- There is No Open Gym tonight.
Potluck Tonight!
All are welcome to attend our second community potluck and LFPB Challenge awards ceremony. Not only will we crown the top 3 male and female winners, we’ll also be doing a raffle and quick talk about why we do the challenge every year and how to stay motivated and accountable moving forward. As mentioned yesterday, I was unable to secure the bouncy castle (sorry!) but we’ll create a little kids area for the event.
Start time: 7:30pm
End time: 9:30-10:00pm
Civilian Military Combine This September
Looking for an opportunity to put your Crossfit training to the test? CFSBK is putting a team together to compete at this year’s Civilian Military Combine taking place at Aviator Sports and Recreations on Saturday, September 14th!
Here’s a description of what you’d be signing up for:
“The CMC competition is broken down into three components to test strength, endurance and agility. Race day structure will consist of “The PIT” (lifting element) into a 5 -7 mile race with strategically placed military obstacles. This structure is what separates the Civilian Military Combine from all other races and competitions. The PIT is designed to be the great equalizer by leveling the playing field between power athletes and endurance runners to determine the best overall conditioned athlete. This race structure has been carefully created, refined and reviewed by the top strength and conditioning coaches from the CrossFit community, United States Armed Forces and USA Triathlon Organization Race Directors.”
Time: 10:00am
Venue: Aviator Sports and Recreations
Location: 3159 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11234
How To Join The Team
When registering, click on “Join a Team” and select “Crossfit South Brooklyn”.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to co-captains Coach MeLo (Melissa@CrossfitSouthBrooklyn.com) and/or Coach Noah (Noah@CrossfitSouthBrooklyn.com).
Write The First Open WOD
CrossFit has approached you to write the first workout for the 2013 CrossFit Open. The workout must be between 5 and 15 minutes long, an AMRAP and designed for inclusiveness. That means that the weights and movements should be something that most folks can do, OR starts with movements and loads most can do then works up. Write your dream workout!
How mindfulness can help improve your self-control Ancestralize Me
What South West Airlines can teach you about losing weight and keeping it off Being Primal
It’s The Sugar, Folks NYT
Had a Crossfit dream last night–Burpees! At first I was landing lightly and then eventually I could hardly land at all. I would drop and then hover above the ground and slowly descend… the inapplicability of gravity was really messing up my time!
15minutes max meters on the ERG.
6am with coaches Nick & McDowell. I made up yesterday's FSQ at 185lb. The weight felt light so I tried to focus on simulating a clean – went into the hole fast, paused at the bottom, and stood it up. The accessory work wasn't too tough so I probably should have gone faster/heavier.
Open WOD 13.1
AMRAP 8 min:
* Jumping Pull-up (1 pt) / Pull-up (5 pt) / 25lb/10lb Weighted Pull-up (8 pt) / Bar Muscle-up (10 pt)
* 20 Double-unders
Complete as many reps as possible without coming off the bar. Points are awarded according to the type of pull-up type you complete. Score is the sum of all pull-up points accumulated (DUs don't contribute to your score, you just gotta do them every time you come down).
AMRAP 10 minutes New York Times Monday crosswords.
Hmmm…let's say instead: In 8 minutes, complete as many reps as possible using the following scheme:
5 thrusters (65/45)
5 knees to elbows
10 thrusters
10 K2E…
This would not actually be my dream workout. But it might force me to finally accomplish K2E.
Tomorrow's WOD: 1 rep shy of 4 rounds (aaaaaargh), Rx weight and 1/2 double under attempts. I was debating treating it like the Open and counting the full number of DUs, but let McDowell talk me out of it.
Time: 10 mins
First complete the following 5 rounds –
3 overhead squats
50 double unders
3 burpees
6 overhead squats
40 double unders
6 burpees
9 overhead squats
30 double unders
9 burpees
12 overhead squats
20 double unders
12 burpees
15 overhead squats
10 double unders
15 burpees
then start working backwards if you meet this …
12 overhead squats
10 double unders
12 burpees…
Oooooooo. Asta's is GOOD.
OMG, I'm way too dumb to attempt Asta's. Something happens to me in the middle of a WOD where I just stop…being…able…to…count.
@DH3, please that that 15 min on the erg comment back!
12 min AMRAP:
10 wall ball shots, 5 pull ups, 5 power snatches (85lbs/55lbs)
20, 10, 10
30, 15, 15,
40, 20, 20…
Excited to potluck tonight!
I was really interested in the linked mindfulness study–both because I've sometimes tried to have a consistent meditation practice (mindfulness training) and because I just found out about the concept of 'ego depletion' from Daniel Kahneman's book, 'Thinking, Fast and Slow' (amazing read btw).
During the periods when I've meditated consistently, I think I sometimes do experience ego depletion. Keeping yourself sitting there observing your breath instead of getting up and drinking coffee or going back to bed is hard, and then the rest of my day involves a lot of similar kinds of self-control (keep writing instead of drinking whiskey! keep reading this work email instead of checking the CFSBK blog!). I'm not 100% sure that my ability to stay on task during my day was hurt by meditating, but I definitely wonder.
So it seems like the mindset is really important. Thinking to yourself "Interesting, my mind wandered to the second pull in my snatch," instead of "stupid mind! get back to the breath!" might have a lot to do with whether meditation is ego depleting or ego…um, strengthening?
Sorry for the mini-essay here, but this stuff interests me a ton, and I'm glad CFSBK includes in the whole approach to living life. Also, I know the capacity of the gym is close to maxed out, but mgmt, could we ever bring in a teacher to lead a meditation sitting in off hours?
My WOD proposal: 20 minutes of meditation, followed by 12 min AMRAP wallballs. How long will the subjects persist?
Apparently I'm not going to put thought into my own but will offer input on others' ideas: Ryan, that's AWFUL.
Dream wod:
Amrap 5 mins:
As many Double unders as possible
Dream drunk wod:
6 minute amrap:
every minute 1 shot of tequila
eat taco's
..score is total taco consumption
…regurgitation is immediate disqualification
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
10 Bar Facing Burpees
10 Power Cleans 135lbs
10 Kipping Pull-Ups
That would make me happy
Clean and Jerk ladder:
In 8 minutes:
95#/55#-15 reps
135#/95-15 Reps
185#/135-15 Reps
225#/165-15 Reps
275#/185-15 Reps
1 point for each clean, 1 point for each jerk. A squat clean is not necessary, bar must be locked out overhead
I like Ryan's, and would like it better if I had kipping pullups!
Got 3 rounds plus 10 snatches.
I screwed up some of my DUs which cost me time and my shoulders where still recouping from the bench wed. But considering the bar weight (rx) was 1/2 my body weight… I'll live with it.
My suggestion:
10 min amrap
10 wall balls (20/16)
20 box jumps (24/20)
10 hand release pushups
@Alex T – Best post ever. Fantastic comments on ego depletion, your WOD is awesome and I would love a meditation at the gym.
Three rounds, 15 minute time cap.
Max Unbroken Low Bar Back Squats @ 225
Max Unbroken Handstand Pushups
Did the noon class today.
Front squats: 195x3x5
Started the accessory work, and then bailed in the third round when my back seemed to spasm. I think I'm hors de combat for tomorrow. No way am I doing snatches with this tweak in place.
Row 700m
15 Minutes A/R
Making up WED's workout:
Bench Press
Heavy 10, Worked up to 155×10 as my attempt. Had some room left but I'll save it for next week.
A couple weeks ago I made a VERY detailed tracking document on google drive and one benchmark is a 10RM bench so I figured I'd add 2 reps and see what I could do.
Got all set up for the KB/Ring Push-Up/Squat WOD then Josh asked me to join him on his so I switched gears and did the following:
For Time:
5 Power Cleans 185lbs
20 Bar Facing Burpees
10 PC, 165
15 BFB
15 PC, 135
10 BFB
20 PC, 95
Good to chase the young buck