji’s Passport Project
Our own Kenji S has been highlighted by Black Enterprise for his work creating Passport Project. PP helps youths remove real and perceived barriers to international travel. Great work, Kenji!
CrossFit Total Tomorrow
Tomorrow at 1pm watch 22 Strength Cyclers put the last 8 weeks of training to the test as they perform the CrossFit Total. This event is a runs like a powerlifting meet where athletes have three attempts to find a one rep max Back Squat, Press and Deadlift. All are welcome to spectate and encourage these guys as they test grind out some heavy singles and see where they’re at.
Sameer P, Santiago G, Brandon C, Nathan W, Mike G, Jon S, Inka H, Todd C, David T, Noah B, Rahsaan C, Erica W, Christine N, Mckensey S, Uzef G, Amanda M, Matt I, Joel W, Kenji S, Nick P, Sam F, Lloyd W
Surprise announcement about the Open
Surprise announcement: OMG. That's frightening. Although Rory McKernan is kind of beautiful.
great time at the pot luck!
I had so many good things, but what stood out were the plantain chicken strips and those amazing mystery meatballs that might have had coconut (and pineapple?) in them… yum!
if you made either of them, please email me at mignyc at gmail dot com ๐
9am with D.O. 4 rounds + 5 snatches at 75#. Last time we did this workout I got 4 rounds + 20 DUs. Should have had 5 rounds. DUs with a new rope felt really good today. Stupidly did the first 9 snatches without a hook grip which fatigued my forearms for later rounds.
I did this yesterday with McDowell.
3 rounds plus 10 snatches @ 75#
I wish I made it to 4 rounds but it was not in me. Still sore from the bench and really the first explosive WOD on my shoulder since I came back where I went RX and fast. Also considering this is almost exactly 1/2 my body weight I guess I am ok with my results (but I still want 4 rounds)
Fun wod yesterday (today's). I got 3 rd plus DU plus 12 snatches 75lb – almost 4 rounds. My DU suck, but I'm pretty psyched that i can do 57 snatches in 10 minutes like that.
great time at the potluck last night.. thank you for my honorable mention – i was surprised and indeed honored! I contemplated giving a Sally Field-like acceptance speech but…
However, I did learn a valuable lesson about potluck wods last night which is to get to the front of the line – by the time i got to the food, i was scraping the bottom of bowls.. then when i came home last night feeling flushed with success and tequila and still hungry, I ate a handful of chocolate pretzels and a half-pint of salty caramel ice cream – thereby dishonoring my honorable mention. I'll understand if I should be unmentioned and someone else mentioned! ๐
Well hell, this shit is working.
12/7: 3 Full Rounds + 30 DUs + 3 Power Snatches at 50lbs.
3/2: 4 Rounds Completed at 55lbs.
AMGAP, gross.
6 rounds + 5 snatches
Love me some double unders!
Great time at the pot luck!
Excellent time at the potluck. Great to see so many CRASH-Beats on the podia.
@Mike — nothing wrong with celebrating your win like that!
11am today. Got 4 rounds + 13 doubles at 75 lbs, though after Round 1 I was counting attempts in my total, so can't quite call it Rx'ed. Thanks to PR for keeping me going.
This was brutal in the best way possible.
4 rounds, plus 11 DU's, @65#, which was plenty heavy, partnered w/Willie. Never did my doubles unbroken, but I did reel of 20+ on round four. Would love to have nailed those.
This is a great WOD and I would love to do it again sometime (not today). Thanks to Josh and McDowell, plus the amazeballs Stella, and a bunch of tips from Fox, who was on the adjacent platform, snatching some unpseakable amount of weight denominated in kilos. Everyone helped a ton (kiloton?). One BLT on toast (+garlic dill pickle) later, I am crazy sleepy. Second sandwich beckons.
And one other semi-random thing – I made it to Fairway in Red Hook first thing in the morning, and it was really awesome. The store is redesigned for the better – new layout and such. But more importantly, so much badness happened re Sandy… I know at the end of the day it's easy to dismiss it as "just groceries," but for me, it was a place I really liked and patronized a lot. So. it was a very nice feeling to get something back that had been snatched away so cruelly.
are there any nutritionists or people good at math here? i have been trying to figure something out for about a week and am getting nowhere.
everything i read says someone my size shouldn't be eating more than about 100 grams a day. probably less than that if the goal is weight loss. so if 1 pound = 453 grams, does that mean i shouldnt be eating more than just over a quarter of a pound of protein in an entire day? because i can put away way more than that in one sitting. am i doing the math wrong, or am i way, way over eating protein?
thanks for any help.
Oh, the Zen of Scaling.
Scaled the single unders to 2x because I knew I could motor at that volume whereas at 3x I would have gotten hung up on that movement. Scaled the power snatches to mid hang snatches because I felt myself working with the bar pretty far from my shins on the "first pull." The payoff was I felt myself relaxing into each movement as the rounds progressed and becoming more efficient on each rep. I could have gone faster, but I definitely would have been reinforcing bad habits. No more of those.
Of particular note:
1. I developed a deep appreciation for the wrist flick at the top of the snatch and realized the "broken" wrist position the Oly lifters are always encouraging me to adopt makes the positioning of the catch nearly automatic, and on the opposite end (during the scoop) forces the mid arm to relax and not pull.
2. I realized I could conserve effort on my hip extension by being more precise when sliding my knees forward under the bar at the beginning of the "second pull."
Yes Michael, in my opinion your night illustrates the hard truth that is not easy to face. Maybe some alcohol now and then isn't such a terrible thing by itself, but it leads to the crappy eating, lazy couch days, half-assed workouts, crappy sleep, bad decision snowball that can get away from you pretty quickly. I'm sure some people handle it better than I do, but it can really sabotage your goals. Giant playoff boozing derailed me last year. Everything was so much easier to control this year with the booze out of the picture. That probably sounds like a humblebrag. I like to booze it up as much as most.
Good times last night. Thanks David. I really like hearing about how people tried to tackle the challenge.
Today's WOD: 3 rounds plus 10 DUs. My DUs have gone away again. I think my new rope is too long and my left wrist gets lazy. 16 in round 3 was my best run I think. I haven't done any snatching in a while and they really gassed me. I was hoping Crash Bs had improved my pain tolerance and motor, but my lungs felt pretty hammered today.
@ariel Meat is not protein, it's meat, and it contains protein, fat, water, etc. I'd recommend looking up some general portion sizes and nutritional info online to get an idea of how much actual protein is in what you're eating.
oh interesting! i didnt think about that. thanks, ill do that.
Ariel – Maybe you used the googles and discovered this already but…you're confusing the weight of the food item with the grams of protein it might have. 4 oz of chicken will have about 35 grams of protein in it. Make sense?
OMG I'm so glad my meatballs were "amazing" ๐ Thanks Michele. I'll gladly send the recipe your way. Tomorrow, as I'm about to die of exhaustion right now…
Great time at the potluck and congrats to all the winners and honorable mentions! I'm sorry to have missed this WOD. It looked really fun, but I've been a bit under the weather and have to head out of town tomorrow. Can't wait to jump back in when I get back!
thats exactly what i was doing. makes SO much sense. thank you!
Thanks for the shout CFSBK!