Fitness: 3×5 Work Sets Across
Add 5lbs to last weeks Push Presses.
Performance: Work up to a heavy 2 rep set on the Push Press
Try and beat last week’s heavy 3.
Post loads to comments.
PP e4/6
“Quarter Gone Bad”
5 Rounds for reps
135/95 pound Thrusters, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
50/25 pound Weighted pull-ups, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
Burpees, 15 seconds
Rest 45 Seconds
Post total reps to comments.
WOD Demo
Janelle’s (now) Famous Paleo Jello Shots
Schedule Change Feedback
So we’re about a month into the reformatted evening class schedule (and the extra 1pm class on Saturday) and we’d like to see what folks think. Please let us know your thoughts on how class times have been working for you and if you’ve got any suggestions. Thanks!
CFSBK Phone Number!
In addition to our awesome new Front Desk, we’ve actully got a phone number you can call us on now. While most of the phone calls will be from people interested in the program, feel free to call if you’ve got a question about class times, a schedule change, something that you left or anything else. If you call during off hours you can leave a VM and our awesome FD Staff will call you back during the next shift. No pranking!
Front Desk
Desk Hours:
M-Thr 4:30-9:30pm
Sat-Sun 9:00-2:00pm
Suggested Reading
Please read: “What Happened to Downtime? The Extinction of Deep Thinking & Sacred Space” and post thoughts to comments. Do you actively employ any of the 5 mindsets listed as a way to take back that fertile garden of your mind?
How to Get Big While Doing CrossFit LBEB
6am with coaches J Fox and DO. My shoulder was feeling off today so I stayed at 135lb on the PP and just tried to practice getting my muscles to fire. Hit a bunch of sets of 3, but none felt right. Scored 90 reps on QGB. The rest intervals felt so long in the first couple of rounds. Felt way too short in the last round.
Lurve the new schedule – I can make the occasional 8:30pm class now, whereas 8:00 was impossible.
Posted about this yesterday, but I think my comment was eaten. I just signed up for the Goruck Challenge – it's basically an overnight team event where you run around the city with a backpack full of bricks, being led around by a Special Forces trainer and completing challenges as a group. It looks all kinds of awesome and right up our alley. There's also beer at the end. More info is here:
The nice folks at Goruck reached out to me because I said I was a Crossfitter and offered anyone from SBK $20 off registration using the promo code 'CFSBK' at checkout. If any of y'all are interested, I've signed up for the June 8th challenge and would love to get some SBKers together to train for it. Send me an email if you're interested: mathew.a.katz (at) gmail (dot) com.
Love the schedule!!!
How many rounds for QGB? Five, right?
I love the new schedule too. Its given me some extra flexibility
Also – love the schedule. Give me a bit of extra time to get to the gym when I'm off of work, and the 8:30 is great for work nights that run later.
can we do partner thrusters?
New schedule hasn't affected me much – only been to one night class since the beginning of the year. But having the option of 7:30 is definitely a plus.
Push Press:
45×5, 95×3, 135×3, 165×2, 185×1, 195×2, 200(f)
Shouldn't have even tried 200 – was running short on time and never got mentally prepared for the lift. Next week.
Metcon – 94 reps Rx'd – thrusters are feeling surprisingly good, especially at heavier weights. Probably all the front squatting and push pressing.
let me try that again
i give up
Love the new 4:30 class but I am going to keep pushing for a mid-morning class. 10 am or so would be great.
Luca, I'm just guessing a video of "partner thrusters" is NSFW. Just guessing.
I notice that the 12 pm class is (almost) always full – any thought to a 1PM class? i know I would be there at least twice a week..
Meanwhile, my first grader came home from school and told me that his "science" teacher told him in their nutrition unit that grains were the single healthiest thing to eat. I told him that was her opinion, but i didn't necessarily agree. He said "no, it's a fact. She told us!" I did have the temptation to write the teacher and ask her not to impose her dietary views but it just seems like it would be the most obnoxious park sloppy parent thing to do. Anyway, I thought it was funny.
csa page updated
the csa page is brand-new and completely revamped. it now has accurate information for 2013, including meat CSA pick up dates through April, prices, a new FAQ, pick-up times, and contact info for both farms. my contact info is there as well.
as soon as i have dates for the vegetable, poultry and egg share cycles, i'll post 'em.
the csa page link is in the main navigation on the left-hand side of the page.
QUESTION: "Do you actively employ any of the 5 mindsets listed as a way to take back that fertile garden of your mind?"
ANSWER: Sure. As I get older, I have come to cherish empty time. As many of you know, I have a meditation practice and try to meditate 30-90 minutes most days. This is not something everyone is going to do. One thing I try to do is enjoy and experience down time whenever I can. When waiting in the Dentist's office, I try not to look at the TV or my phone. I just try to quietly sit without any sense of urgency. Try it. It's very far outside they way most of us act. I see people walking down the street staring into their phones. These people are annoying and dangerous. They are also wasting a great opportunity to just walk in the city. Like a human being.
Partnered with Mish (sp?) for 8 am class. Worked up to 75 for the push presses – I feel like I tend to oddly arch my back a bit to compensate for limited shoulder mobility/not getting the bar back enough, which Fox pointed out, and it was feeling a little gnarly today, so kept it to sets of 3, not 5.
MGMT, got to talking running w/ Shimi after class and forgot my beloved water bottle – glass with white pearlescent top and neoprene around it. Sorry! Will pick up tomorrow or Saturday!
Love the new schedule! The 8:30pm class works out really well for me because it's well after baby bedtime. I also appreciate the 1pm class on Saturdays.
Luca, that is awesome.
That article is great, thanks for turning me onto the web site.
There were a lot of great points, but one of my favorites was about how the need for connection and constant distraction pre-dates our modern technology and the fact of the matter is that we are psychologically driven towards and need those connections. I think acknowledging the power and depth of that drive is really important.
In addition to that– especially in modern, western society– we are conditioned to constantly be on the lookout for new stimuli and distraction. From putting on the TV first thing in the morning (something I deplore), to avoiding silence in general, even before the internet and smart phones folks have essentially been going from distraction to distraction without taking any time for introspection or quiet reflection. I include books as a distraction BTW– having absolutely no input and being left to your thoughts is one of the most powerful (and for many, scary) "activities" a person can take up.
One of my old meditation teachers started a practice of sabbath (she was a Buddhist) with her students a number of years ago. I understood the intent, but I had a very difficult time committing to etching out a full day– even once a month. However, that was awhile ago (pre-iPhone) and I'm seeing more and more why the concept of the sabbath could be a very helpful practice.
I just killed my facebook account. Not really interested in that anymore. Another distraction. Just spent a few days on the beach just watching the kids, and watching the waves. So relaxed.
I just don't have enough downtime to go around, but for me, social media is just very, very limited upside, and a lot of downside.
I'm totally out of the challenge. Didn't hit the gym once, played golf every morning instead. No regrets, I wish everyone the best of luck!
I understand that posting this is a contradiction. What can I say, I'm an enigma.
I just realized that my lifting shoes may have gotten left on the mats (blue ones) way up high. I APOLOGIZE, I thought I would be able to come tonight but doesn't look that way.
They are Do-Wins, silver, black, red – if anyone sees them please just put them on the door rack. I will be there Saturday to rescue them.
8am w/fox. Worked up to 145×2, failed at 150. Could be one of several possibilities or a combination of all. Not being mentally prepared, didn't take enough time between sets, might have been too ambitious trying for 150 or just didnt have it today. I need to come in and work on using more of my legs, I keep being told last few weeks to use MORE legs and I need to focus on this!
Metcon at 86. Everything was even on all sets but started to go extra hard on Burpees last 3 rounds 5,5,6,7,8 was impressed I banged out 8 Burpees in 15secs. Thrusters at 115/Pull-ups at 20lbs.
I know that we were discussing about trying to avoid electronics and enjoying the downtime. Lately for breakfast instead of watching TV, or being on my phone, I will pull out my iPad and take my time eating breakfast while inputting my wod info into and app. I don't know if you guys will consider this as downtime but for me I feel more relaxed and I get to enjoy eating breakfast for 20 minutes plus instead of watching garbage TV while rushing my meal. Eventually I'll start getting rid of all this and then reading a paper.
@Courtney try looking into goruck similar to what we were chatting about.
@noah, nah totally sfw. not safe to actually do. but sfw
The older I get, the more I struggle to be "unconnected". I try and do the things in the article as frequently as I can, but I'm only partially success like most. There is a danger here that this could be interpreted as being "a-social" or "antisocial", but done right-its not that at all. Its taking control of one's own mind-space and not letting other distractions crowd out that space in our heads that is our core. Its interesting to notice the "evolution" of the internet. It started as a place to communicate and share info and knowledge. Its evolving into a place to do commerce or worse. Just look at your spam folder if you don't believe that.
that is a sexy phone number. it looks good on you, cfsbk.
Love the new class schedule. The 1pm Saturday class is great for after particularly rough weeks when I want to use my Saturday mornings to sleep in and relax. Also love the 5:30 & 6:30 weekday options.
i also appreciate the new schedule! it gives my day some breathing room and allows time for a thorough couch stretch before each class. what more could you ask for?
luckily, i think i naturally crave the feeling of being disconnected (or more deeply connected to the present). there are times when i need to turn everything off and just stare for a bit. i think i like the feeling of letting my thoughts wander just to see what bubbles up.
anyway, that was a fantastic article and i'm tempted to share it with my co-workers. some of the best ideas i've had for work have come while away from the office, while doing nothing in particular.
20+ Minutes A/R
4:30pm Group Class
10 Thrusters 45lbs
10 Ring Rows
LAX UB 2'x1e
Push Press Heavy Double
Worked up to 75kilos which is like 167 or something
"Quarter Gone Bad"
+45lb Pull-Ups: 6-5-4-4-3
Burpees: 8-8-9-9-6
135lb Thrusters 4-4-3-3-3
76 Reps
That was a whole lot of fun
Seconded J Fid!
I go on rants at work all the time about everyone's need to be constantly attached to some kind of technology + be using it to social network. It drives me nuts. And it's not about being anti-technology; it's about being present in the moment with the people and events happening around you. I will save you all that rant & just say that I could not agree more with the article. Great piece.
As far as the class schedule goes, I'm going to continue putting in my pleas for a 10am class. I have not stopped talking about this at the gym, haha. We even started a petition during the potluck! (I'm sure someone still has it. Jake? Dave?)
6am w/ Lady Fox & DO – very cold outside, warm and exhausting inside
20 Dislocate Reverse Lunges – this requires a surprising amount of coordination
15 Weighted Situps @ 35
10 Ring Rows
Push Press Up To Heavy 3×5
-Was tipping forward in my dip. Need to prioritize an upright body position.
95lb Thruster: 56555
25b Chin-Ups: 76655
Burpees: 66666
85 Total
I do not know how people Burpee so fast.
Cash out:
Ride AS FAST AS POSSIBLE back to my apartment
So, today was one for the story books. Skied 19,000 vertical feet at Alta, Utah, with seven other skiers who are great athletes. It snowed all day and we skied like heroes on very challenging terrain… But wait, there's more:
Was hot tubbin w a liter of very good stout brewed locally, called Epic (theme-worthy). Tony Horton of p90x fame is staying at the same lodge. He set up a four station wod – elevated ring pulls (using a broomstick, not rings), dips, push-ups, pull-ups. So, about Eight guests put in a pretty good showing. Two rounds, mildly buzzed. Tony could not have been any nicer.
New Schedule = awesome. Only suggestion I would have is running a strength cycle that has weekday classes that start at 7:30pm. I would love to do it, but I just can't make it in by 7:00.
Push Press: 140#x5x3. May have sprained my wrist a few weeks back, and these have been hard on it. Strict presses for the rest of the cycle, I think.
WOD @ 30# chins and 110# DB thrusters (cause of the wrist): 59 reps total. DB thrusters were really hard.
6:30 with Josh and Fox.
Worked up to 140 for the 3×5 Fitness push presses. These felt surprisingly good after my last exposure. Focused on being very deliberate on the way down, but was losing finishing position. Thanks to Noah for straightening me out.
WOD with Yizty and Samir. Burpees, then thrusters at 115, chins +15 (plus the 205 or so I carry around with me anyway). Doing those third definitely affected my choice of weight. First time trying to squat clean into a thruster. Went narrow on one set which also made depth touch (thanks, Fox!)–felt better after that. 77 reps total:
Burpees: 7-7-7-7-7
Thrusters: 4-5-5-5-5
Chins: 4-4-4-3-3
awesome 830 class with Jess (I think the 830 option is great, though this was my first one)
Push Press: (45×5, 75×5, 95×4, 115×3) 120×2, 130×2, 140×2, 150×2 – have some room still
QGB: 81 reps, 95# thrusters, 25# chins (forgot the breakdown)
Great classes today everyone!
I'm really going to try to make it an effort to post my training more frequently. I've been such. the. slacker. with posting! I've been following Outlaw programming for about a month now. I wanted to do this since I'm taking an Outlaw training camp in March and I want to have some hands-on experience with with his style of programming. I've also loved the focus on Olympic lifting, which has definitely helped my lifts!
Thursday 1.24.13
BB Gymnastics
5X5 UB Hi-Hang Cleans โ heaviest possible, rest 75 sec.
-103×5, 108x5x4
-really hard to keep my hook grip in between reps. need to work on resetting better at the hip so that I don't end up with crazy bruises on my thighs.
1a) 3X5 Snatch First Pulls โ heavy (at least 105% of 1RM), rest 45 sec.
-108×5, 113x5x2
1b) 3X5 Jumping Good Mornings โ heavy but perfect, rest 45 sec.
-55×5, 65×5, 75×5
-first time ever doing these. not gonna lie, they're a little awkward.
1c) 3X5 Split Press โ heavy, rest 45 sec.
75×5, 80x5x2
Was supposed to either Row 3x1000m or Run 4x800m for conditioning but I skipped out. Used the excuse "I need to check in with the Front desk to make sure all is well…aka bullshit with MeLo and DO" excuse. Need to just suck it up and finish my workout next time. ๐
New sched = great!
Push press – 45×5, 95×5, 115×3, 135×2, 140×2, 145×2
Thrusters – 4 each round @ 115
Chins – 4, 4, (@35#), 4, 3 (@ 25#), 5 @ bodyweight
Burpees – 6, 7, 7, 7, 7