Fitness: 3×5 Work Sets Across
Add 5lbs to last weeks Push Presses. You should still
Performance: Work up to a heavy 3 rep set on the Push Press
Try and beat last week’s heavy 3.
Post loads to comments.
PP e3/6
5 Rounds Rounds For Max Reps of:
:30 Wall Ball 20lb,10′ / 14lb,9′
:30 Rest
:30 L-Sit Hold
:30 Rest
Hold the L-Sit as long as you can. If you need to come out of it within the time frame jump back in once you’re ready. Prioritize shoulder position
Post total Wall Ball Reps and how many :30 L-Sit holds you were able to achieve
Chris A and Mike M debate which would be the better weapon of choice in a CrossFit Death Match, the Jump Rope Whip or PVC Staff
Complimentary Range of Motion Testing Sunday
Can you identify the 4 muscles that make up the Rotator Cuff? Do you know which of these muscles is most commonly injured? Although you can tear your rotator cuff as a result of an injury, most rotator cuff problems develop over time. Want to know if there’s a muscle that might be limiting your shoulder mobility? Inka will be offering complementary ROM (range of motion) testing and MLT (muscle length testing) for the shoulder joint. She will take you through AROM (active range of motion) and then PROM (passive range of motion) and will help you figure out if you are within normal range of motion for these muscles. How does this help your workout? Knowing where you fall short can help you figure out where you need to roll out and stretch more and give you that extra edge during your workout. It can also help to prevent injury by addressing the imbalances in your body.
She will also be doing some myofascial release and trigger point work to your Pec Minor muscle (found underneath the Pec Major) as well as your Subscapularis (found on the anterior side of your Scapula). These muscles are hard to get to by yourself and can be a factor in rotator cuff injuries.
She will be offering this Sunday during the morning classes and Open Gym. Email her directly to make an appt.inka.hodes(AT)
If you had to bring one implement from the gym to battle (Anchorman style) which would it be?
OMG Celebrity CrossFitterz
Scaling the a HSPU WOD with CrossFit Santa Cruz
That's a layup. Sledgehammer. I'm a big fan of bludgeoning.
10 pound yellow kettlebell.
mobile, easy to grip, and good to distract your opponent with a little flare, plus can act as a shield in case JR starts swinging for the fences
Green jump rope looped into a 10 lb plate. Whip of devastation! Or Josh Martinez's skull cracking roundhouse kick.
Use the whip, Luke. Use the whip.
PVC and a blue band. Instant Hawaiian Sling.
This morning I said the 2.5-pood kettlebell, because I could drop it on someone's foot, but I think I might have to change my answer to foam roller, just to keep things fun. I think we could have some epic foam roller battles.
Another QOD: What do you think David is drinking when he comes up with these QODs?
Push press, 93#, would have tried 98 if I'd had another minute or so to rest. 15 minutes goes by so fast! WOD, 68 reps, and I was clearly sandbagging at first because I got 13 reps in each of the first four rounds and 16 reps in the fifth. Chalk it up to my not being at the gym since Friday š
speed rope, that thing leaves welts. i can only imagine what it could do if used to evil instead of… workout evil.
chains, no doubt.
I would bring an erg. That thing is painful.
The chalk bucket or one of the containers of protein powder under the sink. I would throw it in my opponent's eyes to blind them and then kick them in the shins or something.
one of the kegs, to use as a ramming tool and if i had to throw it, it would roll back to me. would also be useful to roll up behind someone unsuspecting for pratfalls!
saying "that escalated quickly" in real life situations brings me tremendous joy
"brick killed a guy!"
Do we have chains at the gym? They've been a great weapon to me in the past.
Those green massage cane things that hang on the wall by the wrestling mat look like ninja weapons. I'd grab two of those and bust out some Bruce Lee sh*t.
@Janelle, great call. You are probably too young, and cultured for this, but I know that I am not the only one that remembers Saturday mornings wiith the WWF. Tito Santana was blindfolded for weeks after Mr. Fuji threw salt in his eyes. It was devastating!
I would open up a bunch of fish oil pills and throw them at my opponents feet. They would stip on the oil and get grossed out by the smell.
Have we thought about who our opponent is? A rival box from North Brooklyn? Brooklyn Boulders? The guys that work at the soy bean storage unit next door?
Also, do we have a date for the massacre yet? My schedule is filling up quickly.
also dont forget how bolo did van damme in bloodsport
After long consideration, I'd have to go with the Women's 15 kg YORK Olympic Training Bar.
Push Press- 235×3, these felt strong.
245×2, Didnt drive hard enough on the third and got stuck.
Came in early to test out the shoulder. Did some power snatches. Shoulder felt ok, but now I remember I had taken 3 advil at 10am due to a headache. I am kind of nervous what is going to happen now….
Tito Santana was a substitute teacher at my high school.
So many good opponents. I picture it like a "Warriors" style journey through Brooklyn beating up all manner of themed gangs. Everyone you listed is pretty on point.
I'm still thinking about my answer… I had a similar insight as Turnbull earlier today. The 15k barbell is light enough to be handled easily and heavy enough to cause some damage. My jury is out though.. maybe I should take another contemplative walk around the gym.
I watched a lot of WWF as a kid so I know…I'd bring a folding chair.
JR & FOX with the WWF references are killing me. And yes fox is right, a folding chair always gets the job done.
My bare calloused hands
I would use one of the bands as a sling shot w/ the lacrosse balls to fend off your enemies and you have the option for short and long range depending on the color. You can even load up some kettle bells inbetween the racks. That should maximize your damage!
Jay R's bare calloused hands…
and one of the rings with the strap attached. Good for blocking, defending and also attacking close and from distance without loosing the ring.
Bring Yoda, I would.
This is all shaping up to be like that episode of family guy where the family just kicks the crap out of each other for about 30 mins. It's pretty epic.
I think a lax ball in a sock would make a serviceable fucker-upper, but the folding chair has an undeniable nostalgic appeal. The other night the kids were watching the Cleveland Show and Ric Flair had a cameo. They had no idea who he was… I don't know which makes me a worse parent: that I let them watch the Cleveland Show, or that I have not schooled them beyond Jimmy "Superfly" Snooka.
Light sesh – worked out in the gym at the gated golf community in FL where my non-golfer dad has a home. Squatted in that funny rig that has hooks so you can rack the bar anyplace. Better than nothing, but bar path stays vertical the whole time, so I am guessing that not having to keep that sucker balanced on one's mid foot makes that a whole lot less worthwhile. Still, worked up to 190x5x3. Mirror let me see just how ungainly my whole thingy is. Plus Droms, DU practice, pull-up practice. Sleep deprived – up very early, so wasn't super crisp, but good to be doing something.
Iāve given this way more thought that I would like to admit. All of my ideas have been posted, but here is my personal order:
1. Chains (obvious appeal + style points, the sound alone would conjure fear)
2. 15# barbell (light enough to wield, keeps distance between you and the enemy)
3. Light Kettlebell, perhaps 8kg (effective, but a little too gruesome for my taste and would have to be used at close range)
Of course that list was completely upended by Foxās folding chair idea, which is the best of all.
JR ā Too cultured, maybe, but not too young. Iām 26 and I remember Saturday mornings with WWF. And many evenings too. Probably a different cast of characters is all. Although, I certainly remember the Nature Boy.
Fezu ā true, but how did blinding Van Damme in Blood Sport turn out for that guy? Not good. Janelle, you better hope you arenāt against JCVD!
The fractional plates next to the lifting platform could make pretty great throwing stars. .75 lbs to the temple would do some damage.
This whole thread is extremely violent. Next time Murat challenges me to a wrestling match and he ends up leaving the Box on a gurney, none of y'all better not say ish to me.
we're going to do a photoshoot wielding our gym-found weapons right?
anyone have any thoughts about Carb Refeeds? i'm not going to do it during these 6 weeks of LBFB but it seems like it might make sense going forward.. Maybe just a night where i have a lot of rice and potatoes? (not necessarily going crazy on sugar)
Also should sesame seeds be frowned upon? I see that the strict paleo people on the internet say Grok wouldn't have eaten them, but I love tahini – it's a great topping for grilled meat or vegetables – and it just involves sesame seeds, garlic, lemon and salt – "healthy" fats and low carbs.
Michael, I have done carb refeeds and in my personal experience I sometimes look leaner and better than ever afterward. Sometimes that comes after an initial bloat. Other times, no bloat and I look and feel better than I did pre-carb binge.
That being said, I am not methodical about it. That's really too much work for my tastes. I just give in when the cravings won't go away all day or so. That's a telltale sign for me. And I have no set carb reload frequency. Could have been a week ago or two or three months ago. Very arbitrary and random.
The overall consensus at 6:30pm tonight for best gym implement: Josh.
Partnered with Aileen and Arial (sp) and we were all hitting 58# for the Push Press. For the rest of the shenanigans it was just Aileen and myself with the 12# WB – matched up all the way through pretty much which was really fun in a weird way, just the right amount of challenge to push through. I finished at 62 and she was 61 at final counts.
7am! I miss you guys! When work settles down, its end of year for retail so extra nuts, my disruptive self will be back for some appearances.
PS: Someone, aka ME, is getting a standing desk! Our SVP has one and I kind of mumbled heeeeyyyy.. so an order for approval has been put in. SQUEEEEEEEEEE Also my new boss, nicknamed Dr. Pepper due to the fact she drinks TWO LITERS OF DIET A DAY, is asking me questions about food, exercise, good healthy things. She actually asked to use my LAX ball today to work her scaps on the wall – I showed her how. Yessssssssssssssss baby steps, ya'll, baby steps.
Push presses feeling better than expected
45×5, 95×5, 115×3, 125×3, 135×3
Acc WOD was fun but my ābent kneeā sit/hold was for shit.
Wall balls went a little somethinā like this:
15,16,17, 17, 17 Total 82
1/2 Clean Pull, Touch and go Clean Pull, Squat Clean
Worked up to 75kilos for 5 sets. Felt pretty good
Front Squat
worked up to 185×3 but was very unhappy with my organization. Last two times Front Squatting felt great, but today felt like I was on a tight rope. Worked back down
Planned on doing yesterdays WOD but I ran out of time.
My weapon would be a Pre 1RM attempt Jeremy.
DIY dips: 27.5# 3×5
Push press: 137.5# 3×5.
WOD rx'd with hang holds and 76 wall ball.
KMo, precisely. Chains can be a utilitarian accesory a la one of my heroes, Luke Cage: