Fitness: 3×5 Work Sets Across
Add 5lbs from last week’s exposure.
Performance: Work up to a heavy single on the Front Squat
Work up to a new 1RM in 3 attempts or less. (5 warm up sets, 3 work sets)
Post loads to comments.
FSQ e5/6
Partner Workout
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
20 Calorie Row
20 Wall Ball Shots 20lb,10′ / 14lb,9′
Work in teams of 2 with one partner working at a time. Go hard on the Row and try to get your Wall Ball Shots unbroken each round.
- By popular demand, Janelle R’s famous Paleo-friendly tequila Jell-O shots recipe can be found on The Daily Paleo
- Happy Birthday, K-Mo!
CSA Pick Up Tonight
Another 900lbs of organic and humanely raised meat from Herondale Farm will be available for pick up this evening from 6-8pm. If you’ve got any issues picking up your share please contact Michele at mignyc (AT)
Massage at CFSBK
Inka has been part of the SBK community for nearly two years. As an athlete, bodyworker, and regular to crossfit workouts, she understands first hand repetitive movement patterns and the stress they can put on the body. This familiarity allowed her to learn a wide variety of treatment techniques to help prevent overuse injuries. She strongly believes that the mind and the body are connected and that regular exercise and bodywork is a key component to maintaining one’s health.
Inka is offering sports massage geared towards breaking down adhesions, relieving trigger points, unadhering myofascial restrictions, and increasing range of motion. Techniques include Myofascial Release and Trigger Point Therapy.
30 minute sessions: $60
The Old Show with Jon North
6am CRASH-B rowing: 3 x 2000k with 5min rest: 7:07.7, 7:12.2, 7:15.2. I knew this was going to be rough when I woke up this morning. The previous two days of hard rows have left my legs beaten up. Going to take it easy tomorrow.
Having just killed scrambled eggs, roasted potatoes, and bacon, strength cycle Day 10:
Squat: 320x5x3. Really tried to work on pacing myself and breathing. Reps all seemed to move, though I wasn't as good at staying back on my heels as I have been lately, but I hit the hole solidly and came out.
Bench: 195x5x3. This moved well, and felt good, for all but 2 reps. The first was the fifth of the first set, not out of strength/fatigue, but because I let the bar move back and was fighting a bad bar path. The second was the fifth rep of the third set, which was a very slow, satisfying, grind.
Power cleans: 175x3x3. Backed off from last week. Still felt a bit off. My elbows were moving slow, but I definitely sped them up on the second set really focusing on it. With the O-lifts there's just so much to focus on before I even lift, that focusing on getting my elbows around has proven tough. When I really thought about moving them fast, they moved. I had Kenji record my last set, and then downloaded Coach's Eye after David recommended it the other day. I might make a self-critique video and post it here because it could be fun. The thing I did notice from watching the slow-mo video a few times was how much the bar is out in front of me starting at the set up, because and not down and tight with my shoulders back. Then I don't pull it back into my pockets moving my knees back, and so I'm exploding horizontally and coming to meet the bar, rather than vertically and getting under it.
6am with Josh & McDowell. Partnered with Nick on front squats and watched him crush his old PR. I didn't crush mine – hit 285lb successfully, then failed twice at 300lb. The first fail was way too slow and I just couldn't stand it up. I went way too fast to compensate on the second attempt and never had a prayer.
Partnered with Nick on the WOD as well, which meant very little rest for me. That dude can row. We finished 7 rounds in the allotted time together but I finished out the last round for good measure. Cooled down with an easy 5 min on the rower.
@Betz were you cooling down on Nick the rower? heh heh.
Posting my rowing workout from late last night:
20 x 250m/1': 50.9, 50.1, 50.2, 50.2, 50.3, 50.6, 50.2, 50.5, 49.7, 49.5, 50.0, 50.1, 49.8, 49.8, 49.9, 50.4, 50.4, 49.8, 49.5, 49.3
I based my average goal off of Peter's consistent times for this workout from yesterday, but scaled it to my race pace. Worked out pretty well. This was hard.
I did some Hang Squat Cleans today and worked up to about 80 kilos then did the Front Squats up to 85 kilos.
I did a very similar WOD on Sunday so I'm going to relax instead!
Also- I decided that I'd like to do a weightlifting meet this summer. I volunteered Josh for it too
Hit a new 1RM for front squat with 200# I played it safe with my first attemp then conservative bump on the middle and maybe I should have tried to really be greedy for the last but I didn't so 200 is what I got. I'm mentally getting psyched for Friday and destroying my 1RM that has been there for more than 6 months.
Hit the partner Wod with Jason. We made it in at 12:37. My legs were toast after the first round but managed to pull it together through the workout.
I will also highly recommend Inka for anyone that has need of getting trigger points worked on or helping with muscle pain. Deffinetly helped me with my shoulder recovery.
Ha, Charlotte made a rowing/rower/erg joke.
Sounds like Dan and Nick had quite the workout this morning.
Makeup post from yesterday – did today's workout at 5:30 p w/ JB and Ryan under Josh's tutelage. Worked up to 90 for 3×5 work sets, which felt sufficiently heavy by the last (on 1st set) and second to last/last (on 2nd and 3rd set).
Thanks to Josh for the elbow reminder and to Fox for coming over to remind me to, you know, choke myself with the bar more. Putting my arms out and feeling like I was going to drop the bar was freaky but he was right, as always, and I did not (though I would have, with my crappy rack position before he corrected it).
Rowing and wall balls…this WOD did not favor those of us who are short in stature.
Inka gives GREAT MASSAGE. Seriously. Give her your money, it's worth it.
Great video.
Serious shout out for Inka, she is Awesome!
Squats today felt great and it was a super bonus to be working with Shawn.
Last week struggled with 195… this week:
45×5, 115×5, 145×3, 185×2, 200×1, 210×1, 220×1.
And still had room, the 220 went up fast.
Partner WOD with Shawn – finished in 11:05
All wallballs unbroken; my splits: 1:37, 1:38, 1:47
FP #8
Back Raise
AB Wheel Rollouts
7×10 (knees)
Single-parenting it this week with Kate in Tejas for work, so wasn't able to get in for the 6am this morning. Talked a co-worker into taking me to his gym as a guest and got the front squat in.
205x5x3–up ten pounds from last week–knees coming in a little, better on last set than the first two
After, I put my buddy through Tabata Something Else. Pretty brutal.
Front squat – got 245. 20 over my PR from the fall so I'm really happy with that
WOD in 9:51 with Grant. Moved through it pretty well
8:30 tonight with McDowell. Worked up to 150# on the FSQ, which is a new 1RM (woo!). I'm a little disappointed in my 155# fail. I could've gotten it, but my elbows dropped to the point of no return. I need to work more on front rack mobility. Though, I will say I have noticed an improvement in my elbow height over the course of this exposure.
12:16 on the WOD with Brian, with wall balls at 14#. Thanks to everyone who stayed to cheer the second heat on!
Front squat @ 182.5x5x3. Sooo happy with this. Failed twice on the front squat this cycle (not to mention a couple other times on different lifts) so it is really great to end this one with a win.
WOD at 11:16 with Nigel.
– No movement prep/mobility
– Not in the most ideal conditions
– Everything slightly modified
Three sets, not for time, of:
Muscle-Ups x 5 – 4 – 4 (rings were set super low)
Double-Unders x 50 – 50 – 50
Butterfly Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10 – 10 – 10 (not the greatest but kinda getting better)
Every 10* minutes, for a total of three sets, complete the following as quickly as possible, and then rest the remainder of the 10* minutes:
* Had to modify to 7 minutes or I would have gotten in the way on group classes
Row 1000 Meters
20 Kettlebell Swings (32kg)
15 Pull-Ups
Round One
Break down
Row: 3:33.5
KBS/PU: Both Unbroken (1:40)
Round Two
Break down
Row: 3:43.6
KBS/PU: Both Unbroken (1:46)
Round Three
Break down
Row: 4:04.0
KBS/PU: Both Unbroken (1:41)
Three sets of:
Single-Arm DB Row x 10 reps @ 2111
Rest as needed
GHD Sit-Ups* x 20 reps
Rest as needed
Break down
DB R: 60 – 70 – 75
*Modified to Sit ups