Fitness: 3×5
Perform your first exposure to Front Squats. Bar speed should remain quick and your positions should be perfect.
Performance: 65%x2x8
Perform 2 reps every minute, on the minute for 8 minutes
Post loads to comments.
FSQ e1/6
4 Rounds NFT of:
10 Dumbbell or Kettlebell Thrusters with 1 second pause at lockout
10 Strict Pull-Ups
:30e Side Plank
While NFT, don’t take your sweet time, try to move quickly through it. Go as heavy as possible with the thrusters maintaining good positions. If you’d like to add weight to the Pull-ups, go for it.
Post loads and Rx to comments.
CFSBK’s Chris A. and two time CrossFit Games champion Annie Thorisdottir at CrossFit 5th Avenue. Chris is writing the feature/workout story on Annie for the July/August issue of Muscle and Fitness Hers.
Want to know what’s going on at CFSBK? Check out the Events Blog that details all our upoming events listed on the right.
Potluck Tomorrow
On Friday, March 1st at 7:30-9:30pm we’ll be hosting our second community potluck and LFPB Challenge awards ceremony. If you participated in the challenge this is a great opportunity to close it out with all the other folks who joined in over the last 6 weeks. We’ll be presenting awards to everyone who went above and beyond with their commitment and consistency and there will be a short presentation about what to do now that the challenge is over and some ideas to help you keep the momentum moving in the right direction. This event is open to everyone, regardless of participation.
Who: The entire CFSBK community is invited
Date: 03/01/23
Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm
Kid Friendly: Yes (unfortunately, no bouncy castle this time around. I was unable to coordinate with my parents this week to drop it off. We’ll still make a Kid friendly play area with the soft mats, sorry!!)
Please RSVP and include your dish in the event page
Nicho is Ready
Michele Letendre OHS 215×3
Spencer Hendel Split Jerks 335×3
In The Gym With Christy Philips Greatist
@DMak: You better be nice to Chris A. !
I have a simultaneous crush on/fear of Annie. On the one hand, she's gorgeous. On the other hand, she could destroy me. Either way, I am super jealous of Chris.
Oh, that smile…
pretty cool. she's a beast.
6am with DO. Loved all the mob work. Worked performance, 2×120 EMOTM. This was surprisingly fatiguing, even though any given single rep was way doable.
Acc work: KB thrusters at 12kg. These were kind of neat. I hate them less than other thrusters. Pullups with thin red band. I hate my absence of pullups strength. It reminds me of my absence of double-unders a few years ago. Ugh.
7:30 is a little late for Linus so we are sadly going to miss the potluck. Can't wait to find out who the winners are!
NO BOUNCY CASTLE?!?!?!?!?!?!
I haven't been posting on the blog lately so here goes.
7am with DO. 85# on the FSQ, 2 reps EMOTM. Form felt solid despite some weird nagging pain in my left hip. These were surprisingly hard and I felt myself slowing down on the second rep each time. 20# then 25# on the thrusters (25# felt more appropriate because it was HARD), pull ups with the green band. For each round, I did the pull ups broken up into 5 then 3. I hate pull ups. I hate them because I really want to be able to do them and I can't.
Re: the question of the day (Have you ever played an instrument and what was it?), I didn't tell the class the full story. I played the sax in 4th grade and quit because the case was too heavy and I didn't like carrying it to and from the bus stop, which I had to walk to. But what I didn't tell the class was that my parents wouldn't let me quit until I had played for a full school year (their rationale being "I paid for that saxophone dammit!") so I used to pay my friend's little sister (who was in first grade) to carry it for me. I believe the going rate was 50 cents. True story.
KH! I also played the sax and quit because it was too heavy! But I made it all the way to high school, when marching band started, and I was expected to play while standing and holding the goddamn thing. No thank you.
Rounded up to 165 on the FSQ – felt nice and light
NFT piece was challenging – Thrusters with kettlebells are no joke
KB – 16kg, 16kg, 20kg, 20kg (barely)
PU – BW, +10, +10, +10 (also barely)
6am with D.O. Front squats at 175. No problems. Paused at the bottom on a few reps, just to mix it up. 20kg kettlebells for the thrusters and strict pull-ups. Tough. Arms would like to fall off right now.
Adductor felt tight at first. Opened up as the weight went on
All paused
Felt good to be back last night. My training has been very spotty recently due to travel, and some nervousness around my wrist still being messed up.
Benched 185 X 9.
Did the wod with 2pd in 4:14. Ring pushups were harder than I thought. Bit squirrelly on keeping back set.
Looking fwd to the potluck. Changed my flt to sat afternoon.
Anyone ever been to Myanmar?
Re Annie:
Yup, she is even more gorgeous in person (my photo does her no justice).
Since I was dropping by during lunch in the middle of the shoot, we only chatted for a few minutes, but her rep for being super sweet is no lie.
Seeing her do butterfly kipping pull ups and ring dips up close is awe inspiring. You've seen her doing this stuff on ESPN2 so you know she's way strong. But in person it doesn't look strong, it looks fluid and easy and beautiful. Anyway, I'm still beaming. It should be fun to write and I will make sure to get a stack of comps for the box when it comes out this summer.
Some Medball Plyometics with Melo
Clean and Jerk
Working Technique on my Jerk today. Stayed at 65kilos. Had some "aha" moments in the dip/drive.
Front Squats
125x2x8 easy
Assistance Work
Thrusters: 35×10, 40×10, 45×10, 50×7-1-2
Strict Pull-Ups: All unbroken
Lateral Planks :30×4
My training has been inconsistent and uninspired since just before back off week. Feeling much better after getting this in today
Strength Cycle…
Came in early to get some work done before class. Did power cleans as I haven't done them in a few weeks. David gave me a tip while I was warming up so I did drills practicing his instruction. Worked up to 135×6. Hope to practice this more and make his instruction a habit.
Recovery Squat: 225x3x3
Worked on finding my bounce with mixed results.
Chins; 7, 8.
I was going to do a 3rd set after the WOD, but being out of breath made me forget.
WOD: 15/9/6 ball slams, push-ups, KB swings (30# ball and 20KG bell)
Final strength session before the Total:
Squat 45×5 95×5 135×3 185x5x3
Walkout 335x1x3
Bench 45×5 95×4 135×3 165×2 185×3
Damn those walkouts felt heavy. Hard to get that breath sucked in under so much weight. Happy to be deloaded for the actual squats today. I'm as ready as I can be for Sunday.
1. pwr snatch: work up to 80%x1x5, 78%x2 (@191#, 181)
By the 4th rep, 191#s started to feel pretty heavy
2. pwr cln+jerk: work up to 82%x1x5 sets @ 235#)
Jerk is really starting to feel good. I am dipping much less, forcing me to push myself under the bar rather than pushing it up.
WOD-FS I did some sort of ascending ladder with this… 225, 245, 265, 285, 305, 285, 265, 245
Feeling tired. Been a pretty high volume week of lifting.
@ Ariel – As promised, here is my paleo chili recipe! It takes some effort but is well worth it. (PS – I didn't write this. Got it from my boyfriend who found it somewhere on the internet and we tweaked it to be Paleo).
Olive oil
Meat (I usually do sirloin + hot italian sausage)
Vine tomatoes
Tomato Paste
Beef Stock
Cider Vinegar
Chili Powder
Cayenne Pepper
– 1 TBsp olive oil
– 1 medium yellow onions (sweet), diced
– 2.5 cloves garlic, minced
– 1.5 lbs meat, cut into 3/4″ to 1″ cubes or ground
– 2 roma tomatoes, diced
– 1/2 can tomato paste (one of those little cans)
– .5 tsp black pepper, freshly ground
– 1 TBsp chili powder
– .5 tsp cumin, ground
– 1/4 tsp kosher salt
– 3/4 cup beef stock (broth is fine too)
– 1 TBsp apple cider vinegar
– 1/8 cup fresh parsley, minced
– 1/8 cup fresh oregano, minced
– 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
– salt and pepper to taste
(Use a wooden spoon to stir throughout this process)
1. Put PHASE 1 ingredients in a large (6-quart or larger) enameled cast iron dutch oven, or other large cooking vessel that can hold heat evenly for a decent length of time, and turn the heat to medium-low. Start cold and allow the oil to come to heat (you will start to hear sizzling), and then simmer for about 5 minutes until the onions become translucent and the garlic is fragrant.
2. Turn the heat up to medium-high and add PHASE 2 ingredients in small batches so that you brown all the meat effectively. Take your time, you are making flavor here (do not worry about cooking the meat through, that happens on the long simmer, just get brown). About 10 minutes, depending on how much surface area you have in your dutch oven.
3. Reduce the heat to medium and add PHASE 3 ingredients and stir it all up. You want to mix together all the spices, get them all over the meat, brown the tomato paste, release the essential oils, and all sorts of good stuff. Your kitchen should be smelling AWESOME at this point. About 5 minutes.
4. Add PHASE 4 ingredients, stir vigorously to distribute everything, and use your spoon to scrape any brown bits off the bottom of the dutch oven and dissolve them back into the mix for maximum flavor. Allow the mixture to come to a light boil. Once it gets up to temperature, drop the heat to medium-low and simmer for 45 minutes.
5. Add PHASE 5 ingredients, stir to distribute, and simmer for 15 minutes.
6. Adjust seasoning of the mixture at this point (PHASE 6), add more liquid (water is fine) if needed, etc… final tweaks to get it the way you want it. Then simmer for another 15 minutes.
7. Take off the heat and let rest for 10 minutes before serving.
5:30 with Josh and David.
Warmup with 45lb plate, sit ups, couple K2E thrown in.
FSQ with Chris A, first Performance cycle. 165x2x8 — not a problem.
Assistance work at 16kg for two rounds, then 20kg. 6 strict -ups per round, to mimic Fox's cycle and keep moving somewhat. Side planks harder than expected.
thats a lot of phases.