Janelle R overhead at Hail To The Queen!
Happy Birthday, Charlotte K!
- Big thanks to Bekka P who took some awesome pictures at the event this weekend which can be found here.
- There is no Active Recovery, Teaser Class or Comp Class this upcoming weekend as David will be at an Olympic Weightlfting Seminar in Long Island City
- Curious about Thai Massage? Check out this video by Elyse Sparkes with some techniques that will be used at the workshop on the 23rd.
- CFSBK’s CrossFit Open team is currently 46 strong! Are you on the fence about signing up? Check out why these people have signed up.
- We’re kindly asking our members to try and avoid parking in the spot right in front of the gym. We’ve got a handful of coaches who drive to work and having that spot can be a huge lifesaver for us finding parking everyday. Thanks!!
DIY Cool Downs
We pack as much Strength and Conditioning into our Group Classes as possible. A basic template for what a class looks like is something like this:
Couplet or Triplet Warm-Up
Some Targeted Stretching
Barbell Strength Work
Conditioning or Assistance Work
or Like this
Soft Tissue Work (Foam Roll/Lax ball)
Barbell or Movement Review/Warm-Up
Longer Conditioning
What’s missing? Well, it’s the oft overlooked cool down. We’ve done a pretty good job of doing away with allowing people to remain sprawled out on the ground after workouts but something we need be better at is getting you guys doing DIY cool downs. By finishing a hard effort (the workout) with a medium to long cool down, you flush out the metabolites in your blood stream with oxygen rich blood. What that means for you is quicker recovery time, less soreness and helps shift your central nervous system back into a normal state.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
5-10 minute Row at 20-22 s/m
You could just as easily row for a set distance like 500m, 750m or 1000m but using a time stamp ensures you’ll be on the erg for enough time to get your blood flowing and actually settle into your cool down. Focus on technique at minimal intensity. You should be able to have a conversation with the person next to you about how awesome cooling down is.
2+ Easy Laps Around The Block
Roughly 2/3 of a mile, don’t be afraid of that third lap if you’re up for it. Again, this should be very light and easy, the basic test is that you should be able to hold a conversation during it. You can also focus on a soft landing and upper body mechanics. My recommendation would be to also add in some upper body DROMs in at the end of this.
DROMS + Informed Freestyling then Foam Roll
Similar to the DROMS we do at the beginning of most classes. When I do these on my own, I like to count our the reps in my head. Usually 10-15 reps each side makes for a thorough cool down. Remember that since this can be less vigorous than the other modalities you’ll have so spend enough time moving to get the benefit. Check a clock and intend on 10 minutes of cooling down. You can go through Greg A’s warm-up DROMS and then some light calisthenics like squats, sit-ups, jumping rope or dynamic mat based movement like downward dogs to hip mobs etc. Finish off with some foam rolling on the the primary muscle groups you just worked.
Remember, none of these are a second workout or should in any way be described as “hard”. You might mentally feel like they’re hard since you just want to peel your shirt off and walk home, but really they’re not and you’ll get back to “normal” much quicker this way. Also- in terms of length, the above cool downs are all about 10 minutes, which isn’t set in stone. If you ask coach Nick, he’ll tell you that the cool down should be twice as long as the workout, if you’ve got the time, go for it, otherwise do at least 10 minutes.
Adaptation Error: No Cool Down MobilityWOD
6am with Jess
Front squats: 5×45, 5×55, 3×65, 3 sets of 5 @ 75, 5+ from last week
First sets felt good, last set was heavy and I started losing my form.
Need to push myself on speed and anything and everything cardio related.
Thank you Jess for all the pointers and encouragement, I truly appreciate it
Great 6am with lady fox and McDowell. Entered my 40s with a FSQ PR: 180. (Had no previous 1RM.) thanks so much to Jess for brilliantly suggesting I skip 165 at which I've been failing to get 2 reps for weeks. Opened at 170, failed at first attempt at 180 (too slow out of the hole), got it on the second try with some nice speed that felt great.
Then, partner WOD with Kelly. We got 5 rounds plus the row and 3 wall balls–as partner A I did 3 rounds. Hello, quads!!
6am CRASH-B rowing. Warmed up with some light rowing, then did 500m dynamic effort rowing (blue band). For the main course: 20 x 250m with 1min rest: 47.9, 47.7, 47.7, 47.6, 47.5, 47.2, 47.2, 47.0, 47.0, 46.9, 46.7, 46.7, 47.0, 46.6, 46.9, 47.1, 47.1, 47.1, 47.4, 47.3. This was well paced: I absolutely could not go faster on the last interval and the thought of doing one more interval makes me quads cry. Cooled down with a jog around the block and 3min of light rowing with feet unstrapped.
Belated post for Monday: DE deadlifts @ 205 with thin green band. CRASH-B rowing: 4 x 1000m with 4min rest: 3:21.7, 3:27.4, 3:32.0, 3:33.1. The deadlifts took more out of my legs than I expected. The second 500m of each piece was quite a struggle with my quads refusing to keep up a decent stroke rate.
Happy Birthday Charlotte!!
Registered for the Games!
We haven't started really pushing this in class, but I'd just like to say that the CF Games Open Sectionals is my favorite time of year and favorite format for Crossfit competition and group camaraderie. Even if you are pretty darn new (maybe not brand spanking, 1 day out of FND new) I'd suggest signing up. Here's why:
1) The workout programming, by its nature, is accessible for (almost) everyone. CFHQ does a great job (I don't say that super often) of making sure that everyone can at least submit a score for the workout. The heavy hitters' scores will just be really really good.
2) We will be doing all of the workouts in group class anyway- last year we did them on Saturday's, and likely will again this year. That's a fun, low buy in way to participate, and I thought it was fun to take a full hour to work mobility, strategy, and logistics for a relatively short workout.
3) If you'd like you can travel to the other local gyms, see how "the other half lives" and get a little taste of competition in a pretty low key setting that isn't really focused on who or hat team wins, since people are really competing against the entire NorthEast region.
4) There is the mental "BWAAAAAAAH" of thinking that across the world tons of people are doing the same workout, including the CrossFamous games caliber athletes.
5) Every week Kelly Starrett and Carl Paoli will release a MWOD/Gymnastics WOD to prep for the movements in the coming Open WOD. I found this a very cool way to learn about the particular mobility and performance concerns of movements we usually take for granted. Last year I spent a lot of time mobilizing and refining technique for Wallballs, which I usually "just do." It helped, and I've continued to use those lessons.
Ok, proselytizing over. Who's coming with me?
Boyd? Dorothy Boyd?
meat CSA pickup is tomorrow, 6-8! don't be late, kids!
I will come with you, Noah Maguire.
Monday Crash B Pledge Hell Week Workout #1: 5x1000m, 5 minute breaks.
3:29.6, 3:34.3, 3:35.3, 3:36.6, 3:38.9.
The goal was race pace or faster. I was shooting for 1:48 or less, hit on the first 3 but missed on the 4th (barely 1:48.3) and on the 5th (1:49.4). I should have done the first one a little less aggressively. Rough week ahead.
Noah, you're on page 1 of the leaderboard. Nice work getting so many early letters in your last name. How long have you been training that?
If you already have some low back, shoulder, neck, hip pain, then it is a good idea to ICE for 10 mins before you shower post-WOD. This will help to CALM INFLAMMATION before you soothe the muscles with the moist heat of a shower.
I've left a few ice packs in the CFSBK freezer for this reason. Help yourself.
You don't have to been in acute pain to benefit from a little cryotherapy post-WOD. It'll help to speed your recovery as well.
My first thought after reading Noah's was was "mmm.. cake."
OMG Julie stop reminding me of how badly I want cake right now!
Would love to do the Thai massage but out of town that weekend.
Check out Alabama's new weight room:
FP# 7
Poundstone Curls
Five sets of:
3-Position Snatch @ 75-80%
(high hang, mid-thigh, floor)
Rest as needed
*Err on side of keeping loads lighter and working perfect mechanics.
(Based off 230#)
Warm up
(115 – 145×2 – 165)
Work Sets
175x 1.1.1
180x 1.1.X
180x X.-.-
175x 1.1.1
180x 1.1.1
+/- Snatches today were inconsistent.. Felt great on some reps, and just slightly off on other which would cause me to miss the lift.
+ It never felt bad, which I take as a good thing
Three sets of:
Halting Snatch-Grip Deadlift x 3 reps @ 8121 (Tempo)
Rest as needed
Warm up
Work sets
+ Focus on actively pulling my shoulders back and staying tight
Three rounds for time of:
(115lb) Shoulder to Overhead x 20 reps
Ring Dips x 15 reps
Break down
Round 1
S2O: Unbroken
RD: 8.7
Round 2
S2O: 12.8
RD: 6.5.4
Round 3
S2O: 9.6.5
– Thought sub 6 was in my reach, dang..
– Holy Chest and Tri's, that hurt..
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
6 Box Jump-Overs @ 24"
12 Push-Ups
Box jump-over – simply get to the other side, you can either land on top and then off the other side, or clear it in one leap.
:23 – :20 – :20 – :20 – :20 – :21 – :21 – :24 – :24 – :28
Break down
Set 8-10 were close but was able to squeeze them out
+ I was absolutely shocked I was able to get even the first round unbroken. After doing "Part C" my triceps HURT!
Anybody miss out on the complimentary range of motion testing for the shoulder girdle and still interested in stopping by? I have a few spots left this Sunday. Email me to set up an appt! Inka@inkahodes.com.
and Happy Birthday Charlotte!
janelle's recipe for paleo tequila jell-o shots from the paleo pot luck is up at the daily paleo.
Power Snatch
Front squat
325. Just missed on 335.
WOD- Did this solo straight through: 4 rounds plus 20 calories.
This video is for Chris Fox. Be sure to watch it till the end.
Crash B Hell Week W/O #2: 3x2000m w 5 minute rests.
7:23.1, 7:31.9, 7:32.6
Went a little too hard on the first one again. Painful workout.
7 o'clock active recovery: rocking Ayana and talking to Noor. I want a baby!
7:30 with Josh and Melissa
I did Monday's wo. I probably haven't added any weight to anything in a long time. Overall I feel ok because things aren't as difficult as they had been, but I feel guilty not working as hard as I could. 123x3x3
5 RFT: 5:45
12x 12KG babybell
20 weighted sit ups
I hate winter.
5:30 class. DROMs and warmup with Josh, Courtney, and JB. Great mobility stuff today. Stayed for just one set of front squats:
[45×5, 115×4, 165×3, 195×2] 205×5
Then second CRASH-B row of the week:
20x250m with 60 seconds rest:
Was on an erg with lots of friction, didn't quite feel right, and forgot to set my drag factor. Went a bit conservative to maintain consistency, especially at the start, but probably could've gone about a half second quicker on average. After settling into each piece I was right at race pace.
Happy Birthday Charlotte!
630 AR with Fox, 730 with Melo/Josh
(135×5, 185×4, 205×3, 225×2) 240x3x3
wod 6:40 with 24kg kb
strict pullups: 10, 8, 8, 7, 6
10 min erg cooldown
Strength @7, "Getting the Band Back Together":
Squats 45×5 95×5 135×4 185×3 225×1 235x5x3
Press 45×5 75×4 95×3 110x5x3
Deadlift 135×5 185×4 225×3 255×1 275×5
Felt great to hit those Squat and Press numbers that got me in the last 2 classes. Both went up without too much trouble. Was nervous for the deads at that weight but they went up as well, and felt pretty solid, although definitely tough for the last couple reps.
Did some floor L-sits while drinking my shake back home, :15×3
first CRASH-B row of the week for me.
20x250m/ 1min rest
no commentary to add, i'm going to put my legs up now!