12 minutes to work on Hang Snatch Technique. Make it a full squat if you have the ability to receive in the bottom. Either way, commit to your receiving position today and don’t rush out of poor positions.
Post loads to comments.
Snatch e6/6
10 Rounds of:
3 Burpees
10 Yard Heavy Farmer Carry
Go heavy and move quickly.
- There is No Teaser Class today
- Attention CSA Participants: New recipes for this month’s haul over at The Daily Paleo
“I Just Wanna Deadlift”
By Dr. Mike
It wasn’t an easy day for my coach. The conversation went something
like this.
“I wanna deadlift.”
“Well, we need to work on your overhead organization and positioning.”
“But, I just wanna deadlift!”
“We need to do some overall conditioning and work on core stability as a priority.”
“But, … !”
“Its not in today’s rotation of exercises.”
“But, … !!”
Frustration building, he responded: “Too many deadlifts will make your … ears fall off.”
“But, … !!! Goddamn it!”
“I think we are having a communication problem today. Later for you. And the deadlift.”
“Yeah? Well, when is “later” going to happen…? Because I just loooove to deadlift…”
Deadlift Technique: How To Take The Tension Out Of The Bar Eric Cressey
First Pull-Ups, Then Combat, Marine’s Say NYT
Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss Tony Gentlecore
oops, i accidentally posted this on yesterday's blog, which doesnt seem to make a whole lot of sense if i want people to read and hopefully help, so ignore that, please, and i'm going to ask over here…
i have some questions on post workout nutrition if anyone has a few minutes. my (surely unusual and unique) goal is to lean out and get stronger. after a regular cfsbk wod, do you think it's better to have just protein, just carbs, or protein and carbs? does the answer change depending on whether we're in the middle of a six week strength cycle, hell week, or back off week?
i personally feel generally better (and therefore find it more sustainable) if i DONT cut out too many carbs, so even if that might be better for weight loss it isn't better for my general well being. so if i do need to eat a sweet potato or apple or something, is post workout the best time for it?
and then im even reading conflicting things about PWO protein. some people say whole foods are the best but some people say protein powders are better because it's broken down further and becomes absorbed quickly. along those lines, if anyone is a protein powder fan, can you please suggest a brand because there are like eighty million of them all claiming to be the best?
thanks for any help and guidance!
thanks for that shout-out, mgmt. i'm confused about why my posts are being eaten.
Ariel, I'm curious to see the answers from those wiser in the ways of nutrition than I am. I almost always WOD in the morning, before breakfast, and have breakfast, which is usually some kind of protein in between lean and fat (smoked salmon, leftover meatloaf, etc.) plus either fruit or vegetables, depending on whether I have any good veggie leftovers or not. This seems to be hit or miss for me — sometimes, especially when my protein is more on the fat side of things, I'm sated through about noon or 12:30, and sometimes I'm prowling around for a Paleo snack by 11. I haven't quite figured out the pattern of why this is — the hunger doesn't seem to be connected to whether I ate fruit or vegetables with my protein, but maybe it's connected with what the WOD was.
Today, snatches at 73#, and I think…I THINK…I got the form a lot better by the end. Farmer's carries: 6 rounds with 2 pood KB, 4 rounds with 100 lb jerry can. I'm glad I switched up to the jerry can although my grip suffered!
Very excited to test deadlift 1RM in the morning.
My personal rules, divined from a bunch of reading via CFSBK, like this article from Fox, linked articles, and reading. MGMT can correct me if I'm wrong and delete the whole post ,but I think it's basically right:
1) Always get a lot of protein, every day, always. 40% of your caloric intake or more, often about 1 gram per pound of body weight every day. Try to get it from meat, and if you're finding it hard to get it from meat, supplement with whey powder without added sugar or fat. You'll probably end up with gross sweeteners in them unless you get some grassfed natural whey which I'm sure can be googled.
2) Err towards good carbs after workouts and on workout days and towards good fats non-workout days. If you want to get stronger, you need carbs after you workout. In order to anabolize muscle, your body needs energy. If you're in the middle of hell week, you'll need more carbs, and if you're in the middle of backoff week, you'll need fewer. Yes, post-workout is best.
3) The article linked above about losing fat versus losing weight is good. You can't outwork a bad diet (on repeat) and its correlate are important: good abs are made in the kitchen (on repeat). A decent rule of thumb for gaining strength while losing fat is that you should consume more calories than you need to maintain your weight on workout days so you actually build muscle, and consume fewer calories than you need to maintain your weight on days you don't work out in order to burn fat (but not too few and always lots of protein).
4) One thing you'll notice from #3 above is that if your consuming more calories than you need on workout days, and fewer calories on rest days: don't overwork when trying to switch out muscle mass for fat. It's counter-intuitive, but let your body build muscle through recovery.
THANK YOU. that is all crazy helpful. i dont necessarily feel like i need a protein powder, then — just to convert more of my daily calories into protein instead of fat, maybe. ive realized i need to cut out nuts entirely (just as fox suggested in the linked post that some people will need to) so that will leave some room. maybe start bringing hard boiled eggs or something to eat right after class rather than waiting until i get home to start eating.
very happy to maintain my PWO sweet potato ritual as it is frequently the highlight of my eating day.
thanks again.
AM Strength, "Easy Like Sunday Morning":
Squat 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 185×3, 225×1, 240x5x3
Press 45×5, 75×4, 95×3, 105×2 112.5×5,5,7
Clean 135×3 165x3x3
Then 3x max unbroken T2B (14,12,9) and a couple floor L sits.
I swear the belt is giving me superpowers on squat and press. Thought I was hitting the wall last week but still have a little room left apparently. Was jealous of the rep-outs on press on the other platform and felt so good on my third set that I put up a couple more too.
I liked the post today on the leaning out vs. weight loss. It is a lesson that can always be relearned. I lost quite a bit of weight about 6 months in to CF and got really excited and then my body seems to just level off. I know it is nonsense because I leaned out during the summer while not loosing any weight and only doing the Strength Cycle. Yet with this Paleo I lost quite a bit of weight the first 2 weeks and then it evened back out without cheating. However, still loosing inches – so articles like this are always good to try to reassess some of the pre-crossfit thought behaviors that pop up even when I know better…I would be interested to hear if other folks esp. girls have had similar experiences.
One really easy goal to measure that I've found is to just use your Wilks # or a CFTotal/BW or even just LBBS/BW or something like that to give yourself a quantitative goal since the scale doesn't capture everything you're trying to measure. I'm not sure if it works for everybody, but I like it.
FP #11
That ties an all time PR, my first lift to make it all the way back from being sick last summer
EZ bar Curls (30s Rest Pause)
sick since last Tuesday eve, hadn't touched a barbell since. Layed down and benched a bit
Pull Ups
Wiped out. Had a hard time getting a breath and not coughing while on the bench. Nice job, J. I wish my bench was 'getting back' to 335. I'll take 'moving up' to 275.
Jeremy, you know you won't be all the way back till you hit a curl PR.
Good stuff on the blog today.
I just got back from a 2 day seminar with Ursula Garza Papandrea, a WR holder and level 5 USAW lifting coach and board member. (the only female)
It was AWESOME. The clinic was for coaches, not athletes which means we went into a lot of technical discussions of how to break down, correct and view the lifts. The information was great, the break out sessions were really practical and she and her one staff-mate were friendly and extremely knowledgeable. Too bad she lives in Austin, TX otherwise we'd be locking her to the wall at CFSBK.
double OG post:
Friday did the last FSQ exposure: (45×5, 95×4, 135×3, 175×2, 195×1) 205×1, 215×1(PR), 225(f)
Tonight got the last LBBSQ exposure: (45×5, 135×4, 165×3, 185×2, 215×1, 225×1) 250×1, 260×1, 270×1, 280(f)
280 would have been a PR. I took to many warmup sets which didn't help. Big thanks to Arturo for tons of coaching tonight – he helped me sort out a few things I was doing wrong. 270 felt like my best rep all cycle so overall pretty satisfied. Pretty happy with a 215 single for FSQ.