1 Halting Snatch Deadlift + 1 Hang Power Snatch
Focus on a strong arch and sending your knees back on the HSDL. Focus on explosive speed and mature catch position on the HPS.
Post loads to comments.
3 Rounds for max reps of:
AMRAP 2 Minutes
25 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
15 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95
Rest 4 Minutes
Post rounds completed and Rx to comments.
Thanks to everyone who came out to last nights Paleo Potluck!
Happy belated Birthday, Ben W!
CFSBK Front Desk
Starting this Monday Melissa L, Whitney H and Lisa F will be staffing the CFSBK front desk. Initially, the desk will only be active M-Th evenings and on the weekends until we gradually include afternoons and mornings. These ladies will be checking people in, selling merch, talking to leads and doing a variety of other tasks for the gym. We’re really excited to start this new component of the gym and are very excited to have such an awesome teal leading the charge on it. We’d also like to thank our carpenter Robert Phelps who did an amazing job building our desk!
General Informed Freestyling
A common theme from Mobility WOD is the idea of “informed freestyling”. Basically, when you’re mobilizing, instead of remaining static and settling into a singular position, you’re actively moving around trying to loosen up the tissue and hunting for other restricted areas. I’m a huge fan of total body informed freestyling in response to or as preventative maintenance for general stiffness. One way to approach this is extensive DROMs, but my bias is towards ground based movement. Ideally this is accompanied by a foam roller, straps and a lacrosse ball. More often than not, a mobility rx is reactive and targeted towards tissue you know is tight and preventing you from getting into positions you want to achieve. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that and probably the way you should spend most of your time stretching out. The problem however, is that sometimes it’s at the expense of a more generalized approach to soft tissue health.
Lets start with the mindset that general stiffness is not normal and that you can do something about it. To make an analogy, if you walked around hungry all day, a light would go off in your head to do something about it. We don’t often listen to our bodies in the same way when our joints feel creaky and muscles feel stiff. This should be a huge red flag that you need to spend a little more time doing generalized restorative movement. Here are some quick benefits of a short total body movement session:
- Increased blood flow = Increased nutrient transport and hydration to all your tissues
- Excess metabolites are pushed into the lymph (think of it like “cleaning” an area of excess junk)
- Synovial fluid is pumped into your joint capsules, lubricating them
- With dedicated a breathing strategy and a modest pace, you can increase parasympathetic nervous system activity and decrease anxiety
Okay so how do we do it? Well there’s no one right way to do this and how you’re feeling that day should dictate your session but here are some general guidelines.
1. Set aside some time and space to move. 10-15 minutes should be enough to feel a lot better, I often put on a record and go at least until one side finishes. My preference is before bed since you can attack a whole day’s worth of stiffness and it’s a great way to unwind mentally. In terms of space, I love love LOVE my square36 mat. Yoga mats provide insufficient area to move around on and I constantly have to reposition myself or the mat. (use the discount code cfbrooklyn36 to get $10 off a S36 mat!).
2. Start low and work high (or vise versa). Start by doing some D-Dog calve marches, manually rolling your feet around, stretching out your toes, maybe using a LAX ball on your feet. Gradually work upstream spending more time in areas that feel tight. Use stretches you remember from Group or Active Recovery class, make stuff up, work basic splits, twists, bends and be creative. You’ll undoubtedly find positions that feel great and areas that are tight. Keep your breathing consistent and deep.
Here are some videos from our buddies at Body Tribe that might give you some more ideas:
Quick Mobility Play
Tav’s Brutal Recess
Staying Loose
3. Pepper in some Foam Rolling, LAX work or band stretches. You might even start here and then get into the informed freestyling. If you’re not sure what to do, take an Active Recovery class!
4. End with some deep breathing laying flat on your back, drink some water then go to bed!
Related Videos:
Gil Hedley: Fascia and stretching: The Fuzz Speech
Always Be Mobilizing
Informed Freestyling Always
Leaving a Legacy CrossFit
Kristen Clever, DB Squat Snatch, GHD Sit-Up, Toe To Bar Triplet CrossFit
The pot luck was incredible! Every year the caliber of the food exceeds the previous years – it's kind of crazy the amazing quality and variety of chow our community is able to put on a table in a warehouse gym.
Rob Israel, that brisket was tremendous. I also really enjoyed Corbett's collards, the many bacon-wrapped dates I had (Deb Parsons and I believe another person?) an excellent pile of Brussels sprouts, the beautiful whole mackerel dish, the pork belly lettuce wraps, and the Scotch eggs from Herondale Farm. And of course, Janelle – you are our hero. Thank you!
The farmers from Sol Flower and Herondale were thrilled to be able to hang out with us and compliment you all on the delicious food. I think it's a sweet tribute to them that so much of the meat on the table came from their labor, and that the CSA program has spurred so many of us to cook and eat with greater enthusiasm.
What a great night.
As much as I enjoyed what I was doing instead of potluck last night (NY Philharmonic concert), I am very sorry to have missed out on everybody's cooking. Can we get a blog QOD asking people to post their recipes (or just their fav Paleo recipe in general)?
Snatch 73#. Last week it was feeling better, and it's starting to be awkward again. Nuts. WOD, Rx KB and 63# shoulder to overhead, 126 reps total (43, 42, 41).
Snatches @ #65… neck crick made shoulders even less mobile than the very poor mobility they had before.
WoD @ #65 as well and I could barely even lift that… 6 weeks off have made me weak like a kitten. 1.5 pood on the KBs redeemed a shred of CF cred.
Great to be back on Sunday morning!
Snatches @ 83# today, first one at that weight was wonky but the next two were cleaned up. Enjoyed snatching with my brand new WRISTGUARDS (thanks Steph Paddock).
WOD: 16kg KB and 75# push jerks
1 round + 13 KB
1 round + 9 KB
1 round + 7 KB
This was a forearm fryer! Fun workout followed by a touch football game with the CFSBK team. Great Sunday. Thanks to everyone for bringing so many delicious dishes last night!
Last night was great! And I concur with Michele– the food quality reached a new high– terrific eats!
Today's strength cycle. Platform 1 continues to be a breeding ground for bickering, stupid arguments, misunderstandings and apologies…
RDLs: 245x8x3
I tweaked my lower right back during the first set. Bummer because my back has been quite solid for quite awhile. It's nothing serious and I've done it before, but this is feeling like a pretty good strain now….
Close grip bench: 195x3x5 and 145×12
The great thing about the Steel bench program is that you see yourself getting stronger every week. It's amazing how it works like clockwork. Workout 3/10.
Power Cleans: 145x 2, 3, 3, 3, 2
These were Ok, but I'm starting to feel like I may be pulling with my arms a bit already. I failed the last rep and jammed my wrist– i just didn't pop and then I didn't squat to get under it. LameO.
WOD: 15-9-6 ball slams and pushups with 5-3-3 chins
Wasn't sure what to do with my lower back aching, so I ditched the prowler, rowing and kettlebell as options. This seemed safe enough and was "OK", but my chins evaporated. I need more rest for strict chins. The last 3 were singles. 3.5 minutes.
I got home and iced my back and then showered w/ very hot water and did a little contrast. Hit 800mg NSAID. It didn't help as much as I anticipated. Back is tight and sore. Over-extension hurts. Will need to rest and may skip Tuesday. Or maybe just a good night's sleep will do the trick!
3 Rounds:
16 Walking Lunges Front Racking 2 26kg KBs (I hate these)
8 Ring Rows
16 Hollow Rocks
Low Bar Back Squats
(45×5, 135×5, 165×5, 185×3, 205×1)
215×3, 225×2, 237.5x1x3
Making up Saturday's Squats. Didn't make time to workout with all the pre-potluck prep.
1/2 Pull, High Pull, Squat Snatch, OHS
I did this same complex on Friday night and wasn't feeling much pop today so I only worked up to 50kg. Afterwards did a couple snatches up to 60kg
3 Rounds For Time of:
20 Thrusters 75lbs
15 Kipping Pull-Ups
10 Bar Facing Burpees
All the Pull-Ups were unbroken, first round of Thrusters were unbroken and the following two rounds were 6-5-4
500m row cool down
worked up to 135 on the snatch complex. But 135 did not feel solid, so dropped to 115.
WOD with 24kg russian swings and 95# barbell; 1round + 13 swings; 1 round + 8 swings; 1 round + 1 swing. Glad my wrist did not bother me on the shoulder to overhead.
Worked up to 115# on the snatch complex
75/28 on the workout at 1.5 pood and 75#