Work up to a medium 3×5 Across
Today we’ll review Bench Press 101 and work technique on the lift. You’ll be seeing Bench Pressing on Wednesdays the following 6 weeks. The first formal exposure will be next week.
Post loads to comments.
4 Rounds NFT:
10 Strict Dumbbell Presses
10e Palloff Presses
Work up to a heavy but perfect 10 on the press
Upcoming Oly Camps
Want to get better at the quick lifts? CFSBK will be hosting Josh Wells and Shelly Hancock who will be teaching the theory and practice of the Snatch or Clean and Jerk on two upcoming dates. These camps will be small group sessions focusing on understanding and executing the lifts correctly. For more information about each camp, click the cooresponding links below:
3/9/13 Snatch Camp
3/16/13 Clean and Jerk Camp
Both camps run from 3pm-5pm and cost $90.00 per person. Space is limited to 10 athletes. Sign up today!
Live Workout Announcements for the Open
This year, each Open workout will be announced LIVE from a different affiliate. Starting March 6, head to the Games site each Wednesday at 5 p.m. PT to see the announcement and then watch two of CrossFit’s top athletes take on the workout and post the first official scores.
Open Workout 13.2 will be announced LIVE from Crossfit South Brooklyn! Be sure to RSVP for this event here! Athletes for the workout will be announced one week in advance.
See below for the list of times and affiliates.
Open Workout 13.1
March 6, 2013, 5 p.m. PT (8 p.m. ET)
CrossFit Vitality
Concord, N.C.
Athletes: Dan Bailey vs. Scott Panchik
The Back-Off Week Cathletics
CFSBK, you're the best.
6am with Josh and McDowell. Bench press: 45×5, 135×5, 185×5, 205x3x5. No problems. Chest, tris, abs and legs are all feeling a bit beat up from yesterday's Barbara. Accessory work with 30# dumbbells. Maybe a bit light, but it is back-off week.
Strength Cycle and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad Day 14
Squat: 340×5(f), 295x5x2. This was a pretty frustrating day all in. Perhaps it was the 30 hours between sessions, the sleep catching up to me, the soreness, or the fact that the weight just got really heavy, but I went to do the fifth rep on the first set and it just wasn't there. On the other hand, that's 340×4 which I'm pretty sure is some sort of PR. I'll have the five next monday.
Bench: 205×5, 205×4, 205×3. I knew the first set was going to be the only one I hit after the fifth rep was such a grind. I'm ok with this. I think that is a 5RM, even dating back to gym bro days, and definitely one without somebody putting their finger on the bar at the end.
Power Cleans: 180×3, 180x1xNOPE. Yeah, I was beaten down today. Gonna eat, gonna sleep, gonna bring it next week.
WAAAH I am going to be in CA for the open event! SO AWESOME.
That is pretty damn cool!
@Whitney I love your handstand skills.
Is anyone else laughing at clean and jerk camp?
KMo or Courtney, could one of you post that sweet potato smoothie recipe?
muchas gracias
I just signed up from Paris because I'm so excited.
The little widget on the left hand side of the screen to sign up for class and see the score board is pretty neat. not sure if that has been there for a while or if I just have been blind to see it.
Ive been practicing isolating my glutes all morning.
Love the days after A/R
Bench – worked at 205x3x5 – felt pretty light, definitely no problem getting through them
Accessory – Press with 40s – maybe a little aggressive since I did all 4 sets in less than 10 minutes. Last set was a little tougher than I'd hoped.
Very excited for the Open event!
Recap from the past few days…
CRASH-B row on Sunday did not go as planned, regrettably. Finished at 6:51.6, about 2 seconds off my test from three weeks ago and about 4 seconds off my PB from last year.
I went with a new strategy to combat my fly-and-die tendencies from past 2k tests, hoping to settle at 1:40 after my race start, and it just wasn't to be. I don't think I saw a single stroke at 1:39 or 1:40 between 1900m and 300m to go in the race. While this was the most balanced 2k row I've ever done, I knew 30 seconds in that it wasn't going to be my day. I'm glad that I held it together to post 6:51–it could've gotten ugly real fast.
I was beyond bummed post-race and a bit out of it the rest of the night and the next day. While still a great time, 6:51 was far off from the expectations I'd set for myself, which were probably foolish considering how poor of a pupil I was throughout the training period. Improving one's fitness doesn't necessarily equate to a drop in 2k times, I learned. Once you're below a certain point, it takes dedicated, focused effort to drop time. I know that now for next year (yes, I'll probably do it again) and will go in more focused and with more reasonable goals.
That said, the whole CRASH-B experience, particularly from January onwards, was really something special. Getting to cox for Adele as she smashed her old time was a real treat, as was dining with Olympians and getting to practice at Harvard's boathouse. And the people. Seriously, CRASH-Beasts, you're amazing.
I came in to bench and for the capacity test and redeemed myself on the erg. Worked up to 170×5 on the bench and finished the test with 3 rounds and 2 reps, up from 2 and 4 before the challenge began.
Great write up, Ryan!
1. What @Ellie said
2. Stoked to get in tonight as Bench Press is a favourite of mine, dragging my speedrope in to work on DU's as well, Dr. said I can try to go fast again. Whee!
3. There was something but I don't remember now. I think it involved SBK sweatbands or something.. the ones for the head.
There isn’t s a recipe per se. Here’s what I used (based entirely on what I had immediately on-hand):
½ small sweet potato, cooked
Protein powder – I used chocolate. Court uses vanilla, I think.
Coconut milk (+ a little water to dilute)
Cinnamon – maybe a ½ teaspoon
Nutmeg – maybe ¼ teaspoon
Dash of salt
Mix in blender and enjoy 🙂
Obviously you can substitute or increase/decrease amounts as necessary.
CFSBK Harlem Shake video?…
Only if it looks like this:
6am with Josh and McDowell. Bench press at 83x3x5. Excited to have this in the rotation for the next cycle. Did the WOD with 20# dumbbells. Each set they started to feel pretty heavy between reps 7 and 8.
Joel FTW.
Beyond excited about the Open event live at SBK! It's been so hard to keep this secret. Ya'll better rsvp ASAP to get in. We're expecting some big CF games competitors at our event. This girl is hoping for Rich and Mikko…but I might just be fantasizing a
littleLOT…FP #18
Adductor still unhappy
4" Deficit Deadlift
Played around with pre-tensioning the bar and a dynamic start, felt like the reps were snappy
Back Extensions
Ab Wheel Rollout
5 reps from the feet
Luca, KMo pretty much hit it! I also always blend with a frozen banana – fresh is totally fine, too, but frozen makes the smoothie much creamier. Almond & coconut milk are both good – whatever's on hand. Throw some pumpkin in there, too, if you've got it. Tastes like a liquid pumpkin or sweet potato pie.
If I want a lighter smoothie, I use coconut water instead of milk.
I also usually toss a huge handful of kale or spinach, a TBSP of flax oil, 1/2 a frozen avocado, and/or a spoonful of nut butter in there for good measure. Essentially, these ingredients + banana + milk (almond or coconut) + fruit + miscellaneous mix-ins (cocoa powder, matcha powder, Amazing Grass, spices) = bangin' smoothie.
I try to be cognizant of the amount of fruit that I'm using since smoothies can get crazy sugary if they contain too much high glycemic fruit and not enough nutrient-centric ingredients, like veggies.
Three other kickass recipes:
1. Base above + a scoop each of chocolate protein powder and cocoa powder + frozen berries or cherries;
2. Base above + a scoop each of chocolate protein powder and cocoa powder + a TSP of peppermint extract – healthier, chocolatey version of those nasty McD's shamrock shakes;
3. Base above w/ coconut water instead of milk + vanilla protein powder + pineapple + cantaloupe.
Basically, if my blender will pulverize it – and I have a Vitamix, so it will pulverize ANYTHING – it goes in and I drink it. Clearly, judging from the length of this post, my Vitamix is the love of my life and I use it often.
And I want Katie Hogan to come to our gym. She's rad.
Thanks for the recipe/thesis. I think I need a blender. Or I'll just throw the spices in my shake and skip the veggies.
Last year they alternated guy/girl every week, so I'm hoping for Annie
Exciting stuff!
Bench: 45×5, 65×5, 75x5x3
Happy to chill out and back off a bit this week. Also really ready for this face-punching wind to die down and enjoy some time outside … someday …