The CFSBK Armada Grows to 13 Ergs
Big thanks to Katie M, Ryan J and Monte M for helping bring the “vader black” ergs back from Boston
What’s that thing on the left?
You may have noticed the two tabs on the left, one says “coming” and the other is a little W holding a barbell. CFSBK will slowly be phasing in new billing software called WodHopper. This new system will allow us to keep better membership analytics and provide some other cool new features for you guys. We haven’t officially launched it, so stay tuned for updates as they come.
Post Challenge Write Up Due!
Don’t forget to submit your post challenge write up here. Please get it in by today so we’ve got enough time to go through them all. The point of this is to help you assess how you did and what your plan is moving forward. I’ve had so many people come up to me or send me emails about the progress they’re making. The LFPB challenge was just the start of a much larger plan to continue with your progress, refine your approach and keep your momentum. At the potluck we’ll expand upon this idea and talk more about how CFSBK would like to support your progress moving forward.
On Friday, March 1st at 7:30-9:30pm we’ll be hosting our second community potluck and LFPB Challenge awards ceremony. If you participated in the challenge this is a great opportunity to close it out with all the other folks who joined in over the last 6 weeks. We’ll be presenting awards to everyone who went above and beyond with their commitment and consistency and there will be a short presentation about what to do now that the challenge is over and some ideas to help you keep the momentum moving in the right direction. This event is open to everyone, regardless of participation.
Who: The entire CFSBK community is invited
Date: 03/01/23
Time: 7:30pm-9:30pm
Kid Friendly? Yes! We’ll have the bouncy castle back
Programming Update
Crush week is officially over! We’re going to be on back off week until next Wednesday when the new cycle starts. This B/O week will act as prep for the new cycle introducing the movements and getting your recovered for the next training cycle. Get Stoked.
Fitness: Low Bar Back Squats
Performance: High Bar Stop Squats
Bench Press
Front Squats
CrossFit Open WOD
Clean and Jerks
What is Your Main Event? CrossFit Invictus
Highlights From The 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games
The new programming looks excellent – stoked for it.
Yay, bench press! Color me excited.
Just saw those killer times on the 2K from the SBK team. What awesome times top to bottom. Great job all.
There was a moment last night during my bowling league where during the approach,my legs wobbled from the 2k i rowed 30-40 min earlier.
6am with Jess and McDowell. Tackled "Barbara" in lieu of another 2k row or tomorrow's workout (which I'll be doing tomorrow). 36:58 Rx. First time doing Barbara. Felt like my sit-ups were going in slow motion. And Sunday's 2k row was still echoing in my legs during the squats. Push-ups broke down after the second round. Pull-ups felt surprisingly strong and were unbroken for the first 2 rounds and then done in 2 sets for the remaining 3 rounds.
I may have shrieked in excitement seeing Bench Press programmed in for next cycle.
Happiness, love me the BP.
Innv-8s on sale for $70 at if you sign up through this link I will get a little kick back
though fyi to anyone ordering the innov-8s, the estimated delivery is march 15-19…
I have 2 tickets to the BK Nets Game tonight. $60 bucks for the pair.
Email me at if interested.
anyone have or tried the innov8 bare xf260s? I actually just saw them for the first time. Look like a nice medium between the NB MT10s which I love and the Crossfit Nano 2.0's (which i dont love as much).
2K row at the noon class today.
Time: 8:36.6
This is down from 8:55 the last time I did it… which apparently was about 2 years ago?? Think I've been avoiding the 2K.
Coming off a 5mi run on Saturday, Barbara on Sunday… I think I could hit more like 8:25 or 8:20 in the near future. Felt like I didn't have a lot of gas in my legs or pull in my arms after all the work in the past few days.
Also next time will experiment with putting a small lift under my right foot to equalize my leg length diff a bit. I never get equal drive/push out of both feet/legs and I feel like that really undercuts my power.
Quick CRASH-B recap–got 7:22.8. Really pleased about that. I'd gotten 7:28 when we tested in Brooklyn a few weeks ago, and I was worried that was about as good as I could get. But apparently a few weeks of seriously tough training and a lot of adrenaline helps. I went out a little fast (1:48 for the first 500) and then just held on at 1:51 for the last 1500m.
The whole CRASH-B thing has been a great experience. The mental toughness it's built in me, the team, Nick's coaching… the whole thing. Highly recommended for next year.
Fun small 6am with Jess & McDowell. Opted out of the 2K (secret: I've managed to avoid them for 4 years running…) and worked bench @ 115 for 3×5. A bit heavier than I expected but very doable.
For coop members with morning shifts, incredibly sad news that Alexis died of cancer Feb 11:
Did Monday's 2K.
After a crappy day at work I was SO motivated to crush the erg. And I did.
7:53.1 overall time with an average split of 1:58.2 and stroke rate of 30. Not only is it four seconds faster than the 2K we did on the 26th, it's several seconds faster than my all-time PR in 2008 when I was on the rowing team.
What a way to end the day. BOOM. I'm out.
PS. Great job to everyone in the 7:30 class! 2Ks are a beast, way to not fall off and die 🙂
PM Strength:
Squat 45×5 95×5 135×4 185×3 225×2 260x5x3
Press 45×5 75×4 95×3 117.5x5x3
Deadlift 135×5 185×4 225×3 275×2 310×2,f
Hollow rocks 20,20,20
Psyched to hit those squats, bummed I couldn't keep the deadlifts moving. My back was already a bit toasted from grinding out a couple press reps and coming back from forward leans on a couple squat reps and I just couldn't keep it stable for the pull.
The comments filter is being kind of an asshole the last few days. Sorry if your post got delayed.
Strength cycle, day 792
Recovery squat: 225x5x2
Feeling really sore from 5×5 squats Sunday. Mainly in a good way, but probably should have built up to that a bit more.
Deadlift: 315×1
First time pulling in 4 weeks. My back pulled back and I called it. Still not there yet, a bit disappointing as it seemed to be better overall.
Called it there so I could go hard Thursday.
Clean and Jerk: Work up to a heavy single
1 1/4 Front squats- Work up to a heavy single (275#)
Bench WOD- 3×5 at 255#
Chatty, fun AR today. Ended with a 1 mile run, which felt great. I'm still a little sore from Diane.
Then, bench 60x5x3. Looking forward to this cycle!
Tried to do the first round of the NFT work with 15# DB but had to switch to the 12.5# DB for the last three rounds. My ego is duly bruised.
Just made a sweet potato protein shake as recommended by Courtney. Holy. Crap. It's almost too good.
Crash-B recap. Fun, fun, fun. As many of you know I'm not a fan of conditioning work or the ERG so god knows why I signed up for this. But I needed something to force me to get to it and this was it. Thanks to Nick I set new PRs and I actually look like I know what I'm doing (somewhat), which is a small miracle. Had a lot of fun hanging out with the team in Boston and also watching some real beasts. I saw a guy from from Berkeley pull a 5:52, INSANE!!!! He then proceeded to stand up like he just went for a morning jog. Definitely happy that I did this and hopefully I can do it again. Recommended, even if you hate the ERG like I do.
Really? IRL??
finally got in to do the capacity test tonight, here's the biz:
pre-test: 850m row 3:45, 2 rounds + 2 burpees (16kg)
post-test: 850m row 3:25, 2 rounds +10 burpees + 9 kb swings (16kg)
erg racing pacing wise i had no idea what i was doing 6 weeks ago. thanks to nick's hell camp i have a much better idea of what i'm doing on there and where i should be on a piece like this. overall i'm happy with the capacity increase!
Took about a minute off my old 2K time which I'm really happy about. 8:15:13. I had dead legs from running the Prospect Park loop on Monday and doing Barbara on Sunday, but thanks to McDowell and the class for cheering me on to finish strong.
In other news after class I ate an apple instead of a slice of pizza which is a testament to the paleo challenge mantra of rewarding good behavior with more good behavior.