Metabolism and Me
The ability to lose fat and/or gain muscle is highly variable from person to person. Genetics, eating history, activity level, sleep quality, stress levels all play into an individual’s ability to affect change in themselves. Some people can cut out crap and instantly shed fat. Others can add a little milk to their diet and see phenomenal strength gains. It is a deeply human reaction to always look at the other person and think: “I am eating just like him/her, why the hell can’t I look just like him/her?” In some situations, comparison might be relevant, but with diet it almost never is. And this is where it becomes necessary to be an expert in yourself. Understanding your genes, lifestyle, and eating history is paramount to determining a starting strategy for your goals. From there, you must be willing to experiment. And you must be a good experimenter, ie determine a framework and stick to the framework for a period of time. Assess how you’re doing at the end, and then make (small) adjustments as needed. This will give you actual information about your body’s capacity rather than let your emotions be determinants. If you are feeling stuck in getting towards your goals, make notes on all of the factors mentioned above. Do you have a family history of being overweight? Do you sleep 4 hours a night? Are you chugging coffee and working out 7 times a week? Sounds like genetics and a serious case of inflammation are preventing you from reaching your goals. In this example, simply reducing inflammatory behavior might jumpstart you towards your goals before you even have to make major dietary changes. Take the time, be objective and use all the resources given above to dig around for advice based on your personal situation.
CFSBK Movie Club
On Feb 2nd the CFSBK Movie club will be going to UA Court Street 12 (106 Court Street) around 8 PM to see “Gangster Squad” To join up and get more details as the date approaches, please contact Andrew at andrew.migdail(AT)
Matt Katz Wants You To GoRuck Yourself
It’s called the Goruck Challenge – it’s basically an overnight team event where you run around the city with a backpack full of bricks, being led around by a Special Forces trainer and completing challenges as a group. It looks all kinds of awesome and right up our alley. There’s also beer at the end. More info is here: GoRuck Challenge
Sciatic Pain Precision Nutrition
Chinese Weightlifters Do Weighted Handstand Push-Ups ATG
Manna To Handstand ATG
Andy Puddicombe: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes TED Talks
As someone who gets paid to write punny headlines, I am in love with "GoRuck yourself."
Isn't it June 7? (just checked the site)
We're doing the June 8th one (starts at 9pm on Saturday, runs into Sunday morning)
6am with Nick. CRASH-B 2k test race prep. 10min easy row. 3x 20 stroke pieces with race starts. Lots of foam rolling, lax ball loving and mobility work. Two easy days in a row have left me overflowing with restless energy.
6AM to the 80s w/Nick
75lb Squats, 2+ from last week. Still leaning forward excessively when squating to compensate tight calves.
Zero doubleunders. Utter disappointment.
Need to work on both issues.
The Go Ruck looks awesome.
6AM to the 80's rocked this morning.
115 Squatted, went really well. PR. Felt good.
Need to work on breathing and wrist position. And keeping my head down. Thanks Nick.
and the WOD. double unders: at first it was an exercise in frustration and then, miracle of miracles, I got my first ever double under. WOOHOO. Apologies to everyone for my shout of triumph, but have been working on that for a loooong time. Now. Will try to get 2.
Michelle, was good to work with you, don't be disappointed, you didn't give up and kept pushing through, that really counts for a lot.
Anyone have any genius Paleo substitutes for honey in your tea? I don't want the sweetness, I want the throat-coating properties.
I guess I will lose a point on this one if I have to, but waaaaaaa!
Thursday night's Strength Class
Paused Squats: 265x3x2
Glad it was just triples…
Bench: Steel week 2, workout 2. Loads of doubles and triples. This workout takes forever!
The 2nd reps at 205 were grindy which was disappointing– it was easier when I did this workout Christmas eve. I did not fail though. With so many sets I really tried to keep rest short, but had to take longer for heaviest stuff.
No time for met-con or pulls. Good Bareburger w/ the gang afterwards, although it was too late…
question for you long time-time paleo folks. what do you use instead of bread to mop up the sauce left over after eating a steak or whatever? i get bad looks when i lick the plate
Hey all — I am going to be gone for the first two weeks of Feb. Anyone willing to pick up share for me? Terms negotiable– either store it for a couple weeks in exchange for some of it, or give me some of your March share in exchange for all of my Feb share…
sameer – at –
luca – a baked sweet potato. which i conveniently always have on hand at home ๐
7am with Nick at ghostbusters HQ ๐
Hit the 217pound squat and felt good enough to take my 1rm down but that will be next week.
Michelle, don't get discouraged. Some things I noticed. Your first rope was way too short for you. Your hair needs an elastic, double tie your shoes.
Now the more important things. Glue your elbows to your ribs and think jazz hands. Turn those hands up so your palms are pointed more towards the ceiling than strait ahead. (never palms down) that alone should help you get them. Chaining comes with practice.
Same for you Emily but take out the double knots and hair issue.
The cheer was deserved. Also besides the arms glued and palms up try to not bend your knees to give clearance, pogo like its 1980 and Nick has the Dead Kennedy's playing.
I hit the finish line of my wod at 25:53. Nick noticed as I got more tired my form actually got better. Funny how that worked out.
Hey all – taking a couple of rest days to study the ol' GMAT and get ready for the 2000 rowing test Saturday – I can already hear Nick screaming 'Make the Erg fear you!' in my head ๐
Just wanted to say I really loved the email on the metabolism yesterday. As someone who comes from a really unfit family that has probably tried every ridiculous remedy on the market to avoid doing the work it really rang true. In fact my family is doing a follow-along challenge with me and I passed the article on – you were all a buzz in the Lloyd family circles. My sisters wanted me to thank you and said they really needed the pep talk yesterday. So the CFSBK love is a spreadin'
Awesome picture of Mobina, who besides being a fellow Badger, is a centered, humble, and dedicated athlete and one of my fave people in the gym. Always comes in, works hard, and has a plan.
Did I mention she's a Badger?
Three sets, not for time, of:
Handstand Walk x 15 Meters
L-Sit x 30-45 seconds
Butterfly Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10
Five sets of:
Front Squat + Jerk
Rest 3 minutes
(45x 3.3 – 135×1 – 185×1)
225×1 – (failed) 245 …………
– I didn't even make it half way into my work out.. my mind was just somewhere else today.
Keith: my shoes were totally double tied. Just saying. ๐ Thanks for the tips.
Noon with McDowell. Worked with Charlie and Danae (sorry if I butchered the spelling of both of your names) on squats. Made it up to 105x5x3, 5 pounds more than last week.
My performance on the WOD was laughable. After being able to consistently do double unders last week (single, single, double style), I couldn't even do singles today. I kept tripping over the rope or hitting myself in the ponytail. And rowing, well…I continue to be the worst at rowing. Thank you to McDowell for taking the time to help me with my lack of rowing skills. Must keep working on that.
@Luca – I use whatever vegetables I'm eating with my meat. All vegetables take better dunked leftover sauce goodness.
Thanks Emily for the encouragement and and Keith for the pointers. And congrats Emily, I was wondering who had screamed, and why? Haha.
Yes, my hair is becoming a single and doubleunder impediment. Will take reasonable measures to correct (hair cut is not an option though) .Will keep in mind the other pointers too, didn't realize my palms were facing the wrong direction :/
There are always free hair ties available for long haired SBKers at the front desk.
Today was a rest day.. I just took a nice long nap ๐
Half assed OG session.
Good Mornings
Worked up to 230×3
Wierd cramp in my left bicep
Strength "Out of Office":
Squats 45×5 95×5 135×4 185×3 220x5x3
Bench 45×5 95×4 135×3 155×2 170x5x3
Chins 15×5,5,7
Things are heating up. Had to take an extra minute between work sets during the squat. Last two bench reps went up slooow.
What is your bailing/spotting strategy for working out at the office?
Three rounds of:
5 Pull ups (strict)
10 Push up
15 Air squats
Five sets of:
Front Squat + Jerk
Rest 3 minutes
(115 – 135 – 155 – 175 – 195 – 215)
235 – 250 – 265 – 280 – 295(Fail)
– Fail 295#
Three rounds for time of:
15 Handstand Push-Ups
30 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
Break down
HSPU 9.3.3 – 8.7 – 6.5.4
KBS All sets unbroken
Rest exactly 5 minutes, and then . . .
Three rounds for time of:
10 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95 lb)
50 Double-Unders
Break down
Everything Unbroken
Another great Friday OG session. I took yesterday completely off which is rare for me. While I know resting is obviously an important component of getting stronger, I often times just dont rest, which is ridiculous. Came in today cautiously optimistic about my shoulder.
Power Snatches-Kept it light @153 for a couple three position snatch progressions. My shoulder felt 85%, and i left it at that. I might try to push it sunday and see if i can hit something heavy.
Clean and Jerk
297, Hit the clean (PR), failed the jerk. Threw the jerk a bit forward.
Felt GREAT with these. My shoulder was not really hurting in this overhead position (maybe just a little…). Definitely excited about Clean and Jerking over 300 soon.
Snatch pulls@242# 3×4
Bench press@225×12 (my goal of 15 reps is yet to come). 275 2×2. Rep out at 135×28 reps.
100 Abmat situps.
PS. Thank you to FOX for putting eyes on me for both the 286 and 297 attempt. I love when he watches me lift. He pumps me up and also gives great technical feedback.
@David – I am actually out of the country right now, i just meant "out of office" as in "not at cfsbk," but to answer the question for both situations, since I do work out at the office too:
1) Power rack with adjustable rails for squats
2) Human spotter on bench
I can't really bail at the office so I never do heavy oly lifts there.
I know Emily, hence the ignore the double tie and hair ๐
With no mirrors (which is fine) people might miss seeing their form decay or not be where they think it is. Body awareness is very important.
Josh is an animal… You planning on taking regionals for the games?