Fitness: 3×5 Work Sets Across
Add 5lbs from last week’s exposure.
Performance: Work up to a heavy 2 rep set on the Front Squat
Go a little heavier than last week’s heavy 2. Don’t miss any reps
Post loads to comments.
FSQ e4/6
Three Round For Time Of:
15 Thrusters, (Dumbbell or barbell)
15 Ring Rows or 8 Strict Pull-Ups
If you’ve been CrossFitting for 6 months or more you can also substitute 15 jumping pull-ups per round. Use a Dumbbell for the Thrusters if you have mobility restrictions racking a barbell for Thrusters. There is a 7 minute cap on this workout.
Three Round For Time Of:
15 Thrusters 95/65
15 Kipping Pull-Ups
7 min cap.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Squat Queen Jessica B Warming Up
Dumbbell Thrusters
The Thruster is a common CrossFit exercise that requires you to squat below parallel with a load on your shoulders then thrust it overhead in one fluid movement. It’s commonly used as a potent conditioning tool and less commonly used as a strength developer. Today’s workout has two versions of the Thruster, one with Dumbbells and the other with a Barbell. While more total weight can be moved with a barbell, mobility limitations can make it very uncomfortable for many people to rack the barbell on their shoulders. If you have a really hard time keeping your elbows up as you descend and find the movement stressful on your wrists, Dumbbell Thrusters are probably going to be your best bet. Dumbbells also require more shoulder stability and are excellent at developing muscle symmetry.
A common issue with dumbbell thrusters is that as you fatigue your weaker side may begin to collapse inwards at the rack position or fail to lock out overhead. Often the dumbbell will begin to drop toward your chest during the ascent and then barely make it to lock out. This is a clear indication that you’ve got underdeveloped external rotators in your shoulder. To get through the workout, you’ll have to either slow down significantly or reduce the weight of your dumbbells. Trying to gut through a collapsing rack support is ill advised as it could put excessive stress on the soft tissue in and around your shoulder. Below are a few different things you can do pre/post workout to help develop this weak link:
We recommend you do them 2-3 times per week for 3 sets of 8-20 reps.
Joe Defranos Shoulder Health Circuit
Squat Therapy: 4 Drills That Will Improve Your Squats Breaking Muscle
Bodybuilders Through The Ages Smithsonian
Pursuing Excellence and Creating Value by Greg Glassman CrossFit
Front Squat – got 235 (barely) last week so I tried for 240. Got the first one OK but didn't stay tight on the second and failed. Called it at that. Old PR was 225 from before this cycle so 240 for 1 is already a win.
WOD – First two rounds felt great – finished them in 2:05 or something like that. Last round the wheels fell off completely and ended up with 4:15. Mentally this was way harder than Fran for me – I felt like I was in the same place after two rounds and those extra 6 reps on the last round were brutal. Took me 20 minutes to recover to where I could safely bike home.
Front squat. 75-95-105. Big jump from last week. Did not like my technique, but felt heavier might help my central nervous system adjust itself.
Thrusters were too much volume. Did 5 thrusters focusing on technique and jumping the bar. Then 10 strict presses. Looking forward to the day when I can squat more than I press!
Lots of good form in the 7am class!
6am CRASH-B rowing: 4 x 5min with 3min rest: 1411m (1:46.3 pace), 1409m (1:46.4), 1395m (1:47.5), 1407m (1:46.6). The third piece was right on target with the others, but I didn't take a final stroke with 5 seconds left. These times were right in line with the pace I held for the 3 x 2000m workout. 5min cool down row with feet unstrapped. Legs feel like jello right now.
Got to 245# x 2 on the FSQ. Pretty ugly. MAN I hate front squats β it's so good for me to do them regularly! I worked with Pierre, who got 275#. Il est un monstre, lui!
6:33 on the metcon. The first round took 1:15. My pull-ups seriously degraded in the second and third rounds. I gotta take one of Noah's kipping-pull-up clinics!
Peter, you looked good on your pieces. That's a good lesson on that third piece β won't happen again!
Strength cycle day 8:
Squat: 310x5x3. Had a couple messy reps in there in an attempt to increase my aggression, but also had some pretty nice ones. I found that was at my best when I had a controlled first 50% of my descent and then accelerated as I approached the hole, I'd bounce out the best. I think in the past I've tried to be aggressive by being down as fast as possible and I'd get loose and unorganized. I definitely have felt more organized over the course of the cycle.
Bench: 190x5x3. Well then. These all went up. There were some fights and I lost my bar path a few times but I was happy with this. I know I once did 225×4 when I was benching frequently bc that's what one did, so I'm looking forward to testing my limits here.
Power cleans 180xholymotherofgod what a disaster. No snap, no energy. Got 2, then 1, then called it. I don't know what that was but it was a disaster.
halfway through my first strength cycle and shit is definitely starting to get real
squats are at 170 (current 1rm = 190)
deads are at 225 (current 1rm = 235)
presses are at 80 or 85 (current 1rm = 95)
presses are the weakest thing in the world for me, not sure how much more room i have there.
its starting to get hard to stay on my heals on the squats otherwise still feels good.
amazingly deadlifts at 225 still feel pretty easy for me despite having to switch to a mixed grip because i have freakishly small, useless hands.
i'm pretty sure it was Rip who said, regarding grip, "if you have small hands, then you're pretty much fucked" (might be paraphrasing)
1. BIlly Noble was in the gym today!??!
2. Did this workout yesterday w/ McDowell. FSQ: Failed on 2nd rep at 165, twice. Did this same thing 2 weeks ago. Grr. Glad i tried the second time–made a major effort to get it up and feel like it was a legitimate fail, whereas the first was a total mental fart.
3. WOD: DNF. Got 2 rounds plus all thrusters & 3 pullups. I have done the kipping pullup workshop, and it works and is awesome. Now I just need to do more kipping pullups. Like a set of 10 every time I hit the gym. Agree with all who said this is harder than Fran. That second round sucks just the same and then you still have #*($& 15 of everything to do in the third round.
Revisiting the habits discussion–got up early yesterday and made it to the gym in time for 10' pre-workout mobilizing, then stuck around for 10' of foam rolling after. Then spent 20' stretching this morning while I made the coffee and Linus's lunch. AND took fish oil 2x in a row. So, maybe something is changing…
Last night's Strength:
Squat: 185×5, 225×4, 260×3,285×2 and then 295, 315, 335 for singles.
335 was OK, but still not as snappy as in November. I could have done a double, maybe a triple, but I wouldn't have bet on it. Patience.
Close Grip Bench: 195x4x5
This was solid. Progressing nicely. The close grip actually felt more explosive.
Deads: 135×4
This didn't feel all that great for my back, so I bailed on them.
Triceps rollbacks w/ 12-15 seconds of rest between sets: 17.5 x 10 x 6
Curls: 25# DB 12, 12, 8, 12
First arm workout in a while and first time actually succeeding at this weight for the tri-rolls. I got a pump.
Met-Con: Row 4 x 250 meters with 1 minute rests between. :54, :56, :58, 1:02
Did this with Michele who taught me how to actually use the computer to program intervals. Nice little met-con.
Overall a good workout, but my back is still pretty tweaked. It's basically aching and barking like it has many times in the past, so I'm not overly concerned and can work-out through it, but I'm hesitant to pull anything too heavy. I'll finally see my Alec today. I'm sure he'll have something to say.
@Joel: interesting what you say about the descent on the squats. I've tried something similar but recently (since November when I started doing more heavy singles) I have gravitated to an overall slow and controlled descent.
I also sometimes felt like I was "bouncing off my knees" when I would try to do the 2nd half faster and ended up with some weird leg pain. Just thought I'd share my experience with the same type approach…. Be curious to see how this develops for you. Impressive numbers BTW.
Rob, thanks. For me it's actually helping me stay back on my heels with my chest up, which I had definitely been having an issue with, while still getting the bounce. A self-compromise that prevents me from fighting too much while I learn to be more controlled. Perhaps it's an intermediate step towards having a smooth but controlled descent.
I'm heading down to Orlando, FL to visit family at the end of February/beginning of March. Anyone have any advice on the Croosfit boxes down there?
I've heard Crossfit Magic Kingdom is dope. They have this great special workout named Ariel.
FP #3
Bench Press
Paused all the triples
Hammer Curls
Prehab but boring.
In NC visiting my mom and wondering if I earn extra points for avoiding hushpuppies, banana pudding and sweet tea? Thank God for pulled pork and collard greens. Hitting CrossFit Raleigh tomorrow.
Thanks Adele. Now I'm totally homesick. Eat the damn hush puppies.
Hit new PR on the FS π
185×2 (PR was one)
195×2 π
Metcon though I could have done RX, I left my ego at the door and did 85lbs. Got round 1 unbroken for thrusters/pull ups 2rd got 8-7 & 10-5 and 3rd is where I fell apart 8-4-3 & 9-6 finished in 6:52 just under the 7 minute mark.
For the last two weeks or so Ive been feeling this stabbing pain in left hand when I'm holding the bar in my hand ready to do a push press or on the thrusters when i come up to press. I think i just tweaked something and need it to heal on its own.
Now I want hush puppies.
Hey guys a little late today but FREE Kelly Starrett Creative Live online Seminar Today and Tomorrow
its on now too btw for those of you still at work
I'd highly recommend mashing out your forearms and elbows (bottom and top). Go to mobility wod for some ideas. Additionally, I'd do some voodoo banding
Joel W thanks for the tip. I'll look into them.
Got to 195# x 2 of front squat, 15lb jump from last time!
Metcon was tough, finished at 8:23. Thruster are my second weakest lift following OHS, deff going to expose myself to them a lot lore often.
PS – Had to work out at a YMCA due to travel, isometric city!
1. Snatch: work up to 85%x1x5
2. Power Cln and jerk: work up to 85%x1x5
Snatch@208#s (1,1,X,1,1,1) Shoulder fetl 87%
Power C&J@242 (1,1,1,1,1)
Front Squat: 315#x2 (PR. Previous 1RM was 305)
WOD-4:43rx'd. I dont think this is as difficult as Fran. Mentally I knew I wasnt going to do the last set of 15 thruster unbroken, so i dogged the whole thing a bit. Still such a metabolically demanding couplet. Nothing like it.
Front Squat (Fitness): 3×5 at 195–still working back up, but feeling good with the linear progression.
WOD: 3:34 as rx'd; all thrusters UB, pull-ups UB for first set, broken for the others; grip was toast by last round
Fran cough for about an hour afterward. Don't know if this was easier or harder than Fran. Time was a little less than 30 secs slower than my Fran time, but it's been awhile.
JB Trivia: I have a very bad habit of reading posts from the bottom up. I read from @Stella that she wants Hushpuppies and I immediately thought "why the hell does she want those shoes?" Then @Corbett chastising @Adele to enjoy her hushpuppies which of course I'm all "WHAT IS UP WITH THE GODDAMN STUPID SHOES" and then.. it's food. Le Sigh. I also read all news magazines, and only news magazines, from right to left.
Adele? Eat the hushpuppies.
Front squats – I missed last week so was happy with:
45×5, 115×5, 165×3, 185×2, 200×2
This modified Fran was horrible. 8:15 rxed
First round was unbroken and then everything was very broken. I hate how I feel after this workout.
JB – Me too on the reading from the bottom up.
30 Snatches 135/95#
For time.
8:26 @ 85#
-ugh. i felt like at least half of them were ugly reps, but Josh kindly informed me that it was more like a third. π My warmup felt great and I even hit a couple power snatches at 95# in hopes that 85 wouldn't feel bad. 85 is still a challenging snatch weight for me for reps so I knew I had to receive low. But once the clock started, all of that thought process went away. I ended up power snatching and pressing out some because I couldn't get down…and as Josh pointed out I wasn't coming to full hip extension. The only thing I did stick to was my goal of not split snatching. Probably should have done this at 75# today to keep it fast.
-I can't wait until the day that I can do this rx'd (which I will do in 2013). However, I do have to appreciate my accomplishments because I fondly remember just 2 years ago when I nearly burst into tears during a comp class partner wod when I couldn't get 83# up…for one.
430 w/ Arturo and DO
FSQ w/Samir: (45×5, 135×4, 165×4, 185×3) 205×2, 210×1,(f)
– I failed on 2nd rep at 205 last week so nice to get the double.
"This is not a Fran": 9:05 Rx'd
Thrusters – 6,5,4/5,5,5/5,5,5 KPUs – 15/15/7,8
– Pretty disappointed in my time on this. I've never done an Rx'd fran, so I'm happy to have a comp.
DIY Dips 32.5#x5x3
Front Squat (clean grip) 180#x5x3. The experiment with crossed arms was a failure. Clean grip is more uncomfortable, but more secure. Just got to sack up and deal with it.
WOD rx'd (capped at 7 min) only got to 2 rounds + 5 thrusters. Last time I did Fran it was with 75#, so this was the first time trying it with 95#. Really hard. I think there is a mental mobility issue here; I was breathing hard at the end, but not I could have pushed harded. I think I need to get more comfortable with being uncomfortable. Again, sack up.
Kstars seminar from today is being rebroadcasted now…
Its on a break now but is going to be back soon. Part two is on tomorrow…MGMT you guys should link it.
I didn't know about this. Thanks! Watching it now..
6:30 p w/ Noah and some McD action. Partnered with Nancy – who kicks butt and doesn't give herself enough credit for it! – on the FSQs. Worked up to 80# and was happy that all 3×5 sets felt hard, but smooth and not terribly tough. Need to work on my alignment and remember to keep my elbows up, but definitely ready to jump a little bit more next week.
This was a burner…the 7-minute time cap gave me a push. 5:34 w/ 50# for the thrusters. Jumping pull-ups produced a surprisingly awful thigh burn by the end of the second set.
I found this much harder than Fran, but I don't have pull-ups yet and use a band, so I haven't yet experienced Fran in the true holy-shit-my-lungs-are-on-fire metabolic thrash that I know I'll get when I eventually, someday, do it Rx'd. Mentally, I thought today's WOD was harder without a decrease in reps to look forward to.
Front Squat: 200×5, 200×4 (racked last rep as my wrists were hurting), 200×5
Modified Fran @85lbs and eight strict pull-ups: 6:56 (changed to chin-ups halfway through second round).
Workout of the Day
Take 20 minutes to build to a heavy Split Jerk
… 296 – (Failed)308 – (Failed)317
+ I used the Kilo plates with a 45lbs bar.. so I didn't know the exact weight I put on the bar until time ran out, when I made the lift I would just add more weight. I didn't miss any of my reps within the 20min time frame. So I took two extra shots at a heavier weight and missed both times.
For parts B-D, you will leave a clock running.
At 3,2,1,GO perform the following:
Three rounds for time of:
(135lbs) Power Snatch x 10 reps
(30β³) Box Jumps x 20 reps
Break down
PS – All sets unbroken
BJ – 1st/2nd unbroken, 3rd 13.7
At 10:00 minutes on the running clock, perform the following:
Three rounds for time of:
(135 lbs) Push Press x 15 reps
Toes to Bar x 15 reps
Break down
PP 1st unbroken, 2nd/3rd 10.5
T2B All sets broken into 2 sets (Dang)
At 20:00 minutes on the running clock, perform the following:
For time:
Row 500 Meters
20 Burpees Over the Erg
Row 500 Meters
Break down
1:50.2 – SLOW – 1:53.9