Fitness: 3×5 Work Sets Across
Add 5lbs from last week’s exposure.
Performance: Work up to a heavy 3 rep set on the Front Squat
Go a little heavier than last week’s heavy 3
Post loads to comments.
FSQ e3/6
4 Rounds Not For Time of:
20 Banded Good Mornings
10 Kip Swings on the Pull-up bars OR 3 Strict Chin-Ups
16 Reverse lunges with a KB in the front Rack. GO HEAVY
There is a strict pull-up buy in for the kip swing practice today (3 for men, 1 for women). If you’re doing the chins, work up to as little assistance as possible. Perform the lunges one leg at a time.
4 Rounds Not For Time of:
20 Band Good Mornings
5 Hips to Rings
16 total reverse lunges with a KB in the front Rack. GO HEAVY
Perform 5 Kipping Hips to Rings as seen in the link. There is a buy-in of 5 Chest to Bar pul Ups to get on the rings. Alternately practice Kipping C2B Pull Ups on the bars. Perform the lunges one leg at a time.
Hail To The Queen
Ladies, 12 of your cohorts are already signed up for the female-only competition, “Hail To the Queen” on February 2nd taking place in Long Island City. If you’re interested in signing up, please do so today. There are only a handful of slots left and Jess will be ordering some matching socks (provided by the gym) for the competition tomorrow. If you register please email Jessica(AT) to let us know you’re in.
Curried Collard Greens
By Chris Fox
1 Bunch Collards (or other hearty greens), chopped or medium julienne
1 medium Onion, sliced thin
2 cloves Garlic (or more to taste), finely chopped
1 Tbsp Ginger, minced
1-2 Tbsp good Curry powder or paste (I like one with some HEAT!)
½ can Coconut Milk
½ – 1 cup Chicken Stock (salted water will do as well)
1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
Salt to taste
Juice from ½ Lime
Honey (optional)
Cilantro, chopped
Red Peppers, chopped
To Prepare:
– Sauté the onion, garlic, and ginger in oil over medium heat in a medium saucepot till onion is slightly caramelized
– Add the curry powder and sauté a few seconds before adding the greens (if using paste stir it in 1-2 Tbsp water or stock first so it incorporates better)
– Add ½ cup stock or water and salt to taste and cook covered till greens are al dente, adding more liquid as needed. You don’t want more than 1-2 Tbsp of liquid left when greens are done
– Add the coconut milk and simmer uncovered for a few minutes until the greens are cooked through and the whole thing thickens up a bit
– Remove from heat amd add lime juice and a small amount of honey if using
– Garnish with cilantro and red pepper
The dish packs a healthy dose of good fats from the coconut milk including lauric acid, along with a good dose of calcium from both the greens and the coconut milk. Curry powders contain numerous anti-inflammatory agents as well. It keeps well so 2x or 3x it for leftovers. Pair it with some roast pork tenderloin (or any piece of meat) to make a meal, and add a starchy veg to make that meal superb post-WOD. To make it more calorically dense use a whole can of coconut milk.
Write a WOD that includes a barbell, swimming and a calisthenic movement
Vision and Culture TTMJ
Meet Kurtis Bowler CrossFit
Stig Severinsen – Guinness World Record – Longest Freedive Under Ice (236 feet)
Stig Severinsen : Freediving as philosophy
3 rounds, NFT
15 Air Squats
10×50 freestyle, 50 yards EMOTM
10 Hang Power Cleans 95#
Call it "Esther"
Last night's strength cycle:
I went backwards as I started early and then hit squats with the class. Kind of fun to do things out of order.
DL: 315×5
This is still pretty light and bar moved quite well.
Bench: 165x3x2, 180x2x2, 195x2x2, 205x1x2, 165×4 and 145×10
Steel bench program week 1 day 2. I145x10 was a lot easier than Thursday and most of these sets were with very little rest.
Met-Con: 15-9-6 of Ball slams (20#) push-ups and KB swings (1.5 pood)
I did this unbroken. My lungs are improving by the workout. 2 weeks ago I did less work with more rest. I think this took 4.5 minutes.
Squat: Worked up to singles of 280, 305 and 315
These felt a bit better. A little more pop. I think I engaged my posterior better.
That was a good, fun workout. Things are still light and working up slowly on the DL and squat, but it felt good and I was glad to get the conditioning in.
For time:
50 push ups
30 dead lifts 225#
Swim 400 meters alternating stroke every 100 meters (backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle then Butterfly)
I love this recipe.
Yay our RDD is up.
Make-up post from last night since I only post random stuff on the blog and never post my #s.
Mondays workout:
3×5 @ 145#
Decided to work on Fitness for the DL this cycle as I realized I haven't done DLs consistently in over a year.. what(?!).
7min AMRAP
3rounds +20DU +15KB at 1pood.
Thank you AR for cheering me on AND not being afraid I was going to attack you with my jumprope.
6AM w/Josh & McDowell
3×5 @ 65
First Front Squat exposure for me, as I'd been on vacation and then sick
-started light, my technique needs work, my calves also need stretching, it's limiting my mobility range and making me tip forward when I do down.
4 rounds
20 Banded Good Mornings – green thin band
3 Strict Chin-Ups – green thick band
16 Reverse lunges with a KB in the front Rack. 12kg
Felt easy, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to complete the 4 rounds if I went heavier. I need to challenge myself more.
6am with coaches Josh & McD. Worked up to 275lb x 3 on the front squat, which felt pretty good. Whenever I remember to think about externally rotating my femurs on the FS, they generally go well.
The Hip to Rings in today's circuit sure felt awkward at first, but I think I got the hang after a few attempts. I was sort of bending my knees and flopping on the way down and when Josh corrected me to keep my body rigid, I felt all that potential energy on the bottom and was able to rebound much better. I can see how these will help me with a more efficient kipping muscle up.
My made up workout (for time):
30 Power Cleans (135/95)
Swim 200M
30 Burpees
Mile Medley:
25 burpees then
4 rounds:
100m fly
5 deadlifts 185#/135#
100m back
5 deads
100m breast
5 deads
100m free
5 deads
finish with 25 more burpees…
Love making up wods!
I concur, this recipe is the bomb. I used 1/2 swiss chard and 1/2 collards many times….
For a swimming/barbell WOD I would want to get all of the barbell work out of the way first so you aren't lifting wet and getting water all over the bar. And you can leave your shoes off.
10 Cleans: 175/125 then:
Swim: 50 meters (any stoke that will get you there) and 10 burpees for 3 rounds.
That has 3 water-assisted muscle ups embedded to get out of the pool.
60 minutes had a cool segment on the world record holder for depth on a free dive (over 4 minutes and 401 feet). Some interesting discoveries about physiology (and apparently our increased resemblance to dolphins) due to the extremities to which these folks are taking the human body…
paleo potluck issue
In the past, we've had problems with there not being enough serving utensils and with lost/misplaced serving utensils. the cleanup is often quite chaotic given the number of dishes there are to sort through and rinse.
i would humbly suggest that everyone who brings a dish bring the correct serving utensil for your dish and that you label your utensil with your name, using tape or another method.
dan and my RDD is on 2/9/13 and not 2/2/13; just a heads up!
Strength Cycle Day 4:
Squat: 290x5x3. Finally felt a bounce in my squats after Jeremy squat whispered at me to get depth. I think I had become so concerned with getting too loose at the bottom and had begun to fight it. On the third set, these snapped up.
Bench press: 180x5x3. First set was pretty grindy, thought I might fail on the third set somewhere, but I sped up my reps a bit and hit them all.
Power Clean: 165x3x3. These will go how they always go, and cruise along until of course they fall apart entirely.
Swimming Jackie:
Swim 500 meters, 50 thrusters with 45 pound bar, 30 reverse lunges, alternating legs.
Interesting article on NYTimes
Dont like swimming… I would skip that day.
As if I needed another reason to eat collards. Yum.
For Time:
50M Butterfly
10 Pullups
50M Breastroke
10 FSQ @ 115/95
50 M Backstroke
10 Pullups
50 Freestyke
10 FSQ @115,95
For time:
1 Diving board burpee into a front flip
Freestyle 50 meters
10 clean and jerks 135/115
Freestyle 50 meters
1 Diving board burpee (facing the other way) into a backflip
Freestyle 50 meters
10 C&J's
Freestyle 50 meters
1 Diving board burpee into a cannonball
All diving board burpees may be awarded 1-3 style points. Each style point reduces your total time by 5 seconds.
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
10 Thrusters at 135/95
Swim one pool length
20 Kipping Pull-ups
Swim one pool length
Poolhouse 10:
For time:
10 Pushups
swim one length
9 Pushups
swim one length
8 Pushups
swim one length
7 Pushups
swim one length
6 Pushups
swim one length
5 Pushups
swim one length
4 Pushups
swim one length
3 Pushups
swim one length
2 Pushups
swim one length
1 Pushup
swim one length
3 Rounds:
50m Butterfly (back and forth)
10 Thrusters 95lb
5 Burpees
B Dub for the win!
Also, any other ladies doing Hail to the Queen? Let me know ASAP. Placing an order now…
12 minutes to establish a 1RM Deadlift then,
Swim 50m across the pool to the swim up bar then,
AMAD (as many as desired) bicep curls (piña coladas) until the sun sets.
Cash in-25 burpess
7 Minutes and 5 attempts to establish a one rep max Snatch and swim 250 meters.
7 Minutes and 5 Attempts to establish a one rep max Clean and Jerk and swim 250 Meters
Cash out 25 Burpees
Front Squats today with Malcolm!!
45×5, 115×3, 165×2, 190×3
5 more than last week, still feels like room to grow so…
Acc WOD was nice.
I want to do Fox's WOD, except with wine instead of piña coladas.
Front Squat 185x3x5 (failed on the 15th rep). Will back off a bit next time and try to build back up.
Assistance work with C2B pull-ups, thick green band and 24kg. Very happy how well the C2B pull-ups went. Strung 2 or 3 together at a time and previously only able to do one, maybe. I should do some DIY work on these to develop further.
Front Squats: 190x3x5
Accessory Work: did 5 weighted chinups @30lbs, and lunges with 20kg bell.
Three sets, not for time, of:
Muscle-Ups x 3 – 3/1 – 3/1
Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 1.1.7 – 7.3 – 8.2
– 3 strict MUs then 1 Kipping
– 1st round kept falling off the wall
Take 15-20 minutes to build to a heavy Split Jerk
175/195/205/225/235/245*/255/265*/275/285/296(PR)/305(PR)/(F)315 but coming very soon
* Didn’t feel very organized, started to second guess myself
+ I’m glad I got my act together because all other reps were clean
+ I went with the approach of 1 rep EMOTM basing each minute off of a percentage of 1RM.. I really like that. Some minutes were longer then other =P
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
10 Shoulder to Overhead @ 135#
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
If you are unable to complete the full round within the minute, complete the round and skip the round you spill into, then pick up on the next full minute.
:34s / :34s / :51s / X / :44s / X / :48s
– First two round blanked out on the C2B, so just did regular pull ups.
– Rounds 4 and 6 I shouldn't have passed on.. very upset with myself on that
– All rounds were unbroken, last three round I did do C2B pull ups
Three sets for max reps:
Stationary Dips x Max Reps @ 1011
(pause at full elbow extension every rep)
Rest 3 minutes
Three sets:
GHD x 8 reps w/15# bar
Worked on Butterfly kip… suck it..