Fitness: 3×5 Work Sets Across
Add 5lbs from last week’s exposure.
Performance: Work up to a heavy 2 rep set on the Front Squat
Go a little heavier than last week’s heavy 3
Post loads to comments.
FSQ e3/6
Partner Workout
5 Rounds each for time of:
10 Slam Ball
10 GS Box Jumps
10 Sit Ups
5 Rounds each for time of:
12 Kipping Toes to Bar
10 GS Box Jumps 24″
Post times, Rx and partner to comments.
Ball Slams: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Interval WODs
A positive feature of interval workouts like today’s are that they allow you to push a little harder on each round versus having to do each round in unbroken succession. If you get a 2:00 recovery, you’ve got a better chance at hitting more reps unbroken in the final rounds than had you been working straight for 5 minutes before getting there. Anytime there is a built in rest for the workout, strategise how you’ll approach each round. Will you do everything unbroken? Will you break the hardest exercise into two sets with a :05 rest? Work on your stamina and try to keep your splits as consistent as possible. Just like lifting heavier weights, higher intensity metabolic work can elicit more profound cellular adaptations.
How It Could Be Different
People are Awesome 2013
“The Two Worst Foods In The World” HuffPo
WOW first time to have first post…
Hit 180 on my front squat and felt like I am close to my limit there.
I want to thank my partner Brad for keeping the pace up through the WOD.
We killed it with 20# slamball and 24" boxes at 6:37!!!
I knew when I finished my first round in 42 seconds and he was done with his at the 1:48 mark that we were going to crush this WOD.
It's rare in the gym that I get a WOD that I feel dead confident about and today was definitely one of them.
6am CRASH-B rowing: 2 x 2000m with 5min rest: 7:05.9, 7:04.6. Night and day difference from last Friday when I blew up on the second 2k piece. Felt I could have done a third. Besides being better rested than on Friday, I experimented with doing a power-5 at the start instead of a power-10. My body seems to like the power-5 start better and lets me settle into my target pace quicker.
someone took my water bottle!
it's a cheery blue nalgene with a flip-top lid, 24 ounces. i know it was probably an accident, but please bring it back, asap. it's hard to stay hydrated all day without my blue buddy!
Hey CFSB, I'm leaving for Abu Dhabi in about 12 hours, and I won't see any of your awesome faces for another 4 months or so.
I negotiated a trainer with my contract, so I won't come back a bigger weakling than I am now. Not to mention I'll still be playing along with WODs, Challenges, and contortionist AR.
The last nine months at the gym have been amazing, and I'm very happy to be part of this great community. Thanks for being so cool, and having such a positive impact on my life.
Sappy time is over, anyone know any simple exercises or stretches I can do on a 13 hour plane ride?
@scottf – I have been caught by flight attendants doing sets of air squats in the galley on long haul flights before. Just find a space and move, as long as you don't mind getting looked at like an alien. Jilly's and other static stretches work well too.
@Scott f – Have a great trip. Get an aisle seat and get up and move around… See ya when you get back.
@Todd – they could be just looking at your 'tats and think that you're and alien.
Ellie— I think that was me! My apologies– I have three of those and am missing one. I always seem to have one floating around the gym… I'll bring it by tomorrow. Clean.
Last night's strength cycle
I tweaked my back Sunday and while better, it's a bit achy and stiff. I decided to squat and feel it out, but opted out of pressing (I can tend to overextend at heavy weights) and deadlifting.
Squat: 15-Strong cycle, week 3… Worked up to singles at 305, 315, 325
This was decent enough. Felt about the same as last week but was 10 pounds heavier. Not bad considering I'm on a calorie deficit and down about 5 pounds since the beginning of the year. Still not much pop, but I figure that will return as soon as I return to weight-maintenance eating.
Met-Con: 20 air squats, 150m row and 12 pushups for 3 rounds. 4:40. Decent, little workout. Pretty steady, not sure I got the HR up as high as I've been aiming (95%) — I did go hard but managed to remain steady which seemed like a good sign.
Hey y'all – I signed up for the Goruck Challenge last week. It's basically an overnight team event where you run around the city with a backpack full of bricks, led by a former special forces trooper, simulating special forces training. It looks like a lot of fun. More info and a sweet video here:
The nice folks at Goruck emailed me last night offering anyone from SBK a $20 discount off of registration using the promo code "CFSBK" at checkout. I think it would be fun to get some folks together to do this – I'm signed up for the June 8th event, if anyone wants to join me. We could totally train together. If you're interested, send me an email at mathew.a.katz (at) gmail (dot) com.
I love that "people are awesome 2013" video. 🙂
i've been out of it for a couple days and am catching up. was reading yesterday's post and i thought we (adults) were getting an open play day at the robot place.
are there words for this kind of disappointment?
Did today's yesterday! Good times, good partner for the workout. I feel terrible that I can't remember his name but I called him a lady by accident. Heels at work = foot and toe cramps so front squatted in socks, LAX when resting, which was super weird. Had a 15# increase for the heavy doubles, almost had 20# – got one and then lost the 2nd, couldn't grind through – I need to know how to do that.. grind grind. I'm pretty happy about it tho overall. And the endI think we finished in 9:20 for the 5 rounds each FT.
@Scott F – bring an LAX ball with you on the plane. I do air squats like Todd, lunges, whatever stretches I can managed. Haven't been yelled at yet, but I always have extra treats to share with seat mates and the flight attendants just in case. Travel safe!
A day late but no less of a hearty hallo and welcome to Izzie F and Gais T! Night workouts have meant that I've met you two and ya'll are looking awesome. I love being able to see the changes and such when consistently seeing peeps in classes and privates with the coaches. Keep it up!
Mm.. fries.
Big 6am with Josh & McDowell. Missed yesterday because I was on the train back from Providence–Nick and I left Linus at his parents' for the long weekend and went hut-to-hut xc skiing for 2 days. AWESOME. Check out mainehuts(dot)org for info–4 gorgeous eco-lodges about 10 miles apart along beautifully groomed (if not always flat) trails. We did 2.5 miles the first day (uphill, in the dark, took 1.5 hrs) and 11.5 miles the second (also some uphill, but mostly flat, 3.5hrs) and 4 miles the third day (icy cold, lots of downhill, 1.5hrs). This trip was a 40th birthday present and I loved it Loved knowing I could make it up any climb b/c I'm strong enough.
So, missed a bunch of workouts at CFSBK and got dispensation to back squat this morning. 85%x5, 90%x3, 95%x1x3 worked out to 185×5, 195×3, and 205×1. Failed on the second attempt at 205. Thanks McDowell for helping me get it up! Blame it on not having squatted in 10 days.
Then, Saturday's WOD: 700m row, 25 box jumps @ 20", one lap run. Think I did 15:30-something–clock said 12:24 when I left the gym. Couldn't jump right off the erg so did a lot of stepups, sort of humbling.
Left my water bottle at the gym, yikes! Huge Kleen Kanteen with old-school CFSBK sticker and gay marriage sticker. Will retrieve ASAP.
rob, i'm so happy to hear you have it! yay, and thanks!
Nice and warm in the gym by 7am even though it was still 12 degrees on the way in.
45×10, 135×5, 185×3, 205×2, 225×1, 235×2 on the front squat. Still a little room there but not much – the second rep was kind of a grind
Fun little metcon – finished in 10:22. T2B were unbroken for the first 3 rounds and then in two sets for the last 2
@JB that would be me!!! That wod was a lot of fun moved really well the first 4 rounds all unbroken t2b which is impressive for me until the very last round (got 9 in a row). I think I got the rounds in .42/.40/.38/.40 last was around 1:30ish.
FS I did 5×45, 5×95, 3×135, 1×155, — 2×170, 2×180, 2×185 🙂 This has to be a new PR for me because my 1RM is at 185 and that was probably with bad form.
Love the results
Strength Cycle Day 6:
Squat: 300x5x3. I was exhausted this morning. Frankly I can't believe it's only 11:25. I felt it in the squats. I was disorganized and got forward on the middle of my feet with my chest down, especially in set one. Set two felt better, except the 5th rep was a grind, because as Jeremy said I was too tentative in hitting the hole. Set three felt best, and I was definitely more aggressive hitting the hole.
Bench: 185x5x3. Each set definitely started to stick on reps 4 and 5, but they came up.
Power Cleans: Exhaustion set in. I was able to rack all of these, but nothing felt right, elbows were slow, speed was down.
DH3! Noooo!
@Stella he died on this day last year
Yeah, I know (or I knew about 15 seconds after I responded). This is what happens when you immediately Google his name, see "Died January 23, 2012," and think that that's today because you're still not quite in 2013 mode.
I are dumb.
Noon with Josh and McDowell
FSQ: (45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 165×3, 185×2, 195×1) 200×2, 205×1,(f)
– I tend to rush my last rep on any squats and I need to slow down and control it better on the way down – thanks McDowell for pointing it out. I have more room if I focus. I also think 6 warmup sets is too many.
Wod Rx'd with Kenny- i forget total time, my rounds were bet :30 and 1:30ish in the 5th. 3rds of t2b unbroken.
Bench press and some short weighted carries after class.
Noon w/ Josh + McDowell
Front Squat: 45×5, 95×5, 125×5, 150x3x5. Getting a nice graduation of 5lbs/week but that last set I could feel my back arching a bit so may just go 2.5 next week or stay at 150lbs.
Partner Wod with Matt. Don't remember our partner time but I was pacing well at about 0:45 – 1:00 per round with a 30lb Ball + 24" Box with no rest breaks. Box Jumps are my jam.
AM workout: Clean Complex
1/2 Pull + Touch and Go Squat Clean x2
Worked up to 5 sets of the complex at 75kilos and then 3 sets of the complex (one time through instead of 2) at 80 kilos. Felt pretty sharp today. Holding your breath for the pull then the squat clean made me a little light headed each time
4:30 with DO.
Started with some excellent ankle and shoulder mobility. One new move in there, and one oldie but goodie. Both will be staples before FSQs from now on.
I am terrible at log rolls, so was angry/happy to see them in the warmup.
Solo FSQ: [45×5, 115×4, 145×3, 175×2] 190x3x5
I think it's a weak upper back that's getting to me as the weights go up a bit. Feel like I have enough legs under me, though.
Then CRASH-B rowing. 4×500, 2min rest:
1:39.1, 1:38.6, 1:39.9, 1:39.8
Ranged from 80% to 95% effort. Pleased to have kept all three within 1.3 seconds of each other.
Late post from AM strength in exile session:
Squats 45×5 95×5 135×4 185×3 215x5x3
Press 45×5 65×4 85×3 100x5x3
Deadlift 135×5 185×4 225×3 245×5
Still feeling good on all of these, final set of squats came up a little slower for the last few reps but nothing too grind-y. Right elbow is still a little tweaky but I swear it is from getting banged up on the floor while foam rolling and not anything internal.
Felt a little tight so did an L hang cash out, :20×3
First post of properly notated lifts.
Oh and I saw some amazing globo-gym training going on here today, including my favorite: "hold an equal weight in each hand and bend back and forth at the waist" and the old classic "partial ROM curls…in the squat rack."
Front Squat: Heavy Double #110 (PR) and a rep out 7 @ #95.
WOD @ 11:50., 20# slamball. Everything felt good except round 4+ of the Boxjumps which went from "game standard" to "not even a little bit game standard."
Also, MGMT – I leave my weightlifting shoes at the gym, labeled and tucked neatly away in an available cubby hole. Are they not supposed to be there? I ask because the last several times I have come in after putting my shoes away, they end up in the bottom of the Lost and Found bucket. So either someone hates me, is playing a prank on me (that's not really a prank so much as it is annoying), or I shouldn't have my shoes there in the first place and no one wants to tell me.
Could you shed some light on this situation? Much appreciated 🙂
Front squats partnered with Shawn!
195x3x5 (gotta fix my rack and my grip)
Partner WOD with 30lb ball and 24" box. We finished in 11:10 taking about a minute for each round or so. Pretty consistent timings throughout.
Build to a heavy-ish Deadlift x 3 reps
Not proving anything here, just getting yourself prepared for the next section.
155 – 245 – 315 – 365* – 395* – 415* – 435*
* Touch and Go
+ I feel much more organized when I can load my hamstrings from the top down.
+ I’m sure this could be a number of different reasons, but the bar was moving well today. I was able you keep it tight to my body (legs) cause I kept my sweat pants on, so it didn’t grind against my raw shins.
Three sets for times:
Deadlift x 3 reps @ 365#
Muscle-Ups x 7 reps
Rest 3 minutes
Be smart here. If these loads are too heavy for you, scale to a load that is heavy, but manageable for 3 reps.
Round 1
MU: 6.1
Round 2
Round 3
(Bar) MU: 5.2
– A lot of failed attempts (and swearing). I can kip swing a couple without a false grip but once that goes, IT’S GONE. If I use the false grip I have a hard time holding onto the rings, although the movement does become easier.
– Round 3 I had switch to bar muscle ups, to get out of the way of group class.. I feel much much stronger doing bar muscle ups then ring muscle ups. So I wasn’t to bummed out about this.
For Max Reps:
2 Minutes of Rowing for Calories
2 Minutes of Handstand Push-Ups
2 Minutes of Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lb)
Row: 43 cal
HSPUs: 9.9.5 = 23
WB Shot (30#): = 24
+ 30# was feel better, after the first 10 reps I was going for another 10 but the ball rolled out of my hand cause of the imbalance weight of the ball
Rest exactly 4 minutes, and then . . .
For Max Reps:
2 Minutes of Rowing for Calories
2 Minutes of Double-Unders
2 Minutes of Ring Dips
Row: 41 cal
DUs: 5.155* = 160
Dips: = 30
* 155 reps unbroken was a PR and I could have kept going if I didn't run out of time
– I felt like my body was at about 83% today, had a hard time trying to rally up my energy.
On a whole not to bad.. About an hour and a half after working out I felt great and ready to start training but going into it today felt like I was dragging my ass.. WTH!?
BTW sorry to swearing so much today at 4:30pm group class…
PM Workout
FSQ Heavy Doubles
No racks available so I power cleaned off the floor
worked up to 80kgx2x5
Kind of doing a hybrid Performance and Fitness varient on this. These are submax doubles. I hate front squats
Used a phantom partner of myself with Noah doing the math portion of the WOD to see when I should go again. I kept every round under :45 and did everything unbroken
24" Box
Shaye, are your weightlifting shoes OLY shoes? like with the elevated heel etc. or are they a pair of chucks?
If shoes arent dedicated oly shoes I've been tossing them (and the others) in the L&F
Front Squat: 182.5#x5x3 (F, on the 15th rep). Pros and cons here: pro is that I had oly shoes on for the fist time today and I really liked them. Con is that this is the second time in a row I have failed on the 15th rep of these front squats. Ugh, frustrating. Both times I failed, I was using the crossed arms grip as opposed to the clean grip. Maybe that had something to do with it? Not sure what I should do next week… Upper back rounding is definitely the issue.
Partner WOD Rx'd with Dave: first round at 47s and then creeped up from there. First two rounds of kipping T2B were unbroken, and that was awesome.
That 15th rep isn't too big of a deal given the other 14 reps completed.
Move forward with your FSQs getting at least the first two sets of 5 complete and then seeing what happens for the 5th OR dropping back to 80% of what you worked and do a technique set focusing on your back.
@Shimi Yay!!! Hopefully we get to tear things up again! Such fun.
@Ryan Gross. Log rolls. I hate those things with the passion of a thousand suns. Seriously would rather do 100 burpees than 2.
@Shaye sorry, that was me. KIDDING! I've had a lot of PALEO APPROVED booze tonight, my record club met and I had to nerd out. Spinning records + booze = good times. Yes I'm at the bar looking at our site doing all this on my iPhone. This is either really good or really bad.
I actually wanted to post something but can't remember what now. Oh, well. Get in the hot tub! (please someone know this reference)
@David they are dedicated Oly shoes. Adidas Powerlift Trainers.