Fitness: 3×3
More heavy triples this week. Add 5-10 lbs to last week.
Performance: 9×2 Dynamic Effort 50% (plus bands) x 2 reps every 30 seconds for 4 minutes
Take 2-3 quick warm up sets to get to work weight (45%) then add bands. Focus on moving the bar fast, and being aggressive at the hips and quads with a tight finish position, no soft knees or hips. Dead start, no touch and go.
1RM Chart
250-325 Red Band
325-400 Blue Band
400+ Green Band
Post loads to comments.
DL e4/6
4-5 Rounds NFT of:
5ea 1 Arm OH Lunge (heavy)
10 Ring Row, as difficult as possible
12 Side Plank-Ups, hold at top for a 2 count
*For the lunges work contra-laterally. i.e., DB in right hand + left leg forward lunge. The “working” leg in the lunge should be opposite the dumbbell. Sub front rack or hanging for mobility issues.
2012 Reebok CrossFit Games: Pendleton 1 & 2
Habit Formation Check In
Over the last month many of you guys have been working on developing better habits to promote more healthful behaviors. What is one thing that’s been “working” for you throughout the challenge? How did it evolve? Did it replace another behavior? Do you plan on continuing it post-challenge?
Post experiences to comments.
Using the Sun to Make Music Vice
For anyone interested in seeing a really great Olympic lifting video with some great bar path tracings. I think this guy took bronze in the 105plus group in London.
Speed deads at 115#. These are starting to slow down a little. Accessory work: started with a 20# DB which was way too light, and maxed out at 40 which was heavy as hell but I'm glad I tried it.
Habits: It hasn't been too difficult to get the active recovery point almost every day. I had made a habit of doing 10 minutes every day just before bed, so it was just a small tweak to extend that to 20. I may not be quite as strict about holding myself to the clock after the challenge is over, but I do like the extra time.
I highly recommend "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg — it's a fascinating read on the psychology of habit formation and how to break bad habits. The most important thing I learned from it is that it's easier to replace a bad habit with a good one than it is to just quit the bad habit cold turkey.
If anyone knows anyone looking for an apartment, a room in my 3 bedroom place in Prospect Heights just opened up for Feb. 1. The room is small and has no windows, but it's only 633 a month. The apartment itself is huge and has a backyard, barbecue, lots of couch-space, etc. You'd be living with myself and my roommate Jesse, who words at a school in TriBeCa.
Email me at mathew.a.katz at gmail dot com if you're interested.
Sumo DLs at 175 + BB – felt crisp and light
Worked up to 65# for the OH lunge – felt heavy but doable
6am with Nick and McDowell. Dynamic effort deadlifts @ 185# w/ thin green band. No major problems, though the last 2 reps were slower than I would have liked.
CRASH-B rowing: 500-500-1000-1500 w/ 3min rest between pieces: 1:33.4, 1:33.0, 3:28.1, 5:29.1. I completely misread one of the rowing workouts this week and started doing 4x500m before Nick corrected me. The 1500m piece sucked and I didn't have time to do the final 1000m and 500m pieces. Experimented with using a drag factor of 130 for the pieces today.
Belated post for Saturday's CRASH-B 2k test: 6:42.0, a 14 second PR! This result fell right between my stretch goal of 6:40 and my I-should-get-this-goal of 6:44. Awesome energy in the gym, with all of the ergs hooked up to the big screen and a cheering section pushing the rowers faster. I'm very happy with my result, but already starting to think I could have gone faster.
I'm not officially part of the challenge, but it has highlighted the importance of meditation, relaxation and AR, and I've started doing a lot more of this (mostly at night or taking 15 minutes outside when the sun is shining). It has helped to resolve any physical discomfort and to clear my mind. I've felt positive immediate as well as cumulative results from this. I still can't master the sleep problem though.
On a separate note — Can someone recommend an orthopedic surgeon for a torn ACL (not mine)? Thank you!
I have really struggled to add the active recovery habit this challenge, and I'm bummed because it's the one tweak I was really hoping to make permanent. I've gotten a little better about stuff like doing RDLs on confereence calls and being aware of my posture, but finding 20' to stretch just seems an insurmountable barrier.
On the upside I'm doing better about prioritizing sleep, going to bed early and rising at close to the same time every day on weekdays, which I think is easier on my body than continually changing wake up times. I use the early morning time when I'm not at the gym to get more work done. It occurs to me that I could use some of it for stretching…hmm…
@Lauren B – I would rec Dr. Scott Rodeo at HSS. I had a second ACL tear 10 years after my first and Dr. Rodeo did my repair reconstruction, he's really great, here's a link:
Habit formation has been going well for me. I've been enjoying setting up some meals for the week on Sunday evenings while listening to some podcasts (TAL or lately Fat Burning Man) or catching up on tv shows on the iPad.
Another thing I've enjoyed adding is a 12 minute meditation session before bed 3-4 times per week. I'd like to extend this habit to everyday even if that means keeping it a little shorter to get it in.
First off thanks to all the awesome folks who made the trek to Bed Stuy for the Paleo Dinner on Saturday. Only at a Crossfit dinner with the Barth Brothers would we end up watching videos on how samurai swords can cut through a pig…I now know way too much about Cold Steel!! for hilarious videos.
I agree with Stella – the Power of Habit is one of the best books I read last year! The active recovery has been key for me since I am stupid busy these days there is too much desk time and the AR is really helping with some chronic neck issues.
Also with the no booze it has been interesting…this is my first time doing it. Not only do I feel better and recover better but damn have I saved some money!! Now I like me some beer and margaritas and mmmm….. Lambrusco. But I would really like to keep it to the weekends after the challenge and realize I do not need wine every time I am out to dinner.
Charles was a member here for while! Nice to see his book get props.
The one habit I wanted to crush was to cook more at home, and it's going great so far. I've eaten only 2 meals a week that didn't come from my kitchen. Bonus upshot is that I've used the hell out of our slow cooker. Cheap cuts + long slow heat = yum.
I'll have to do something about my love of booze and my lack of sleep, but I'm feeling good about eating better and feeding Jess better, to boot.
Strength Cycle Day 7
Squat: 305x5x3. Moved fast, felt good. The happiest I've been with a lift during strength cycle. Feels like I have some runway, though that could catch up with me fast.
Press: 117.5x5x3. Only up 2.5 this week, but they went up pretty smoothly through all 15. Happy with how the press has felt, though I know the end of the linear progression is coming.
Deadlift: 350×5(f). Failed on the 5th rep. I knew this time was coming, but I was hoping to eek out one more set of 5 before the failure. Felt good about the first 4 at least, but 4 was definitely a grind.
One of the biggest things that has helped me is to get creative and find foods I love that are Paleo. I thought I would feel deprived — especially giving up sugar and wheat/grains, but I don't. Breakfast was challenging because I got sick of eggs within a week, but I found this great, simple breakfast bake (eggs, coconut flour, mashed banana and lemon zest). Cooks in the microwave for 3 minutes and is almost like a muffin. I have also started blocking out my work calendar for my Crash Bs training — scheduling time and protecting it just like I would a work meeting. I wasn't noticing a change in my weight at first, so in addition to weighing myself, I've been doing weekly measurements. I actually started this back in the fall when I started Crash Bs training. My weight hasn't changed dramatically, but I have lost 6 inches off my waist since August! So, scale doesn't really matter.
Very random – somebody just recommended to me another Charles Duhigg book called "The power of a crisis: Remaking the Habits of Lawyers". 90 minutes ago, I would have said "never heard of the guy."
Lauren, another HSS physician you might try is Friedrich Boettner – he trained at the Steadman Clinic in Vail, and is another excellent option – I loved the guy and he did extensive (succussful) surgery on a close friend of mine.
Fox, I love the slow cooker – this is a super easy recipe for carnitas/pork butt:
Oh btw if you're looking for something to do with your CSA lamb short ribs, I made this yesterday and it was SO GOOD (and so easy that I can actually remember it even though I don't have the cookbook in front of me):
2 lbs lamb short ribs
Fat of choice (I used olive oil)
Salt and pepper
1 large carrot, chopped
1 large onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 dried chipotle chile, minced
1 dried guajillo chile, minced
1 cup strong coffee
1 cup dry red wine
Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. Season the ribs generously with salt and pepper.
Heat your fat of choice in a Dutch oven over medium-high heat and brown the ribs on all sides, in batches so you don't crowd the pot. Remove the ribs to a plate.
Turn the heat to low and add the carrot, onion, garlic, and chiles. Cook for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the onion has softened. Do not rush this step by turning up the heat!
Add the red wine and coffee to the pot and raise the heat to high. When the liquid has boiled down by about half, turn off the heat, put the ribs back in the pot, cover the pot, and put it in the oven. Leave it there for about 2 hours, turning the ribs 2 or 3 times during the braising process.
Although I am positive I will allow myself two days after the challenge to dive headfirst into the foods I have been avoiding, I am fully determined to make some very real changes long term.
The working-out, fish oil, sleep, AR and water consumption I think I can keep up pretty consistently because I can feel the habits forming if I keep them scheduled. Fish oil with bfast in the morning, AR at night watching tv etc… The only difference is I wont beat myself up if I have to skip a day. (I really like checking boxes on my spreadsheet.)
Regarding the Paleo aspect, I think if I allow myself a cheat day once a week after the challenge ends it would help me feel like I am in control of the diet instead of the diet calling the shots.
All in, I am very happy with the results in the first 4 weeks. The lbs having been falling off consistently and I'm liking what I see in the mirror. If I wasnt seeing many changes i can picture myself getting frustrated and viewing this as a failed experiment. Happy to say that isn't the case.
6AM w/Nick and McDowell
120lbs conventioinal DL, 5lbs+ from last week.
Lost my form with more weight, need to scale down or stay at that weight next week, and focus on my form again.
Went to a doubleunder seminar yesterday with Rebecca (thanks Rebecca!)
Molly is amazing and gave great pointers. I didn't get a doubleunder, but I'm confident I will with practice. One of the guys in her team was doing quadrupleunders :O
This is Molly:
About the challenge… I've been going great on food, sleep, and workouts. My recovery time after a workout is much less and I can only attribute it to the changes I've made. Not doing great on active recovery, unless yoga counts, but what I really need is to buy a foam roller and LAX ball.
anyone want to see nets vs lakers next tuesday (the 5th)? Email me
sameer -at- creativedestruction -dot- com
the next meat CSA pickup is next wednesday, feb 6, from 6-8 pm
For me, the habit I'm trying to build is to pay attention to the quantity of food I'm consuming. For me, I could be eating healthy/paleo/awful/allsugar.. doesn't matter.. if I'm eating too much I'm going to gain weight and feel blah. This definitely affects my performance and recovery. The lesson I've learned is that I definitely do not have Dan Reshef's metabolism. 🙂 (it was a nice dream, while it lasted!) and that's totally okay. I can still feel satisfied with food and happily pile his plate high without feeling I should strive to eat the same.
I'm lucky I have a partner who wants to eat healthy as well as it makes doing stuff like the paleo challenge or tweaking my diets and cooking at home a lot easier. Dan is a great cheerleader and support squad.
So it's good. I'm feeling a lot happier.
Snatch Complex (1 Snatch High Pull + 1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch)
50-52-54-56-58-60. 60 Felt the best. Backed up my numbers a bit, hope it pays off.
Clean Pulls – 110 x5x2. Had pop.
BTN Snatch Push Press – 50x5x2
HBBSq – 110x5x2. Felt like 130 felt at the end of my last Olympic cycle.
Note – put on some Journey next time.
The food! OMG the food has been awesome. I really like planning out my meals and cooking different kinds of stuff. I picked up a book called "An Everlasting Meal" which is a pretty interesting take on making the preparation of food a more valued and intrinsic part of daily life. So that's been my best habit so far. I eat out a lot less, but even eating out has not been that bad (who knew you could stick to carpaccio and pork chops at Al Di La?)
So I hope to stay the course after the challenge. With the occasional beer, pizza and cake, of course.
Day One of "The Frequency Project"
EZ Curls (30s Rest Pause)
Dips (30s Rest Pause)
Wrist Rollers
BB Gymnastics
20 minutes to establish a 1RM Snatch.
-only able to hit 93# cleanly. was able to catch 98# at the bottom but waited to long and lost it as I stood up. PR is currently 103, so not really close but I'm ok with that.
21-15-9 of:
Deadlifts rx'd at 155#
-8:43. Very happy about this! This is the first time that I've been able to do the full volume of Diane and I still smoked my previous time.
-First round of DL's unbroken, 2nd set in 5's and last set in 3's. HSPU's started out as 7, 6 then generally sets of 3-4 until the last round when they became 2, 1.
-Back and shoulders are smoked…but in a good way. 😉
The best thing for me has definitely been related to meals. Sure it helps to have an amazing husband who is an amazing cook. This has led to so many delicious home-cooked meals and a great opportunity for us to bond/unwind/chill over food prep. :love:
@ Asta: We all wish we had Dan Reshef's metabolism. Take note people. When eating with Dan: (1) eat fast . . . very fast; or (2) guard your plate.
regarding The Everlasting Meal : I enjoyed parts of that book too (I have it, if anyone wants to borrow.) Except for the fact that the writer has a ridiculous Biblical reverence for bread, and her answer to all problems of wasting-too-much-food-at-home is "take any leftover item, puree it and spread it on toast." Bleh, no thanks.
Deadlifts: 275x3x3 – still round slightly as I come up off the floor. Got some good tips today from Mel and David for that. Made videos of my first and third sets – these are really very useful.
at home short ribs for the first time last night/today (thank you, slow cooker)…FTW
OK. On the heels of Fox's last comment. My good habit has been cooking for myself, and when I do a good job, I say inside my head, "Me. For the win." This is what happens when you live alone.
I will post my numbers tomorrow
Thanks for the doctor recs.
And I think I need a slow cooker.
As far as habits formed from the challenge go, I'd have to say hydration. I still have to choke down every last bit of the water requirement, and will decrease the amount after the challenge ends, but the good news is that it has replaced my diet soda consumption. I used to drink soda every day and now I don't even miss it. It was pure habit.
Habits: Three of them I would love to keep up after the challenge. 1) Drinking enough water. For me, just a matter of keeping my water bottle full at work. Nice excuse to get up and stretch my legs. 2) Cook at home more / order less chinese food. Cooking up a big batch of meat on Sunday and eating it throughout the week seems to work / not take than much effort. Props to Fox's curried collards recipe, btw. That sh*t is dope. 3) Fish Oil. At the start I was skeptical about this stuff, but I think it really helps with DOMS. Plus, you kind of get used to the fish burps after a while.
Sumo DLs: 45×5, 135×5, 225×3, 275×1 then 290x3x3. Felt good. Focused on pushing knees out, and did not have any of the funky knee stuff that happened when I did not focus on that. Noah suggested that I take a bit more rest between reps. Good advice.
Accessory work, 4 rounds NFT of
OH lunges, 40, 55, 60, 65
Ring rows with feet on bench
Side planks on a 45# bump.
Feeling a bit deflated after finding out that im on call the day i was supposed to compete in my first Olympic Lifting competition. Came in early to do some snatch high pulls.
220#3×2 (The first pull was high, the last two were not so high)
DE DLs @245
Strength "Study Abroad":
Squat 45×5 95×5 145×4 195×3 225x5x3
Press 45×5 65×4 85×3 105x5x3
Deadlift 105×5 135×5 185×4 225×3 255×5
Squats are definitely getting heavy, feeling it after sets 2 and 3. Had to switch to mixed grip on the deadlift work set.
A day late, but here are my 2 cents on the habit stuff:
I'm with Fox. Preparing a bunch of food at home to have around and to pack to take to work has been huge. I do a lot of it on the weekend so I don't have to think of it during the week. I'm also getting my wife to like a few of the recipes I've tried. I definitely plan to continue with this.
Also, I've committed to stop eating at 9pm. That's been a huge help, in my opinion, because a lot of the stuff I eat that late is no bueno. I thought I might be super hungry in the morning, but I feel great with a lot of energy in the morning for workouts.
Take 20 minutes to build to today’s heavy Snatch
Let feel dictate the load for your lifting today – if you feel fast and your mechanics are good, keep building. If not, stay lighter and work on speed and mechanics.
(115*x3, 140*x2, 160*x1, 184*x1.1 )
195 – 205 x X.1 – 210 x X.1 – (F) 220 x X.X
*Power Snatch
– After talking to Jake L, I thought I would try a different approach today. I did power snatches until 80% of my 1RM then got into squat snatch. But the problem with that is my timing getting under the bar was way off. I thought that the moment, "at least my pulls felt good", but my pulls always feel good.
– When working on Squat Snatch I need to Squat Snatch, and when working Power then I'll Power Snatch.
– Need to work timing and building strength at the bottom of the snatch
Five sets of:
Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat
Rest as needed
(135×3, 155×1, 165×1)
175 – 185 – (Failed)195 – (F)195 – 185
– Shoulders, Elbows, and Wrists didn't feel as strong with this complex today. When I worked on Snatch Balance last week I felt much sharper
Four sets for max reps in 2 minutes and 30 seconds of:
Row 500 Meters
Handstand Push-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 90 seconds between sets.
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
– I broke up my first round of HSPUs but all others were unbroken, HSPUs felt stronger today then usual.
– I kipped them all and they were in sync
– I forgot to take a picture of my workout today so I don't remember the exact time in Rounds 3 & 4
Three sets of:
Stationary Dips x Max Reps
Rest 30 seconds
GHD Sit-Ups x 15-20 reps
Rest 30 seconds
23 – 12 – 14
15 – 15 – 5
– I have a hard time organizing the GHD Sit-ups, I'm usually hesitant to put my back into over extension..
Stopped by the gym last night for my 2k erg test. Got 7:00.6, and my goal was 7:00. Was going to try to join the wod after that but I could still barely walk after 30 min, so I hobbled home.