Snatch Deadlift + Below the knee High Pull + Below the Knee Power Snatch
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Snatch e4/6
2:00 Max reps:
Wall Ball Shots 20lb-10’/14lb-9′
Rest 2:00
2:00 Max Reps
5 Burpees
10 Kettlbell Swings 24/16
Rest 2:00
2:00 Max Reps
Calories Rowed
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Saturday Afternoon at CFSBK: Rope Climbing Clinic, 2K Row with digital display, Gymnastics Class
Functionality and Wall Ball by Greg Glassman
New Equipment
2 New low Wall Ball Targets for the R3 stations
A Pair of 90lb Dumbbells
A Pair of 100lb Dumbbells
3 New Erg Monitors
CFSBK Training Videos
Check out some of these training videos from CFSBK!
Jeremy Goes For A Heavy Single On The Bench Press David Osorio
Christian Reiss Goes for a 1RM Deadlift David Osorio
Kettlebell, Pull-Up WOD Demo with Josh and McDowell David Osorio
CFSBK Collected Training: V1 David Osorio
Matt Ufford: Fight Gone Bad 2010 Ari Bassin-Hill
David Slow Motion Snatch Malcolm Spittler
David 2 Methods Kipping Muscle Ups Malcolm Spittler
Brian D Clean and Jerks 280lbs
The importance of Olympic Weightlifting for the “Sport of Fitness” Part 1 Part 2 The Outlaw Way
Low Bar vs. High Bar Back Squat for the purposes of CrossFit Outlaw North
The Power To Change Lives CrossFit
Snatch #65 got a couple good ones in and one REALLY bad one.
WB 16# 9' –33 did 20 in the first :50 and fell apart right after that.
KB @ 24k –23
Burpees –15
Calories –34
105 Total
Fun WoD
i have a low bar / high bar back squat programming question: since they work a lot of different muscles, is it okay to do them on sequential days? or is that not ideal?
Ariel – they work the same muscles, but with different emphasis. I see no good reason to do them on back to back days.
Got it. Thanks fox.
Hey all — I am going to be gone for the first two weeks of Feb. Anyone willing to pick up my meat share for me? Terms negotiable– either store it for a couple weeks in exchange for some of it, or give me some of your March share in exchange for all of my Feb share…
sameer -at- creativedestruction -dot- com
Little make-up/shout out post.
Yesterday, CRASH-B 2k erg test. This is the first 2k test I've done since last year's race. Went with the strategy of power 10 after 500m, and 20 after 1000m. Totally the wrong strategy–I come of the power 10/20 unable to regain the pace I was holding before I started them. Led to more of a fly and die and hold on piece than I would have liked. Finished in 6:49.9. The pro is that my last piece before CRASH-Bs last year was 6:56.0, and I killed it on race day, the con is I though I'd have been able to row my race time from last year (6:47.1) easily yesterday.
Three weeks left to rework my race day strategy, dial in on technique, and treat my body right to get ready.
Also, the energy in the gym yesterday, between the 1pm group class, football crew assembling, rope climbing class, and CRASH-Beasts warming up was pretty electric. Thanks to everyone who stayed to watch and yell during the erg heats. Dan Reshef gets lots of props for linking our ergs together, Nick (obviously) for organizing and being the best yeller there is. There were tons of gutsy performances yesterday, including a some leaderboard worthy ones from Monte, Christian, Jen S, and Katie M. Gina and Collette put on a great show with a super tight race in heat three, too.
Went in today to snatch, as it has been a while and wanted to practice. Kept it light with lots of reps at 85lbs. The below the knee position is something I find really awkward. Really stuck a couple of reps, but a few were slow and a bit sloppy.
Fun metcon. Started with the burpee/KB combo, then row, then wall ball shots, for which my legs were absolutely shot.
15 burpees, 30 KB swings @ 24kg, American; 55 calories; 41 wall balls, 20lbs to 10ft.
141 total reps.
Low Bar Back Squat
(45×5, 135×5, 165×5, 185×3, 205×1)
Making up Saturday's Squats. Did a few extra because it felt so light today. I also was having some bracing issues which I'm still working on sorting out.
Wall Ball, Couplet, Row Interval WOD
42 Wall Ball Shots (First 30 unbroken!) 20lb, 10'
5 Burpees/10 24kg Swings: 2 Rounds 5,7
Row: 40 Calories
that hurt.
I'm on 4 hours of sleep and FEELING IT
Attended a Molly Metz jump rope seminar today. It was fantastic! Started the day with 1 double under and ended the day stringing together 18. Her crew showed us some of their competition moves, which included doing back flips while doing double dutch jump rope. They also showed us burpees with a double under as part of the jump. Could be a cool addition to a WOD …
Snatch complex at 95# and then 115#. Felt good. Need to focus on getting under the bar faster. Would be really cool if the last week of the cycle was to play with the full squat snatch and see what you can do with it.
WOD: KB/Burpies: 50. Calories: 47. Wall Ball: 42. Really happy with this. Approach was to go consistent on the KB/Burpies, but I could have been a lot more aggressive. LEgs were totally fried by the time I got to the wall ball.
Where was the seminar, Rebecca?
A wildly uninspired OG tonite for me…Came in with no real expectations regarding my shoulder, other than that I was going to push it and see how it felt with the snatch
Power Snatched my way up to 198.
198#x4. Pain on basically every rep. Not an "Im furthering an injury type pain, but def pain"
210#x2 Pain
222#x3 All fails. Just reviewing the video from these, and I hit every one pretty much perfectly but it was obvious my right shoulder didnt want to stick the catch and i threw each one forward in the hole. I shall live to snatch another day.
Todays WOD
57 WBs(unbroken, this set up a very bad situation for the rest of the WOD)
35 KB burpees (sad face)
37 Calories
@David, the seminar was at CrossFit Live Fast down the Shore. It was through her JumpNRope organization.
With a 40 minute running clock…
1 minute ME Muscle-Ups
-did 4 assisted mu's sitting on a thin green band.
*Rest 1 minute.
7 minute AMRAP of:
75 Double-Unders
20 Lateral Burpees (over BB)
10 Hang Power Snatches 95/65#
-1 Round plus 75 du's, 20 burpees and 4 snatches (204 total reps)
*Rest 1 minute.
1 minute ME Muscle-Ups
-4 total, band assisted
*Rest 1 minute.
7 minutes to establish a 1RM Front Squat
-hit 205#!, (2.5# PR) and it felt good. used my new belt.
*Rest 1 minute.
2 minutes ME Muscle-Ups
-4 only, I lost a minute when I had to give up my MU station to the group class and had to scramble to set up another station. (I wasn't really too concerned about rushing though.)
*Rest 1 minute.
3 rounds for time of:
Row 20 Calories
15 Lateral Burpees (over BB)
10 Hang Power Cleans 135/95#
-I only completed 1 round plus 15 burpees plus 6 cleans. Lost my erg to the group class, waited for a few secs then just decided I'd do 75 du's instead. Expected to at least get 2 full rounds within the cap.
Notes: 7 minute cap. If the work is completed in less than 7 minutes, rest the remainder of the 7 minutes.
2 minutes ME Muscle-Ups
-6 total, band assisted
*Rest 1 minute.
7 minutes to establish a 1RM Jerk (racks or blocks may be used)
-hit 155 which is also a PR!
This was a fun but long one. Happy about hitting those strength numbers!
Oh and it was really great to have most of the ladies doing the Hail to the Queen attend our Comp prep session tonight. Looking forward to competing with all of them next Saturday!