Fitness: 3×8 Sets Across
This is your first exposure to Bench Pressing this cycle. The reps are going to be a little higher to build in some additional volume into the program. Get Yoked, Bro.
Performance: Heavy 8
Work up to a heavy set of 8. Leave some room in the tank as next week will be heavy 8’s as well. No Failing
Post loads to comments.
BP e1/6
21-15-9 Reps For Time Of:
Kettlebell Swings
Push-Ups or Ring Push-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Stand Up!
Skills Class: The Kipping Pull-Up
Noah’s Kipping Pull-up workshop will be Sunday, March 10th
Kipping pull-up require a significant amount of integrity in the shoulder girdle and as such this class requires a buy in of 1+ Strict Pull-Up (women) or 3 Strict Pull-Ups (men). The class will be a $15 drop-in and space is limited to 8 participants. Email Noah(AT) to sign up, make sure to mention your max number of dead hang pull-up and issues you’ve had learning/perfecting the kip so he can better prepare to get you swinging smoothly.
Skills Class: The Muscle Up
If you’ve been coming to the gym a lot, I bet you’ve noticed those round things hanging from the ceiling. Aside from making very mediocre frisbees, the rings can be used for one of the most coveted and elusive Crossfit movements- The Muscle Up. Combining all of the hardest parts of a pullup, a ring dip, and a barroom headbutt, the Muscle Up is a skill that can take a long time to learn on your own, but with careful practice and coaching can realistically be achieved in a fairly short time period. Our own Coach Noah, born to the unholy union of a chain smoking Russian gymnastics coach and his lovely Chimpanzee bride Jenny Bananas, will be running a Skills Class devoted to learning, practicing, and developing the Muscle Up on Sunday, March 17th . Space is limited to 8 participants, and those interested should sign Email Noah(AT) to sign up. There is a $15 fee for the class and a strict buy in of 3 Unbroken Chest To Bar Pullups and 3 Strict Ring Dips.
Amazing Jerk Recovery
ginacatto says
renee zellwegger (when she had a real face) & tom cruise drunkenly kissing her in jerry maguire in the backgrounddddd of that vid!!
we live in a cynical world a cynical world and we work in a business of tough competitors, you complete me.
shut up, just shut up, you had me at hello
it's not at that part but we all know that's the best part.
Noah says
As of 10AM EST:
2 spots left for Kipping Pullup
3 spots left for Muscle Up.
Wow, you people get after it early. If I get overflow on these classes I may run 2 back to back each weekend.
Sign up now!
Joy says
Any recommendations for a crossfit in Jupiter/Palm Beach, Florida area? says
Hope all is well. I'm working on our Swim Guide for the June issue, shooting Friday March 8th with photographer Ben Goldstein in New York. One of the categories in the story is athletic figure – thought you might know some gals that fit the bill. Would love suggestions or for you to spread the word.
Details below:
National Women's Magazine is looking for real women for our Bathing Suit Guide. The story will feature bathing suits for different body types: Pear Shape, Busty, Plus Size, Athletic, and Small Bust.
If you're interested in being submitted please send a recent photo, the category of your body type, age and profession. Age range: 25-60
Castings will be this week shoot date March 8th in NYC.
Alicia Bridgewater
Bookings Editor
O. The Oprah Magazine
300 West 57th street, 36th floor
New York, NY 10019
Tel: 212-903-5169
Dan L says
Chest day. Hit 210 x 8
Felt a little heavier than I thought it would, but still had a rep or two in the tank, so will probably make a conservative jump next week.
WOD in 3:30 with 32kg KB and American swings
Noah says
Kipping class is officially full, but if you were interested, please keep the emails coming- might run a 2nd class directly after.
Muscle up still has 1 slot.
Didn't make it on the blog post but both classes are slated to run at 1:15 PM EST.
Peter says
6am with Josh and McDowell. Worked up to 235×8 on the bench. Last rep was a bit of a grind, but I don't think the bar ever stopped moving upwards. WOD in 3:46 with a 28kg kettlebell and ring push-ups. Everything unbroken.
JB says
1. If they will let me kiss my bicep and do the Bolt arm flex pointy thing then I'm TOTALLY in for the bathing suit guide. Hello!
2. Monster thanks for not getting shanked for the "broken heart on my sleeve" post yesterday. Living on two hours of sleep a night for 2 weeks and now with an ankle injury has made my defenses tank, exercise is desperately needed right now!, in addition to feeling powerless as mum is quarantined due to the mystery – family hospital staff all of us are WTF.
The texts and emails and postings yesterday really were amazing and I adore you all. I transcribed/emailed them all to my stepdad who read them to my mum who, appropriately, rolled her eyes at my being a dork in addition to something HUGE: her first smile since hospital. So see?? It DOES work! Extra thanks to @JoelW for sharing, it actually de-stressed me to read that, and @Stella thank you for the offer <3 you my Supple Leopard.
Ok, I swear I'm done (for now.) xox
Alan O'D says
One tip for learning muscle ups: I think it's quite a bit easier to learn them strict than with a kip. The kip trades strength for skill; strict takes more strength (but really not that much) in exchange for hardly any skill.
A kipping muscle up is a two-part movement: a tricky kip on top of the rings plus a regular dip. A strict muscle up is three parts: a regular strict pullup, a transition, and then a regular dip. You can probably already do pullups and dips if you're training the muscle up, so all you need to work on is the transition.
Training the strict transition is really easy: just lower the rings to armpit height and work the transition, putting more/less weight on your feet.
JR says
I'm a luddite and can't post links, but there is an article on Slate entitled "why do so many people think they need gluten-free foods?" Always interesting to read for and againsts, in my view. Personally, I feel better without gluten and sugar, even though I am not sure which or why. Don't really care, either.
Ponied up for another mideival torture device from roll recovery. I thought I'd be getting a bad gadget, but for me, it's MUCH easier to hit inner thigh with this thing. Had me almost singing falsetto last night. Actually a little sore from it.
Charlotte says
Julie so sorry I missed your post yesterday — sending lots of healing thoughts to you and your mom.
Did this last night in the 6:30 class, a rare evening appearance for me. Got up to 120#, felt tough but doable. Excited for this cycle. Then WOD in 5:42 with 24kg bell. Tried ring pushups for the first round and completed 17 of them, so that totally gassed me for the rest of the rounds, which I did with regular pushups.
Forgot to do pullup work, gaah! Committed to doing this every time I'm in the gym. Argh.
JakeL says
From yesterday:
1.power snatch: work up to 80%x2x5 sets 70%x2 (use best pwr snatch to take % off of) @165#/145#
2. power clean +jerk: work up to 82%x1x5 sets, 73%x2 (use best pwr clean to take % off of.) @235#/220#
WOD-Bench 245#x8 (Felt pretty good)
4:40 something w 24 and rings-sort of tanked it a bit…dunno why.
Noah says
Alan OD,
In my workshop I teach strict first and then the kip as a way for lower strength people to get their first, or for higher strength people to be able to get multiple muscleups (like they'd see in a WOD.) I agree that the skill requirement is lower for strict, but I'd argue that it takes significantly more strength, and that learning the transition (for many) is anything but easy.
KMo says
WOD double feature with MeLo last night.
BSQ: 130x5x3
3 Rounds NFT with 14# wall ball and 9’ target. Fun!
Worked with my friend Allison – even more fun!!
Bench: 63x8x1, 58x8x2
Worked with my friend KH who was making a celebrity guest appearance at a pm class.
WOD with 20kg KB and switch push-ups: 6:37
JJ says
did you guys see this already?
Alan O'D says
Noah, that's fair. Thinking about it some more, I also forgot how much shoulder flexibility the transition takes.
I guess the thing that surprised me while learning strict muscle ups was that I could do transitions relatively smoothly despite only having 6-7 strict pullups and dips; I expected to need way more. The real hard part for me was not overtraining the transition–going too heavy too soon is a great way to get elbow tendonitis 🙁 says
Noah says
Alan- overlooked that in my last post, but you're spot on- mobility is generally the limiter. I find a good kip can help people get past/over their mobility limitation (they catch higher in the dip position.) Good call!
Still one spot left in muscle up, and a 2nd Kipping Workshop is DEFINITELY ON, with just a few spots left!
Charlotte says
1. It's my goal to have the 3 C2B pullups by the time Noah next offers a muscle-up class.
2. Mgmt: Now that there is 4:30 class on the other weekdays, any chance of 4:30 OG on Fridays? Pretty please?
JakeL says
1. snatch: work up to 92%x1(@220#), 78%x2(@187#)
2. cln and jerk: work up to 90%x1(@264#), 73%x2x2 (Skipped this)
3. back sqt: work up to 95%x1 (@330), 85%x2x2(@315)
Did todays WOD yesterday so I did some rowing. 1 tabata row. 5 rounds of: 1 min row 1 min rest
100 abmat situps says
@jake I did not see you backsquat!
WU w/pt work on both sides (20 reps)
hip opening, squat warmups
serratus pushups 3×15
Squats 3×10 @ 45#
volume Pullups w/green band 3×6,1×4
bent over row 35# 3×10
curls 20# 3×10
Planks, 1:30×3 2' rest btwn
It was pretty fun to see so many ppl tonight. I <3 my gym!
JakeL says
@ LA ROSA… oh i did (took me 4 reps to workup to 330) says
Bench partnered with DMak:
155x3x8 (the 24th rep was a little sticky)
WOD @20kg bell and ring push-ups: 6:03
I did the first set of ring push-ups unbroken, got another four in the second round, and then…singles all the way. Wow.
Chris A. says
155X8x3 for the bench
WOD at 24kg w/ ring push ups: 3:49.
ariel says
eight is a lot of reps. says
Such a nice time when I get to workout with Samir!
Bench did not go as I had hoped, I think I'm feeling a bit weak from a virus earlier in the week.
45×5, 95×5, 115×3, 135×8, 145×5, 140×5
Failed on the 145 and at DO's suggestion tried 140 and didn't have it. No worries, lots of room for improvement.
WOD in 5:05 with 1.5 pood and ring pushups. Pushups definitely the limiting factor.
Whit H says
BENCH e1/6:
45×10, 55×8, 65×6, 75×5
3×8 sets across @ 75#
this was the same weight I did at sets of 5 last week, so happy with the relative ease in this volume. will look for 80# for the 8 rep sets next week.
16kg, overhead swings. Knee push-ups.
Time: 4:04