Fitness: 3×3
More heavy triples this week. Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Performance: 9×2 Dynamic Effort 55% (plus bands) x 2 reps every 30 seconds for 4 minutes
Focus on moving the bar fast, and being aggressive at the hips and quads with a tight finish position, no soft knees or hips. Dead start, no touch and go.
1RM Chart
250-325 Red Band
325-400 Blue Band
400+ Green Band
Post loads to comments.
DL e5/6
5 Rounds For Time of:
12 Kettlebell Swings 32kg/24kg
20 Anchored Sit-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
An Opportunity to state how you’d like to finish the month.
Happy Birthday, Jay R!
Will Power!!!
How is the LFPB Challenge going for you? Are you still forging strong or are the changes you committed to at the start of all this beginning to dwindle away? This write up is for those of you in the latter camp that might be getting frustrated with yourselves and losing motivation to follow through with your initial goals. I hope this can help put some things into perspective for you and hopefully give you some tools to reclaim positive behaviors.
Will power is an expendable resource. Instead get good at compromising.
The beginning of the year is a perfect storm for starting a change process. It seems like everyone around you and all you hear about is how people are starting resolutions and making positive changes to their lifestyle. Asking for no bread at dinner, getting up early and making breakfast before taking that 6am WOD class all seem so natural, why haven’t you always been doing this!? But, as time goes by those habits might seem more like huge emotional drains versus staying up late, waking up at 8am then getting a bagel and coffee before taking the subway straight to work.
Lets break down why this switch might happen:
The following three headers are components of motivation. By breaking down
No one said this would be easy! Behavior change takes time, commitment and the right perspective. You won’t be perfect and that’s okay, accept it. What’s important is to find the triggers the DERAIL you and avoid them like the plague. It may take 6 months of consistent change before things totally feel natural, intuitive and easy. Rome wasn’t built in a day (or 6 weeks). Stay strong and know thyself.
I definitely thought about bagging out on today, especially since there were situps involved. But, glad I didn't. Always fun to work with Nick and McDowell.
Speed deadlifts at 125# with red band, WOD 5:49 Rx.
I hope it's at least a week before situps show up in a WOD again.
Really enjoyed today's post about finding compromises which leads to negating the guilt associated with falling off the cliff. I have begun to do this more and more. Food is all too often associated with self-inflicted guilt and those things just shouldn't go together.
I also liked today's post alot. Change is often more complicated than we anticipate. Things are often not black or white, but shades of gray with overtones of yellow, orange, blue, and red. Two steps forward, one step back. And, thinking often about the overall direction and road one is traveling.
Sumo speed DL at 190 + Blue Band – felt very light and fast
WOD at 32kg/Russian swings in 4:29
Strength Cycle Day 9:
Squat: 315x5x3. Worst rep was probably the third of the first set, where I loosened up a bit at the bottom. Jeremy told me to settle down, take my time at the top, and hit the bottom tight, and so it went. I still haven't grunted on a fifth rep, which suggests I have some runway. At some point I know I did a 335×5 for one set once at the end of a wendler , and I may have done 315x5x3 at some point, but I don't remember my squats feeling this organized at this weight for this many reps.
Press: 120x5x3. Jeremy put 125 up on the board after 117.5 last week, and while I liked the trust he had in me, I also thought it might have been a mistake, given that it was the Monday after the Super Bowl and it was 6:30 in the morning. Indeed, it was 120. Got really disorganized on my first set and gutted through it, before settling into a much more organized back two sets. Definitely took a lot out of me, and I have to imagine these will stick at some point.
DL: 345×5(f). First three reps felt solid. Fourth was a grind but went up. Before the fifth rep Jeremy told me to think about bringing my hips to the bar as soon as it came off the ground. It was not to be. Got the bar up above my knees, before failing to close out my hips.
Hey, the Paleo diet got mentioned in a crossword puzzle today! It's not one of the major newspaper puzzles, but still, yay.
If you want to try it out, go to and do today's Themeless Monday. Warning: It is not an easy puzzle. Took me 4:01 which is on par with a Friday or Saturday New York Times.
6AM w/Nick and McDowell
125lb DL, 5+ from last week.
Felt pretty good.
WOD not bad either. I was terrified of the 300 doubleunders and 7 min burpees last week, so I skipped those days. I think I'll just stop checking the website before heading out so I don't chicken out.
Challenge is going great, I really want to step before it's officially over (although plan on continuing the good habits). My main goal is to do 4 days at CF, plus AR and/or yoga, per week.
Thanks so much for the post. The compromise thing is really working for me. Starting to see results, which feels great. Today I'm wearing a pair of pants that I probably haven't worn since before my son was born. I hung them in a place where I would see them each day for added motivation. Happy birthday, Jay! Thanks for inspiring me to join CrossFit.
the next meat csa pickup date is this wednesday, 6-8 pm!
Six sets of:
Clean Complex
* Hang Clean
* Clean
* Front Squat x 2 reps
* Jerk
Rest as needed between sets
Warm Up
(45×5 – 115×5 – 165×5 – 205×5)
Work Sets
235x 1.4
245x 1.4
255x 1.4
255x 1.3.X
235x 1.4
– The Jerk on my 4th set (255#) was ugly so I thought I would try it again on my next attempt but then I missed the lift
+ I felt good with most of my lifts maybe a little forward on some of them but on a whole not to bad
+ After the first work set I drop the bar after the Hang Clean to organize the second Clean
Three sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of Ground to Overhead @ 185#
90 seconds of Rest
Round 1
4 Reps
– Touch and Go
Round 2 and 3
5 Reps
– All Singles
+ My rhythm with the barbell was off in the first round, so I just let the bar go from the top after that
+ I used a Power Clean + Push Jerk on each rep
High Bar Back Squat
(Based off of 385#)
* Set 1 – 3 reps @ 70% (275#)
* Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80% (315#)
* Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85% (330#)
* Set 4 – 1 rep @ 90% (345#)
Rest as needed between sets
– The bar felt heavy today..
– I hope my body adapt to high bar back squats soon
For time:
50 Double-Unders
5 Back Squats with 80% of 1-RM
40 Double-Unders
4 Back Squats
30 Double-Unders
3 Back Squats
20 Double-Unders
2 Back Squats
10 Double-Unders
1 Back Squat
This should be fairly obvious, but take the squat from the rack, and make sure you get perfect depth on every rep.
Break down
+ First time doing double unders with my Romaleos, on a whole not to bad..
+ The first set of double unders were the only set that I tripped up on, all other sets were unbroken.
– I'm also trying to get the hang of high bar back squats, I've only really done low bar.. So my ass keeps coming up first which ends up putting the barbell out in front
+ Back Squats were all unbroken.. slow but unbroken
1. Sit-ups??? My abs just cringed.
2. Speaking of cringing, everyone needs to watch this.
3. Stella, can I watch you do a crossword puzzle one day? I can't even read all the cues in four minutes.
OUTLAW posted this the other day. Pretty cool:
Here are some numbers to drive the point home:
-Among the top ten women at the 2009 Games, the average snatch was 120#.
-Among the top ten women from the 2012 Games the average snatch is 163.6#.
Here’s one that I had to do the math on at least eight times to believe…
-The average snatch of the 69kg women at the 2012 American Open was 161.6#.
This is notoriously the most competitive weight class in American women’s weightlifting, and 69kg (151.8#) is actually more than 8 pounds heavier than the 143.1 pound average weight of the Games 2012 top ten. (You should probably ruminate on the numbers for a second.)
Given how relentlessly clean US weightlifting is, that makes me think Crossfit gamers aren't as relentlessly clean. That's what I got from my ruminations. Of course, I'd still find the numbers impressive regardless.
I doubt it's the case that the CFs have a leg up because they're taking. US weightlifting is notoriously non-competative and more people are competing in CF than Oly. Even Greg Everett said recently that you don't need to be a dedicated weightlifter to make it to nationals in the US.
6 am with Nick and McDowell. 165x3x5 on the deadlifts. WOD in 6:45 with 20kg KB. This combo really tried out my legs — my bike ride home was pretty slow!
My friend's brother was at Hail to the Queen on Saturday and his photos can be found here: There are some cool pics of SBK folks! Congrats again to everyone who competed!
Whoops. 165# 3×3, not 3×5!
@Jen – I agree about Stella's mad crossword skills. I'm doing one now & cannot fathom doing it in 4 minutes. And it's Monday, haha.
Noon class with Fox & Arturo. 3×3 deadlifts @ 150#! I was excited about that, especially since I felt like I could have done more.
WOD in 5:30ish with a 16kg KB. I apparently don't hate situps as much as everyone else. I might even go so far as to say that I like them…
And, because I told Arturo I would post this: I continue my petition for 10am classes. 9am classes would work too.
Deficit Deadlift 4" box
Back Raise
AB Wheel Rollout
6×10 from the knees
Rachael — Jen and I don't hate situps because we hate situps in general. We hate situps today because Hail to the Queen involved 150 of them. It's too soon!
My abs hate me today.
@Stella – That makes a lot more sense! And I am still doing this crossword, haha. I'm so close! I need your skills.
@Joel and David,
It hadn't even occured to me that CFrs are taking anything (I hope that isnt the case). I think its more that CF is now pulling from a much larger population sample of great athletes. It is also worth noting that Froning's Oly total would qualify him for the US nationals as well if im not mistaken.
I wish I could come to the gym but my body hurts from yesterday. 🙁
Also factoring in to the convo about WL and CF is the fact that a CF approved snatch is not necessarily a USAWL approved snatch. That said, Fronning would not get red lighted from what I've seen. Lots of successful CFers make a point to focus on weightlifting throughout the year, and as great athletes to start out they naturally get great at it.
I wouldn't be so quick to accuse them of juicing.
Missed this morning – I think I am finding the overlap of rowing/studying/full time work/paleo pretty exhausting. But trying to be conscious of the good fat intake and sleep a lot and push through. Also trying to up the AR.
Made it up at 4:30 with the 20'x250 sprints with 1' rest. I am dropping the real lifting until the race with the volume and miss it but hey somethings gotta give.
I liked the motivation too as yesterday I was really wanting a beer. Ahhh beer. But I knew it was only because I was stressed and my big thing for this challenge was eliminating things I considered crutches. So with the willpower I committed to making myself a really nice dinner versus just throwing something together like I usually do. That really made a difference to not feel deprived but enjoy the process.
One other thing about the challenge is that I remember David last year writing about understanding that you can 'cheat' while still being 100% paleo. That has been really true. I have not technically cheated but I know there are days that too many apple or sweet potato chips get downed and that is something to clean up. But then again some days if paleo banana bread with no honey is your compromise so be it!
@FOX- That is really good point regarding CF standards vs USAW standards. I would also officially like to propose that instead of a Look, Feel, Perform better challenge, next month we should have a "Get Obnoxiously strong and REALLY perform better… on Roids" challenge.
deadlift 165x2x9 felt good and fast!
WOD in 4:56 RXed. Could have gone faster.
Hang Snatch
90-95-100-105, epic fail at 108, 90x1x2
BTN Push Press
DIY dips 35x5x3
Sumo deadlift: 305x3x1, 305x2x1(F on the third) then 275x3x1. ugh. too many fails this cycle.
WOD @ 32kg russian: 5:55.
Fox's point is well taken, and I don't think there's any particular member I'd accuse, I'd just be really surprised if there weren't top Crossfit athletes using steroids, with the incentives being as strong as they are, the level of competition so high, and the intensity of the athletes.
Power C&J
264×2 or 3
Mid hang Snatch high pulls
DE DLs@255
WOD- 6ish Rxd w/32kg trying to be perfectly vertical with a pause at the top.
Jumped up 40 pounds on my deadlift triples this week. Feeling good. Heavy kettlebell swings are a trip, liked it, but my left wrist makes a popping noise. Better do some supple leopard research on this topic.
Monday good times with Melo.
DL: dynamic effort @ 55% + band. 9×2 (1 set every :30)
110# + red band. these certainly felt heavier than the last couple dynamic efforts have! ready to see what happens next week.
WOD: 16kg KB, overhead swings
time: 5:07
decided to go lighter on the KB and overhead, as I've been going Russian for a while