Fitness: 3×5 Work Sets Across
Add 5lbs to last weeks Push Presses.
Performance: Work up to a heavy single on the Push Press
Take three attempts to establish a new 1RM
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PP e6/6
5 Unbroken Rounds of:
10 Kettlebell Swings
10 H2H KB Swings
10 Goblet Reverse Lunges
10 Kettlebell Swings
Rest as needed between sets and go heavy as possible
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Nancy about to lockout a press
Happy Birthday, KH!
Happy belated Birthday, Liese M!
Blizzard Schedule Update:
Since the snowfall is expected to start tomorrow morning and not get heavy until late afternoon on Friday expect AM and afternoon classes to be on. As of now we’re operating on a normal schedule but check the blog for any cancellations. If things get really bad and we need to cancel OG I’ll post something on the blog by 4:30pm on Friday.
Fight Gone Bad Fundraiser Follw Up
Last fall, for our annual Fight Gone Bad event we picked the Brooklyn Community Foundation to be our charity, so that teams’ fundraising would have a local impact by supporting Brooklyn’s hardworking nonprofit community. After Hurricane Sandy, when the Brooklyn Community Foundation quickly organized the Brooklyn Recovery Fund, it was clear to us that the nearly $50,000 we raised through Fight Gone Bad should back the work local nonprofits were doing in storm-devastated Red Hook, Coney Island, and beyond.
To date, the Brooklyn Recovery Fund has distributed more than $650,000 in emergency relief grants to food pantries, local churches, and community-based organizations on the ground here in Brooklyn. But the Brooklyn Recovery Fund isn’t done yet. They’re now focusing on costly emerging longer-term needs, especially related to rebuilding homes and businesses – as well as investing in neighborhood coalitions that can create greater resiliency in their communities and be better prepared for the future.
See where the money you raised went and view a summary of the Brooklyn Recovery Fund’s activities here. And keep up your support for the Brooklyn Community Foundation by checking out their “Brooklyn Love” aparty on February 21st in Crown Heights! Details and tickets at BROOKLYN LOVE
Is CrossFit Saving Olympic Weightlifting? Manimals Guide
taco cat backwards is still taco cat
"like" JB's post. great start to the morning
@6am I think I messed up on the preformance?!? I did only a heavy single. This is what happens when I go to gym too early in the morning.
I spent a 14-hour day yesterday struggling to find paleo food, then found out my co-worker was writing about a Paleo food service that just launched. Anyone tried it yet? Looks delicious.
The Wonder Twinz have a triple-digit PR in the push press. Woo! (Okay, so it was EXACTLY 100#, but still, I'm pretty stoked about that.)
WOD: 16 kg, 20, 20, 16, 16. Doing this unbroken made it so hard!
I CANNOT WAIT to test back squat 1RM tomorrow.
Push Press – got 195, failed twice at 205. Should have had the first one but pushed it out front a little.
WOD at 24kg, 28kg, 32kg, 32kg and then ran out of time
@Matt do you work in midtown? Treehaus has been my spot, and it's actually cheaper than some other expensive options. Yesterday I had venison meatballs, some brussel sprouts with bacon lardon, salad with duck in it, ribs, and alligator tail. it's pretty awesome, 51st and 3rd.
Thanks to all the coaches and management for being so accommodating with the Crash B'ers. All the coaches always do their best to get me on a rower and I appreciate it. It is surely on pain on days like yesterday, with rowing in the WOD and a big class. We're almost done.
Workout #3 Hell Well: 20×250 meters w a 1 minute break: 52.6, 52.3, 52.3, 52.0, 51.7, 52.1, 52.2, 51.1, 52.2, 51.6, 51.6, 51.6, 51.9, 52.5, 51.3, 51.1, 52.1, 51.8, 51.7, 47.6.
This wasn't as bad as it looked. It was supposed to be at 2k race pace and consistent. I emptied the tank on the last one. I think I heard the erg whimper a little bit when I was done.
I am on 51st and 7th but I will venture six avenues for alligator tail!!
Happy Birthday KH!
UMMMM Today is KH's Birthday
Damn the universe for letting it slip by me this morning when she was in class!!!!
@Matt — I haven't tried Kettlebell Kitchen, but I eat meals from Goodie Goods (, which also offers paleo options. The food is delish and it's super convenient.
Happy birthday kh
Ben, the coaches are happy to get you "on a rower," but its always nice to ask their permission first too.
(Charlotte! Rowing Joke!)
@Dave I don't think they have that stuff every day, but prime rib, leg of lamb, all of that stuff every day!
Noah FTW.
6am with Jess and DO. Push press: 205, 215, 225, 235. The rep at 205 was a bit slow. 215 floated up smoothly. 225 moved with only a bit of stickiness. And 235 was a definite struggle. Think I have a bit more, but that was sufficient for today. Push press 1RM is now 10# more than my push jerk. That ain't right.
CRASH-B 20min recovery row.
FIP# 9
Dumbbell Row
Dips (30 second rest pause)
40, 13, 6
Those fell off fast
I think this belongs here…
Form check anyone?
"Kipping chinups and a fucking backflip off a tire"…That is brilliance. But for real, great post. I would never have gotten into Olympic lifting if it werent for Crossfit. I look forward to 2020 when maybe we'll have an American in the Olympics.
I freed your post, Rebecca!
JR: I had no idea that place had all that stuff. I just piled up an obnoxious pile of meat and veg so high I could barely close the lid. The brisket is damn good, thanks for the tip.
Noah: I always get coach clearance before mounting a rower.
Rowers are constantly getting mounted at SBK.
If y'all watch one video today hopefully it's this one.
mgmt: if we have a blizzard tomorrow, will there still be open gym?
Yes, please advise on gym being open especially for the 6am class!
if it snows tomorrow will rowers still be available for mounting?
Since the snowfall is expected to start tomorrow morning and not get heavy until late afternoon on Friday expect morning and afternoon classes to be on. As of now we're operating on a normal schedule but check the blog for any cancellations. If things get really bad and we need to cancel OG I'll post something on the blog by 4:30pm
Clean and Jerk
275×1 (decided to go for a PR attempt)
290 (FAIL). Caught this a bit forward, had to reset at the bottom and got no bounce. Stood up after a battle. First time I saw stars during a lift. the Jerk, needless to say, was missed. This lift really took a lot out of me.
Below the knee halting Snatch grip DLs
242# 3×3
Push press
250# (PR)
WOD- Biggest sleeper of a WOD to date. This crushed me. went 32kg on the third round. Im still not feeling right.
CRASH-B workout 3x2000m on the rower (5 min rest)
a few touch & go moments on the last one where i thought i'd flame out and die. i'm really happy with this though since last i did 2x2000m and was at 8:48's. it's workinggggg.
maybe it's because you're 300 pounds and smell like salami.
Strength with Doppelgangers:
Squat: 45×5 95×5 135×4 185×3 225×1 237.5x5x3
Bench 45×5 95×4 135×3 160×2 170×5 (oops) 180x5x4
Chins 25#x5x3
Second 2 work sets of squats I did with a belt and the went up oh-so-smooth. I think I'm hooked. Miscalculation on the bench led to a weird set in there, but failed on rep 5 on the second set at 180 so will try that again next week. Barely got all the chins in at 25#. I don't think I look much like Bruce Springsteen at all.
Ugh, lost a diamond earring tonight at the gym. If anyone finds it please let me know. Thanks.
Good week, feeling stronger.
Push press:
45×5, 95×5, 115×3, 155×1, 165×1, 170 F
Acc work 1st round at 16kg and rest of the rounds at 20kg
I would have gone higher but wasn't feeling good abouth the h2h at a higher weight.