See if you can set a new PR today!
Post loads to comments.
DL e6/6
50-40-30-20-10 Reps For Time Of:
Double Unders
There is a 10 minute cap on today’s benchmark WOD
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 5.5.12
Congratulations Brandon!
CFSBK would like to congratulate Brandon R on competing in his first Olympic weightlifting meet this weekend. The results:
I places 1st in my weight class. I competed against 3 others. My attempts on the snatch were 60, 65, hit them both and since I knew I was leading in my weight class I went for 75 but missed. My attempts at C&J were 80, 85 & 90. (kilos)
Lost Ünd Found
The LÜF is overflowing which means we’ll be donating everything to charity at the end of the week (Friday). Please check out the pictures our awesome Front Desk staff took to see if any of your stüff needs to be found.
What’s the most valuable (interpret however you’d like) thing you’ve ever lost?
Fit and Feminist 100: The Strongwomen
Relax! You’ll Be More Productive NYT
speaking of lost, i used to keep my jump rope in a cubby with my oly shoes but when i went to use it on saturday it was gone. did anyone take it by mistake? it's got my name on one of the handles. gracias
Anyone find my diamond earring by chance? Lost it last Thursday in the gym. White gold stud. Thanks.
Oh! That's my little umbrella in Misc. Will grab asap. Also, am I the only one who had kind of hoped to see some sort of ninja weaponry or perhaps a light saber in the Lost&Found images?
strength cycle Tshirt in the lost and found…. now i've seen everything.
who left their stuffed loon?
380 Sumo DL – 35# more than the beginning of the cycle. Started out shooting for 355 or 360 so I probably could have gotten a little more if I'd taken more aggressive jumps. Interesting to see how this will translate to my conventional DL, which has been stuck at ~400 for what seems like forever.
Annie – 5:40 (20 sec PR) – Had a bunch of trouble with the rope in the first two rounds, probably cost me 20 seconds
Deadlift train to PR town! 240, failed at 245, but that's still a 10# PR.
Annie in 8:22 with 1/2 double under attempts. I guess situps aren't so bad when you don't have to do them to competition standard (hands touching the floor behind your head and in front of your feet).
Most valuable thing I've ever lost: My husband proposed to me spontaneously on a trip to Italy in 2008. Because he hadn't been planning to do that, he didn't have a ring in his pocket, so he made a quick stop to a jewelry shop and bought a pair of earrings as a placeholder. They're not worth much financially, but boy did I have a good cry when I lost one about a year later. Fortunately, hubby found it a few weeks later.
My Duck!!!!
For those of you who are unaware I tend to lose things quite a bit. Typically I just forget things places because I have a mind that becomes interested in things while in the midst of doing other things.
In my time at SBK i have left abmats outside (sorry josh) had my weightlifting shoes tied to the rings, and have left my log book everywhere.
It's why I help put things away that I dont use whenever I have a moment. I'm happy to say I have nothing in that lost and found pile.
The least expensive thing I have ever lost is my dignity.
it feels so good to deadlift!! 230 PR! failed at 235. Old PR was 215 back from Lyceum days so I'm pretty pumped.
annie 6:32 PR
happy monday!
Strength Cycle Day 11
Squat: 325x5x3. For the first time this cycle I reached a point where I questioned whether the weight would come back up. On the 3rd set, 4th rep I was breathing hard and my legs had a slight wobble. 4th rep was ok. 5th rep I attacked the hole like I often do not, controlled and aggressive, and got a bounce like I often do not, and bounced up. Much of the value of squatting 15 heavy reps every class is clearly adaptation to the stress, but there's definitely a value in that moment where you know you have to really focus to make the bar come back up. I'm definitely not the most focused lifter always, and it was really nice to find that place.
Press: 125×4(f), 125×4(f), 125×5. Well that was weird. I'm not sure exactly what happened, or if I needed more rest after my 5th squat, more warm up, who knows. I think some of it was breathing and I need to take more breaths. We'll see how next week goes.
Rack pulls: 315×10. I thought I was just doing 5, and then Jeremy came over and told me to keep going. Jeremy has consistently cued me to to "bring my hips to the bar." I told Jeremy I didn't really understand the cue. He explained it was much more mental, about aggressively closing out once the bar is above my knees because the way you fail is by having it sit there, so squeeze and snap.
i knew herschel could type.
in my move to my red hook apt last spring i lost this tiny jewelry bag that had a lot of my favorite everyday wearing jewelry in it. i searched everywhere, checked with my old landlord.
a few months ago i found just sitting in the bottom of a backpack, a backpack i'd searched no less than 5 occasions for said jewelry bag and used for two vacations.
it was real weird when it just showed up inside there.
weekend CRASH-B recap:
saturday: trough 250 – 500 – 1000 – 1500 – 1000 – 500 – 250
1:00.3, 2:04.6, 4:10.7, 6:17.0, 4:10.9, 2:03.8, 0:59.1
sunday: 4x1000m + 30 min slow row
4:07.4, 4:08.0, 4:10.2, 4:11.8
lost my consistency on sunday's 1k's but held on to the end. it was tough after saturday's trough. on the trough i really killed my scores from last week, so there you go.
6am CRASH-B rowing: 2 x (4 x 500m/2')/5': 1:37.1, 1:36.4, 1:36.2, 1:36.4, 1:38.4, 1:38.6, 1:40.4, 1:42.4. Felt great up until the 7th interval at which point some hip tightness started to affect my stroke rate. 8th interval was a bit of a grind. Need to spend some time lax ball loving this week.
MGMT: I heard a rumor that the end-of-LFPB-challenge potluck is this Saturday. But I don't see it anywhere on the blog. True rumor or no?
Answer for today's question:
Hope in humanity! Ha
No I'd like to push it back so theres more time for you guys and us to get everything in order for it. I'll have a hard date tomorrow on the blog.
Gina, your post was freed!
Thats where those shorts are!!!
Lost my adolescent and childhood diaries (that I actually started all the way back in first grade). They were under my bed when Katrina hit. Womp womp. A lesson in non-attachment.
Those are my leather gloves!! Thanks MGMT, sorry I'm an idiot. Will take them home today.
Also I think the most valuable thing I ever lost was my brother in a mall when I was 13. Thankfully, I found him.
The sad thing is that I don't remember most of the things I've lost. I just forget the fact that I own something. I've purchased multiple copies of books, CDs, movies and clothes. It used to be really bad. The only good thing is regularly finding money in my clothes, such a great feeling.
Only planned to hit 405, but after hitting it I loaded 430, put on Angel of Death and drove 430. Moved well, only 5 off my all time best. Should have it next week.
Back Extensions
Ab Wheel Rollouts
8×10 from the knees
On the flight home from a wedding in the UK two summers ago, I lost a bag of jewelry containing among all of my favorite costume and fine jewelry: an opal cocktail ring that belonged to my grandmother, all of my pearl jewelry that my father had given me over the years, and a diamond necklace given to me by my father. I hope whoever found it underneath the seat and didn't turn it into United's lost and found is enjoying it and hope they never lose anything themselves. That was the first thing I ever lost that I shed multiple tears over, definitely a hard lesson in not being attached to earthly things but a hard lesson since it contained so much sentimental jewelry and jewelry that I'll likely never have the funds to replace.
1.snatch: work up to 90%. 85%x1x2, 80%x1x3 (215, 210, 205)
2. cln and jerk: work up to 85%x1, 80%x1x2 (255, 245)
3. back squat: heavy single (315 for today)
@215 I Failed on the first attempt because I lost my balance and fell backwards. For the first time I am really feeling as though my current OLY shoes are inadequate. Feels like Im snatching in Nike Frees. Hit the second just fine.
Deadlift- Decided after I did 365 that I had done so much pulling today I had had it. No need to get injured. No way was I going to beat 455 today anyhow
Annie- 6:58
Deadlift: 245# (PR)
Annie: 8:25 (D/U Attempts)
Just realized that purple Brita water bottle is mine and I took someone's blue one by mistake ๐ promise to bring it back tomorrow.
Deadlifts: 305, 325 (F), 325 (F), 305 (F)
Happy with the 305, 325 would have equaled my PR, but I wasn't up for it today.
Annie: 7:24 (1:30 PR!).
It's all about the rope. Damn, the good ones fly.
205# deadlift boyeee! and that's how you let the beat build, b*tch!
135×5, 225×3, 275×1, 300×1, 305×1 Slight loss in my back on the last one.
Annie: 6:44
First time doing Annie with my feet anchored… I think it was better. I have to go back in my logs and look but I think this was a 30-40 second pr.
I had a box with all of my concert t-shirts and jerseys from every concert I went to in the 80's (This was a lot). It was "lost" during one of my many moves and I still think about them.
8:30 in the pm with coach Noah.
Sumo Deadlift:
365lb x 1
405lb x 1
435lb x 1
455lb x 1
That's a PR for a sumo style and getting closer to my historic PR. It was pretty slow and ugly, but I never got in a bad position for my back. For some reason the sumo stance keeps me from fucking up my back even when things get heavy and ugly.
Finished Annie in 6:15 – all DUs unbroken and no rest. I just need to go faster on the damn sit-ups somehow.
The blog ate my last comment. Whatupwiddat?
Deadlift: 305, 325 (F), 325 (F), 305 (F). Might have made 315, dunno. But happy to cross 300 again. 325 is my old PR. Will go past it sometime this year.
Annie: 7:24 (1:30 PR!).
It's all about the rope. The good ones just fly.
I hit 270 today. I wanted 275 but snowboarding hard on Sunday and very little sleep all weekend cost me those 5 if not 10 pounds. It happens. The boarding was worth it.
Annie in 6:52 eh, my rope stuck a few times but eh it happens.
Worst thing I've lost…
My computer crashed bad taking my backup with it.
All my digital photos, all my music, and worst all my art both personal and professional digital stuff..
That was the most painful. Now I have two different 2terabyte backup drives.
I hit 345 (pr) on my dl and just missed 355 (couldn't get my hips all the way extended). Once I get above 315 I start to feel like my grip is failing at the top of my lifts, could just be an organization thing but it leads to a panic sort of rush as I try to finish the lift.
7:45 on Annie with double-under attempts. Meh.
Five sets of:
Muscle-Snatch x 1 rep
Rest as needed
Warm Up
(45×3 – 95×3 – 115×2)
Work Set
130 – 140 – (F)150 – 150 – 155
Six sets of:
Snatch x 1.1.1
(rest 10 seconds between singles)
Rest as needed
Build over the course of the six sets to a heavy triple.
Warm Up
(45xC – 115×3 – 140×2 – 165×2)
Work Sets
175x 1.1.1
185x X.1.1
185x X.1.1
195x 1.1.1
200x X.X.X
– Lift is over once you stand up, not just because you got under the bar
– Active in the catch position
Three sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
30 seconds of Rest
30 seconds of Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
90 seconds of Rest
Break down
(S) HSPU: 10 – 1.5 – 5.1
KBswings: 15 – 16 – 15
(K) HSPU: 8 – 7 – 7
High Bar Back Squat
(Based off of 385#)*
* Set 1 โ 3 reps @ 70% (275#)
* Set 2 โ 3 reps @ 80% (315#)
* Set 3 โ 2 reps @ 85% (330#)
* Set 4 โ 1 rep @ 90-95% (345#)
Rest as needed
And then . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
HBBS x 3 reps @ 85% of 1-RM
Break down
Sets 1-4 325#
Set 5 305#
– Stop using LBBS numbers for HBBS Training
That is my yellow hat in the picture (hand knit by my sister with her mad knitting skills)! Sorry to be a burden, but could you not donate it on Friday? My work week has been insane and I won't be able to come in until next week to pick it up! Thanks!